

That day Guan Chen had gone to town in the early morning and Qiu Feng had stayed behind. Bored Qiu Feng had decided he also wanted to go to town, and perhaps wander a bit. Lately they had been stocking up on rice and wood, drying out meat that Guan Chen had caught and preparing for winter.

This slow paced life was very different from what Qiu Feng was used too, it almost felt like a long vacation. He had put on more meat and had finally filled out his face and body some more. Barely passing as a sick young man rather than a starved one.

As he walked down the trail he felt a odd gut feeling that something was wrong. Turning he swiftly left the path and made his way to the village down a different quicker trail. Though he lived nearby to the town nobody knew where the mansion was, and even if some did they had long left. He still wanted to be carful, he didn't want anybody finding this hidden abode. The town below wasn't very lively and not many people were left. Thankfully this made trading and getting fresh food easier and they were very lucky and didn't have it hard.

As he approached the town he saw several men on horseback riding into town, panicked Qiu Feng wanted to swear.

'They appeared so fast! Damn! That bastard just doesn't give up! What, it's already been around 5 weeks and he still hasn't given up?!'

He hesitated but in the end he even had the guts to steal and rescue Guan Chen from that mans mansion so the few guards couldn't really intimidate him.

Running to the town he swiftly and smoothly ran between the trees and bushes, he had plenty of practice PKing going and up this mountain while he and Guan Chen hunted and looked for food and herbs. After arriving in the drab town he hid slightly in the shadows listening to a conversation. After some initial chatter he didn't quiet understand one of the men brought up the horse riders.

"I saw them carrying missing posters, they seemed awful serious, i wonder who it was…"

As the conversation took another turn Qiu Feng stoped listening and began to walk away. Suddenly his gut clenched and he felt a swish behind him, but it was too late to avoid. His whole body tensed but he couldn't move, a hand was placed on his shoulder. Stiffly he turned to look and his bad promotion came true.

The two guards were standing behind him their faces like stone.

"What do you want?"

Qiu Feng paused then asked a bit gruffly. Righting his body he turned and faced the two guards head on.

"Have you seen this man around at all?"

On asked holding up a portrait of a fairly handsome man, and it was almost a complete copy of Guan Chen's face. He bit his lip and tried to calm down,

"No, i haven't."

He glared a bit a the two and moved to release the hand clutching his arm.

"Qiu Feng! Qiu Feng!"

A excited voice drifted over. As of late Guan Chen had relaxed a whole lot and a bit of the childish Qiu Feng had rubbed off on him. In this moment though Qiu Feng really wanted to shut him up. But as soon as Guan Chen found him and the two made eye contact the panic and fear in Qiu Fengs eyes froze Guan Chen.

Turning back around to face the two men he set his mouth in a grim line.

"I'm leaving, i have to meet with my companion."

He spun on his heel and made to quickly leave. Unfortunately the moment he turned his back he heard a gruff command to 'grab him' and one of the man grabbed both his shoulders and kicked his knees out from underneath. Collapsing harshly he looked up only to see Guan Chen's worried face approaching. Panicked Qiu Feng spoke without thinking,

"Rou Lin! I'll be their soon! It'll just take a few seconds."

When he finished his words Guan Chen's face was dark. The word 'seconds' doesn't exist in this timeline, and only the two of them knew what it ment. It was a secret code that Qiu Feng had insisted on creating just in case of an emergency. But to these men it was just some odd dialect, and so they didn't pay much attention.

The two men quickly bound him and before he could say another word the back of his neck was hit, a clean knock out. Guan Chen didn't panic and instead moved quickly twords when he had seen Qui Feng.

'A sneak attack?!-'

He thoughts were caught off when he subconsciously blocked the blow that the guard had aimed at him. After a quick fight he realized that he didn't see Qiu Feng anywhere, subconsciously he turned and saw the second man, who had hidden, holding a knife against Qiu Fengs neck.

"You'll have to come with us, the lord has been looking for you. If you don't i won't hesitate to kill this man."

Guan Chen's leg faintly ached after that short fight, he wasn't quiet ready for a fight and was almost completely healed but his muscles had deteriorated and were weak. His fighting was unstable and weak. Not to mention that Qui Feng was unconscious and being threatened with a knife.

"Fine, give him back, and i'll go with you."The two men looked at each other before one step up and quickly bound Guan Chen's hands together.

"He's coming with us, no more questions."

Before Guan Chen could move to escape the man who had tied his hand struck his neck and he collapsed.

"We need to move quickly, the lord is very impatient if we don't get back soon…"

Both men shivered. When the lord had found his possession missing he lost it. His anger only grew when he heard the reports about the missing gold and weapon. After a thorough search they found nothing, the thief had came and went quietly, only he had helped Guan Chen escape. Or maybe that was what Guan Chen wanted him to think. In the end Guan Chen was gone.

Wing Liu was enraged and he almost didn't even leave with the messengers out of rage.

Oh course in the end he still went but not before leaving a mission for the guards to find his "lover" before he returned. But things didn't go as planned. Weeks went by without any news of leads.

He could only spread his men out further and further. Any time a guard returned empty handed he was severely punished, the lord had gone mad from anger.

Moving the two into a carriage and hooking it up to one of the men's horses they left swiftly. As the sky began to dim Qiu Fengs eyes suddenly opened. It had only been around 20 minutes they were still fairly close to the village. In fact he had woken up earlier but he was bound and could do nothing. Luckily he had escape room training and knew how to wiggle his wrists out of the knot.

Thankfully the ties were ropes and besides some red wrists he was able to move his arms more freely. His leg were unbound and beside some bruises he was fine. Staying as motionless as he could he moved his body to block the view of his hands. The wooden cart had a open top but since they both were laying down he had a large blind spot.

Reaching his now unbound hands over to Guan Chen he shook the other awake. When the two made eye contact he spoke urgently,

"Listen to me, it's only been a few minutes since we left, we still have a chance."

They looked at eachother and finally Guan Chen spoke, "This might continue to happen. If we don't deal with it…we're over, Qiu Feng listen to me, you helped me the first time and i really appreciate it, but you have to leave. I won't be able to protect you."

Qiu Feng gritted his teeth,

"Listen to me, i have no one else in this world besides you and that house where else do i have to go?Who else do i know? What skills do i have to be able to survive in this world? That house will be discovered sooner or later i'm done for when it happens."

His eyes were tearing up, his voice harsh,

"I'd rather go with you and suffer than be left all alone again. I don't want to be abandoned like that, please!"

He original was a modern woman, unused to this sudden merciless violence. Being caught in such a startling situation his repressed emotions that hadn't been fully settled burst. Coming to a whole new world knowing you weren't originally from there was very lonely. Although he did his best to be productive he couldn't stop the feelings of abandonment and loneliness that clung to him like a leech.

Unconsciously he had repressed all his bad emotions and invested his happy ones in Guan Chen. He had begun to see Guan Chen as his source of happiness. Without him wasn't he going to be all alone again? He was beginning to feel desperate.

Guan Chen's face darkened, his temper rose as well, "Listen to me! I can't protect you, you need to leave so i can handle this."

His self hatred was laced in his words, he wasn't strong enough yet, he couldn't protect the people close to him. And…he was so afraid that something would happen to Qui Feng.

The twos glaring contest was broken when one of the guards up front moved and circled back around to check on them.

When he appeared over the wagons edge Guan Chen suddenly exploded into action, leaping at the guard!

Qui Feng couldn't just sit still and actively took over the horse that had suddenly lost its rider. With a quick glance over his shoulder he saw Guan Chen wrestling with the guard in the wagon. Steering the horse froward he didn't have time to think through his actions only hoping they could get out of this ok.

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