
Chapter 22 - Pet name

It was a Saturday and although I wanted to take my time unpacking, I was busy chasing after Nicholas. I had to reach out to him before he sent off any letters to his parents; this was a dire situation. I was reluctant to rely on Adelphos finding him and relaying my message but he enthusiastically got to work. If anything, he was too enthusiastic. Within half an hour, I already found myself sitting with Nicholas at a small café, somewhere we could talk comfortably. We promptly ordered what we had wanted. I had chosen a gingerbread latte and a slice of blueberry cheesecake, whereas Nicholas had ordered a caramel frappé and a slice of apple pie. I found myself shocked at the fact that his taste was far different from what I had imagined, confused about when I had even formed an opinion of him. He just didn't seem like someone who would enjoy sweet flavours, but looks could be deceiving.

Nicholas was what you would expect from someone training to be an imperial knight. He was quite a few inches taller than me, standing at 6'3. Although he attempted to wear loose fitted clothes, his muscles were all too visible and were continuously fighting for my attention. In contrast to the roughness one might expect from him, he had soft black hair which sat comfortably above a pair of dark red eyes. If I had to depict what Persephone's counterpart would look like, it would be this person sitting opposite me. Though it's slightly strange saying it myself, I'm aware that we looked like a painting sitting together, a perfect pair. Before I got too distracted by his looks I began speaking.

"Sorry for calling you out all of a sudden. I'm sure you're busy with unpacking and have plenty of better things to do."

"Oh no, it's no problem. So, what can I do for you today, my Lady?" He smiled in a way that would've made most people swoon. Ah, a natural flirt, I thought.

"We have to change our plans." I get straight to the point, beginning to recount all that Elina had spoken about yesterday. "So ... it seems that we need to find some other way." After speaking so much, my mouth began to feel dry so I started quietly drinking my coffee.

He remained quiet for a while, thinking over what I had just said, mentally jumping through hoops to find the best solution. "So ... no engagement?"

I couldn't stifle my giggle at how that was all he had to say after the long silence. "Sadly, no. No engagement." I respond.

"How about a less serious relationship? Dating?"

"And who would believe that?" I quickly reject his suggestion. "Everyone is aware that we've barely even spoken, unless you want to say it was love at first sight. That would be believable given my immeasurable beauty", I joke.

He chuckles. "My love, as beautiful as you may be, I don't quite fancy being in a one-sided relationship. Perhaps you also fell for my natural charms." He leans in, his chin resting on one of his hands, elbow on the table.

"Tsk, this is never going to work." My frustration begins to grow as I struggle to find a way out.

It was an entirely unrealistic picture that we were trying to paint. There seemed to be no way for the two of us to work together and avoid marriage. An engagement would be disastrous once our agreement came to an end, and a relationship was entirely unbelievable. What else could we do? After a while of racking our brains in silence, Nicholas suddenly looks up with sparkling eyes.

"What if we say we're going to get engaged..."

I cut him off. "I already said that wouldn't work."

"Hear me out. We agree to get engaged, but at a later date. We can say we're too young to do something so definitive so we'd rather agree to be engaged but not actually do it. Like an engagement only in name."

"And how exactly would that work?" I ask, finding it difficult to understand his proposition.

"We make it clear that were interested in one another and in pursuing a meaningful relationship but, and here's the main part, we make it clear that we're waiting until we're older to put it into action. That way our relationship can develop and we can focus on our studies. Perfect, right? You're both my fiancée but also not. No one would complain if we called the engagement off after realising that we were wrong since we were young. There's also no harm done since technically we didn't officially get engaged or promise ourselves to each other." He was speaking fast from obvious excitement, the smile on his face growing with each word he spoke. "You're free to tell me how amazing I am now."

At any other time, his smug appearance would have annoyed me but right now I was at a loss for words. Had he really come up with a solution that was foolproof, something beneficial for the two of us?

"You're amazing..." I speak with honesty, still wrapping my head around everything he had said. "That - that would work perfectly! I don't know how we didn't think of that before, you've practically just saved my life."

Though the words seemed exaggerated, to me, he had saved me. He was avoiding an engagement because he wasn't ready, but what about me? I was running away from myself and my fate. I was finding any way to prove that I am not the same as the original Persephone. I wanted to build my own path. He had come exactly when I needed him and unknowingly provided me comfort in knowing that at least something was different now. I was ecstatic in ways that were hard to describe. The smile would not leave my face, leaving aching cheeks as a reminder that it was here.

"I didn't think you'd actually say it... but I hardly saved your life." He spoke in a bashful manner that somehow didn't suit his usual attitude.

"No." I grab his hands and look into his eyes, in hopes of conveying my sincerity. "You've done more than you know. Just by being here and choosing me, by deciding to work together with me when there are possibly countless others who could help you... you've made life a lot easier for me."

"I think I'll have to stop you right there." He gently moves my hand so that they're no longer clasping his. "I'm not sure why this is a big deal for you, but it clearly is. Anyway, I don't need to know the reason, but you don't need to be so thankful towards me... You say that I could've chosen someone else but the same applies to you. We're in the same boat so if you start praising me so much, it's a little uncomfortable..." After a beat of silence he continued. "Sorry, I made the situation awkward didn't I?" he scratches the back of his neck. "Anyway, umm ... What are your plans for today?"

It was a poor attempt at changing the topic but I let him off. I'd rather go along with him than continue to sit in this uncomfortable atmosphere.

"I have a lot of unpacking to do. I haven't even touched anything yet." I let out a massive sigh, exasperated at the mere thought of having to sort through my belongings. "What about you?"

"I arrived here a few days earlier so I'm already done with everything. I'll probably just laze around or go out with some friends", he says as he stretches so that his upper body is sprawled on the table between us, his head to the side facing me.

"Hmm~" I hum, using my fork to cut a small piece of cheesecake. As I raised it, getting ready to put it into my mouth, Nicholas opened his mouth.

"Ah~", his face was innocent, looking like a child in the body of an adult. I raised an eyebrow and looked at him quizzically. He seems to already know how to read me as he responds to my relatively vague expression. "Are you going to starve your fiancé?"

"With your bratty behaviour, I'd starve you even if you were my husband." I mutter as I shove the fork in his mouth, disgruntled.

"Be careful babe, I might end up thinking you're proposing to me", he teases with a wink.

The moment he finishes speaking I pretend to retch. "The next time you wink at me, I'll actually throw up. And for future reference, if you're going to put on an act with me, make sure to not go around flirting with every living being."

"Aww, are you jealous already?"

I kick his shin from under the table, slightly irritated at being on the tail end of teasing. Although he tried to stay silent, I hear a quiet yelp leave his mouth which leaves me pleased with myself.

It's confusing how quickly we got along. I wouldn't consider myself a sociable person, much preferring to stay in the background of all activities and events, but somehow he brought out the playful side in me. When I was with him, it was hard to hear the terrible voices that usually plague my mind. It's strange to say this so soon, but he matched me extremely well. It hadn't been two days since we'd first spoken but he could already read my facial expressions with great accuracy. I'm sure that this friendship was made to last. My time with him would be interesting, I could feel myself looking forward to our next encounter even though I hadn't left his side yet.

"Should I drop you back to your dorm, dear?" he asked as we started heading back, finished with our food.

"Choose one pet name and stick to it." I respond bluntly, failing to answer the question he posed.

"And if I don't?"

I turn to face him. "Then I might just reject you" I whisper as I softly tap the side of his face, before turning back. "Anyway, walk me back since I don't know the way."

"Yes Madame" he grumbles as he holds onto my sleeve and acts as my guide for the rest of the walk.

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