
Chapter Six: Part Three; Momo & Ojiro V.s Cementoss

The next round started with Momo and Ojiro. They made their way out onto their assigned battlegrounds and started to form a plan. "Ok, so we don't know who we're going up against so we need to be vigilant." said Momo as she sees Cementoss making his way across the giant lake. Ojiro was about to say something but was cut off by Momo. "We need to get somewhere where there aren't any buildings!" said Momo while dragging Ojiro towards a forest where the lake continues into. As Cementoss is barreling towards them Momo makes an Invisibility cloak and covers both her and Ojiro with it. Cementoss eventually passes them. "What's a good weakness against cement?" whispered Ojiro. "Well we need to find a way to decrease the amount of cement he has," said Momo. "How do we do that?" asked Ojiro. "If we can get him back in the water then we can make his cement really wet. Do you know what happens to cement when it gets really wet?" asked Momo. "no?" replied Ojiro. "When it gets to a certain point of moisture before being hardened it is not able to stick to itself and cant maintain structure, therefore if it were to harden it would be extremely brittle." explained Momo. "Hm, well could you make me a small machine that I can use to travel in water faster? " asked Ojiro. "Yeah, I'll get to it now," said Momo. As she was doing so Ojiro snuck out of the cloak to find where Cementoss had gone. Momo turned around and as she was about to say something she noticed that Ojiro was gone. She picked up the machine and with the cloak still on she made her way over to the lake and walked in the water flipping a switch to turn on the machine. It came on with a soft hum. She used it to make her way further out into the water and then created a siren that caught Cementoss's attention. Cementoss then made his way out to Momo and tried to capture her by grabbing her with the cement and hardening it. But to his surprise Momo broke out of it very easily. Momo then jumped on top of the machine and slightly tilted it forward and accelerated it towards Cementoss as he was starting to sink due to lack of cement. She then jumped off of the machine as it crashed into Cementoss's head knocking him out cold. Ojiro suddenly came out of the forest looking beaten up and gave a slight smile knowing that they won. Momo then made her way out of the water making a winch to pull Cementoss out of the water. Momo and Ojiro made their way back to the viewing room with smiles on their faces and when they walked in Nezu approached Momo. "Hello! Congratulations on your victory! Take this and follow me, it means you'll be going to the final match! And here's the refreshment area where you can prepare for the final round!" explained Nezu. "Thank you very much Nezu!" exclaimed Momo while staring at everything in excitement. Just before the next match started Momo saw Xero sitting on the couch in the refreshment area. She walked over to him and sat down just a couple feet away. "Congratulations Momo. I knew you could do it.." said Xero while not even looking at her. Momo perked up in surprise. "T-thank you.." replied Momo. 

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