
Lightspeed and Valkyrie

Aldrich waited atop Arcadia's head, his cloak of souls flickering behind him as he stood tall high in the sky, a figure of imposing black armor that fit the archetype of the 'dark king' character to a T. Behind him, Valera and Chiros stood in formation, weapons raised in anticipation.

All three presented representatives of Haven. Mollusk and Refraction stood back more tentatively in case anything went wrong.

In the distance, Aldrich could see an incoming Halo Carrier, noticeable with its distinctive design of a lengthy main structure surrounded by an array of rotating rings that glowed a bright blue.

He was distinctly surprised. Carrier class ships were enormous, more akin to small floating fortresses than regular aircraft. They could man crews of hundreds with a completely self-sustaining ship environment.

Generally, they existed as mobile space stations, never really entering into the atmosphere.

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