
Dark Runes

And an extremely powerful looking one at that!

Ten fearsome horns rose majestically from his head like a crown, and his powerful body was completely filled with natural spiked armor which looked extremely dangerous.

His eyes glowed a deep, devilish maroon and his mouth was wide open in a freaky smile that was not a smile.

"Shaktaba Loparash Tibolaras."

Although Saint Dul'Akharat did not recognize the language, somehow he instinctively understood what they mean.

"I have been waiting a long time for you." The demon had said.

A deep chill had run down Saint Dul'Akharat's spine as soon as the meaning of those words appeared in his mind.

"I am Bathozara, in the service of Balthazoras, the God of Greed. I have an offer for you, powerful one of the higher realm." The demon said.

"An offer? Interesting. Go on ahead and tell me." Saint Dul'Akharat said as he smiled at finally being able to make contact with a member of the Realm of Sin.

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