
Together in the Bath

However, there were many scars on his arms, and they reminded me that regardless of how at ease Ren acted when he was with me, the man before me is one of the most notorious conquerors of our time. I didn’t know how many empires rose and fell at his hands…

“What are you thinking about? You’ve gone silent on me again…” Ren asked in a whisper, his eyes still closed.

“I…was just thinking that the battlefield is a very dangerous place…” I replied softly, while trying to keep my eyes away from his scars.

“Because of my scars?” Ren asked.

“…Yes,” I mumbled my reply.

“I’ll be fine. There’s no need for you to worry,” Ren said reassuringly as he reached up his hand and placed it on my cheek. His hand was wet and warm from the bath water, and it made me smile.

“Do you…like wars?” I asked hesitantly. I have always wondered why Ren seemed to be so involved in battles and wars even though he probably didn’t need to be.

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