
34 : Stupid Alpha

Flore was sitting in the living room, his hands clutching a cup of hot tea.

In front of him, Mrs. Williams, Arnold's mother, had been studying him for five minutes without saying a word.

And beside her, President Williams - also known as Mrs. Williams' mother-in-law and Arnold's beloved grandmother - gazed at him wisely.

Flore had already been living with Arnold for a week and two days. As agreed, he had accepted to live with the alpha for three months.

Arnold owned a mansion in the affluent area of ​​the town. The house was a gift from his grandmother. He rarely came there. Most of the time, he preferred to sleep in one of his hotels. It was easier for him for work. Besides, Arnold wanted to keep his privacy.

He had never invited anyone to his house, not even his friends. Only his parents, his grandmother and his two older sisters came from time to time. But since Arnold was never there, their visits were rare.

Often, his exes and his hook-up wanted to know where he really lived and he always answered that he lived in the hotel because he didn't want to complicate his life.

In truth Arnold didn't want anyone in his home. He had promised himself that the only person he would invite home would be the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He had always known that this would be his fated pair and this person was the little Florence he had met a few years before.

Since then, Arnold has only been waiting for the omega, though he did have his fair share of lovers. He never really loved them and they never really loved him.

The first week with Flore had not been easy. Arnold had fitted out a very spacious room for the omega and... the young omega hardly ever left it.

Flore yelled at him and sometimes threw things at him.

In just a few days, the omega had smashed his television, thrown his PS4 out of the window, smashed tons of glasses and plates, and destroyed his computer for work.

Other than that, the omega was pretty nice to the mansion's servants.

However, Arnold had recently fired his gardener who had tried to take pictures of Flore in the pool. Arnold had said nothing to the omega, for fear of making him suspicious of others.

Even if Flore didn't make it easy for him, Arnold made sure that he lived well.

In one week, Arnold had learned a few things about Flore.

The omega took several showers during the day for some reason he didn't know. He liked to cook and ate a lot. Although, he refused to eat what Arnold prepared unless Emma - the house cook - took care of it.

Flore didn't like being touched. Arnold even wondered how Flore had been able to work until now at the SS Club.

In the morning, Flore was in a very bad mood, but in the evening he became so calm that he let Arnold sit next to him when he watched television.

The most worrying part was probably at night. Flore had nightmares. Half of the time he would wake up crying, the other times he would barge into Arnold's room and go after the alpha, calling him names and throwing things in his face.

In these moments, Arnold did not defend himself. He would wait for Flore to calm down.

Once calmed down, instead of going back to his own room, Flore would sleep in the arms of the alpha. Even though he hated him, Arnold remained his fated pair. Whether he wanted to or not, he felt safe around the man.

Of course, Arnold woke up very early in the morning and brought Flore back to his own bed before he woke up. He had already made this mistake once and Flore had packed his bags, wishing to return to the club.

Today, Arnold had not planned to receive the visit of his mother and his grandmother.

He was afraid of his mother's reaction. That Flore was an omega was and was not the problem. His family had no prejudice against omegas. The real concern was that there had been no omegas in his family for centuries. His mother would certainly...

" - You should have tell us you were dating," Mrs Williams assumed pleasantly as her son put a plate of cookies on the table.

Arnold cast a glance in the direction of Flore who was sipping his tea in silence. The omega's silence perplexed him.

Arnold was going to sit next to Flore but he changed his mind and preferred to take a chair, which he placed near his grandmother to sit on.

When they arrived, Arnold introduced them to Flore as a friend. Flore had neither denied nor rejected it.

" - We're not in that kind of relationship," Arnold finally said as he offered his grandmother a cookie in a napkin.

"- But you live together?" asked his mother.

Arnold froze. She had already investigated. One of the servants had surely snuck.

" - We..."

" - I work for the SS Club. Mr. Williams bought my services for three months." replied Flore.

Arnold's mother stiffened in shock. Arnold sighed. He wasn't really surprised. He knew Flore wasn't going to stay silent for long.

Flore's goal was largely to make Arnold's life difficult. The alpha therefore expected that the omega would not change his ways, even in the presence of his family.

Arnold's mother turned to him and gave him a surprised look.

" - Since when do you play with omegas? You can't even stand their pheromones"

Arnold scratched his head.

" - I don't play. Flore isn't here for that." he told her with a heavy sigh.

" - Are you sure ?" She asked doubtfully.

" - I swear !"

" - He really never touched me," Flore intervened calmly. "All we do is eat and sometimes watch TV together. We don't even talk. I don't even know why I'm here to be honest."

His statement brought silence. Arnold's grandmother suddenly bursted out laughing, surprising her grandson, her daughter-in-law, the only two servants in the room and the little omega.

" - I love this little one!" said President Williams. "He's wild and honest. Everything we need to train this scoundrel!" she continued laughing, pulling gently on Arnold's ear, who pretended to be in pain.

Flore narrowed his eyes, unsure of how to react. He gave a small smile, refraining himself from spitting in Arnold's face.

"- If you can stand his smell, I guess this beautiful boy is your fated pair," she continued in the direction of her grandson.

Arnold nodded gently with a soft smile directed to Flore who just ignored him.

" - Did you do something to him?" his mother asked suddenly.

She leaned towards Flore, who froze.

" - Did my son hurt you? You seem to hate him."

Flore's gaze clouded. After a few minutes he shook his head and said:

" - I just don't like alphas."

" - I understand," Mrs. Williams said. "It's not easy for an Omega to like alphas, whether or not they're fated pairs."

" - You're wrong mum," Arnold sighed, looking guilty. "I met Flore at university. I knew straight away that he was my fated pair."

Flore looked at him in panic, his heart pounding. Arnold kept his gaze on the Omega and reassured him with a faint smile. He then continued:

" - We became close even though at that time already he had his character. I don't know if you remember, but I had to take time off from university for two weeks to help father in one of our hotels. During this period, Flore was alone. Unfortunately... some of my friends took advantage of my absence to..."

" - You moron!" his mother yelled, grabbing a pillow.

She hit her son several times under the shocked gaze of the servants and Flore.

" - You knew that by approaching him he would be in danger! You knew from the beginning that he was your fated pair but you dared to leave him alone there!!!? " His mother cried breathlessly.

" - It... it's not his fault," murmured Flore.

He clutched his mug with his shaking hands. Tears were silently sliding down his cheeks.

" - I... "

He choked on a sob. Arnold wanted to run to his side but his mother beat him to it.

"- My child, Arnold is wrong. Don't defend him. He may not have done anything to you directly but if he had taken the necessary measures to protect you, you would not have had to suffer so much." She explained to him while wiping away his tears.

Flore bursted into tears. Jaw clenched, Arnold refrained from taking the omega in his arms. After all it was his fault.

"- I suppose you know the identity of the culprits," Arnold's grandmother told him privately.

Flore and Mrs Williams didn't hear them, too busy crying for one and consoling for the other.

Arnold nodded.

" - You know what to do," she declared.

Even though her expression was so calm, Arnold could sense the authority in her voice.

After his mother and grandmother left, Arnold allowed the servants to go home since it was already getting late.

He decided to tidy up a bit before working on his paper.

After a while, Flore came out of his room. He went downstairs and joined Arnold who was now working in the living room, in front of the television which was quietly playing an episode of "Friends" on Netflix.

Arnold was so focused that he didn't notice the omega.

A few minutes later, he looked up when a steaming cup of coffee appeared in front of him.

Looking grouchy, Flore was handing him the cup, avoiding looking at him.

Arnold couldn't help smiling. It was the first time that Flore had shown himself to be receptive towards him.

" - Thank you," he thanked the omega sincerely.

Flore simply nodded. He stared at the alpha who was enjoying his coffee like it was the best drink he had ever had.

"- Aren't you afraid it's poisoned?" Flore then asked him.

" - If you wanted to kill me, you would have done it from day one," Arnold replied.

" - I may have spit in it," said Flore.

" - So we did have an indirect kiss then," Arnold chuckled.

The omega frowned.

" - Your mother...she's nice," said Flore after a few minutes.

" - She is," Arnold replied with a soft smile.

" - And... your grandmother is really cool," continued Flore while playing with his fingers.

"- She's amazing," Arnold confirmed with a chuckle.

Flore decided to sit next to the man, surprising the alpha.

"- My…grandmother hated me I think," Flore began, gently swinging his legs. "She never said or showed it but, she never defended me even when my uncle eyed me with lust." he explained looking sad.

Arnold closed the folder he was holding and asked:

" - What about your mom?"

Flore smiled genuinely when he thought of his mother.

" - She's great. My mother would tell me every day that she loved me and I know that she did everything to protect me and raise me in good conditions. You know... she had a party on the day I found out I was an omega. My dad was disappointed but my mum... she... celebrated that day like it was my birthday. That day, she told me she was happy that I was healthy and that my second gender would never change her love for me..."

His look saddened and he stopped moving his legs. He looked into Arnold's eyes and said:

" - I miss her."

He pulled his knees up to his chest to curl into a ball.

" - Since that night, I have not contacted her. I threw my phone. I was afraid of what she would say. But I was especially afraid of seeing her cry. She was going to blame herself and ..."

Arnold gently brought the omega into his arms. Flore flinched at first but, he didn't struggle.

Arnold gently stroked his hair then whispered:

" - Do you want to see her again?"

Flore nodded.

" - But I'm scared..."

"- I'll come with you."

Flore sat up to look the alpha straight in the eye.

"- I might tell her the truth..."

" - It's okay. I will take everything she would throw at me. Thanks to you throwing things to me everyday, I think I will manage to survive somehow," he joked.

His joke made the omega smile.

" - Why are you doing all this?" Flore asked him more seriously. "Even today, if you hadn't said anything, your mother wouldn't have been so sad."

" - She deserves to know her son is stupid," Arnold joked.

"- You are definitely stupid," Flore nodded.

Arnold paused then said:

" - Give me some time and I promise to do you justice."

" - I don't need this... I want to forget everything."

" - Flore..."

"- If you're doing all of this to have a good conscience, let it go!" Flore said angrily as he got up.

Arnold got up too. Before Flore could walk away, he hugged the omega. Flore did not push him away.

" - I'll do anything for you," Arnold told him. "You can hit me all you want and hate me till I die, I don't care. But...please let me..."

Flore faced Arnold. The alpha fell silent. The omega gazed at him for a moment before laying its head on his chest.

"- For tonight, just for tonight, I don't want to fight. I'm tired..." Flore confessed to him. "Just for tonight, love me without guilt. Love me like the very first time..."

Arnold's heart skipped a beat. He closed his arms around Flore and placed a tender kiss on his head.

" - I never stopped loving you," Arnold whispered to him.

Hello my Little Monsters :3

I came up with this chapter a while ago but I couldn’t find the right timing x) I think now it’s good XD

Flore is a tough cookie xP Besides Haru, Flore is my second favorite one in this story :3

Well, hope you like this chapter :3

Good reading :3

PS : I apologize for the mistakes T-T And thank you for always supporting my story :3

WndyButtercreators' thoughts
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