
Ch 49 – Progress

Dahsoo could be seen sleeping on his bed peacefully, with an even breathing pattern and subtle moving eyes, it could be deduced that he was sleeping.

But the moment it was exactly 5 am, his eyes opened wide as his internal body started to move in a very strange way and he felt fully awake now at peak performance.

Dahsoo's body could be seen having drastically change in appearance, smooth long hair that reaches his shoulders filled with vitality of youth, fair white pail skin that is as smooth as a baby's bum, a very cute face that brings out the cute charm of both male and female but also having the strange charm of an adult, with bodily movements that is maximize for charm, he looks like an angel in a mortal body.

"Yawn" yawned by Dahsoo as he did some stretches in a very cute manner that he practices the whole time he arrived here and he finally mastered this habitual movements.

'It has already been a week and progress has been great. I finish my desired body built for any situation. Maximum adaptability that the human body could have, with the maximum charm that works for any human, be it a pedophile or a trap lover. My personality has also move towards the flexible side, and Ai has been progressing nicely' thought by Dahsoo as he went and did some stretches that he does every morning to hide his unusual body and booted up his computer which was actually open the whole night.

"Pa pi di boo" said by Dahsoo as he sat on his chair and put on a pair of glasses on top of his table.

The glasses flash for a split second as he heard Ai's voice right beside his ear.

[Size, 152 terabytes. Language, all in the internet. Processing, could process somewhere around a petabyte of data without stress…] Ai's voice could be heard saying stats and capabilities that it now has as Dahsoo nodded and opened metube and log in to a certain account.

"Send the confirmation for monetization on metube, we can start taking this risk with your capabilities regarding the internet. We need this money for my advancement and yours so increase the average views for my videos to 2 million" said by Dahsoo as Ai send a thumbs up emoji to his glasses with a tab suddenly flashing and also disappearing on his other monitor.

[Confirmation sent, estimated that they will respond at lunch] said by Ai.

"Then get ready for trading, I will receive my money this night so trade with a varying degree of wins and lost. Lose a total of 10% percent but win a total of 30% and increase it by varying amounts daily. You already have top tier protection but quirks are still a problem so be careful and absolutely don't take risk without my or your intense calculations" said by Dahsoo to Ai as a thumbs up appeared on his glasses.

He then went on to grab his cute face mask that covers half of his voice which lowers his cuteness but also gave him a 'I want to protect that person' appearance.

He then turned on the lights that was in front of him while also turning on his camera and went on to open an app he made called Dahsoo's Video Maker with all in built tools needed for recording a video, editing it, cgi, everything that you need for making a video was here and much better.

'I could release this at a later time or once I "accidentally" reveal this when streaming or when somebody ask a question related to editing, and with how people react, they will surely want this so I can release it to the market and start my technological domination. But of course, I would lock most of the features until I start my own company, this is more for just trust and reputation.' thought by Dahsoo as he did some stuff with his throat and opened an art application with a very simplistic and user friendly appearance that has all the tools needed for making digital art and more as the Video Maker played a timer that starts at 3.

It ticks down to 2 and finally to 1 as it said go with Dahsoo waving to the camera.

"Hello everyone! Welcome back to my channel! Can't you believe it, it has already been a week since I did this metubing stuff and its very fun ehe" said by Dahsoo cutely to the camera with a very feminine voice that makes his gender very confusing if whether he was a girl or a boy as he continued talking.

"I still couldn't believe that we already have 100,000 subscribers! With our family growing with this milestone, I decided to make a double special for you guys! A speed art and also a song! I will show you guys some behind the scenes so I can show you guys how I do my stuff and maybe give some tips along the way. So, let's start with the art…" Dahsoo went and talk to the camera in a very cute way as he draws some stuff on his drawing tablet that he made with the leftover scrap that he had while also recycling his very old tablet.

"I also went and made a Q and A post yesterday at twatter so let's answer your questions while drawing. So, first question is… am I a boy or a girl. You guys are really perverts! But… it's a secret ehe!" said by Dahsoo to the camera as he did a wink with the eyes behind his glasses.

"Then next is… do you plan streaming. Oh, great question, yes, I do actually plan to stream. I'll actually start tomorrow so wait for my announcement! Then…" Dahsoo continued answering some random questions and finally after 20 minutes, he finally finishes his art piece and it was him in an anime style drawing surrounded by white cute chibby humanoids which is represented as his fans where they play around in the sky with the word 100,000 in the background.

"Okay guys, I finally finish our artwork! Isn't it cool! Those are you guys along with me there! Hehe, I couldn't believe that I would get this very supportive community in this short while. Just remember guys that I genuinely love you, I would have been still in my old shy shell if not for you guys so this is not a one sided relationship! But I will take a short break because you guys heard my mother calling me for breakfast, see you guys next time" said by Dahsoo in a hush cute voice as he wave goodbye to the camera.

"What do you expect will be the retention rate for the video in this part" said by Dahsoo as he did stood up and put on a very small ear piece.

[With just you talking, it will be around 80 percent, but with editing it would be around at minimum 95 percent] said by Ai as Dahsoo took of his mask.

"Start with the song about our community, make it optimistic and upbeat and also multilingual. The language's percentages will be the percentage of our fan's nationality percentage" said by Dahsoo as he opened the door and walk out.

[Affirmative] said by Ai as it started to compose a song at a rapid pace as Dahsoo went to take breakfast.

AN: So why will he go the path of Metube

- because of political and societal? idk the word but yes, power over the masses.

- so he can get early income that is not that risky compared to crypto.

- a fake persona that everyone will think is the real him.

- many more reasons that I am too lazy to list out, but just know this is important for the later part of his plan.

And yes I know that is not how you get monetize but once again, I am god.

(January 14, 2022 - 51st day of writing)

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