
Chapter 50: Eri’s Favorite Chat Member

~Tatsumi POV~

Well, that certainly did the trick as currently were all inside the Osaka district of Japan enjoying my cup of iced coffee as the girls are enjoying their drinks as I see a lot of heroes come over to investigate what our group did with the Yakuza group.

Even some of the members of Kai's group are going to be in jail because of what they found and the tools they used to torture Eri. Although it did practically make our name worse because of our fight against Ryukyu.


We tried to not fight but that dragon lady wouldn't let us go scot-free and adding the fact that I needed time to switch over Teigu's took some time. While I could go ahead and fuse them to my body right now, I hold off on that idea.

At least till the quest is finished first at least. I don't want unwanted variables to escape me as some things happen during the quest.

As I was busy looking at the scene from a café, I felt a tug from my jacket as I see Eri changed into actual clothes looking at me with some concern enjoying some ice cream, "Tat… are you ok you look angry… are you not liking your drink or me?"

Changing my expression to a cheerful one I pat her head as she seems to enjoy it as I talked to her, "No sweetie I was just looking at all the news and heroes coming around dealing with that evil man that you know. We get to see all his people leave so it's good right?"

Eri looked scared at the idea but we see from the outside of the café window at a distance that the goons are getting treated and taken away as she smiles at me brightly, "Umu."

Now that's a smile that can melt the cruelest evil away from anyone, but the heroes aren't a joke or sorts here. More than likely our targets might come soon enough if we wait for the right moment to act.

Detecting some of their auras are weak but some very strong by observing their aura alone thanks to [Observation Haki]. But truly I can see a lot of them are coming over to the scene as I can see a lot of them wanting a piece of us.

That was when I stopped sensing for a bit as I listen in to Hinata's curiosity as she placed her finger on her chin, "Odd? Do these people want to go after these… ahem. These Day Raid that much after seeing the incident of the scene?"

Just as Hinata asked her question it was then soon answered by Saeko as she crosses her arms beneath her breasts as she talked, "Well it's pretty obvious from what we learned Hinata. If these mooks were too able to defeat at least one member of this Day Raid, then they get a good spot in the top 10."

That was when a cold smile was expressed on her face as she spoke in a proud tone, "Since the defeat of Endeavor the ranking system made him the top 34 heroes now. I wonder how to hurt his pride is now?"


I swear Saeko is cruel and sadistic when she wants to at times.

The rest of the members snickered at that comment as Ruby was next to respond in a positive light of things as she hugs Eri making her squirm, "Yeah! That big meanie home is gone and the bad guys as well! And in return, I get to snuggle with this adorable little girl Eri!"

Eri was squirming a lot trying to get away from Ruby's grip as she tries to get her as she speaks up in a cute voice, "Stop it Rosey! I don't wanna be stuck here I want my ice cream!"

We all laugh at the scene of the two as I can certainly feel their synergy of being family sisters. I guess Ruby must have picked a thing or two from Yang because she's certainly acting like one to Eri.

Then again who can say no to this lovely little girl?

That was when I was rubbing her head as she tries to get out of Ruby's grasp trying to get her ice cream as I smiled at her and got her out of Ruby's hold as I place her back in her seat as Ruby whined at this, "Ahh…. I wanted to hold her a bit more! She's so cute Eri shouldn't be this cute I just want to hold her and – "


A quirk jab from Saeko's elbow to her mid-section sides Ruby groans in pain as she rubs her sides as she puffs her cheeks at Saeko's side as she glared at her, "Ow! What the heck was that for Saeko! I just wanted to hold Eri a bit more is that so wrong."

Saeko calmly eats her sundae as she gets a spoon of ice cream to Eri as she opens her mouth feeding it to her as Eri smiles brightly at this while Saeko speaks in a pleasant tone, "Oh Ruby… you have a lot to learn before you can take care of a kid. But you have time to grow and mature in life."

Saeko shakes her head casually as Hinata laughs at this slightly as Ruby was about to speak Eri then talked again to Saeko in an innocent tone that melts your heart away, "Saeko-nee can I have another one of your ice creams. Pretty please with a strawberry on top?"


Too much cuteness overload!

Saeko smiles at this as she took her spoon and took the strawberry from her sundae as she spoons feeds Eri, "Now since you asked nicely Eri. Please say the magic words open wide now and say ahh."

Eri did as she was told as she opens her mouth and ate the strawberry and chewed as she smiled brightly at Saeko happily as she bows her head, "Ahh. Chomp. Gulp. Mm… Thank you very much Saeko-nee for your strawberry!"

Looks like Eri has a favorite with one of the chat members and Ruby looks very jealous that Saeko is receiving all the attention on the scene. It's quite charming almost like they were sisters even.

But it's also funny in a sick sense that Eri manages to befriend a sadist into being this friendly and making the actual innocent of us jealous. This is a pretty funny situation but now what do we do with Eri?

How should we deal with Eri anyway is my question? While it would be nice to take her along it wouldn't make sense for us to do so as it might be too different for her.

That and our worlds aren't exactly for someone like her to grow up safely would be raised in our environments. But we can't exactly leave her alone in this world without someone to take care of her.

While we do like her (mostly) for her cuteness she does need someone to follow up as a parental figure. Maybe Rumi but knowing or at least I hope to know her nature she wouldn't take care of her.

Although Rumi could always send her to her parents as I bet, they would like to raise an adorable kid that isn't Rumi's rebellious nature.

Maybe Lady Nagant perhaps?

She could maybe take care of Eri while were away since I doubt, she would want to be part of being a hero anymore once that chip in her neck is gone. Plus add the fact that she doesn't follow the bullshit of heroes anymore and is grayer than white in her rules she would probably raise her right.


You know depending on who we add as the next member and their actions who would be the right person to join our group?

As a Pro Hero, Rumi is more powerful than most other Pro Heroes. Her hearing capability is outstanding, as she was even able to locate her target through minimal noise. She was also shown to be capable of multitasking, as she simultaneously attacks, dodges, and concludes information about the enemies but also a master of hand-to-hand combat.

Kaina is an incredibly powerful combatant, with skills even recognized by All for One, the most powerful villain in Japan, and feared by Hawks. As a former member of the Hero Public Safety Commission, and Hawks' senior, it is safe to assume she was privy to many of the same training regimes and harnessed a vast number of skills working for them, making her Hawks' top priority.

Comparing the two of them honestly, I can't tell who's better for the job of becoming our new member.

But they each have their problems to consider as well more specifically the core of their personality.

Rumi prefers to fight alone and doesn't like the idea of working together nor is the idea of teaming up with people like us. More especially in our group basically, all three of us are considered as murders, and Ruby is a victim of circumstance.

Then there is Kaina's issue of not wanting to fight anymore either to consider maybe all this time forced to fight as a hero for so long and possibly give up or seek redemption again for the lives she has taken.

Honestly, those HPSC are idiots forcing a girl for their cause they needed someone like Deadpool or Wolverine mentality to get the job done or a Winter Soldier to do their dirty work but…


Shaking my head, a bit there is no use arguing with their methods, but their president is going to die no matter what. His scum needs to be cleaned off because that guy is sounding like a certain bitch from DC using this kind of method like creating the suicide squad.

That was when I heard Hinata speak to us softly and quietly as she nudges her head towards the window side as she has her [Byakuan] with the veins popping out, "Tatsumi, Ruby… the three have just arrived at the Yakuza base with them investigating the garden…"

Nodding at this we all sat up except for Saeko as she places her elbow on the table while spoon-feeding Eri as she enjoys the ice cream as she talked to us while handing us the flip phone with video evidence, "Alright you dangerous kids make sure to play nice with your friends. And also, this video should do the trick spent some time to get it ready but whatever happens just happens."

That was our cue to leave but not before Saeko hugs Eri as she hugged her back and she talked to Ruby with a kind smile, "Don't worry guys I'll be sure to take care of Eri while you're away. Isn't that right Eri?"

Eri nodded cutely at that making Ruby cry out tears from her eyes anime fashion as Saeko cemented herself being Eri's favorite. Damn Saeko doesn't pull any punches on Ruby being Eri's favorite.

We all nodded at that as if Rumi joins us or not with the video and rescuing Lady Nagant would be hard enough considering their fighting style. Lady Nagant might be even stronger than her canon self.

Well, only one way to find out and that is by introducing ourselves time to get the quest done so we can enjoy ourselves here.

Now, who gets the chance to join the Group Chat?

Bunny waifu or Assassin waifu?

Mirko or Lady Nagant?

Jovami6729creators' thoughts
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