
125 -=Back to the...=-

Team 7 was a Konoha's gates, Naruto was happy, Luna was confused about why Naruto was so happy about a mission and Sasuke was brooding at the corner

After his brainstorm, he succeeded in one thing

but it was jot in finding an answer to his stupid assumption, it was a success in frying one of his brain cells, leaving him with only 2 left

those two had the following functions:

1-Basic living needs


it is what it is *Shrugs*

Now, to answer the main question

why was Naruto acting like a monkey that just sat on an anthill?

well, the answer is simple

Recently, Konoha received a mission, classified as a C-Rank from no other place than the land of waves! And behold the power of plot! It was Tazuna, the bridge builder again!

And obviously, team 7 was escalated for the mission, having previous experience with the land of waves made them the obvious choice for this mission

"Dude, it's just a mission, why are you so excited?" Luna finally decided to ask the hyperactive monke, why he was on 220V today

"Right, you don't know, right?" Naruto naruted and asked something stupid

"Of course, If I knew I wouldn't ask..." Luna said while facepalming

which made Naruto blush in embarrassment, he was trying to not be so goofy all the time, but going against the natural law is as hard as breaching the heavens, or something like that, I don't know... cultivator bs I guess

"Our first C rank mission, that turned into an A rank and was written down as a B rank, was in that village, and it was with the same guy who made the request today!" Naruto said all excited, not noticing Luna's scared look

'Don't fuck with me... my first mission turned out to be a b rank that turned into either an a rank or an s rank, they didn't tell us

And now, I'm going on a b rank to a place where a c rank turned into an A rank? what will come out of this? an ss rank? does that even exist?

If it does... WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE, HAHA... Shut up! that's not funny... YES, IT IS...'

While Luna was panicking, and bickering with her inner self at the same time, multitasking they call it, right?, Naruto saw an old man and an older man walking toward them

"KAKASHI SENSEI! TAZUNA SAN!" He screamed so loudly that Luna was brought out of her thoughts and even Sasuke almost stopped brooding for a second... almost

Hearing the ever so loud blond, Kakashi put a finger on his ear, and with an annoyed sigh, stopped looking at his book

"Hello again, Naruto Kun, you have grown quite a lot, huh?" Tazuna said while smiling

and that was indeed true, as in every good anime Timeskip, Naruto was now almost a head taller than before... weird Uzumaki genes I guess...

"And you seem to have lost some weight, Tazuna san" Naruto commented with good intentions, not noticing he called Tazuna fat by saying that... well, the past Tazuna, that is

"Hahaha, indeed, I have been working quite a lot recently" Instead of getting angry at a kid's mistake, Tazuna just laughed it off

Looking behind Naruto, he quickly found a brooding man standing there, 'menacingly'...

well... menacingly is what Sasuke thought he was, but it was just... weird...

Noticing Sasuke's weirdness, Tazuna quickly pointed out

"I see Sasuke Kun is also here" And then he completely ignored the idiot Uchiha

"Hn" Sasuke snorted in Uchiha language

Looking around for a bit, he quickly noticed Kaede was not present

"Where is that Kaede girl? and who might you be?" He asked, then asked again after noticing he didn't know Luna

"Kaede is on vacation!"

"Kaede got hurt during a mission and..."

Sasuke and Naruto said at the same time, making both look at each other in an awkward manner

"As they were saying, Kaede got hurt during a mission and took that opportunity to go on a vacation" Kakashi said by the side

He had no reason to tell Tazuna about Konoha's secrets now, did he?

"I see... that's smart, she always seemed to be the smart type to me...

and who might you be?"

Luna looked at the man in the eye, knowing he was thinking she was Kaede's substitute... which made her quite annoyed, so she just said

"Luna" nothing more, nothing less, just her name... nickname

"I see... Nice to meet you" Tazuna nodded, then he went close to Kakashi and whispered

"Is she an uchisomething as well? she, Sasuke, and Kaede are all seemingly annoyed with anything for no reason..." He asked

"No, she is a Kurama clan member... and I have no idea why they act like this" Kakashi said

"Aren't you their teacher? shouldn't you know those stuff?" Ge asked

"I am. And I should, I just don't care about it" Kakashi answered truthfully Making Tazuna look at him weirdly


Sometime later, the 5 went on walking to the land of waves as Tazuna told them what happened since their last meeting

most of it was just useless gibberish, but one part took their attention

"... Recently, since Uzushiogakure was restored by someone, there were a lot of bridges we had to build because of their island having no connection with the rest of the land..." Tazuna said as he was about to continue his monologue, but he was interrupted

"Uzushiogakure? the village that was destroyed in the third ninja war?" Luna asked in shock

it was common knowledge that this village was as dead as it went, no coming back was possible

but now it suddenly... came back? how?

"...uhm? Well, I don't know when it was destroyed, but recently someone restored it, and now we have a very rich neighboring village, as they buy a lot of things from us, mainly manual services, like bridge building

for me, that's incredible news" He said

Kakashi had a pensive look on his face, Uzushiogakure coming back was no secret to him, but he, just like Tazuna, didn't know either how it came back, or who was responsible for it

another problem that Uzushio being back immediately brought to his mind was... what will be Iwa's, Kiri's, and Kumo's responses? What actions will Konoha take? this was a serious matter that could end up sparking a new war... and another war was everything he DIDN'T need right now

Asides from Kakashi, who had a bigger reaction, albeit he didn't show it, the rest only got curious about Uzushio, and as such their journey had no problems reaching the wave country

that is, until the cursed flag Luna raised when she was thinking before came to be...

or when the bright yellow pair of eyes looking at them decided to enact her play to join the good guys again... any of those would work, I think...

Next chapter