
{Subject 6A }

"Quickly! Get the N-Ring out of here!" A voice that strained to stay loud against the weathering effects of age blasted through the hazmat suits of every scientist on the RRF (Ring Research Floor).

"Initiating Ring Lockdown Procedure!" said Emi. She sprinted over to the main control panel monitoring the N-Ring. Flashing alarm lights on the ceiling cast a threatening red hue over the entire research floor. They were soundless so as to prevent the N-Ring from reacting too much, but the silence only made the situation that much more tense.

Emi pressed the wrist of her suit against the touchscreen. The screen read a strip of light on her suit and reacted. The images and numbers showing the ring's structure and stability disappeared.

Instead, large red letters spelling of LOCKDOWN covered the now blackened screen.

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