

Yep, spoilers chap, for those too curious to just read the damn fic

lol, someone will think I was being serious


Spoilers ahead

Pairings, yeah, a big one to start with

Naruto and Luna - Been hinting at it for a long while

Lee and Blizzard - Also planned from the start, though their only interaction on ealy chaps was during the Christmas special I believe

the mc won't have a pair, deal with it

Sasuke won't have a pair, poor uchiha clan... that's so sad... anyway

I have ideas of Touka and Hinata, but nothing concrete, any ideas on that?

big events

Konoha will be destroyed

yep, that's gonna happen

and it will be by team 7


The reason will be more apparent later

No, Naruto won't go bad, he will destroy Konoha, but avoid killing people, because thats just who he is, someone too kind to be like that

Naruto will kill Obito

'Too kind' he said, lol

But again, that's when he is not enraged beyond his limit

Sasuke will die, yeah... so sad... anyway

Rimuru will fuse back with Kaede, learn some things about his past and refuse his own name

"Wait, but isn't that impossible?" you ask... might I remind you of his [Impossible] skill?

Shizue Fudo is one of Rimuru's sisters reincarnated


I am trying to drop some hints about it for a while, how am I doing on that front?

Rimuru will have a bad end, albeit Rimuru won't die...

this fic will open doors to my future fics, being one MHA one, a OP one, A Danmachi one and two that I have no idea yet, suggestions for worlds? (No Naruto, OP, MHA or Danmachi for obvious reasons)

Akane is Nyarlathotep posing as a mortal while running a cult for herself/itself

It's in the lore that Nyarlathotep does that occasionally, so I just thought, why not?

ans why is she working for Teuchi? as if he would let a eldritch being be left unchecked in his world

I could spoil a bit more, but I want some things to be kept a secret to surprise you guys a bit more, ok?

Currently the only guy who knows the whole ending of the fic is Bonvoyage (Remember the guy who did a crossover with me? the one with a good Tensura fic? yeah that one)

What's the purpose of this chapter?

Is to have my plans laid here so I can't just go back and change it all later because I thought of something cool (I did that many times, sometimes it went well, but sometimes it didn't)

Next chapter