
Chapter Six: Final Part; Xero V.s All

The scene goes to the group who was chosen to fight Xero. It was Kirishima, Maddix, Momo, Jirou, Tsu, Hagakure, Tokoyami, Aoyama, Jeff, 

They reached the stage and it was a city-like stage which was perfect for Maddix. He could smell the energy in that place. They all saw Xero on top of a building in front of them. "This will not count towards your scores but all of you must survive 25 minutes battling me. The winners who actually participate and don't just go off and hide will get an additional reward based on participation. You can use whatever means to fight me as the rules of the Exams don't count now. Begin!" he said as he flew off. Just then the group tried to split up and get Xero but they saw Maddix just standing there. "You alright Maddix?" Jeff asked. They got closer to see what was happening and they failed to notice that the clouds were forming and getting really dark. Maddix's eyes started to glow blue and there was thunder heard. Maddix Howled and in doing so he made the air full of energy and it made his team feel a slight shock as their hair started to stand up. Then lightning struck and hit Momo, Jirou, Tsu, Hagakure, Tokoyami, Aoyama and Jeff. Maddix didn't seem to notice as he was looking at Xero. Unknown to anyone this is because of his wolf instinct as he wants to get his prey no matter what and he is not used to working with people so he was not worried about collateral damage when using his technique. His technique was that he charges the air around him with energy and absorbs lightning to increase his range and power temporarily. He started fighting Xero by shooting him with lightning. Xero blocked it with a rubber shield as it was known to block electrical energy. Then the air around Maddix changed and he suddenly got hotter. He shot some kind of beam at Xero. His shield melted and his entire arm got super hot. "Aww, Puppy found a laser pointer?" Xero Taunted while cooling his arm as fast as it heated up. Maddix got pissed and made two pistols, one that is yellow and made from solar energy and one that is blue made from lightning energy. "Be careful Maddix…you might hit your frog bitch (Uses a telekinesis quirk to tell everyone he said that just to make maddix mad)." said Xero. "HOW DARE YOU!?" yelled Maddix as loud as Present Mic. Suddenly a mist covers the battlefield. An energy portal starts to appear and Xero looks in amazement at who it is that excites him . "You must be Reaper!" exclaimed Xero in excitement. Reaper grunts while looking at Xero. "So you're the puppy's counterpart. Hearing this Reaper dash attacks Xero with his fist fused with all the energy types. "I needed a challenge and that…Dog wasn't gonna do.." taunted Xero just before getting Impaled in the chest by Reaper's fist. Then in a low gravelly voice Reaper said, "Die…". Reaper pulled his fist out of Xero's chest and Xero dropped to the ground making Reaper think Xero was dead. Xero opened his eyes and looked in Reaper's direction as he got up. "Wow, that was the only time someone has drawn blood from me other than someone else but i won't go into detail with you." said Xero. "HM!?" exclaimed Reaper as he saw Xero's wound gone and his clothes fixed and clean. Xero then kept taunting Reaper by insulting Tsu and Maddix. (Again only to test the extent of power). Xero had finally used the last straw. Reaper then went on a rampage and tried killing Xero. As Reaper went for one final attack, he missed and it hit Momo who was already unconscious. Reaper's eyes filled with hate then filled with sorrow as he did what he had once vowed to never do requested by Maddix long ago. Xero looks at Reaper and asks, "Why did you stop?". Xero sees that Reaper is looking behind Xero in the distance. Xero looks where Reaper was and spotted what he was exactly looking at. Xero's senses shut off as he walked over to where Momo was lying unconscious and heavily injured. He goes to his knees right next to her and sets her top half on his legs and lets her legs lay straight. Xero then Created an exact double. Xero's double then takes the place of the original holding Momo. Xero then turns around and looks at Reaper over in the distance with eyes seeking blood. "It's one thing to insult someone's love interest and not mean it…but to actually hurt the person's love interest is another. Xero slowly walks to Reaper letting off a massive bloodlust aura, disabling Reapers movement. Reaper, terrified by this, closes his eyes. Xero's eyes turn a purple color with a strange symbol inside instead of a normal pupil. Xero stops in front of Reaper, looking down upon him he says, "Look at me bitch…". Reaper looks up and sees he's in what seems to be a box chained to a wall. But in reality he is still sitting on the ground in fear. Xero makes him relive all of his suffering from the past and then stops. "I think that is enough for you for now. Bring Maddix back…" said Xero. Reaper then made a small mist portal and he disappeared through with Maddix now being the one on the floor. Maddix quickly got up and started throwing energy punches at Xero but they were just passing through him. Xero then getting in a better mood takes a big bell  from a bell tower and slams it onto Maddix's head. Xero then creates a rubber chicken hammer and hits the bell while it's still on maddix's head.-Insert Taco Bell Sound-. Maddix flew into the building where the people he shocked were taken by Kirishima, Shoto, and Mineta, Roger, Katsuki, Izuku, Mina and Shinsou. The rest of the team who were not injured went out to fight. Xero then looked at the rest of the students and gave them a menacing glare,When he did this, the students that were standing in their fighting positions got scared but held their ground. Kirishima looked at Katsuki and Katsuki nodded. Xero, now curious, just stood there. Kirishima who was behind Katsuki then ran full speed at Katsuki. Katsuki then grabbed Kirishima and threw him up in the air. Katsuki then flew above Kirishima who was still in the air and grabbed him while doing Howitzer Impact. Kirishima was held by his legs and torso and went unbreakable. They were aimed directly at Xero but when the attack hit to their surprise it went straight through him without leaving a mark but left a massive shattered crater on the ground. Xero then got bored because it was taking too long and they had already passed 20 minutes ago. And decided to knock everyone but Maddix and declare that they had passed. Xero then found Maddix where he had thrown him and approached. "...How are they.." asked Xero. "They seem to be in critical condition. If I don't do something then they may die…" replied Maddix. "Do something then. Stop talking to me and do something!" Xero said. Maddix decided to heal them but it was going too slow. He took out six vials and prepared to inject them with it. The vials contained an awakening drug that can heal a person and cause them to awaken.  He was used to make it but he decided their lives were more important than his pride. He injected the first vial into Momo due to her more critical state from Reaper's attack. He then injected the second vial into Tsu. He used his energy eyes to see how it would react. He forgot that his energy was inside them so he was scared for a moment but he saw the energy of the drug coil around his energy and actually made the effect instant. He checked Tsu's and Momo's cores and they were changing for the better. Maddix did the same to all of them. Xero then picked them up and took them to Recovery Girl's office while holding Momo bridal style. After Xero had left Maddix felt that something was off, he finally realized what it was when he saw Xero carrying everyone but one person. Maddix looked around him to see if they were still there with him and realized Jeffery was gone.

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