

There were only a few corpses, all three missing a limb or two. One didn't have a hand, one lacked both its legs, and the last one lacked a hand and a leg. Not having a head was a common thing about all three of them.

Xie Yang looked at them and saw that they wore the same clothes as the living and breathing humans beside him. Their robe was black, different from the blue and white robes that Mo Mingzhu, Tang Yongnian, Chen Yuan, and Moa Yue wore.

One of the rotting corpses had its hand clenched into a fist.

Xie Yang saw something in it, so he pried open its hand.

He had to exert some force to do so as it had its fingers embedded in its palms.

After opening its hand, he saw a sect medallion in the center of the rotting corpse palm.

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