
Chapter 67: After Tonight

The red garment slipped off her body and she stepped inside the warm water of the bathtub, filled with red roses. She relaxed her body into the soothing feeling of the water's warmth, as two slaves washed her, with Poppy behind them inspecting their service to Imogen, tonight, there could be no mistakes.

Imogen wondered if the letter she sent had reached Edward and if Aria was now safe. Decisions were meant to be made, and she made one, she chose to abandon Edward and hold Simon's hand.

Regret? if she had one, she would not have made this decision earlier.

"We are done" The slaves announced and she stepped out from the bathtub, her body was then dried by the slaves with clean fabrics, it sure felt good to be cared for in such a manner, it almost made her feel like royalty, but she knew she couldn't be farther from royalty. They sat her down in front of the mirror and they started dressing her.

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