
The Military Base

From the way things were looking, Han didn't think this apocalypse was a zombie apocalypse. It seemed more like a dystopian apocalypse, the sort of apocalypse that came from the collapse of civilization. Han would have to find out what really happened first.

Yue tugged at Han's cloth and then pointed to the horizon. She already knew what Han was thinking and she wanted to show him something she found a few years ago.

Han smiled and pet her head and Yue preened under his touch. She still loved her father more than anyone!

The two of them walked in silence for most of the journey, but somewhere in the middle of the journey, Yue asked to be carried up and Han couldn't even dare to say no. He motioned her over and couldn't help but chuckle as the small girl immediately ran up to him and started trying to climb his body. The sight of his daughter with only one hand still made his blood boil, but he swallowed it down and lifted Yue up to his shoulder with a smile.

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