Ren did not wait for me; not that I thought that he would. By the time I had reached the outside, Ren was already inside the carriage that we would be taking us to the Imperial court. With the help of Auntie and various maids, I was able to get into the carriage without losing my life.
When I finally sat down next to Ren in the carriage, he was looking out of the window in the opposite direction. As if there was anything interesting to look at outside of that small window, I couldn’t help thinking to myself sarcastically. Whatever lay beyond that small window was clearly more interesting and pleasing to look at than the fully-dress-up me.
The ride to the imperial court was completely void of conversation. Ren did not turn to look at me, nor did he say anything to me. Halfway through the ride, I began to wonder why he even bothered to pick me up at all. The White Lotus palace have carriages as well. I might as well have ridden on one of them and meet him there.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: