
Old Madam.


"Young master?" Her soft voice exclaims as her features fail to hide the utter shock written all over her face. My eyes shift from her expression to her flowing her, caressing her… naked shoulder? Obstructing my view of her pale creamy skin she looks up her tiny hands clutching the neck of her nightshirt, as though she is afraid it would fall away again. "What are you doing here? You can't be here!" She yells as loud as she could in this situation, which is nothing more than a loud whisper.

Looking around first, I shove her behind the open door and shut it behind me. When my attention returns to her I notice that a significant amount of distance has been put between both of us, and she is giving me that look that is mixed with both suspicion and caution. And is that a hint of haughty accusation I see?

"I'll ask again young master, why are you in a maid's room at this ungodly hour?" She asks again, jutting out her tiny pinched chin at me. Every fiber of my being screams tease her! But not now, I have more important things to address and I need her help.

"Come now, when you put it like that you make me seem like a sick creep" I say "besides, there are still three hours to the ungodly hour cut me some slack." I continue with a small smile. Her frown deepens, okay not the effect I was after. She feels so hostile this evening, such a contrast to the blushing beauty from this evening, I'm so confused. "Let's switch rooms."



"Let's switch rooms, go sleep in my bed and I'll sleep in yours." I was sure I missed earlier but now he has repeated it I am sure he must be mad. "Why would you want to do that?" I asked.

"Because I can't fall asleep in that bed, right sounds obnoxious but it's too big." He replies and I tilt my head and scoff.

"How is that my problem? Why should I care about that?" I spit, a bit more aggressively than I intended but after what happened with the maids earlier I have just been annoyed… at him.

I see the confused expression and I can tell that he wants to ask but chooses not to, still, he speaks. "Well, the fact that you haven't been able to sleep very well as well should be your business. I don't care if you keep making mistakes whilst serving me but I assure you no one else but me would be so gracious."

I am rendered speechless, he is right. But I am still surprised that he noticed, 'how won't he notice when you've been nothing but a blitz around him. Blaming your clumsiness on the house.' I reprimand myself.

"So what's your plan?" I ask.


"You seem very lively today Sabine, receive good news?" Carly asks me as we both fold the laundry.

"Hm? What makes you say that?" I ask.

"Nothing in specific, you just seem like you're in a really good mood." I finally slept well, I replied in my head. Last night's sleep was amazing, who knew? Gosh, there really is a between rich and poor people.

Suddenly a loud sound that was produced as a result of two calluses palms connecting commands our attention and we look up at the culprit. Florence scans the room and when she is satisfied with the silence she begins to speak.

"We are expecting very important guests today and I am going to be needing all hands on deck am I clear?" She says and we reply in unison. "The roaster in the pantry shows the assignments for today make sure you check it and are present and punctual to your posts."

I'm in such a good mood I don't even care to fret like the other girls, walking out of the pantry after checking my post, I head up to Asher's room. Not quite sure why, but I don't feel nervous about going there today. Even if I mess up, I think I'm okay. Coincidentally as I begin to walk up the stairs I meet his eyes as he stands on the top. He too looks happy, he smiles softly as he sees me but all too soon that smile fades. Before I even turn to check where his gaze that has moved past me lays upon I hear the reason.

"Asher, grandson say hello to Isabelle. Her family is the owner of the Byun health plus and she is the heir to the entire family business. Isn't she just pretty?"

When I finally turn around, the sight is absolutely mortifying. It the old Madam, laughing like a schoolgirl with this… this… very pretty woman. Wow, she is pretty but not prettier than I am right? Oh, who am I kidding? Of course, she is prettier than I am with all she is wearing. Nothing is extravagant but everything is elegant and probably more expensive than I could ever imagine. Why is she pretty? Why do I hate that she is pretty? I turn back around to look at Asher's face but just like before he stares past me.

"Hey, you over there what are you doing standing idly just like that?" The old Madam startles me. "To think of it I have never even seen you before."

"I'm… I'm new old Madam." I say bowing but her scream makes me jump backward in fright.

"Who the hell are you calling old?! Oh, the audacity, Florence!" She yells I don't know how she did it because almost immediately Florence was right there.

"Get this trash out of my sight!" The statement caused me to tighten my fists. I stand straight and glare at her stepping forward to fight back until I notice Florence shake her head at me.

"Ma'am… you shouldn't pay heed to useless servants. They don't deserve your attention." The desperate power-hungry bitch says beside her and I swear if my face wasn't already red then it probably was right now. At this point, Florence was standing behind the old Madam and her begging was no longer subtle. It was then I knew I hated this bitch.

I am not sure I like this chapter, what do you think?

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