
Ambizione (13)

Once we were out of Charlotte, our next destination was Greenville. The last stop we were taking before reaching for Atlanta. It was going to be a big stretch, but hopefully one that would allow us to reach the big city and give us an easier route to arrive in Mexico. The road trip was getting a little tense due to the spotting of a couple of raider groups trying to stop the train by setting up ambushes. Most of them were wearing standard Mexican Army uniforms, with just a few donning simple clothes that could be seen worn by farmhands and farmers in the countryside. Nothing that really worked due to the policy of keeping the train mostly at modest pace and increasing the speed when even a hint of trouble was discovered.

Despite the lack of real trouble, I didn't feel at ease with these problems as it was clear that the raiders were only going to grow bolder and even more methodical in how to attack. While it was clear that our enemy wasn't going to rely as frequently to the right-wing militia that festered the South, that didn't mean that they were going to stop in creating situations where I had little chance of getting away unscathed. Sun Tzu used to say that true victory was when one managed to win without fighting and… I knew that we couldn't afford anymore delays. The more time we wasted and the more resources were spent on recovering from injuries and other troubles, the more chances Vins has to set up worse threats at the end of this trip to stop her. Which was why after just a day of traveling I ended up taking a drastic decision that would have forced us to lose something in return.

"We shall ignore the planned stop to Greenville. We're going straight for Atlanta," I decided calmly, looking at the rest of the group and the two machinists that were assigned to driving the train. Surprise was the common reaction from the group, but the workers merely nodded and left while I handled the doubts coming from the rest of the people reunited in that meeting.

"Wouldn't that deplete our reserves too much?" Robert pointed out, having given a look or two at the current papers documenting how much we had stored within the train.

"Not really," I replied with a serious look. "While it would be optimal for us to take these stops and gather resources, we have more than enough to reach Atlanta. And a city that big has more than enough to fill up the extra need compared to other cities nearby."

"Why are we not stopping then?" Derek inquired with a confused frown on his face. "Is there something we should know about Greenville that got you to make this decision?"

"It's more tied to the intensification of the raiders in the area," I quickly argued. "While it's not something certain, I would expect them to know where we are going to stop next since this is one of our patterns during the trip. We tend to stop by medium hubs and then go through major settlements."

"So they might be waiting for us in Greenville and… we could avoid having to trouble ourselves with that?" Bloody asked, with Bhediya nodding at his question.

"Yes, that would technically solve the problem. But I want the truth, can we handle the strain?"

My nod was quick, and it seemed to put the werewolf at ease. "I evaluated all options before coming to this conclusion. It's the safest bet."

"I would have thought stopping a little early or a little after would have mattered more," Kate suggested and this time it was Derek that answered to her idea.

"Not convenient. These sleazebags have been chasing us for a while and I doubt they will just stop at searching within Greenville," The cowboy muttered dryly. "They will have men all over the nearby settlements to either stall us or to check which route we're taking."

"And both conditions aren't acceptable," I added with a sigh. "We will reach Atlanta in a day or so. So… it's going to be a longer ride than usual."

I saw everyone nodding at this and I took this chance to focus on training. Both for myself, Bhediya and Bloody. Kate joined too, but her presence was minimal since the only thing we would all be able to accomplish together was physical sparring and sword-related training. Never thought I would have learned Kenjutsu in the United States of all places, but I didn't say no in learning a trick or two while handling a sword of that kind. Despite this circumstance, I still found a way to finally bring a breakthrough in our progress of uniting both Hamon and the Keshowse Kaomi in a single package.

The process to do so started as soon as we left that native village, but I quickly discovered how difficult it was to try and learn a new form of mystical energy from very little knowledge. Again. The difference between The Spin and this new form of Ripple was that I knew how the Spin worked and I had an inkling of a clue about what I had to do to use it through sheer determination and caution. For several days, it just eluded me and then… I found a way to bring forth that particular phenomenon to happen.

First, I decided to work through the elements I knew about this power. This Keshowse Kaomi's main purpose was connected with nature itself, so it would have been smart to try and 'grasp' the concept itself from the closest thing I could try with. The little rose that I managed to find before leaving Farmville was one of the things that I decided to test this little process on. By carefully pressing my index finger upon the plant's body, I carefully started to reach out into its core through my Hamon. In a normal circumstance, the easiest solution would have seen the flower blossom even more flowers or just increase in size. But that was the standard reaction hamon had on everything tied to nature. And it was a reaction that could be 'avoided' after years spent training. Not many specialists saw a good reason to do so, but right now this effect was more than needed.

I didn't need to improve it, but to understand it. To comprehend it. It was an effort to break the kind of language barrier that no human being would be able to achieve. The ultimate form of understanding nature itself, by speaking with it and… listening to its response.

So I carefully reached out, lulling myself in a complete sense of concentration and soon I was approaching the origin of the rose's life. It was a slow process, but a pleasant one since it felt so 'normal' to do something like this. Subtle, peaceful- the plant seemed to cooperate and allow this to happen, a hint or two of 'understanding' glowing through the half-bond. Carefully, steadily and… it was there.

I could still remember the surprise behind this idea. While many Hamon Masters wouldn't know what to do with this kind of info, since I knew that Hamon could be expanded to new heights through this process, I knew that I had to keep on listening and see what this plant had to say. I had a bare understanding of its need. Water, it asked for and I provided it with the liquid. It was 'polite' as it didn't mind the 'intrusion', feeling it appropriate somehow.

A must, to a particular degree that left me floored and endeared at the same time. I learned a lot from just ten minutes of going through that experience, most of this new knowledge being more emotion-related than not. I took it to spare at least a few minutes doing this after that first time and I felt this concept of bond felt easier to understand and write down through logic and reasoning.

Mankind and nature… they were meant to coexist. Not always peacefully, but with a degree of respect. Even a minuscule form of acceptance matters, even conceding to the fact that even something inherently submissive to the dominant species was to be protected due to rightful importance. I got so much from just a plant, and then, as I took an eased stance in front of a confused Bhediya. The werewolf was frowning at my bizarre calm, but he realized that something was even odder about the circumstance when he noticed that I wasn't the only weird element of the wagon. The air felt 'heavier' with something unusual, something that didn't feel dangerous to him and didn't trigger any panic within his body.

A feeling that Kate too grasped at, but that Bloody didn't. The boy was only puzzled by my calm stance and why I had asked from Bhediya to not hold back against me with this sudden spar. Of course, that wasn't meant to be a green light to have him trash the train up in the effort to attack me, but rather a concession to be merciless and ruthless through what he could afford without damaging anything important in that room.

Much to my surprise, he didn't hesitate in being true to my permission, instantly summoning 「WildHearts」 and trying to overwhelm me with a double assault. Offense before defense, it wasn't an unusual tactic within Bhediya's book but… it was also something which counter would normally be me revealing 「ACT 2」 and let my own Stand keep up with my friend's own humanoid. It was simple, but it was also not what I decided to go for at that moment. Because in that precise instant… I could see them both move slow. Really slow.

Bhediya seemed to understand that I had a plan from the way I handled his first moves. 「WildHearts」 was one step faster than its user, its right claw rushing forth to try and land a hit on my exposed guard and give more openings for the young man to use against me. I decided to focus first on it, carefully swatting its claw towards where Bhediya was rushing from. The purpose of this step was to limit the second attacker's capacity to react to what I had in mind against him, knowing already that his Stand would stop just in time to not damage him. Sadly for my friend, that didn't mean he was spared from suffering some damage.

With his left fist stretching around in a jab aimed at my liver, he didn't seem prepared when I also swatted his closed fist away to arch before it could strike me and delivered a swift kick right onto his ribs. The knockback was enough to push my foe away, a surprised look on his face at this response, one that disappeared as quickly as it came to make space for an fascinated expression. Bhediya had noticed the abnormality was tied to the fact I was reacting faster, but he had to understand one thing, something I was sure I had left him to develop by discussing with him about the ways to analyze a weird opponent.

He needed to know if it was something purely defensive, or if it could be used in an aggressive manner to attack enemies. I decided to show him how dangerously powerful what I was using could get at this stage. Panic appeared on his visage as soon as his approach was interrupted by a swift and strong punch that slammed onto his chin. His footing was shaky due to the possible concussion, and I didn't hesitate in sweeping a low kick under him, bringing him down to the ground. His panic increased even more as he felt blood and pain come out of his nostril. 「WildHearts」 tried to tackle me away from my standing point over its user, an attempt that properly stopped with a solid stomp on its face.

Bhediya turned, shock filling his terrified expression as he saw me standing over me, unscathed, calm and chillingly quiet. Despite the advantage he had, he was overwhelmed with ease and… he expected more out of it. And he was wrong. The werewolf's confusion returned as I let out a calm sigh, my posture easing down some more until there was no guarded stance to see me taking. The air returned to feel as 'light as usual'.


"I can't continue without draining my hamon too much," I replied flatly, and I saw him give me a surprised look because of that.


A chuckle left my lips at that comment, but he didn't seem too shaken from accepting my attempt to help him up from the ground. The battle was over, but nobody in the wagon knew what had just happened. Except me and-

"You used your Ripple, expanding it into the room and… using it to predict his moves."

I forgot Zephy was there and he too was sensitive to this kind of element, but I wouldn't have expected him to know what had just happened. The critter surprised me, again, yet I wasn't annoyed by this comment as it perfectly summarized what just happened. The perfect blend of both Hamons stemmed by the effort of grasping a complete hold of the user's surroundings through nature itself. And by nature, it wasn't severely restricted to just plants, flowers, trees or even dirt. But air, water, anything that was tied to nature and part of it by grand extent.

If I had been on solid ground, I would have had an easier time compared to what I accomplished within the wagon. I could only depend on what I could perceive through the air and use it to gain a prediction of what was going to happen in the fight before it even had the chance to fully unfold. It was like Diavolo's second ability, but I didn't need to have long hair or even take a moment to see what was going to happen.

"A glance on what is happening… from multiple points of views," I decided to further explain. "By using both the Hamon and the Keshowse Kaomi to expand my energy and gain a full understanding of my proximity, I could plan out rapid responses to any threat thrown at me."

"You were faster, stronger-" Bhediya commented, still skeptical it was only that and before I had the chance to answer that, Kate took that away from me.

"You… you had a full understanding of everything around you. Not just the action, but also the strength, the pace, the… amount of power needed to gain a reaction."

"All because I tied myself through these two powers combined to Nature itself. And… while that sounds amazing and incredibly absurd I… I have to say it's not that simple."

I calmly made my way to the nearest chair and almost fell onto it. I wasn't too tired, but the drain exerted by using that technique and the fact I was using constant hamon to match my body's actions with my quick-paced responses wasn't anything to joke about. Despite the effectiveness and my large capacity in using Hamon, the costly combo just put me in quite the upsetting circumstance. I hadn't trained well enough with that heightened perception, and the extra burden exerted by that constant drain just left me quite strained. Just enough… to need to sit for a while.

"Are you alright?"

Bhediya's voice interrupted my pondering and self-chiding. "Mostly. Just surprised by the drain. I definitely should have tried meditating with it a few more days before going for a training spar."

"You… you didn't train with it?"

"I did. Just not long enough from the looks of it," I said while frowning, a little annoyed by the attempt from the werewolf to lecture me. "And I recall someone doing worse than this back when we were still training with Muddiburi."

His mouth closed by instincts. The unflattering memories of him being scolded for being too reckless in the training, resulting in a couple of injuries that could have been avoided with due attention striking him silent for a while. With him out of the way, it was Kate's turn to roll that ball to me. And I didn't have much to try to sway her away from going all out in that lecture.

"Still, that doesn't mean you should be this reckless yourself. What if you overshoot your expectations and end up more hurt than now?"

"I'm not hurt," I replied curtly. "And I was just excited to try out this new ability, that's all. I will not do it again-"

"I would be surprised if you did that after what you're going through," The blonde interrupted tensely and I frowned.

"I just said I'm not in pain," I reminded her and she looked at me and... then my left leg as I was holding it with my hand.

"Why are you holding it like that then?"

"Adrenaline is being a nasty lady and leaving my legs shaky," I replied truthfully, stopping holding the leg and showing how the limb was just shivering. It really wasn't a pain-related situation, just the adrenaline, the excitement, and the drain leaving me like that. "See?"

Instead of just pressing for more, the Samurai poked at the shivering knee with her palm and she noticed no pain-given twitches that would corroborate her version. A pout happened on her face, but I still frowned at her for giving me that.

"I'm not a child."

"And… I didn't mean to treat you as one."

"Okay. I'm not mad, just… trying to handle the drain," I remarked after a few moments of quiet, my attention moving to Bhediya. "And you should fix your face and your ribs. I'm quite sure I didn't just pat those bits with caring caresses."

The young man snorted, but he still complied and fixed his problems with his Hamon. Meanwhile, Bloody approached and took a seat beside me and started to hum. The new noise gained my focus as I looked right at him and blinked. "Yes?"

"I think I got the Spin to a good level and I wanted to show it to you but… how did you do that?"

"Which bit?" I asked and the younger blond huffed.

"Realizing how that works?"

I smiled, the topic actually gaining the rest of the occupants' attention back to us. "Oh, that's… actually simple. I just talked to someone that knows how Nature works."

Confusion entered the room, with me being the prime jerk that was just playing things cryptically for the sake of being cryptic.

"Someone that… knows Nature?"

"And it's part of it. In fact, Bhediya you joked about the time I spent with 'it'."

The young man frowned at that second half, his brain burning slightly as the gears rolled but failed to bring forth what I was talking about. At least, that was for a couple of silent seconds. Then I saw his eyes widen in realization and he gave me a confused look.

"That… rose? It 'told' you how to do… what?"

"Do you remember what we were told about the Keshowse Kaomi when we first saw the natives using it?"

"That it was tied to… nature?" Bloody guessed, getting a slow out of me. Zephy tensed up soon after as he seemed to know what I was referring to.

"Not only that. They were connecting to it too."

"Yes," I confirmed with a bright smile. "And that's where I knew where to begin and start. I want you to give it a try Bhediya. I want you to use just a tiny bit of Hamon with it, to reach its core and see how it reacts. Not improve, only react."

He was still skeptical about it, but he would soon learn that it was the gateway I didn't expect to find, the breakthrough that actually opened up a new set of thoughts while also broadening the limits of Hamon itself. If before the Ripple would reinforce a user's lifeforce to the point where their lifespan was severely heightened… then I could imagine this being the first step into unlocking something more than just that. A newer form of Hamon that could actually open up the gates of the Heavens itself.

The rest of the training session went smoothly as I focused on helping Bloody with his training with the Spin as he had already finished his time with Bhediya in training with the Hamon. Once we were completely done with this, I decided it would have been a good time to actually help prepare some dinner. While I was busy… some news seemed to come out from the border with Mexico. If before that point we just knew that someone in the Mexican Army was behind the presence of so many thugs wearing the standard uniform… Well, now we had a name.

And we had an Alibi thanks to Derek.

"Lieutenant Colonel Luis Siurana, called the 'Irritante Teniente' or the Irritating Lieutenant by both members of the Mexican and Union Army. I didn't expect him to be behind all of this but… this would explain a lot."

The discussion was happening during dinner, we were all sitting by the table while conversing on this interesting and upsetting topic. I didn't take a single bite off my dish, understanding that this topic was ten times more important than food itself at the moment. It was the moment where I would finally learn more about the man responsible for siccing mercenaries against us.

"How do you know about him?" Robert decided to start the little interrogation, the man understanding that this could be the mastermind behind our current 'non-supernatural' issues.

"He was one of the reasons Sherman had to dispatch the Army of Observation to the Rio Grande border during the Civil War," The former soldier explained, taking a moment to remember the details with attention. "During the Civil War, Mexico was suffering its own troubles. Economically, socially and… by foreign-related contradictions."

I nodded, my mind quickly bringing up the various issues Mexico had been suffering during that specific part of its history. The Second Mexican Empire was an attempt to install a monarchist government in the region, one that was supported by France and almost succeeded in destroying the last hint of Liberal resistance in the country if it hadn't been for the United States. The inner war unfolding in Mexico was ultimately tipped in favor of the Liberals under President Juarez as the United States supported the liberal cause, aided the rebels with equipment and money, and eventually leading to the execution of Maximilian I. The period of instability that ensued was then partly stabilized through the Porfiriato, but it would be foolish to expect it to call it a perfect solution and one accepted by the United States themselves. It was effectively a dictatorship, but not one as aggressive and unstable as the one imposed by General Santa Anna.

"Was he among the liberals?" My question caught off-guard a couple of people at the table and I decided to summarize what I knew of the topic. "In that period, Mexico was busy with an internal war between monarchists and Liberals. The Liberals were the one making base near the border."

"And you are correct, Dio. He was among the young officials behind the liberal cause but… not because it was his main drive. As many officers, he was just trying to make a name for himself and trying to chase the same path in life like the one of Santa Anna," Derek explained some more, pausing once more, this time to think about what he just said. "With a little more success on that front. Everyone was really trying to replicate that kind of success and… the only way to gain ranks was to do something that the people found… inspiring. Something that bolstered their popularity."

"What did he do?" I questioned with a frown, curious to know what kind of madness this guy was behind and why he thought this was a fun way to get through with his ambitions when there were so many other things he could have done beyond getting fished out as the army man for Vins' plans.

"Luis made an attempt to invade Texas with three dozens men. And by 'an attempt', I mean he didn't even make it to the border that a bigger army loyal to Juarez told him off the moment he got too close to the area to start a border crisis with his contingent."

I was perplexed by this explanation. Not only this added another cuckoo to face in the future, but it also explained why Vins had gone to him of all people. Knowing this kind of individual, I just could imagine him jumping into the boat at the first mention of getting Mexico its full borders and… it was deeply concerning. While I was stuck with this, I listened to the others talking about it.

"Wouldn't that behavior warrant demotions or even imprisonment?" Bloody asked out of personal curiosity, and I could agree to that assessment. I would have thought a respectable army would have removed such a deranged figure from leading their own troops into some mad marches that would have led to pure defeat for them.

"Juarez needed every help he had. So he just put him away from the border and back to fight in the frontline where he proved to be a viable officer in battles."

"So he was set free because he was good at his job?" Bhediya pressed on, gaining a sigh out of the cowboy.

"Mexico doesn't really have a standard with this kind of thing. If their people like how their officers handle a fight and protect their rights, they will forgive them even from the worst crime."

"That's unpleasant," I rebuked grimly, not bothering hiding my own upset at the news. This guy was really bad news and I really didn't need to face someone this troublesome if he managed to gain this much support to cause problems at the border now. "And what really happened to the border? You mentioned a clash between the troops stationed there and a force from Mexico."

"There was an attack. The force garrisoned there managed to repel it, but there were mentions of this being the beginning and… they mentioned soldiers that looked more corpses than normal humans," Derek elaborated with a tired tone. "That witch is loaning monsters to the prick. It will take a little while before the border is completely breached."

"Which means we will have to hasten our pace if we want to reach the area and stop that invasion before the United States is attacked for good," I remarked, gaining a few nods with that determined response and... Just as I said that, we all stopped at the sound of someone clapping. It came from one of the two main entrances of the wagon, and our gazes stopped at the lone figure leaning by the closed door behind him.

"Despite my current affiliations, I can't help but praise your resolution in helping the best country in the world… Dio Joestar."

My eyes narrowed at the familiar man and I gritted my teeth in pure irritation as he sported a completely placid look despite the attention he was getting. Bloody was the only one that gawked in recognition, his eyes widening in confusion.

The man had long, blond hair, which curled at its ends into a number of perfectly-shaped rings. Blue eyes scrutinized the rest of the cast, stopping a little more than the rest before me and… the young blond himself. Donning an impeccable-looking uniform outfit, it also included a neatly-kept overcoat closed to the end of his torso. Under it, he wore frilled garments and a pair of gloves with a net pattern on the upper half.

"Funny Valentine… I suppose you're from a different timeline."

The comment got even more shock out of Bloody while instilling a sense of recognition from the others at the name.


"That would be correct. In both cases," The President of the United States from Steel Ball Run confirmed quietly. "I suppose I wouldn't be too abrupt to request a place where to sit."

Pondering about it, I knew that I could have just refused to give him a chair but I could tell there was something more than just a visit of courtesy. So, I was correct to assume it was either him or the worst Dio behind this dimensional mishap, but… it also opened plenty of worries and questions as to why he was there and what kind of plans the man had in this specific dimension and how he managed to survive the Spin in this particular occasion.

In the universe introduced by Eyes of Heaven, he was freed by Heaven Ascension DIO and… I was quite certain the bastard himself wasn't tied to this matter. If he was, we would have encountered him already. No, I knew this wasn't the case and that there had to be something that spared Valentine from Spin Hell. I gestured to him to take a seat in one of the unused chairs, the action gaining a mere nod from Funny and surprise from the rest of the people around.

"W-What is going-"

"Apologies for the interruption. I really didn't mean to intrude since you were busy with this conversation," The man apologized, interjecting Robert's question. "I wish to make it clear that right now, I bear no ill intent considering that your current goal is to preserve the greatness of the United States, to protect it from those that seek to maintain the national unity that we have been blessed by God himself."

"Why are you here, Mr. Valentine? Honesty doesn't hurt from time to time."

He gazed at me dully, but he nodded once more. "I suppose my visit already spurned your curiosity, Mr. Joestar. I can see with my own eyes that it stirred within you the sense of child-like wonder that best represents a peculiar mind such as yours."

"That would be the case," I replied and he smiled at my genuineness.

"I would like to say that my intentions are pure before your own reasoning, but it would be a shameful lie I don't wish to let out," Funny elaborated with a serious tone. "At least, not until we are through this trouble that I can't condone for nothing in this world."

"Are you talking about… the situation with Luis Siurana?" Kate inquired, gaining a fascinated look from the 'President'.

"Yes, my lady," The blond admitted with a polite smile, his gaze back at me. "Right now, the woman that brought me here foolishly thought that I would just close an eye to the fact she is trying to turn a blatant invasion of the national sovereign of this country in a diversion to cover for her idiotic take on her plans. Plans that have suffered a severe problem."

That was… fascinating for sure. My interest grew with the comment, knowing that the subject was Vins and yet I just couldn't grasp what in particular could have gone wrong on her half-secret plan. I gave him a serious look and… sighed.

"I suppose you're here to mention what kind of setback she suffered in exchange for… helping?"

"No," He replied flatly, gaining my scowl but still continuing to talk despite the upsetting response. "I came here to announce how you will have to not worry about the situation at the border. I will personally make sure any incursions of that kind are stopped before it will become too much of a strain to my genuine loyalty to this grand country."

"And?" Bhediya pressed him, the werewolf knowing that there had to be more than just that. The president nodded at this comment and soon spoke up again.

"But I will tell you something that will definitely end the unpleasant plans of this ridiculous woman," Funny confessed happily. "Your new destination isn't Mexico. It's… Los Angeles."

Confusion skyrocketed again at that. "What?"

"Vins' current goal is to first handle you and then reach the place," The man was finally truthful with the name of our common issue. "She isn't waiting for you in Mexico, having preferred to trap your previous destination to make sure you perish in that assault."

"But why Los Angeles?" Derek demanded. "I mean, I could understand if it was somewhere by the border but… why California?"

"She craves for an object that is stored somewhere in that city. It's not important for her plans to deal with you, rather it's tied to something she plans to accomplish after your demise. Something tied to also giving us 'helpers' rewards for aiding her mission."

"And you don't want to help her anymore because she doesn't care if the United States is attacked," I remarked, gaining a solemn look from the older Valentine.

"That would be correct. I would attack her myself but… I suppose you are aware as to why someone like me would do more harm to myself and your cause in striking at her rather than keeping away from causing trouble."

"She woke him up, didn't she? The one she mentioned she was waiting for us with."

"Who are you talking about?" Robert asked and I sighed, glancing at him with tired eyes.

"Vins has revived one of the beings that created the Stone Mask and… that being is also behind the creation of the Arrow, the main tool used to activate Stands."

While most were clueless on this matter, Bhediya realized what I was subtly hinting at and… he gave me a serious look.

"He can… do something to the Stands?"

I nodded, giving him a grim glance. "He can copy them."

It was one of the reasons why Stands weren't a good way to handle Pillar Men and why I was really investing a lot in Hamon training. It was really going to be a tough fight that one and I could tell it was going to be worse if that bastard of Santana was going to try and pull some of his creepy sneak body-invasions.

"This is… concerning," Derek summarized the dark thoughts shared by pretty much everyone. Valentine merely nodded, cleaning his lips with his napkin before standing up with a relieved look. My attention was back on him and… how the guy had just eaten my own dish in front of me without me noticing!

"That's uncalled for," I called out and he sighed.

"Sometimes we have to be rude to show some compliments to the chef. My praises and… I believe it's my time to go."

"What about… the object? The one thing you said it was in Los Angeles," Zephy spoke up, stopping Funny from leaving. "What is it?"

"That's something that Dio might know about and that he will remember only when it will be time for him to remember."

After a brief 'farewell', the president left through the door, possibly using his 「D4C」 to get back to his safe house without pitching a long trip. And as he left, I started to think what Vins could be possibly trying to get. Something important, something that was necessary for her plans and that was more important than just waiting with Santana back in Mexico. Something that was in California and… I couldn't think of anything on the spot.

Despite that state of cluelessness, I could tell one single thing. It had to be really important, and we had to reach our newest destination before trouble truly unfolded.


I don't think I need to say that Funny isn't an ally. Pragmatism took him to aid a side that could or may not become his opposition in the near future. It's all for the sake of the USA after all…

And now… an Omake with some silliness and fluff in it!

Omake 28: Unique Bond (2)

"Can I ask you a question about… that sword?"

Kate's ears twitched at my words, her attention shifting at me as she looked away from the book she had been reading until that very moment. It was one of those rare moments where we were the only ones by the 'living room' wagon. With Bhediya taking his turn to train Bloody in Hamon while Zephy watched with caution, and Robert and Derek took their private smoke time, it was just the two of us in that precise moment.

Orange eyes met orange eyes.

"What about it?"

"I don't think you ever said if it was something that was made by your father or that he just had in his possession since it was in his family for a while. I was just curious about this detail."

She blinked, her head tilting slightly on the left as she pondered over the explanation.

"I don't really… know for sure," The young woman admitted with a genuine tone. "I know that it was in the Aryoko Clan's possession for a long time but… father never told me about its full story, only that he had been entrusted to keep it safe."

I could imagine the normal Japanese hermit, the kind of man that just accepted isolation as a solution to his troubles and his own personal peace. A man that was still open to help others, but also involved himself in issues all for the sake of making sure those were fine and well. I also imagined little Kate and… the sight felt a mixture of adorable and deeply amusing. Still, I maintained a calm expression as I knew the subject of our conversation wasn't particularly joyful due to the man's demise.

"He was a good man from the way you're describing him," I commented, knowing that I was treading on some troubling ground in that very moment due to the topic.

"He was kind, understanding and… he tried his best to prepare me for what is life," Kate added while nodding. "To the beauty of it and to its dangers."

"Sounds like an interesting fellow."

"He was..." She replied fondly. After a while, her expression morphed to one of curiosity as she regarded me with a fascinated look. "Since you asked about my father, would it be fine if I returned the favor?"

Slowly nodding, I could tell that Kate was just interested to know the man behind 'Dio' but… which of the two? And should I be worried about giving too many details at once? Truly difficult questions to answer on the spot, but I hoped that it wasn't going to be the case.

"You mentioned you had a photo with you about your family. Can I… see them?"

That was something I could do without any issue. It took me just a moment to reach out for my bag and retrieve a few pictures I had stored in a secret spot within it. The one I brought forth was one the entire Joestar family took when I had just made 16. It was me, Jonathan, and George.

"This is George Joestar. He was the one that took me in as a ward first and then adopted me as his son," I started to list out. "He is a good man, quite traditional at times but it's just… proper from a nobleman of his status."

"You two are close," Kate affirmed, noticing my genuine happiness in speaking about him.

"While he wasn't one to make emotional displays in public, we had our moments in private. He is… he is my father, there is no reason for me to think otherwise," I commented with a small smile, indirectly praising the man himself.

With that first figure out of the way, I shifted the focus on the third individual in the picture, my smile twitching in clear amusement as I remembered a few interesting bits about Jojo when I first met him. Something about… helping him with Math and other subjects.

"This is Jonathan, he gets called by many as 'Jojo' due to the full name being Jonathan Joestar," I continued with fondness behind each word. "He is my younger brother and I still remember how he behaved back when he was younger. A little brash, kind of unruly at times when it came to etiquette but… I guess he had a gold heart from the very start."

"Oh? Is he the kind of brother that looks up to the older sibling?"

"You would be surprised by how many times I had to help him during the time we were homeschooled," I replied with a small smile. "He is smart and I can say that now he could easily do some complex calculations on his own but… a few years ago, he just detested even trying to study mathematics and other logical subjects. Mostly because it felt very senseless for him."

"But?" She asked, picking up that I was withholding something really entertaining about the topic.

"I showed him part of the paperwork that father would usually have to go through in the early part of the day. Since the Joestar Estate has ties in the trading system, which is where most of its income comes from, the papers are generally filled with numerous numbers tied to costs, gains, estimations and real exchanges," I explained with a growing grin on my face. "He was pale for a while, but he seemed to change idea quite quickly as soon as I reminded him that it was going to be his job once he was given hold of the family's expenses and income."

The blonde carefully had her right hand over her mouth, holding back a chuckle as only a snort left through her lips. "I-I suppose it was truly terrifying to handle that there wasn't much of a choice on that."

"He was quite compliant to learning and doing extra homework to make up for any issue he had on the topics we had to handle together," I answered with a giddy tone. "Still, he did just fine. He is really competent when he really wants to achieve something."

The woman nodded and there was a brief pause that followed just after my answer. I took a moment to think if it would have been for the best to just let the conversation finish there or continue it somehow and, as I thought about it, I realized that there was actually something that I wanted to discuss with her.

"By the way, speaking of family..." I commented quietly, having thought about this for a while but, never finding the moment to actually entertain this thought into something a little more meaningful beyond mere friendship. "I've studied a couple of Japanese words since I've met you. I had a couple of books that helped studying both Chinese and Japanese, so I gave priority to the latter."

Eyes narrowing with intrigue, the young woman nodded and I decided to go for it and hoped to not make this more awkward than it sounded in my head.

"If I was to call you my sister, would that mean that in Japanese I should address you as Imouto or Onee-san?"

If before Kate's focus had been absolutely guarded upon me, the very moment the question entered her brain… something changed within her expression. Surprise, amusement, confusion and… interest- all those visibly shook her to the core and eventually gained a response out of her.

"I-I think Imouto is incorrect since it means 'younger sister'."

Instead of just nodding, I carefully frowned, trying to make it look like I was just clueless on the matter and doubtful about this response.

"But… aren't you younger than me?"

Her jaw dropped at this, and she eyed me for a long while. "I'm… how old do you think I am?"

"As a gentleman, I can't answer that question without feeling ashamed," I replied truthfully, way too accustomed to how that was a big rule in some circles in this time period. She closed her eyes for a moment and sighed.

"I'm… older than you. And I think Onee-san would fit accordingly."

"What if I mistakenly call you 'Imouto'? Would that be impolite and unpleasant for you to hear?"

She sighed. "Dio, do you want to call me 'Imouto'?"

I blinked. "I don't recall making that comment-"

"But you're implying it with that silly scenario. You aren't stupid enough to mistake two different ways to address someone," The blonde flatly remarked. "So, do you want to call me 'Imouto' and… why?"

"I just feel like it would be fitting since you look younger than me," I answered honestly. "But I will not push it if you don't want to."

Another sigh. "One condition."


"I will accept this… for one condition," Kate elaborated with a surprisingly serious tone. "I refuse to call you Onii-san or anything remotely close to that. It's either Otouto or Dio."

"Deal?" I answered confusedly, actually grasping at another element that I hadn't considered due to this unexpected development. "Did we just… become surrogate siblings?"

Her mouth opened, then closed. Confusion flared in her eyes as her expression morphed into one of incredible surprise at this comment.

"I… I think so?"

"I guess it's fine," I muttered, my mind failing to grasp how this actually happened. It all started with the idea of merely setting up the plans to eventually head pat her but… this actually failed successfully. In fact, this was… a little better? Awkwardly so it felt like that.

We spent the rest of the quality time trying to get hold of this situation and… I guess it worked? It was awkward at first, but then we started to work things out properly and-

'A few centuries later...'

A small smile was on my face as I braced for a little blond boy leaving the side of his parents, and running up to me with a giddy grin on his face. I caught him with ease and he giggled as I tickled beyond the little layer of white fur with black stripes.

"Uncle Dio!"

That's how it would then develop.

Next chapter