
Chapter 18

"Mrs. Jeung, I'm so sorry if my son became so bold about your wife. He just really like--"

"You better not continue it or I will fire you, Wang," Jihye said harshly. Mr. Wang just swallowed the lump in his throat he knew that his boss was very angry and very possessive when it comes to her wife another thing that got her upset is that his son was like sexualizing her wife even telling right in front of her face that he wanted to have a baby with Lauren which Jihye will certainly blow in anger.

"I-I'm sorry, I h-hope you will not fire me," Mr. Wang said trying not to shutter that much he knew how Jihye gets angry and what she could do. Me. Wang might be a professional and rich employee and President of Jihye's company he has a lot of guards also but it will never change since Jihye was the powerful one knowing she is the CEO of the company and this company is also her wife's. Mr. Wang knew that Lauren isn't the girl that you can just play with she's tough and can do anything just to kick the ass of the person who tries to disrespect one of her family members.

"I will not fire you just don't fucking show me his face. I don't want him in the company, I don't want to see him ever. Understood?" Jihye said sternly while Wang nodded "You know what will happen to you and your wealth Wang. Remember I was the one who help you to raise your family," Jihye said and left. Mr. Wang sighs and bowed.

Jihye came back to the party, she saw her two in-laws talking to one of her employees just then Mark and Leandro came in front of Jihye and bowed for respect "You better tell all of our employees that they should respect that younger one. You know who they are" Jihye mumbled coldly

"Everyone knows it already" Jihye nodded and the two men just stan in Jennie's side. They are Jihye's assistant and also a bodyguard.

After two hours of just talking to some CEOs, newly hired employees, and important people they decided to go home. Jihye can't wait to see her wife and her son. She really can't stop herself from texting her wife all she wants to be home and hug both of the important people in her existence.

Lauren opened the door, it was already eleven in the evening. She was already in the doorway leaning while smirking at Jihye. She knew what happened in the press conference and she doesn't know why but she just laughed harder and she found Jennie so cute "Did you both enjoy it?" She asked her two siblings and kissed their cheeks while she also took Dohyun's coat.

"Yes, we're very respected though. I positively like it"Daeun said while Lauren shook her head

"You know they need to. Especially, you both are my siblings and part of the family" The two younger ones hugged her while Lauren rubbed their back "Okay, you both need to sleep now. Jayden is already asleep in the crib" The younger ones nodded and kiss their cheek and left while Lauren leaned in the doorway and looked at her wife closing the trunk and walking closer to her.

Jihye immediately put both of her hands on her wife's waist and kissed her on the lips. Lauren instantly put her hands on her neck and kissed her back. It was not lustful but it was passionate and slow like Jihye is pouring all the love and telling her how much she missed her. Lauren pulled out slowly when Jihye bit her lower lip "Want some wine?" Jihye asked looking straight at her wife's eyes while Lauren nodded. Jihye closed the door using her feet and went straight to the kitchen.

She was now sitting on the kitchen Island chair while just wearing her button-up shirt. Lauren put down the two wine glasses but instead of sitting she massage her wife on her shoulder and kiss her neck. Jihye hummed contently and lean in her touch.

"I know what happened in the press. Everything okay?" Lauren asked trying not to sneer

Jihye sigh and looked at her wife "I just don't like the way he flirts and talk with you in that way. Especially he told me that he wanted to have kids with you he was like sexualizing you and I don't like the sound of it. People know that you're already married and know our marriage, the people know that we have a baby boy. I just don't know why he still has the guts to say that" Jihye opened the wine and pour some in the wine glass.

"Hon, you know even though the people knew that we have each other they still couldn't remove in their body admiring and liking one of us. It's pretty normal actually but you know you that was uncalled for if he wants to have kids with me and also sexualizing me but you know it happened already you stopped her and everything is okay right now, you have nothing to worry about right now because we're happy, I'm yours, we're married and we have our little Kim running around someday in the house" Lauren mumbled looking into her wife's lips and she smiled.

"So you're like telling me that we should grow old together?"

Lauren pinch her wife's nose and giggled "You know that was my dream right? To grow old with the person who I married with. I don't like to grow old without someone beside me especially we have a child. I don't want them to grow without the person who made them" Jihye rubbed her wife's cheek and peck her lips numerous times.

"I know, I'm just messing with you. You don't know how much I want you in my life and raise our child together. You don't know how much I want you in my life forever and to build more memories with you. You know I will never leave you and Jayden because it will he sin if I did but you have to remember that whatever happens, wherever I go, I will always be by your side even my soul will be with you even though we're apart from each other" Lauren chuckled and peck her wife's cheek

"I'm so lucky to have you, my love" Lauren said hugging her wife and resting her head on her wife's chest while Jihye rubbed her back and kiss the top of her head.

"No, I'm the lucky one you took care of me so well and gave birth to our little one, and now we're slowly having our little family and bonding with him and I can't wait to have more. I love you so much"

"I love you more Honey" Lauren mumbled to her. Jihye sigh contentedly she got so lucky in her life. Just then, Daeun was coming down from the stairs with Jayden in her arms

"Someone wants to join your moment. It wouldn't be happy without him" Daeun said causing Jihye to giggle.

"Of course, come here buddy," Jihye said taking Jayden in her arms. Lauren mumbled a thank you to Daeun and the younger one left "why are you awake? Did you have a bad dream?" Jihye cooed at her son while he hummed and looked at Jihye straight in the eyes "oh? Did you?"

Lauren was just looking at them for sure when Jayden grows up he will mostly spend his time with Jihye which she will not complain about because Jayden looks like Jihye like she's the carbon copy of her. Her friends and Jihye's friends were saying that she looks like Ben but he just got Ben's nose like Lauren.

The night ended up was filled with cooing Jayden since he was humming nonstop. The two married couples honestly found him cute and they can't lie he will certainly be a bold and confident one like Jihye. After two hours of cooing with Jayden and talking about some random things, they decided to go to sleep and go to their dreamland.

Jihye was currently in their gym and she was sitting on the bench. It was ten in the morning and Lauren was still sound asleep and the two younger ones were already making their breakfast. Jihye was scrolling through Instagram when her phone rang, it was her Dad she stood up and answered.

"Dad? What's up?" Jihye asked going outside the garage since their house was private and a Parisian mansion that Lauren bought for herself when she was unwinding in the last few years.

"Well, the house will be finished in three weeks if we would not stop working on it since you both will be back here in three years do you want us to stop?" Beom Suk asked while Jihye sighs and put her left hand in the pocket of her sweat.

"I don't know. I want to have a change of plans. I'll just call you later can you wait for it? You guys can take a break from today" Jihye said

"Okay, thank you" Jihye hummed and hung up the call. She went inside the house and walk straight into the kitchen seeing her wife making some coffee "Morning Beautiful" Jihye said kissing her wife's cheek and Lauren blushed

"Good Morning" Lauren handed her the coffee and wipe her sweat "Daeun and Dohyun were upstairs watching some movies while Jayden is beside them" Jihye hummed and pulled the chair for Lauren to sit. It's been so long already and Jihye never gets tired of doing this for her. Lauren mumbled a thank you and Jihye sat beside her

"Honey, do you still remember our plans?" Jihye asked while looking at Lauren who's currently chewing

"Uhm as far as I remember we're planning to come back to Korea when Jayden turns three and we will be working in the company and you promised your fans that you will still be working with your members but What about it?" Lauren asked looking at Jihye

"Well, I was wondering if we could go back to Korea when Jayden turned one wherein he could already walk and you know babble some words and let him grow up in my country to know all the heritage from it. Is that okay?" Jihye asked not wanting to sound that she has something planned

Lauren smiled and rub Jihye's cheeks. She wanted to open this up to her wife since he wanted Jayden to grow in Korea like her "You know I certainly want that idea. I need to go back to Korea for the new company and they need my help in the next few months. It will much be easier for me" Jihye smiled and kissed her wife's hands

"Thank you, Honey, it means a lot. For sure Mom and Dad will be happy about it"

"Anything for you too" Lauren mumbled and they continued eating. Lauren and Jihye continue eating good thing Jayden is a heavy sleeper like her Mom for sure later then he will be awake and will not sleep this afternoon which they will be handling him.

It was a very nice day in Paris. Two days after Jihye and Lauren talk about the changes in their plans. Jihye instantly messages her father and tells him all the new plans and asks them to finish the house already. While Lauren is here with Gia in the famous coffee shop around Paris.

"So, you're dreaming about your Dad again?" Gia asked her best friend and looked at her. Lauren sighs and drinks her coffee. Gia decided to visit laurene since she has an offer to work in Paris at the famous hospital which will be for a good six months. Lauren has been telling about it she knew Gia could be a big help from it "Since when is this happening?"

"Ever since Jayden was born. I thought when I saw him in our in Los Angeles will be the last one, he said his goodbye and I don't even know why in the world he came back and kept lingering in my mind and dream. I just want to know if this is a good sign or not, it's not like I don't want to see him but you know I'm getting nervous about it" Lauren said looking at Gia.

"I-I look is not that I'm scaring you but Ben is like trying to give you a powerful message and...warnings you may have vivid and realistic nightmares about dead individuals, and when you wake up, you are often perplexed. Dreaming about the dead can be interpreted in a variety of ways" Gia said taking a bite of her bread.

"I felt those things" Lauren mumbled

"Well, as far as I remember if you dream about your father represents power, protection, and discipline. Perhaps is your father smiling when he's appearing in your dreams?" The Doctor asked. She learned all about this from her sister ever since Lauren told her about this she truly wanted to help her and now about this. She cares for her a lot.

"No, he's not. He was like talking to me, ordering me, and telling me some advice. I know all of his actions and expressions and everything is showing every time I dream about him" Lauren said nervously and looked at Gia with wide eyes and frightened.

"Look, Lauren. This is different if your Dad hasn't stopped appearing in your dream there's something wrong" Lauren sigh and comb her hair using her fingers while resting both of her elbows on the table. Gia rubbed her back "Lauren babe, just protect them okay? Protect yourself, it seems like your Dad is doing this because he also wanted to protect all your loved ones, especially you. Just spend your time with them well don't take this seriously but we don't know what the future holds"

"I know but I don't know what will I do if ever something happens especially to Jihye and Jayden. You know how much I love them and how important they are to me"

"I understand but everything will be alright. You know we will always be here for you and your family. We will be right here" Lauren nodded while Gia hugged her.

Gia might be a sassy person but when it comes to her friends she will never show it to them. Lauren was not just lucky to have such a kind and loving wife but she also has friends who never stop caring for her and even though they are working overseas they still had the communication that she truly likes she knew that they are the real ones and for sure Jihye and she will cherish them since they were like Jihye's best friend already even Jihye's friends. Lauren knew that there are a lot of people supporting and cherishing them just like how she wanted.

Lauren came inside the house with a sigh, she sat on the couch and put both of her hands in her face covering it. She might have been happy a lot in the past few days but she was still thinking about all the dreams that were happening. She wants answers. She doesn't know what to do anymore, she honestly doesn't know what to do if something bad happens to Jihye and her son Jayden even though her Grandma has been telling her that everything will be alright she can't try to stick it in her mind knowing that warning might happen to one of her love ones.

Lauren let out a sob and rocked back and forth. It good thing Jihye wasn't home she was out with Daeun, Dohyun, and Jayden. For sure Jihye will freak out if she sees her wife like this. Lauren decided just to cry it out and ask her Dad to show himself for some explanations but nothing came it was just full of silence she was just like talking to a wind. Lauren stopped crying and just fell asleep feeling so exhausted upon crying.

Jihye and her siblings found her sleeping on the couch, it was already five in the afternoon and she got confused why in the world she hadn't changed her clothes she was wearing the clothes that she wore a while ago when she met up with Gia. Jihye told the younger ones to take Jayden to his room which they oblige. Jihye kneeled so she could be leveled with her wife. She rubbed her wife's cheek and she could tell that she cried. She instantly got worried and rub her wife's arm.

"Honey," Jihye said softly. Lauren didn't move and just let out soft sounds "Honey" Jihye tried again kissing her wife's shoulder,

"J?" Lauren mumbled still her eyes closed. Jihye smiled while Lauren is leaning into her touch

"Honey, I'm here" Lauren let out a hum again "Open your eyes for me beautiful and it's five in the afternoon"

Lauren opened her eyes slowly instantly meeting Jennie's "Baby girl, have you been crying?" Jihye mumbled rubbing her wife's cheek. Lauren can't help but let out a tear again and just hugged her wife instantly "Baby, what's wrong? You're killing me the love you have to tell me"

"Jihye, I'm scared," Lauren said sobbing into Jennie's shoulder

"From what baby? Please tell me maybe I can do anything, my love" Jennie mumbled rubbing her back

"Daddy, the warnings, my dreams. I dreamt of him again when I fell asleep he was there again having that expression. I don't know what to do Jennie, I don't. I'm scared what if something happens to Mommy and her family and you and Jayden?? And me? I don't know"

Jihye shush her and hugged her tightly "No baby no, don't say that. Nothing bad will happen, I'm here and we're gonna be safe my love. I promise you we will be okay" Jihye said kissing the top of her head and hugging her

Lauren just sobbed in Jihye's shoulder while soothing her and convincing her that everything will be okay though it alarms her knowing it was certainly a warning already. They just stayed there good thing she was patient and she will always be when it comes to her wife. Lauren and Jihye just watched a movie and cuddled while Jayden was in his crib sleeping peacefully. It was just a peaceful night and a very warning one.

Lauren groaned because the sunlight is hitting her face, Jihye was hugging her from behind and humming in contentment when she felt Lauren was moving "baby" Lauren mumbled kissing her cheeks.

"Yes?" Jihye said sleepily and hug her wife tightly not wanting to let go

"Baby" Lauren giggled and Jihye can't lie her heart is melting already at the adorable sound of it, "You're late for work baby," Lauren said turning around to face her sleepy wife. She smiled when Jihye rested her head on her wife's chest and kissed it. She will never get tired of this morning full of sweetness.

"No, I'm not going to work" Jihye mumbled while Lauren furrowed her brows

"Why not," Lauren said holding her wife's chin and pecking her lips when she pouted

"Because..." Jihye pull her on top of her and Lauren giggled, Jihye, put the strand of her wife's hair behind her ear "I want to spend my day with you today, just you and I. I got a day off and I realized that I've been spending my time with your siblings and it's my time to spend time with you"

"But, we're seeing each other in the house and we've already spent our time last night cuddling and watching a movie. Isn't that enough?" Lauren asked

"I know but it's not enough. You know I wanted to take you out on a date have a fancy dinner with you. Let's go shopping and go to the places that you like around Paris. How's that sound?" Jihye inquired and smiled brightly when Lauren's eyes lit up "It's been so long since we did that. Now it's a good time right my love?"

"It is, How about Jayden? You know I just can't leave them with my siblings they also needed rest" Jihye was about to answer when the door opened

"No worries, we got him," Gia said holding Jayden while Daeun and Dohyun raised their thumbs and waved at her sister smiling brightly "and oh sorry for not knocking on the door but anyways can I use the kitchen when I cooked for the kiddos?"

"Sure, the fridge is full and you could cook anything that you like," Jihye said while looking at Gia

"Alright then, and oh Lauren please smile and enjoy. I love you!" Lauren chuckled

"Thank you and I love you too. We'll see you downstairs" Gia hummed and closed the door "Shall I get ready?" Lauren asked

"Of course my love. I'll just use the other bathroom so we could already leave right after we got ready" Lauren hummed and jumped out of bed quickly going to the bathroom while Jihye shook her head and stood up smiling. She looked at the window and it was the perfect time to go to the Eiffel tower tonight. She went into the other bathroom and took her towel. It will surely be a great day for today and she can't wait to spend it with her wife.

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