
You Found Me

“What happened just now was crazy!”

“I know, right. Where did that mad beast come from?”

“I just heard that it’s all good now. Some guy managed to stop the horse and calmed it down,”

“Really? Wow…who would have thought that was possible…”

The sound of two men chatting loudly brought me back to my senses. They just mentioned that someone had managed to calm down the horse that was causing trouble earlier. For some reason that I could not place, I knew immediately that the man those men were talking about had to be Ren.

As if some magical spell had been casted on me, my legs regained strength and so did my resolve. Without any struggle and without any more thoughts, I was heading out of the alley back to the main road. My destination was clear in my mind. I wasn’t sure if he was there, but I have to go there.

I must make it back to the town square where the festival was. I must make it back to Ren.

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