
Chapter 17: Castelia Gym (Part 1)

Elesa and I didn't move or speak for several seconds, once she informed me my dick was poking her in her stomach.

Simply because it made the situation we were in even more awkward.

Though eventually we came to our senses.

"So..." I trailed off.

"Yeah." Elesa said.

She then released me from her grasp and got off me.

I then quickly turned and sat up, so she didn't have to see my morning wood.

"Sorry. I don't know why that happened." Elesa spoke to me. "I think it's probably because I go to sleep cuddling one of my pokemon most nights, and I mistook you for one of them."

"It's fine." I said. "It's not like you did it on purpose. But to avoid another situation like that I'll just sleep on the couch from now on. It's no big deal, really."

"Okay." Elesa spoke.

After she did so the awkwardness in the air diminished a bit.

Though needless to say, it was quite the morning.


Elesa by my side, the two of us walked toward the Castelia gym.

Since after a week of waiting its finally time for us to have our gym battles.

Arriving at the gym we went inside, and headed straight for the front counter.

We then went through the standard procedure, and after we were all said and done a gym trainer came to escort me to the battle area. While another escorted Elesa to the spectator stands.

Because I will be having my gym battle first this time around.

The two of us worked out a system where as long as we're traveling together we will alternate who gets to go first when facing gym leaders.

Reaching the end of the corridor I was walking down with the gym trainer I saw the battle area in front of me.

I also noticed the spectator stands were filled up with people.

All of whom were here to watch my gym battle, and those for the rest of the days challengers too.

Gyms are a business, and just like any business they need money to run. Sure, a regions pokemon association with give a gym a monthly stipend, but in the end creating revenue for a gym is a duty that falls to their gym leader.

And one surefire way gym leaders create revenue is by selling tickets to people to come and watch their battles.

Of course if a challenger is not ok with having their match watched by others, they can request to have a private gym match with a gym's leader. It's within their rights.

Though whether my gym battle is private or public I couldn't care less. My only focus is winning the match and claiming my third badge.

The gym trainer who escorted me, set me up with a wireless microphone.

Once they did so I stepped out, and walked up the stairs directly in front of me. Finding myself on a small stage with railing.

As soon as I did so I laid my eyes on current Castelia city gym leader.

A man with short black hair and golden eyes, dressed in a suit.

His name is Foster Bradley.

"Ladies and gentleman! Welcome!" The referee spoke into their own wireless mic. Getting the crowd hyped up as they did so. "I hope you are all ready to get started. Because today's gym battles are about to begin."


The crowd in the stands cheered.

"That's what I like to hear." He said. "So without further ado, let's get things started. In the left corner, we have our esteemed gym Foster Bradley." He said.

Foster then waved to the crowd.

"Foster, we love you!"

"So handsome!"

"Call me!"

The loudest cheering came from the female fans. But that's to be expected. Since from the research I did on Foster I learned he is quite the ladies man and womanizer. Even so so takes his duties as gym leader seriously.

Eventually the cheering died down.

"Alright folks, today in the right corner we have a challenger all the way from Opelucid City. Give it up for, Ezra Grimheart." The referee spoke.

So then I got a round of cheers as well.

But of course not as many as Foster.

Eventually they died down.

"Alright, this is is three-on-three and only the challenger is allowed to make substitutions. When either sides pokemon are completely unable to battle, or one side admits defeat then this match will be over. Now, begin!" The referee stated.

After he did so Foster sent out his first pokemon.

A Bisharp.

Since he is a dark-type specialist.

A gyms pokemon specialty can change depending on who the leader is. Though there are exceptions to that rule.

But I'll speak more on that later.

Right now I have a badge to win.

"Dragonite, go!" I said, tossing out Dragonites' pokeball.

He lande on the field, spreading his wings as he did so.

"Oh, and the challenger graces us with a shiny Dragonite. But does this rare pokemon have what it takes to best our gym leaders Bisharp?"

'He does, and more.' I thought.

"Swords Dance, then use Stone Edge."

"Take to the skies and dodge it, then use Fire Punch."

As Bisharp powered it, it summoned forth several large stones around it and hurled them in the direction of Dragonite.

But following my commanders he took the skies, and dodged all rocks while closing the distance. Setting his right fist ablaze as he did so.

Then once he was close enough he delivered a powerful punch to Bisharp chest, sending it flying back across the ground.

"Iron Defense."

"Dragon Dance."

Since they are powering up, I don't see why we can't do the same.

"Swords Dance again, then Dark Pulse repeatedly."

"Agility to dodge. Then Sunny Day, followed by Heat Wave."

Bisharp once again powered up, and then started firing pulses of dark energy at Dragonite, hoping to bring him down.

But he evaded, and increased his speed even further.

The sun also brightened up, and once it did he unleashed a wave of heat from his mouth. However Bisharp managed to dodge it.

"Swords Dance again, then Flash Cannon."

"Protect, then use Fire Punch." I said.

As Bisharp once again increased its attack power, it then fired off a powerful beam of steel energy.

But Dragonite summoned a green dome around himself, and survived the attack with ease. He then set his right fist ablaze once more and closed the distance, delivering another punch to Bisharp.

Sending it reeling backwards.

"Metal Burst." Foster called out.

As he did so Bisharp formed a giant ball of energy and hurled at Dragonite, striking him directly in the chest and causing a minor explosion. Which forced him to land on the ground.

"Good now, Metal Sound, followed by Sandstorm."

"Safeguard, then use Dragon Rush."

As Bisharp started clanging its arms together, releasing a metal sound. A halo of blue energy enveloped Dragonite and kept him unaffected. Then he coated his entire body with draconic energy and rushed forward, slamming into Bisharp before it had a chance to retaliate.

The force sending it flying across the arena, until it finally landed on the ground and stopped.

"Heat Wave." I said.

Dragonite then once again released a wave of heat from his mouth, striking Bisharp once more.

It cried out in pain as it crumbled to the ground, unconscious.

"Bisharp is unable to battle. The the first match goes to the challenger. The gym leader has 30 seconds to send out their next pokemon." The referee stated.

So Foster returned his Bisharp, and then sent out his second pokemon.

A Mandibuzz.

Meaning he wants an aerial battle.

Fine by us.

"Dragonite!" Dragonite cried.

He then took to the skies, where the Mandibuzz was waiting for him.

"Thunder Punch." I said.

"Dodge it. Then use Nasty Plot, followed by Dark Pulse."

Mandibuzz dodged Dragonite's electrically charged right fist, and then got in behind him. Where she powered up and blasted a pulse of dark energy square into his back.

Crying out in pain he stared descending, but managed to stay in the air.

"Air Slash." Foster called out.

"Counter with your own Air Slash." I said.

So both pokemon unleashed slashes of air which collided with each other. Creating a small explosion as they did so.

"Gust." Foster called.

As he did so a Mandibuzz generated a massive amount of wind by flapping her wings, which slammed into Dragonite and forced him into the ground.

"Nasty Plot once more, and then Dark Pulse."

"Thunder Wave!" I said.

As I did so Dragonite unleashed a wave of electricity from between the two feelers atop his head, striking Mandibuzz and stopping her in her tracks.

Which allowed him to stand up and take to the air once more.

"Thunder Punch."

"Dodge it, then use Brave Bird!" Foster shouted.

Dragonite went in for the punch, but Mandibuzz ascended and dodged at the last second. She then went into a nose dive, and slammed into Dragonite with her attack.

Despie her paralysis.

Crying out Dragonite fell to the ground. Mandibuzz chasing after him.

"Dark Pulse, end this."

"Dragon Pulse." I said.

As I did so Dragonite unleashed a wave of draconic energy from his mouth, just as Mandibuzz unleashed its own attack.

The two beams of energy slammed into each other, and then began pushing one way or another. Neither side giving an inch. Until Mandibuzz faltered due to her paralysis.

This in turn allowed Dragonite's attack to overpower hers, and slammed directly into her. Creating a minor explosion in the process.

As a smoke cloud formed, Mandibuzz fell to the ground. While Dragonite stood up.

"Mandibuzz is unable to battle. The winner is Dragonite." The referee said.

The crowd went wild.

Foster returned his pokemon, and I did the same with Dragonite.

I could see he was ready for some. Which he earned.

"Oh and the challenger is one a role. Just one of his pokemon took out two of the gym leaders. So, can Foster turn this around with his last pokemon? Let's find out." The referee spoke.

As he did so Foster sent out his final pokemon.

A Crawdaunt.

"Ladon, let's end this!" I said. Sending out my starter and partner.

He took to the field, and stared down the Crawdaunt as soon as he did so.

"Swift." Foster said.

"Protect, then use Dragon Breath." I said.

Blocking the stars launched at him from between Crawdaunt to pincers, Ladon then unleashed a powerful blast of draconic energy, which scored a dire hit.

Even so Crawdaunt jumped back up and snapped its pincers in anger.

"Ice Beam."

"Take to the air and dodge it. Then use Aerial Ace." I said.

Flapping his wings Ladon took to the air, and dodged the beams of ice fired at him. He then closed the distance, and slammed into Crawdaunt once more.

"Sludge Bomb." Foster said.

"Burn it, Flamethrower." I said.

When I did so Crawdaunt unleashed nasty looking purple balls from between its pincers, which then collided with a torrent of flames from Salamence mouth.

Creating an explosion that engulfed the entire field.

Since in this world, poison-type moves are extremely flammable.

"Ice Beam once more."

"Protect, then use Thunder Fang." I said.

As I did so I saw silhouettes through the smoke.

I then heard Crawdaunt scream in pain a few seconds later.

Eventually the smoke cleared, showing Salamence had the thing between its jaws.

"Crabhammer!" Foster shouted.

Not giving up his Crawdaunt unleashed the attack right into Salamence face.

I'll give it props for tenacity, but that's not going to be enough.

"Throw it into the ground, then use Dragon Tail." I said.

Ladon tossed Crawdaunt into the ground, then coated his tail in draconic energy and slammed it into it.

When he lifted it Crawdaunt was out cold.

"And there you have it folks! In a stunning three to zero win, the challenger Ezra Grimheart from Opelucid City has bested our gym leader." The referee spoke.

As he did so the crowd went wild.

Smiling I returned Ladon, then went out onto the field and shook hands with Foster.

"Good match." He said. Not sounding bitter at all.

"Thanks." I said.

He then handed me his badge, along with the TM for Nasty Plot.

Thanking him I removed the wireless mic, and handed it to the gym trainer waiting at the hallway for me.

I then made my way down it and headed for the spectator seating.

Since Elesa's up next.

Time to see how all that training we've done together as paid off.

Next chapter