
{One By One}

When Seth Solar passed through the foggy green portal into the tenth floor, he snarled almost animalistically as he stared with gleaming gold eyes at yet another host of enemies.

There were no skeletons here.

Instead, a legion of large, bulky knights wearing spiked black armor with faces of dried, pale flesh and sunken in, gleaming green eyes stood at guard with halberds and shields.

Behind this legion of twenty knights, one knight in crimson red armor and pale white, unblemished skin stood tall and proud.

"Strike them down!" said the crimson knight.

"You can talk!?" Seth smiled. "Good. I'll beat some answers out of you!"

Seth flew forwards at such velocity that he pierced through the line of shield bearing knights with utter ease, generating a shockwave of force that blew them backwards. He slammed into the crimson knight and drove the knight into the ground, dragging the knight several dozen meters.

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