
Chapter 37: My Hero Academia

~Third POV~

With that, every one of the Group Chat began to prepare for what was about to happen to them once they agree to the quest as they all pack their belongings together. They made sure to bring in their gold to exchange it in their world as Ruby worried about the currency as she wasted all of hers.

Tatsumi made sure to leave them what he knew about the My Hero Academia without missing any important detail just what to expect and superpowers being very far out there for time and element powers, so they get the bigger picture.

Tatsumi may want to hide his identity but he won't leave them out the general information they need but since they are going blind, he only explained the general idea before they formulate a plan.

Everyone nodded at this as they took this chance to properly set up for their quest at hand.

Saeko this time was more than prepared as she bought some protective military gear as she goes over the phone call over to her phone, "Thank you again for the equipment, Mochizuki. I know this must have been difficult for you to obtain these gears, sir."

At the other end was Saeko's new supplier from a head of a hospital chairman as he laughed lightly as he responds to Saeko, "No dear the info you provided me about those human smugglers was inside Japan made you more than enough to earn our trust. Especially since you started volunteering with us to help with… our other side of the business."

Saeko laughed at that ever since she learned that she wanted to form a team she needed to form connections with people who would understand her. She did look through the classmate's background info and found some that were useful.

But that was when she was caught up with an incident that she didn't tell her members about her almost getting kidnapped by some human traffickers, but they were soon got extremely injured to the point they were in a coma thanks to her stand [Silver Chariot].

By then she saw a duo riding a motorcycle with guns thought to attack her but that was when they looked surprised at Saeko as she began to follow them. However, wanting to keep her cover she managed to get to see the person was a motorcycle.

Using that she used the group chat shop feature to get the information needed and found out it belonged to a General Hospital. Once she saw that she decided to see them in action by acting to volunteer but was once caught in their acts.

That was when she saw some scum actively trying to get her and see how the people reacted with their guns as the scum grabbed her but was soon cut apart bringing out her katana killing the guy as she smiley speaks to the two members of the Black Label Organization.

After that incident, she has been involved with their activities in her spare time when volunteering and got connections with them for military weaponry.

A smile escaped her as she began to wear a bandana to cover her face as she spoke to herself in a positive tone with her family sword, "Ok unlike before I was ill-prepared, but now I have connections to better gear. I hope the other members wouldn't get too shocked with how my life is going. Best to wear this bandana to keep my face hidden."

As Saeko was busy dealing with her issues everyone else began to prepare for their usage as Ruby packs some of her Dust and looked at the Devil Fruit she has gotten from Tatsumi frowning.

When he traded the devil fruit for her reward at first, she didn't think much about it until she wasted some of her points on the research notes to soon frown at the materials she can't use as she couldn't buy.

The material she lacked was Sea Stone and that wasn't something cheap to get from the shop feature to get so she was stuck having the fruit in a treasure chest hidden beneath the cookies that she didn't spend the rest of her gold on.

Although in retrospect maybe she would've saved some for something like this to happen as she just sighs holding the Hard-Hard fruit, "Sigh… damn even with the research notes I basically can't fuse it with [Crescent Rose] damn it. At least though maybe I should keep this hidden for now not like – "

That was when she was jumped scared by Yang popping up from behind her with a hug causing Ruby to let the fruit into her mouth as her eyes widen at this, "Hey Ruby how ya doing little sis you Yanging a time!"



With Yang smacking her sister's back Ruby comedically accidentally ate the Hard-Hard Fruit as she swallowed the whole thing in her mouth as she flashed with concern eating the fruit.

Then those concerns made her face turn all green as Yang noticed what was wrong with her sister as she looked concerned, "Whoa Ruby is – "



Before Yang could finish her sentence though Ruby quickly ran through the house using [Petal Burst] to go to the bathroom barfing out her stomach of how bad the Devil Fruit tasted like a small part of her spirit left her soul anime fashion, "Blarg! Why would there be something this awful happening to me! I swear I never swallowed anything this disgusting in my life oh no here comes… BLARG!!"

Ruby was having her stomach release her lunch after tasting the worst taste imaginable from accidentally eating the Hard-Hard Fruit.

Ruby was not having a good day.

Hinata and Tatsumi on the other hand were already prepared as Hinata has all her Ninja weapons at the ready while wearing her ninja uniform at the same time.

Tatsumi already purchased a new sword and spear since he needed them for the job at hand since the bandit ones aren't well kept to his standards.

With that, all the chat members reconvene with each other, and all nod to meet up and discuss with each other while wearing masks to keep their identities a secret for the time being unaware of what kind of situation, they will be thrown into…

The world known as My Hero Academia world is based on a superhuman society of quirk supremacist and quirkless people living together in a world similar to the real-world settings but has superpowers named quirks.

Only 80% of people can develop a quirk while 20% percent are quirkless with no powers at all. In this modern society people solely rely on heroes without much worry for the concerns of their own lives.

Whenever a crime occurs people tend to footage the fight between heroes and villains instead of running away for their safety not caring if they live or die as long as they get to view the screen in front of them at all times.

It's a dog-eat-and-dog world where weak people are picked on so long as they have been blessed with a powerful quirk. Those in power will always be the ones to determine what is 'right' and the losers will be the 'wrong' in this world.

For the ones that are in the weak group or not attending a hero school, they were often created by society to be labeled as villains with no place to go but to act of crimes. Or even times when no one will take notice of them possibly abandoned by family if the child quirk is deemed villainous.

The only way anyone can get strong in that world is either to be lucky to have a get good quirk or be quirkless and become a villain to get anywhere.

Suddenly inside an area where it was suddenly destroyed by a landslide as buildings were covered in dirt inside the area with dead trees around the area. Then somewhere suddenly four of the members of the chat group members materialized together.

Once they saw each other they were all stopped as they have seen a group of people of different features presents surprised them.

But the group of people in question didn't bother asking them as only one replied to them with a smirk across his stone face, "Yo you the recruits coming in late for the attack? Welcome then were about to attack in hopes of defeating All Might fellow villain and villainesses."

Hearing that Tatsumi's heart turned cold hearing that as he knew the setting they were in and looking around the landslide area he could only grow even more nervous knowing where they are at.

They were at the U.S.J. arc at the beginning of the story of My Hero Academia.

Tatsumi wasn't the only one surprised at this seeing a large number of villains in the area but so did Saeko, Hinata, and Ruby were surprised at the current situation.


Suddenly a black mist appeared out of nowhere dropping off two students wearing gym clothes uniform as Tatsumi eyes widen seeing it was a boy with red and white hair along with a scar, and a naked invisible girl seeing through her aura using his [Observation Haki] to find the invisible girl.

The other villains began to charge their way towards the group as Tatsumi responded using his [Construct] to create a dome surrounding the members as they catch his sudden worry on his face.

Hinata was the first to respond in worry seeing his worried expression with concern, "Tatsumi what's with the barrier – "


That was when suddenly a large ice-based attack was launched from the boy as he glares at the villains as everyone but the members were attacked from the sudden attack of ice. The ice attack was from the boy Shoto Todoroki with his quirk [Half-Cold Half-Hot].

[Half-Cold Half-Hot] allows the user to generate ice, frost, and cold from the right side of their body and fire, flames, and heat from the left. However, the user is unable to manipulate either element that comes from an external source; they can only create them from their body.

[Half-Cold Half-Hot's] power is perfectly divided between the right and left sides of the user's body. This gives the user two powerful, separate methods of combat that they may use regardless of the other.


[Due to actions outside your control, you have been labeled as villains as such change of objective accordingly. As such you are locked in as Villains for this Quest.]

[Quest 1: Pick a side are you a hero or villain? (Villain).]

[Quest 2: Defeat/Kill at least 5 of the Top 10 Pro Ranking Heroes.]

[Quest 3: Invite one person.]

[Participant: Everyone in the group chat.]

[Rewards: 25,000 points, the Trade feature to be unlocked, and one random reward.]

[System Note: The time in the original world will be stopped when everyone is going to the quest.]

[Countdown: There are none.]

But to the horror of the members, their quest changed because of that one act as their choice of being a hero was locked out now. But for now, though they have their attention turned to the Zuko-looking copy motherfucker.

Shoto just glares at the group chat members as he responds coldly to them, "Tch, you villains are hard to defeat as bugs. You're just a steppingstone for my way to becoming a Pro Hero."

The Group Chat members but mostly Ruby and Tatsumi were pissed off they lost the opportunity to become heroes because of this guy for different reasons.

Tatsumi hates Shoto for screwing up his opportunity to join the heroes' side for the benefits and for Ruby a once and a lifetime chance to become an actual hero all lost to an arrogant overconfident bastard in front of them decided to attack them.

The members weren't having a good start to their quest this day.


A/N: Hello and thank you people for your opinion of the voting chapter as I got to hear your opinions of what should I do about reincarnation to the other members. I finally decided I'll let the MC reveal it to people who that he can truly trust.

Examples of this are like for his lovers or actual close friends I'll make it those exceptions only as the other members aren't aware of his actual past life.

Thankfully though he can make a cover for it from his old world Earth in the shop function to keep up the charade as he is already deep in the rabbit hole as some people already mentioned the cons.

Or lie about it with the manga in his world or bought from the shop but I'll make that exception only with actual close friends or lovers but that won't be for a while so please bear it in mind.

Also, I made two small changes to the original plotline of the MHA canon that you'll find out as you read the MHA arc.

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