
She was found

The netizens were going crazy from having not seen Ning Quio for a while.

"Has Ning Quio really retired from the entertainment industry?"

"I really hope it's not so, I really miss her so much"

"I bet she has run off with a rich old dude and is living a good life somewhere"

"Ning Quio come back to the entertainment industry, it's really been some time"

Lu Tangxiao had began his search in the States quietly, he didn't want to alarm whoever had his wife.

For some reason he kept having the feeling that she was here and was quite close to him.

He had hired a young girl named Maria to go into a few homes and so far none of the houses had been suspicious.

This time however she had said the house she was in felt suspicious.

Maria had worked in the house for a few days now and she still had not been able to go into the so called store room.

Exactly what was in there? Could it be the wife of the boss they were looking for?