
Chapter 37: Setup


I scream, running for the elevator, and jamming the button. A freaking, wolf made of fire? Is that what Nelos is? I shake all over. The stairwell. I race to it, but the door won't open. I slap my hand against the metal. What the hell had I just seen?

"Help, let me out of here," I cry out.

"Shaye," Nelos' voice echoes behind me.

I spin, holding my hands out to ward him off. "Don't come any closer."

His dark eyes are pools of fire. This can't be Nelos. He couldn't be the one who shifted and certainly not into some fire wolf. And that dead man... I shudder. He was a blackened corpse.

"We need to talk," he growls.

I let out a hysterical laugh.

The elevator dings open and I run as hard as I can for it. Inside, I tap the close door button. "Come on, come on."

My heart is a jackhammer in my chest. The doors slowly start to close, but Nelos stops them with his body. I claw at his hand as he latches onto my arm and hauls me back out into the hallway.

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