
Chapter Two: War Casualties

WhiteBeard clutches his stomach as he uses his Bisento to prop himself upward as Marco noticed this and flew over there as fast as he could to try and heal WhiteBeard. "No,no,no,no, you can't die on us,please c'mon," Marco says as he begins to try and heal WhiteBeard. "I think i'm beyond your healing capabilities Marco" WhiteBeard says as he coughs up blood. "I just need to get to BlackBeard, he's been causing a ruckus in the seas lately, so i need to talk with him before i die, can you do that for me Marco" WhiteBeard asked weakly. "It would be an honor sir" Marco said as he grabbed him and flew him over to where BlackBeard was.  "BlackBeard. Come here really quick," said WhiteBeard. "What happened?" asked BlackBeard. "They shot him with a cannonball,and he's beyond my healing capabilities, but he said he needed to talk with you,so whatever you are going to talk about, make it fast," Marco said as he flew off towards a group of marines. "BlackBeard, Why have you been causing a ruckus,you know an old man like me gets worried when his son is doing something stupid" WhiteBeard says as he's clutching his stomach as he gasps for air. "Sorry pops but if i'm going to be the next pirate king,then i'm going to need to cause a ruckus,speaking of which, I know what your quirk can do,The Gura Gura is a powerful quirk that has enough power to shake the entire world,cause massive tsunamis,and earthquakes,and having someone like you even breathing threatens my plans greatly" BlackBeard says as he yells for his crew "Boys Bring out the Tarp" BlackBeard shouts as his crew throws a black tarp over him and WhiteBeard "What even are your plans,Why are you doing this" WhiteBeard says as he's too injured to fight back. "You'll see what my plans are when you watch from heaven old man,as you already know my quirk is the Yami Yami (Yami means darkness in japanese) so if you put someone with a quirk like that in complete darkness," Blackbeard says as his body begins to turn into darkness "And you get the deadliest quirk to ever exist" BlackBeards says as he plunges his fist through WhiteBeard's chest. "Gah,heh,killed by the hands of my own son,who would've thought" Whitebeard says as he musters the last of his strength to create a shockwave with his quirk. "If i'm going down then i'll take the entire island with me,MARCO,TAKE THE CREW AND GET ON THE SHIP,YOU TOO ACE" WhiteBeard yells as he throws his Yonko cape to Marco. "YOU'LL BE THE NEXT CAPTAIN IN MY PLACE,JUST GET OUT OF HERE" White beard yells as everyone starts evacuating the island. Jeff here's this as he starts trying to evacuate while Roger instead of fighting or Evacuating is having a conversation with Admiral Akinu "I didn't even ask to be here in the first place,it was only because Ace needed more men on his crew and we needed to learn haki,if i'm being a hundred percent honest with you sir I kind of despise the way they do things from what i've seen,the senseless slaughter that was displayed here is abysmal and I hate the fact that i was any part of it" Roger says to Akinu who puts his hand on his shoulder. "I'm truly sorry that you had to witness any of this bloodshed today boy, people your age should be in school learning the essentials of how to live a daily and respectable life" Akinu says as he spots Ace,Jeff and Marco escaping. "Not on my watch,I won't let you pirate scum get away after everything you did here,you will die today by my hands'' Akinu says as he launches himself full speed at Jeff "Shit,i'm nowhere near fast enough to dodge his attack,this is how I die'' Jeff thinks to himself as Akinu's magma & Haki covered fist is inches from  his face when Ace pushes him out of the way taking the fist straight through the chest. "Gahh,well this sucks' ' Ace says as the blood from the injury gets on Jeff's face. "A-ACE" Jeff shouts as they hear a rumble from the island "d-don't worry about me anymore i-i won't last too long anymore but promise me this,you'll take my place as Yonko and take over the Ace pirates,a-and lastly keep my lil bro safe" Ace says as Akinu rips his hand from his chest making ace fall into Jeff's arms. Tears welled up in Jeff's eyes as his eyes gained a green outline around them as his armament Haki Activates a black and purple electricity crackle from his haki coated arms. "How Dare YOU" Jeff yells as he uses his quirk to launch Akainu away. "VOID STYLE: REVERSE SINGULARITY '' Jeff Yelled as he threw it at Akainu but before it could connect Smoker grabbed him and flew onto one of the remaining ships. "We don't got time for that" Smoker said with two cigars in his mouth Jeff wiped his tears as he grabbed Ace as he got on the ship As Marco noticed roger in the distance with a Marine admirals cape and flew over grabbing him and putting him on the ship as they got on the ship the island began to crack apart and sink into the ocean as the Battle of MarineFord ended. "He wanted me to take over as Yonko, '' Jeff said to himself, crying his eyes out. "He would want you to have this then" Marco said to Jeff as he took the black cape off of Ace and put it on Jeff. The crew all came around to see Ace's dead body as they all screamed in horror. "Our captain is dead,what are we going to do,are we even a crew any more?" The crew shouted as Jeff used his conqueror's Haki to put them all to sleep "ENOUGH" Jeff shouted as a purple wave of haki flew over the entire ship putting everyone except Marco and Roger to sleep. "I'm so tired," Jeff said softly as he began to walk to his room when Roger said something that caught his attention. "He put himself in this situation to begin with,we never should have been here,we let him talk us into this and now him and WhiteBeard are dead,if you ask me i'd say that he deserved this" Roger said as Jeff infuriated at this comment punches him in the face. "HOW,how could you say that?! After everything he did for us,he taught us everything he knew and them some, he didn't deserve to die to a corrupt marine who only cares about getting the job done to the extent that he'd kill a kid if it meant a shiny medal" Jeff shouted at Roger as Roger balled up his fist and punched Jeff in the nose with a haki infused fist breaking his nose. "He wasn't corrupt you IDIOT,he showed and explained to me everything the pirates were doing,they destroyed and desecrated an entire island,Fought and killed innocent Marines who were just doing their job,looted islands and worst of all betrayed their own kind over some petty title" Roger shouted back at Jeff. "ENOUGH BOTH OF YOU. look at yourselves,arguing like this,throwing punches at each other,you used to be so close,what wrong with you two" Marco shouted at the both of them as he healed Jeff. "I'll tell you what's wrong,it's the fact that he's an ingrate,and doesn't appreciate Ace's sacrifice" Jeff said as he packed all the stuff from his room and put it in the captain's room. "I don't even know you anymore. you're not the Roger i grew up with" Jeff said as he went up to the captain's room and shut the door.  Roger does the same as he walks into his room and slams the door shut. 

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