
(12)What now?

-1 week later-

Guan Chen sat elegantly in a private tea house room, sipping on tea. He was a bit roughly dressed and his hair was pinned up by a gold and silver hair pin. It was the same pin that had broken his shackles. In the past when they were lazing around he had asked Qiu Feng about it and Qiu Feng had lit up and said,

"This will serve as a reminder that you used your own strength to break free, and escape that horrible bastard! A perfect celebration gift of no longer being in a relationship!"

His laughter and wide smile flickered through Guan Chen's mind.

When Wing Liu rushed through the tea house and stormed up the steps to the private room eager to see Guan Chen and angry at the same time this was the scene he was met with.

Guan Chen sat elegantly with a straight back, a tea cup held in his hand gazing out the window with a incredibly soft expression. His whole face was soft and unguarded, he knew immediately that Guan Chen was thinking about someone.

It was a face he never got to see, even after he and Guan Chen became closer and closer Guan Chen had never completely put down his guard, after all he was general who was involved in the courts usurping. The two thought too much alike.

A low huff came from his throat and he hurriedly walked over to the table his eyes never leaving Guan Chen's face.

Finally he sat,loudly, his body excluded the need to overpower and claim the person before him.

But Guan Chen paid no attention to him, only his face had changed. From that soft unguarded look to his current cold and unsympathetic look. The look he had on when the two first met.

Impatient Wing Liu spoke,

"Guan Chen where we're you! I… i was worried when i couldn't find you."

His face had softened a bit but the anger was still their brimming under his face.

Guan Chen didn't move. He didn't want to meet that gaze that was full of possession and obsession. His gaze stayed outside but he spoke to Wing Liu,

"We both know what you have done. I am an assassin, something like that won't break me. Not to mention that i worked in a brothel before you found me."

"When i really had enough i left. My love for you has withered and disappeared completely. The only reason i came to find you was to tell you to stop sending guards after me. "

"Guan Chen! Listen to me! Just come back i'll do whatever you want! I don't care if you want to hurt me or chain me up to, just don't go!"

"Please just listen to me, it won't happen again. I promise, i- i'll give you anything. I love you. Just..come back."


This was his first love as well as the person who tortured him for 2 months in the name of love and fear.

"Wing Liu if you only told me what you felt, if you had truly seen me as an equal, if you had…trusted me. Then we wouldn't be here. We wouldn't be in this situation."

"I have better things to do. If you don't stop sending those guards after me posting my face around like a criminal…well i can't say what i'll do but it certainly won't be pretty."

Guan Chen stood and made his was to the door, the whole time he had not even acknowledged Wing Liu, with his back to Wing Liu who sat there frozen with a dark face he spoke his final sentence.

"My name is no longer Guan Chen either, it's Rou Lin. Wing Liu, we have no reason to see each other again, and the next time you make an attempt on me i'll will kill you."

He swiftly opened the door and before Wing Liu could say a word he disappeared.

"Chase him!Bring him back!"

But he was only met with silence. Running out into the hall he found several body lying unconscious on the ground.

"Damn it!"

His face dark Wing Liu headed back to the manor, trying to squash the unpleasant feeling building in the pit of his stomach. Was he truly wrong? If he just trusted him would any of this happened? And…could he even trust another person? His thoughts whirled and he face began to fall apart.

He stoped and gazed out the window a soulless look on his face. Guan Chen, was he wrong?

(Lol here's your villian redemption :) kinda-Jk he's a major jerk)

-Meanwhile with Qiu Feng-

The first day he had slept on the horse the second day he had stayed overnight in a hotel for the first time since coming to this world. He enjoyed a bath he drew himself and listened in on the gossip. It was just about the end of mid summer, and the weather had yet to cool down.

For the next 5 days he wandered the towns he passed through on his horse, eating here, sleeping their, listening in on gossip. On his last day he had used his handsome young face to coax a older woman to teach him about medicine. The whole event was rather spontaneous but he knew he needed a place to stay and something that would pay well. He was alone now.

Today was his first day and he couldn't deny he was excited. Before he realized the day had ended.

He had spent the whole day just rushing around and assisting the older woman, Madam Liu, with any costumers. Drawing water here, rolling bandages their.

He knew Chinese but wasn't very fluent in the language of this time. It was like a old version of Chinese so he could be considered half literate, and with the help of his memories he picked up reading and writing quickly.

The days passed much faster than he thought they would, but he felt like he was simply running from his problems. He knew he needed to have something to support himself, to stand on equal grounds with Guan Chen-or perhaps he should say

Rou Lin. The name haunted his dreams and he seemed to feel his shadow hanging over his mind when awake.

On one particular morning the front gate of the medical courtyard was being pounded on, because he could be considered the old woman's only apprentice he stayed in a small room to the side on the courtyard. So he could he considered the closest to the front doors.

Sleepily tugging his robe together he blearily went to the front door and was met with the sit of a bloody body, collapsed at the door.

Stunned he stood shocked. When the bloody smell overwhelmed his senses he bent down and quickly pulled the body up off the ground rushing inside the courtyard towards the room where they handled patients. By now he had almost a month plus of medical knowledge under his belt and was able to hand the situation.

As the only "free" doctor within a untold amount of miles many people came visiting for medicine or deal with bad wounds. Wealthy houses had their own doctors and medical experts but the public people could only pay "free" doctors for medical help.

Finally able to get a good look at the face he realized it was a woman, a good looking one at that. Finding no large gushing wounds on the woman he hesitated before finally taking the woman's robes off, he too was once a woman.

Finding a few deep wounds on her legs and side he was glad he took the robes off. The woman had hidden where her injuries were using her outer robe. Some water and medicine was applied and he bandaged the wounds as best he could to stop bleeding. Covering her in a blanket he moved quickly and awoke the old madam Liu, hurrying her towards the patients room.

When they arrived the woman was awake bundled up inside the whole blanket, warily staring at the door. Seeing the two people who looked mostly calm without weapons and wearing blue doctor robes she finally placed he fear down.

Next chapter