
Chapter Eleven: Couples Kareoke

The next day after everything had settled down a bit, Jeff went to his room to grab the new swords he got. "I actually haven't got to test you out have I" Jeff thinks to himself as he looks at the Nidai Kitetsu. Jirou then walks in on him picking the sword up and trying to put it on his holster with one arm. "Need help there?" Jirou said smugly as she watched Jeff. "Maybe,yes" Jeff says as she puts the sword on his holster. "What about that one" Jirou says as she points towards the Yubashiri "that was a gift for you,since there are no good swords shops around here and the ones that U.A makes aren't really swords" Jeff says as he walks up to Aizawa "hey can i test something,i want to test my sword here out on some of the robots,can you make that possible" Jeff asks. "Sure,I'll text Nezu so he can set them up," Aizawa said as 20 minutes later Aizawa led Jeff and Jirou down the training area. "perfect" Jeff says as Nezu walks out. "whenever you want to stop just say the word" Nezu says as they all sit back and watch as all the robots are released Jeff then takes out the Nidai Kitetsu and coats in in his gravity "Gravity Blade" Jeff says as he rushes towards the robots "target acquired,attack" The robots said as all of them started rushing at Jeff "this is new,normally when i use gravity blade my gravity sharpens the sword but its just glowing purple around the edges" Jeff thinks to himself as he looks at his sword. "Your all going down" Jeff yells as he begins to slice through each robot like butter,after slicing all the regular size robots he is then faced with a zero pointer robot "I've been waiting for a rematch against you" Jeff says as he then rushes full speed at the robot leaving a purple glow behind him "Gravity style: Gravity Blade Blitz" Jeff yells as he runs  up the robot slicing it as he reaches the top. He jumps into the air and then turns himself around so he faces the head of the robot   and then uses his gravity to launch himself downward as he flips the sword to the pointed edge and slices the zero pointer down the middle. He then lands on the ground as the swords slices into the floor "huff,huff,i still got it" Jeff says to himself as he deactivates gravity blade and sheaths the sword "Jirou then brings a face towel to him as Nezu stops the robots from coming out again "Well done Jeff,i think you might have broken a record,that might have been the fastest someone has destroyed a zero pointer" Nezu says as leaves them to Aizawa. "Great Job babe,you absolutely killed it out there,hey,i've been thinking about what Xero said a few days back,so i think i'm ready to take our relationship to the next level" Jirou says to Jeff as he wipes his face. "Oh. Well if you feel your ready then i'm most definitely ready" Jeff says as he winks at Jirou "OKAY,that's all i need to hear" Aizawa said loudly to let him know that he's right behind them "I'll be heading back now,you know where the dorms are so come back before dark" Aizawa said as he began to walk away around 20 minutes later while Jeff was in the shower Jirou walked in the same bathroom. "Guess who?" She said as Jeff nearly slipped when he heard her voice as he covered up.  "geez,next time tell me when you're going to just pop in like" Jeff says as he finishes showering. "Can you pass me that towel?" Jeff asks as Jirou looks at the towel and throws it on the ground. "Oops,looks like you'll have to come and get it" Jioru says as she watches what Jeff does next. "Fine,if that's what you want" Jeff says as he uses his gravity to make the steam blind her vision. "I'll be taking this" Jeff says as he grabs the towel and wraps himself "Door's gonna be unlocked if you really want to do this" Jeff says as Jirou follows him to his room. We then cut to Xero as he stands outside Jeff's room and says "I think we all know what happens next" Xero says teasing Jeff who uses his gravity to sling him down the hall. Twenty minutes later Jeff walks out of his room as Xero teases him. "Soo, you finally tied the knot" Xero says as Jeff flips him off and walks into the kitchen to grab some juice. Later at night Jeff and Jirou walk off of the campus as they make plans to go on a couples night out. "You ready?" Jeff says as he picks up Jirou. "I'm never ready" Jioru says as Jeff flies her to a karaoke place where they find Xero, Momo, Roger, Hagakure, Izuku And Ochako.  "Looks like the gangs all here" Xero says as he sees them. "Let's go. I already got a song in mind," said Roger. "What song?" asked Jirou. "'Chop Suey' by System Of A Down. It's one of Jeff's favorite songs," said Roger. "Let's go then," said Jeff excitedly. "Also Jeff, you got me liking the song too," said Roger. "Really?" asked Jeff. "Yeah. I've been practicing on my drums at home," said Roger. "Wait a minute. You got drums?" asked Izuku. "Yeah. I forgot to mention that I'm a rapper. I also play the drums and the bass,'' said Roger. "As soon as we get home, I'ma need to see you play the bass and the drums," said Xero. "Bet," said Roger. When they walked in, they saw All Might there singing. "All Might?" said Momo. "Oh, Kids. Welcome," said All Might. "What you doing here?" asked Roger. "When I'm not saving the world, I work here," said All Might. "Oh," said everyone as they got started singing. "How about Roger go first?" asked Xero. "Bet. The laws of singing are set," said Roger as he begins the song. During Roger singing, Hagakure said, "He's good." "Yeah. Now that you are speaking of it, he does sound good," said Ochako. As Roger finished the song, "So?" Roger asked as Hagakure held up a ten with her hands,Xero held up a six,Jeff held up an eight,Jirou held up a five,and Izuku held up a six  and Momo held up a five. "Well if that is your final answers that puts me up to Forty points on the leaderboard" Roger says as Jeff walks up next. "i'll sing this song" Jeff says as the song "You rocked my world" by Michel Jackson appears on the screen. "Sorry if it's bad,i haven't sung in front of people yet so" Jeff says as he begins singing. "He's actually good." Xero says to the group. "Wow," Hagakure says. "I actually never heard him sing before" Jirou says. "My boy can sing?" Roger says. "I'm genuinely surprised" Izuku says as Jeff finishes the song. "Thoughts?" Jeff said waiting for his score Xero puts up an eight,Roger puts up a ten,Izuku puts up an 8,Hagakure puts up a nine, Momo puts up a seven and Jirou puts up a ten "Fifty-Three" Jeff says as he goes above roger on the leaderboard. "Your turn Xero" Jeff says as he hands Xero the Mic "I have just the song" Xero says as he puts in "Runaway Baby" by Bruno Mars. "Wooh" Jeff says as he cheers his friend on. "He sings really well. I just don't like the song though,it rubs me the wrong way" Momo says."That's my boy" Roger says while cheering Xero on. "Very nice," Hagakure says. "Impressive" Jirou says. "Wow, that's good," Izuku says as Xero finishes singing. "And my scores, my most fair judges" Xero says as They all hold up tens. "Seventy points it is" Xero says as he takes First place. "Your turn Ochako" Xero said as Ochako was stuffing her face. "Well then it's you then Izuku" Xero says as he passes the mic to him. "I'll sing this song" Izuku says as he types in "Count on me" by Bruno Mars. "This one specifically goes out not to all of you but all of my friends who were there for me when I needed them" Izuku says as begins singing. "Holy crap he's so wholesome" Xero says. "We definitely need to be a band now," Roger says. "He has to be the most innocent among the group by far," Jeff says. "Agreed" Momo says. "That's sweet," Jirou says as Ochako stops eating. "My baby can sing?" Ochako says. "Hey, pass me some of that sushi," Momo says.  "How was that?" Izuku says as they all hold up nines. "Fifty-Four" Izuku says as he then passes the mic to Momo. "I think this one is perfect" Momo says as she types in "P.Y.T" by Michal Jackson. "She's singing to you," Roger says. "Since when did she wear the pants Xero" Jeff says, "teasing" him. "Sing it girl" The rest of the girls say. "Nice," Izuku says. "Go babe" Xero says while his entire face is buried in his hands out of embarrassment. "How was that one Xero?" Momo says with a smug look on her face as he holds up a ten,as the rest of them hold up eights. "Fifty-Eight" She says as she passes the mic to Jirou. "Show these boys who's boss" Momo says as Jirou walks to the TV.  "This is perfect,especially for you,imma embarrass you" Jirou says as she points at Jeff. Jirou then picks "What you won't do for love" by Bobby Caldwell. "Go Jirou," said Momo. "You go girl," said Hagakure. "Let's go Jirou," Ochako said. "Aye yo," said Roger. "She's good," said Jeff. "Yeah," said Xero. "My goodness, she's good," said Izuku. "Okay. I'm done. How'd I do?" asked Jirou as everyone put up a 9. "Sixty-Three. Nice," said Jirou as she passed the mic to Hagakure. "Roger, this for you," said Hagakure as she put on "Thank You" by Dido. "Get it," said Momo. "You got this," said Jirou. "Yeah girl," said Ochako. "Yeah," said Xero. "Woo!" Jirou says as she cheers Hagakure on along with the rest of the girls as Hagaure walks over to Roger while singing. "Oh,goodness" Roger thinks as she gets on one knee in front of him. "Oooh" All the boys except Roger say to Hagakure. "What would you say my score would be?" Hagakure says as she sits on Roger's lap. They all hold up ten as she ties with Xero for first. "Sixty points" Hagakure says as she then hands the mic to Ochako. "This song will do," Ochako says as she picks "Fly Me To The Moon" by Frank Sinatra. Ochako begins to sing as Izuku begins to blush hard. "Ooh,Got something to say loverboy" Jirou says as she teases him. "Uuhhh," said Izuku. "Do it, Izuku," said Jeff. "You got this," said Roger. "Okay. Okay. I'll do it. Ochako, I, uh, I love you," said Izuku. "I love you too," said Ochako.  As she finished singing "Tens across the board" Ochako says as she gets just that, tying her up with Xero and Momo. "Alright, here's your bill" One of the waiters said. "Thank you," said Xero. "Man. That was fun. Everyone's voice was awesome," said Jeff. "Yeah. That was fun. I want to do this again one day," said Jirou. "Okay. Man. I'm beat. I'ma go over my brothers," said Roger as he transforms into HawkGatling. "Good night," said Hagakure. "Good Night," everyone said as they went home. At his house, James, Roger's brother, got a call from Roger. "Hey man. What's up," said James. "Hey. I'm on my way over there. Unlock the door please," said Roger. "Alright," said James as he opened the door for Roger and Hagakure. "Hey man. How are you?" asked Roger. "Good. And who's this?" asked James. "This is Toru Hagakure, my girlfriend. Toru, this is my brother, James," said Roger. "Nice to meet you," said James. "You too," said Hagakure. "Is it okay if we can spend the night?" asked Roger. "Yeah, sure. Come on in," said James. 

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