

Enopy took a short bath and relieved his bowels; he dressed in a black kimono, black inscribed boots, and black inscribed gloves.

He sat in a small training ground that was in his dimensional living space and took out the small stack of techniques.

He started with the puppet technique. He slowly pulled out its meaning which soon revealed itself to be a transparent wooden puppet that had fine strings that disappeared at its ends, "the same as the name."

He then moved on to bind; he slowly pulled out its meaning which soon revealed itself to be a transparent leash with no evident features. he wasted no time observing it and moved on to, memory manipulation, it showed the form of transparent printed pictures and scissors cutting right through them. Enopy was fascinated by it, but he still forced himself to move on.

He went to the thought jet, which showed a form of transparent fire composed of little words.

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