
Chapter 68: Tensui Village Pt.1

~Third POV~

On top of a hill observing the entire view Uncle Bill was observing the whole scene with a satisfied smile on his face as he examines the destruction, "Ah… yes this should help my kids become better killers for the Empire. This will surely be an interesting experience for them is that right men?"

Besides them were some soldiers as well as some of his assistance looking using binoculars seeing the carnage happening as one of them began to frown at this, "Sorry sir but from the looks of things we just lost Remus and Balluck from sudden ambush attacks."

Uncle Bill frowns at this as he sighs bringing out his alcohol drink as he began to talk about their punishment for losing two members, "Sigh… I swear kids these days are total failures. When I asked them to burn down a village and not one of them die the dumb ones die first. Tch. Now I have to give them a painful lesson when we return to the Capital."

Just as every single one of them was talking around each other Tatsumi began to creep up on them after taking care of their guards by eliminating them all using [Overhaul] quirk.

Tatsumi leaned closer to the camp on the hill as he began to get nearer to them as he listens to them talking about their completion as Bill began to talk holding the Teigu, "At least we managed to obtain the teigu March of the Dead: Yatsufusa. An ugly thing really with its power but at least it's in the Empire's hands."


Before anyone could react Tatsumi already used his [Bullet Time] then proceed to get the Teigu [Yatsufusa] on his hands as both his hands began to be charged by electricity as each hand held together 5 gold coins.




In that instant Tatsumi unleased 10 [Railguns] at the camp direction as he already got what he came here for as his hands were burned to a crisp but were already recovering as he flinches at his pain.

But the hill that was there earlier was long gone now as it was vaporized by the heat and power of those [Railguns] as Uncle Bill was completely dead now and goes for his role in the AGKZ storyline.


Quickly using his power to generate wind under his feet to act like propellers he Tatsumi looks at the sword [Yatsufusa] with eagerness as he can feel the sword instantly reject him, 'Oh would you look at that? A challenger dares to fight back at me. I'll make you number 4 contestant.'

Putting away the [Yatsufusa] inside his [Pocket] space as he looks at the destruction of the Tensui Village he couldn't help but speak to himself of what he's seeing, "Hmm… from the looks of things the soldiers are still killing everyone from above here. And few members of Group of Terrors are already killed… I see the General Nouken is fighting against Izou… Wait is that [Extase]!"

As he examines more clearly the fight between the two, he saw that the General was using [Extase] as his heart was filled with greed seeing the situation, "Oh man is today my birthday because I'm getting a good haul from this trip alone! But first better do something about the fire."

Going straight inside the burning fire of the former Tensui Village Tatsumi finally appeared surprising the whole Imperial Forces as he begins to introduce himself in a gesture tone to them during the day, "Why hello people of the Empire forces as I can see today that everyone is very busy. But as you can see, I happen to need something from this village but since you destroyed it all… you will pay for messing with my plans."


With that Tatsumi released a condensed stream of blue fire in the soldier's direction as the Imperial Soldiers began to get burned to death as Tatsumi began to land on the ground as the Imperial Soldiers were fearful of such a force.

Of course, that was Tatsumi's way to demonstrate his power to them as they wouldn't have listened, but a demonstration of power surely helps.


With that Tatsumi released a large wave of [Conqueror Haki] knocking out any weak guard in the area as he observes the destruction they caused as he sighs at this, "Sigh… this is a big cluster fuck of a mess. Damn those Imperial Army can't they at least behave like a normal country."

Shaking his head he began to check on the soldiers thinking what to do next as he wonders to himself before coming up with his conclusion, "Hmm… I guess I have to erase them before they could be a pain in the ass. No matter what I do if I let them live I cause problems, or if I kill them then I will still cause problems there is no winning situation in this isn't there. Ah man, I hate it when there aren't any clean options."

With that, he began to loot the Imperial Soldiers of everything they have before using his power to erode them to ash. He couldn't use [Overhaul] on them for the fact they will leave blood remains as he wanted it to be clean as well as test out his eroding ability from fusing the [Rot Orb].

As he was looting the bodies as well destroying them Natala and Kurome all saw the scene of easily taking out a whole unit and platoon of soldiers as they gripped their weapons tightly at the scene.

Natala carefully examines the scene as he tries to encourage his friend of the situation, "Kurome… we have to be extremely careful against that man… he just took out the main force with little to no effort…"

Kurome for her part nodded her head as she began to explain to him with nervousness in her voice as she spoke, "Y-Yeah… that person took them out like it was nothing… Have you seen such a person in the Empire before Natala?"

He shook his head at that as they suddenly heard a third voice belonging to the masked man as he spoke in a carefree tone, "Hey! I take offense to that little missy! I'll have you know I'm a decently strong person!"


They quickly backed away from the scene as the rest of the Group of Terror members appeared although it was less of their numbers as only Gin and Womyn arrived as Kurome asked in concern of their members.

Gin gritted her teeth as she responds to the rest of the Group of Terror Members in a sad tone to them, "Sorry guys but Balluck, Remus, and Kylie are dead. Balluck died to an explosion during the attack, an ambush on Remus, and Kylie dead by some swordsman…"

The two flinched at that and could only think of one swordsman capable of doing that at the moment facing off against the General at the moment.

But then their attention turned to the one wearing the mask as he replied to them an update for their information, "I see… so three of the seven died of the Group of Terror huh? Well, technically Gin is it its four dead since your dear old Bill finally kicked the bucket."

Listening to that their eyes widened in shock at the news of hearing their leader dead as they thought it was a joke as Tatsumi casually drops the bomb on them as he spoke freely, "Yeah that guy is like SUPER dead. I mean I doubt he could survive those attacks head-on that destroyed the hill."

Womyn took a glance at where the hill supposedly was till, she grew paler seeing it missing turned to see some molten rocks freshly red color as she gulps telling everyone to look as well in the process, "G-Guys… his serious-s… just look at the hill that Uncle was supposed to be… it's gone… Oh, God…"

They all looked but they all paled at the implications as they all saw the destruction caused by him alone but in that moment of weakness, he immediately got close to them as he talked to them surprising them before they were all tapped once as Tatsumi began to use the [Overhaul] quirk on them, "Sorry guys I don't like the way people built you to be drug addicts. Time for me to make you build different pain is almost surely required."





The four of them were then unconscious as they couldn't handle the pain anymore as they were all knocked out as Tatsumi let go of the black substance of the drugs inside their bodies out of them the most effective but surely the painful way he knew how.

Tatsumi sighs at this as he glances at all of them as he talked to himself in a tired tone, "Sigh… I swear this was the only effective means to cure you guys. Although I don't know how long you'll live at least those drugs won't harm you anymore."

With that, he began to search them and confiscated their performance-enhancing drugs from them as they are too dangerous for them to be used.

The performance-enhancing drugs given to them affect them that the artificially powered drugs gave them their superhuman abilities similar to the innate abilities naturally developed by the Seven.

But due to the severe side effects of their drug doping and performance enhancers, many members of the Group began suffering severe physical debilitations due to their bodies no longer withstanding the severe abuse of their constant drug use.

When this "weakness" becomes apparent or if members are injured too much to continue going on missions, they would thus then be "scrapped" and euthanized by Uncle Bill due to them no longer having any strategic value as assassins or even common soldiers.

Resulting in many of its members developing a deep psychological fear of becoming "weak" and often hiding these "weaknesses" despite being life-threatening, to avoid being "scrapped".

However, since their Uncle Bill is now dead Tatsumi begins to use his [Pocket] to take them away inside his separate space for the time being as he talked to himself, "Sigh… for now though I'm going to have to figure out what to do with you four now you became my responsibility. Now time to fake their deaths."

With that, he used his [Overhaul] quirk to recreate the bodies similar to the four as they were now beginning to look the part as he swiped his hand as he looks at the carnage ahead of him seeing the soldiers knocked down.

Shaking his head while he can go ahead and loot the Tensui Village there wasn't much he can get considering the mere fact that everything was destroyed or burned in the process as he talks to himself, "This town is already a waste and I already spent enough time as is in this part of town. But I'm not leaving without that [Extase] Teigu it's too valuable to leave behind."

With that Tatsumi began to search for General Nouken and Izou in the process…




Elsewhere in some part of the burned Tensui Village the fight between the two fighters finally came to a bloody end as General Nouken stood the one alive with only a single gash wound on his chest as he comments on it, "Hmm… it's a shame that such a powerful swordsman as yourself were to fade out in battle like this in a manly fashion. But I'm afraid orders are orders Izou the man that wound me."

Izou coughs out the blood at his bisected body cut clean in half as he began to say his final words to the General, "Cough! Cough! Damn man… I wish we would fight some more but… it was a manly battle of swords General… blegh…"

The General Nouken cried tears of Izou honor and manliness showing in the face of death as he began to move away from the scene as he said to himself, "Don't worry warrior samurai Izou I will remember this battle while I make sweet love with my concubines in an orgy the manliest way, I know how to honor you."

With that Nouken left to continue his mission before he could get laid for the mission well done.

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