
The more you know(not a chapter)

Little known fact about Umbreon.

Umbreon weights approximately 60 pounds or around 27 kilograms and is 3'3 feet tall, making it not only large enough to appropriately handle human genitalia, but also light enough to be lifted, and promptly set back down repeatedly. It's relative small size would provide a tight entry, which is always a good thing.

Umbreon also boost an improved defensive stat spread. With it's impressive combination of high HP, defense and special defense stats it can take a great pounding and come back for more! Its ability 'Inner focus' allows it to keep slamming attentively without getting fatigue.

Umbreon also has access to the ability 'Synchronize' which allows it to share it's current status with you, which means you will receive all the pleasure it feels COMBINED with all the pleasure you feel pounding on this perfectly breedable pokemon. Umbreon also has the ability to see perfectly in pitch black darkness, allowing it to effectively attend to any midnight fornication session.

Even if you do manage to drain Umbreon's energy with all the furious thrust, it can recover very quickly with it's access to the move 'moonlight'.

Umbreon wide move pool supports the hypothesis that it's the perfect pokemon to breed with. It can learn 'payback' which double the power after the pokemon is hit, meaning Umbreon will throw it back twice as hard as normally if you're hitting it good. Umbreon can also learn to 'guard swap' meaning that it could give you it's insane durability and go crazy on you all night with your now crazy endurance.

'Charm' is also within Umbreon's movepool making it extremely seductive to you, easily getting you in the mood. It can also use 'Taunt' making you only able to use move like pound and slam; non of the foreplay shit.

Umbreon also has access to 'sleep talk' giving it the ability to not only give consent while asleep, allowing access too any of its ports at any time but also move in its sleep, making it an efficient 24/7 fuckmate.

All of this information proves that Umbreon is the pokemon most quality to breed with human.









I read this in a comment section somewhere on YouTube and I just gotta share it with y'all

Sawfly_Vartecreators' thoughts
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