

As Allen stepped inside his mansion, Allen couldn't help to smile. He couldn't wait to see Ellen's reaction to the news that she could finally live with him and not have to worry about her illness anymore.

As he turned the corner, he caught sight of a young girl with long silver hair facing away from him.

*Sniff* The girl's body tensed up as she caught a whiff of Allen's scent. Without warning, she charged at him, summoning sharp ice claws over her hands.

*Clank* Taken aback by the sudden attack, Allen drew his sword just in time to block her strike. "Who are yo--?" Before he could finish his question, the young girl growled and jumped backwards, landing with her four extremities and preparing to attack again with all her body tensed.

'It seems like an enemy,' Allen thought, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the girl, especially her sharp, deep golden eyes filled with rage and hate. 'I'll need to beat her before asking who she is. And if she's done something to Ellen...' His killing intent flared as he readied himself for battle.

But just as quickly as the rage appeared over the girl, it disappeared, replaced by doubt. The girl blinked in surprise and looked attentively at Allen from up to down, then she prostrated herself on the ground in dogeza. "I am extremely sorry, master!"

"Master?" Allen asked confused about the situation, still wary and not letting go of his sword. However, he was able to clearly see the girl now. She had long silver-white hair, a pair of beautiful golden eyes and a pair of characteristic animal's ears and a long and wide white tail with black spots. She was wearing a black and white maid-like uniform with a long skirt.

"I will accept any punishment! I cannot be pardoned for the audacity of attacking master! How can I confuse master as an intruder when he is so similar to mistress..." The girl started blabbing at full speed.

"To start calm down. For start tell me who you are and what are you doing here?" Allen asked still pointing with his sword.

"Of course, master." The girl stood up "Sorry for not presenting myself." She made a vow, lowering her body and lifting a little her skirt "I am Dania. At your service" She said humbly "I am working in the mansion as a maid, mistress Ellen having taken me under her care."

"It's that so...?" Allen said thoughtfully and sheathed his sword. Thinking about, it was true that he talked with Alina to have some servants, so it could be one of them. It was most probable that finding an aggressor just as he came. "Were you hired by Alina?"

"No, master. Mistress Ellen was the one to hire me" Dania explained "Actually, I am living in the mansion with my little brother. We are the only servants in the mansion, so if you see him, please be merciful. He is quite young and timid."

'It seems to me too much work for a pair of teenagers' Allen frowned as he analyzed Dania 'Could she be trusted? Having interns would open our secrets to them. I don't know if I can trust Ellen in her decision.'

"Where is Ellen? Is she outside?" Allen decided first to meet his sister, wanting to spend time with her after these years without seeing her. There will be time to ask her about Dania later.

Dania made a worried face "She's at the mansion, but she is busy. She did not expect your return or I am sure that she would have prepared..." She quickly reacted "But it should not be important! I'll inform her right now! Please, let me guide you to a resting room."

Dania a little hurriedly started guiding over the mansion. Seeing Dania's back, Allen couldn't help to focus on her swinging tail and at the bow at the back of her uniform where a Cryo Vision was imbued in it.

'So she must be from some half-beast specie and a Vision user' Allen was really doubting Dania, not lowering his attention. With their clash, Allen had been somewhat able to test her strength and was more than enough to have quite a high rank in the army. 'Why choose to be a maid, then?'

"Wait a minute here. I will summon Ellen immediately" Dania left Allen over a big living room with two sofas and a table, plus a billiard.

Allen sat on one of the sofas and closed his eyes, focusing on his hearing. He could hear Dania's quick steps as she ran over the halls at an immense speed, with long and quite silent steps.

'She is in quite the hurry...' Allen thought as he tried to follow her steps 'I can't listen Ellen, but I suppose that's the limit without using my Delusion. Moreover...' Allen opened his eyes and turned over the door.

*Pa* *Pa* Just as Allen turned over the door, someone knocked on it. "Can I pass?"


Following Allen's acceptance, the door opened, a young boy entered the room.

"Excuse me, master" The boy bowed his head. Looking at him, it was clear that he should be Dania's brother, having the same complexion and racial characteristics. He was wearing a butler uniform and brought some tea with him. "I-I'm Viktor! I'm Dania's little brother and Ellen's butler!" He declared nervously.

"Nice to meet you, Viktor"

"Hi!" Viktor served the tea and quickly retired while lowering his head a little too much, almost hitting some furniture in his way out.

'He seems quite innocent and harmless' Allen took the cup and sniffed it over, before letting it go 'I'll really need to ask Ellen about them'

*Pam!* "BROTHER!" Ellen opened widely the door and charged inside, launching towards Allen.

"Ellen!" Allen caught her in his arms, hugging her tightly "You have grown so much! You are becoming a little woman" Allen smiled brightly, all his thoughts completely disappearing as he focused on Ellen, all his doubts being thrown away in favor of her.

"Hehe" Ellen smiled with a blush "You have also grown bigger. Brother is very handsome!"

"Ellen!" Both hugged again and quickly started talking about how they had been during all this time and their experiences. Allen explaining his adventures at Mondstadt while Ellen tried to calm down Allen's worrying, making sure that nothing wrong happened and that there was no need to worry, that she had been living fine these years, getting used to the new luxury.

"I meet Dania and Viktor over the slums" Ellen explained.

"Ellen... You shouldn't go there. It's dangerous" Allen reprimanded.

"Don't worry brother, I was protected by soldiers of Pantalone. I wanted to see our home there and if I could recover anything."

"Ellen, there's nothing more important than you. So please, don't put yourself in danger."

"I won't, brother" Ellen smiled "During the trip, I met them both, helped them and finally offered them to work for me" Ellen explained "Dania is strong and very competent and hard-working. She is able to take care of the mansion alone."

"I can see it" Allen nodded, everything being unpolluted. "But why someone like that would work as a maid?"

"She wanted to be with her brother and knew that if she tried to join the army, they will be a part" Ellen explained "I understand her" Ellen made a sad smile.

"Don't worry, Ellen" Allen patted her head "Some things really changed."

"Ellen, I found out about our true family "Allen finally turned serious "We are from a family of Mondstadt, the Lawrence, with our parents having died in a ship trip to Snezhnaya with us. The family name is not very important to us, but we have a big sister."

"A big sister?" Ellen whispered looking down.

"She is a knight of the city and she is very kind and strong. She might not have grown with us, but she really loved us, having suffered with our loss" Allen explained.

"Ellen, would you like to meet her?" Allen asked nervously. In the end, it was only a blood connexion, Ellen having never seen Eula before. If Ellen would negate, he was prepared to keep them away, respecting her decision.

"Brother" Ellen looked directly at Allen's eyes and smiled shyly "I'll like to meet our big sister."

"Perfect!" Allen smiled happily, taking a weight from his shoulders as he was really worried about it. "We will go to Mondstadt and meet her. I'm sure that you both would get along well."

"Wait a moment, brother" Ellen stopped Allen "Can I really leave Snezhanaya and go to Mondstadt?" Ellen asked nervously.

"Of course!" Allen puffed his chest "I promised that I will cure you and leave Snezhnaya together."

"Hehe" Ellen bloomed a big smile "I'll be able to stay and live with brother."

"I've obtained permission and a way to cure you, but..." Allen explained the strange commission given by the Tsaritsa to go to the previous capital.

"Let's go tomorrow!" Ellen beamed excitedly "I can't wait to have a trip with brother!"

"Okay, okay" Allen smiled "But let's prepare first a little, it could be dangerous."

"Hm!" Ellen nodded cutely before smiling brightly, thinking about going shopping with Allen.

After some light talk and laughs, both finally went to sleep, sleeping together in the main bedroom.

Next chapter