
Chapter 2: Ladon

It didn't make me long to reach where the smashing sound was coming from.

Once I did so I started looking around, and saw a figure standing atop a nearby cliff.

Then the second after my eyes landed on it the figure jumped from atop said cliff.

As my eyes followed them I soon saw them crash into a boulder right as the base of the cliff. Which sent rock fragments scattering across the area.

Thankfully none of them hit me.

As the dust from the smashed boulder cleared up I saw the figure who just destroyed it stand up. Allowing me to identifity it.

It is a Bagon.

"Jackpot." I said.

Since I just found the pokemon I want to be my starter.

Back when I played the games and watched the anime in my previous life dragon-type pokemon were always my favorite. So now that I have a chance to catch and tame them for real no way am I going to pass it up.

"I've decided." I spoke.

I am going to become a master of dragons.

Once I made my self-declaration I started thinking how best to approach the Bagon and befriend it. So that it might in turn want to become my pokemon.

As I did this the Bagon suddenly took notice of me and turned in my direction.

When it did so our eyes locked.

The moment this happened I felt my body slightly tense up.

But I refused to look away or back down.

Dragon-type pokemon are prideful. So if you show weakness in front of them they will walk all over you. Which is why I can't show any.

Despite the fact I am a bit frightened right now.

The Bagon and I continued staring at each other for several seconds, until eventually it turned away from me and started walking.

When it did so I breathed a small sigh of relief.

I then sat down on the ground, and waited for the Bagon to appear in front of me again.

Since there are still several boulders sitting at the base of the cliff, and if what I know about the Bagon species holds true, then it is going to smash another boulder at it attempts but fails to fly in the sky.

My theory was proven correct five minutes later as the Bagon once again crashed into a boulder situated at the base of the cliff.

When it picked itself up again from the ground it looked at me like earlier and we locked eyes once more. But just like before I didn't back down, nor did I turn my gaze away from meeting its.

Just like before the Bagon broke eye contact first, and started walking away.

The two of us repeated the same scenario several times, until eventually I noticed the sun was beginning to set.

Once I did I stood to my feet and stretched my arms, getting ready to start making my way back to the orphanage. Since I would rather not spend my first night in this world sleeping on the ground.

I got ready to leave, but stopped in my tracks when I heard the Bagon call out to me.

"Bagon." It said.

I turned my head around to face it when it did so. "My name is Ezra Grimheart. Nice to meet you. I'll come back here tomorrow." I said.

Then with that I finally left the area.

Hoping in my heart that Bagon would there tomorrow when I returned.


My hopes came true.

Bagon was there when I returned the next day.

It was the same the day after that, and the day after that as well.

Before I knew it an entire month had passed since I met Bagon.

During which time the two of us became close.

For the first few days Bagon would simply look at me while I watched it fail to fly. But soon it approached me and I struck up a conservation with it.

The two of us talked about many things.

Well I mostly talked and Bagon listened. Even so, I felt our bond slowly growing.

I even learned Bagons' gender, which is male.

A couple of times I even brought him berries and other fruits I found in the forest to eat. Which he enjoyed with a smile on his face.

Eventually two months passed, and that's when I finally decided it was time to pop the question.


Sitting on the ground my back against a tree I sat beside Bagon who had finished his cliff jumps for the day.

As I did so I inhaled and exhaled several times. Before finally I turned to Bagon.

"Hey Bagon." I said to him.

When I did so he looked at me.

"I have a sort of confession to make." I began. "The thing is I want to be a pokemon trainer in the future. Do you know what that is?"

He shook his head in a no manner.

Seeing this I quickly gave Bagon a rundown of what pokemon trainers where and what they did.

"Did you get all that?" I asked him when I finished my explanation.

He nodded his head in a yes manner.

"Great." I said. "So back to my original point. The thing is Bagon, I was wondering, if you would want to become my pokemon?"

"Bagon?" He said, giving me a questioning look.

"Yes, I would like you to become my pokemon." I said once more. "If you do I promise I will never betray you. I will make you strong, and I will help you achieve your dream to fly through the sky one day." I explained.

Looking him right in the eyes as I did so.

"But if you do not wish to become my pokemon that's fine as well. It doesn't mean I'll stop being your friend." I said.

Though I won't lie and say I won't be saddened by his rejection.

"So, what do you say? Want to become my partner?" I asked him.

Bagon looked at me for several seconds, a completely neutral expression on his face.

Then after a while he moved toward me, and gently rubbed his head against my chest.

"So, is that a yes?" I asked him.

Bagon backed up and nodded his head. "Bagon." He said. A happy smile on his face.

When he did so I couldn't help but put a smile on my face as well.

"Great. I promise you won't regret this." I said.

I then quickly took out the sole pokeball I had and clicked on it, enlarging it. I then gently tapped said pokeball on Bagons' head and he went inside of it.

Then I heard the familiar clicking sound of a successful capture.

Meaning I now had my very first real-life pokemon.

As well as my first dragon.

"Yes!" I happily cheered. Getting up and dancing around like an idiot for several seconds after I did so.

But eventually I stopped and then released Bagon from his pokeball.

"So with this we are officially partners." I said. "Also one more thing. Would you like a nickname?" I asked him.

"Bagon." He said, nodding his head.

"Alright then. So here it is." I said.

Deciding to give Bagon a name of a famous dragon from my previous life.

"From now on you shall be known as Ladon." I said.

"Bagon." He happily cried.

"I'm glad you like it." I said.

Truly I am happy from the bottom of my heart.

Especially since I have just taken my first step in my quest to becoming a master of dragons.

Feels good.

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