
To the Death!

The boss geist began to float into the air, and its slime covered butterfly wings tried their best to unfurl, though drenched as they were, they still could not fan out. It bat its wings towards Aldrich, sending a gust of rainbow speckled wind.

"Stand behind her," commanded Aldrich.

Valera knew what to do, even in the midst of her ever increasing bloodlust. Chiros grunted and leaped backwards, still maintaining the elegant flow of his motions while reverting. He flipped and landed behind Valera as she switched places with him at the very front.

She slammed her shield down and used an active skill called [Guardian's Veil]. A dome of shimmering red emerged all around Aldrich and the rest of his newly raised party, creating a defensive barrier.

Shielders like Valera relied mostly on physical defense to block attacks, which meant that in general, area of efffect abilities that flowed past their shields, such as energy attacks or in this case air particles, served as natural counters.

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