
First Taste of Pleasure

Suddenly, Ren withdrew his finger from my dripping hole, and I felt empty inside. However, the void he left inside of me was rapidly filled when Ren plunged his finger back inside of me, harder and deeper this time. It made my body jerk as my hips jutted upwards in an attempt to wantonly take him in even deeper.

It hurts a little at first, but soon the pain was overcome with a much richer feeling of pleasure as the ache in between my legs grew even more gratifying. I tried to relax the walls of my love tunnel to allow his finger to ease and out of me easier. Sensing that I had adjusted to his intruding finger, Ren started ramming his finger in and out of my sopping hole faster and harder.

“Does it feel that good when I finger you here? You’ve gotten wetter and hotter inside…” Ren murmured lazily into my ears, and I closed my eyes in bliss at the sound of his sexy voice.

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