
Chapter 4

Harry sat in his new room, eyes closed in meditation. He was currently practicing the skill that has always fascinated him the most; Occlumency.

Occlumency enabled him to access his mind like a world of its own. A world where he was the god, and his Will was supreme. How much he can affect this world was up to his mastery. And this mastery was counted in 'Levels' in this world. Each Lvl was supposed to show a Wizard's mastery over different abilities of occlumency, for instance a Lvl 1 Occlumens was supposed to be able to detect any threats to his mind, and put up atleast a little amount of resistance.

Before Sr. Harry's arrival, Slytherin Harry was considered a Lvl 2 Occlumens who can form a shield strong enough to defend against most of the basic mind attacks, and also form a mind palace of his own.

For his mind palace, his younger counterpart had chosen the Hogwarts library (the place he spent most of his time at), which took the boy over 3 full months to construct completely.

Unfortunately for him, his defences didn't work against Harry the senior because their mind prints were too similar.

At lvl 3, an Occlumens should be able to control their emotions to an exceptional degree. Which his Slytherin self actually hadn't been able to do, contrary to what Harry clearly remembered just when he arrived, having been able to control his emotions extremely well before his unwilling dive into the mind.

He came to the conclusion that his arrival had pushed their combined Occlumency skills to the next level. Not only that, they seemed to have completely skimmed past lvl 3 and entered lvl 4 after the merging.

Lvl 4, which was basically all about creating an alter mind print to fool any legilimens able to defeat the first two defences. Conveniently, his younger self made for an exceptional mind print, having a fully developed mind palace and front.

Currently he was constructing his own mind palace, hidden beneath the alter mind– his younger self.

A knock on the door broke his meditation.

"Come in." He answered.

Bellatrix came sauntering in, discomfort clear on her otherwise cold face. It felt weird to see his most hated enemy look uncomfortable. Even weirder to realise that he agreed with his younger self– This Bellatrix was a knockout. A cold beauty who would never fail to turn any man's head around.

"Were you sleeping?" She asked, pursing her lips wearily.

"No?" He replied, wondering if she thought he was wanking or something.

'Is that why she's looking so discomforted in my presence?'

She wore a hesitant frown as she continued. "So I wished to inform you that... Lily's here."

"...Alright?" Harry responded, a little weirded out.

Did she expect him to blow up or something? Damned Merlin, how bad was his younger self exactly? No! Don't answer that! Stupid memories, I'm better off not knowing them for now.

Bellatrix didn't reply, waiting for him to say more.

"When did she come?" He finally asked.

"Just now." Bella replied, before taking a deep breath as if to prepare herself for a tough battle. "Look Harry, I know we talked about this a lot last year but I still wanted to ask– Is there any chance you'll reconsider about spending some time with your family? To get to know them? And yes, I mean the potters of course, not your...muggle relatives."

He didn't have to think too much about it.

"Yeah, sure." He shrugged. "Not right now though."

While he was hesitant to distract himself from his primary goal of ending voldemort, he should atleast clear the air between him and his new family. Who knows, maybe his fellow potters might come in use later.

Bella blinked at him, her frown turning confused. "Is this your new strategy to shut down discussions before they even start? Or did you just finally agree to show some civility to your family?"

Harry sighed, rolling his eyes. "Yes, I did."


"You heard me right the first time, woman." Harry tsked irritatedly. "I'll go make peace with my family later. Now shoo, I'm a little busy."

Bellatrix seemed utterly bewildered, and he took a moment to enjoy the look on her face. "Well that's...good then. I'm glad you agree...Wait, did you just refer to me as 'woman' Harry? Which streets on Morgana's earth have you been roaming the past week?"

"Why? You don't consider yourself a woman?" Harry asked with snort. "Are witches a completely different species now?...You know, I might actually agree on that one. They are a lot more difficult to manage than muggle women."

She blinked at him owlishly. "You're not Harry. Who are you?"

"A changed man." Harry answered, smirking slightly. This Bellatrix was definitely more fun to talk to. "Now shoo, let me practice in peace."

Finally the woman lightened up a little, giving a twinkling laugh. "Fancy yourself a man, do you? And please mister, I don't want to hear a virgin badmouthing females. You shouldn't form opinions about things you have no knowledge of."

His smirk widened. "You're way outdated on your knowledge if you think I'm a virgin."

The woman stilled completely, before her eyes widened in realisation. "So that's what you've been doing the past week!"

'Wait, I'm not actually a virgin am I?' He wondered absently. 'But I've been with quite a few women in the previous life, muggle and witches both. Then again, this body hasn't experienced it though, has it? So what am I? Semi-Virigin?'

Bella sighed, shaking her head. "Harry, Didn't I warn about unprotected sex? Especially with muggles! They get a new disease for these type of things every weekend. You should've been more careful."

Harry frowned at the woman. "Where did you hear that?"

She continued, unheeding. "Anyway, this explains everything. I was a little worried about your new found...confidence, shall I say? But of course, how else could someone change so much in a week..."

"Alright, now if you're done talking may I please go back to my work?"

"No, you may not. Didn't I say Lily's here to meet you?"

"No." He denied firmly. Occlumency gave him a very sharp memory. "You said Lily's here."

"Well, now I'm saying it. Lily's here to meet you. Come, you've already agreed to give your family a chance, don't go back on your words now."

He shrugged. "I also said 'later', but you know what? Fine. I was getting a little bored inside my mind anyway."

Bella snorted. "Your mind must be a truly boring place then."

"Nah, I'm just not narcissistic enough to spend hours in my own mind singing praises."

"Are you implying something, mister?" She asked as they finally left the room together. "And may I remind you that is exactly what you usually do in your free time?"

"I used to." He admitted. His Slytherin self was a massive loner. And like every teenage loner, he thought of himself as something real special. "I'm a changed man though, learn to keep up."

She clicked her tongue in annoyance and he put the exchange as a win in his books.

They climbed down a spiralling set of staircase, and after a couple of turns came to stand in front of the door to main hall. The Black Manor was exactly as he remembered it to be, so he didn't give it any special attention.

"Remember you promised to behave, yes?" Bella asked intently.

"Oh, get a move on already woman. I'm not here to fight or anything."

With an amused huff, she finally clicked the door open and they entered inside.


Lily Potter nervously glanced at the clock atop. It was just 12 past 8, and her daughters should be back home by now. Hopefully they weren't being mean to Jake. Especially Andrea, who seemed to take pleasure in bullying her younger brother.

She sipped a bit of Fire-whiskey that Bellatrix had so kindly served, and sighed back in her seat. Bella had assured her that Harry was safe and sound, and curently sleeping in his room. Lily had tried to stop Bella from marching down to wake him up, not wanting to disturb her son, but of course Bella never listened to anyone.

Now she was stuck here, waiting for her son who will most likely never want to meet her. Atleast, voluntarily.

With Bella you never know.

The door to the hall suddenly clicked open, and she was shocked to take in the two figures who walked in. Bella who looked amused for some reason, and Harry who just looked like he wanted to be done with this.

'But he's here!' Her inner Lily squealed.

Indeed, he walked in with confidence and authority, nothing like the boy she knew. Did he change so much in a few months? The last time she'd seen him from a distance was around new year's Eve.

She tensed as his eyes glided towards her, and waited for that flash of anger and resentment that she was so used to seeing.

It never came.

The boy just looked at her curiously, scanning her up and down like he was surprised.

"Well, Hello mother." He greeted her blandly, not quite smiling, though with none of his usual coldness either.

Shocked, she just blinked as her mind registered the word 'Mother'.

"Harry..." She whispered, glancing at Bella.

What exactly did she promise for her son to finally talk to her? Even more surprising, to call her 'Mother'!

Bella just shook her head, her eyes indicating that she had nothing to do with it.

Did that mean her son came here voluntarily? And that he accepted her as his mother now? Surely not. That was a vain dream that she didn't even dream about anymore, after uselessly hoping for 4 years.

Her son just stared at her critically and she realised she'd just been staring at him like a dumb troll.

"Ah...how are you, Harry?" She finally said.

'Oh you stupid woman. First time you get a chance to speak to your son and you're being this lame?'

She wondered if she should have added one of those weird greeting words she'd heard on some of her travels around the globe, perhaps a 'Yo' or 'What's up?'.

"Quite alright, Thanks." Her son finally responded. "Anyway, Bella said you wished to speak with me."

"I...ahh, yes." She sent Bella a panicked look.

What was she supposed to say! That she loved him and wanted him to stay with them? But that'll just push him away! Damnit, she was so not prepared for this.

Bella just offered her an amused smirk.


Lily took a deep breath, occluding her mind to calm down. She tried to remember everything she'd dreamt of speaking, everything she had planned to say 4 years ago, when Harry was supposed to come back to them, with even Dumbledore not being able to do anything to stop their reunion...

...And she promptly forgot about it all.

Merlin damnit!

"I'm sorry." Her mouth whispered out by itself, completely on autopilot. "I'm so sorry, Harry. We never meant for this to happen; your father and I. Please, just give us a chance?"

She didn't realise that her eyes were clenched shut, in expectance of the rejection that was sure to follow.

Instead, she felt a pair of hands wrapping around her shoulders, rocking her slowly.

"Come now, there's no need for that." Her son's soothing voice trailed in her ears as she felt one of his hands wiping the tears she hadn't known were dripping.

"It should be me doing the apologies." Her son continued, sending waves of europhic shocks through her body. "It was foolish of me to believe your sister's words. Anyway, I'd already agreed to spend some time with you guys. Maybe I can join you for the world cup?"

She could do nothing save for nod. Her entire focus was on staying conscious, and making sure this all is actually not a dream.

The next few minutes indeed passed like a dream. A blur of memories that she would replay again and again when the day was over, and marvel upon the shocking events. And, without a doubt, the happiest too.

There were many happy moments in her life, she had no doubts about it. May it be her first kiss, her marriage, her graduation, recieving masters degree in charms and potions, becoming a mother, reuniting with her children...but having her lost son back in her arms, talking to her and laughing with her, triumphed over all of them.


Chilling air blew over the water connecting the shore to one of the most fearsome prisons in the world; Askaban.

Bright full moon shot down its rays to guide the black dog that slowly but surely paddled across the water. It panted and whined, but kept continuing until it finally reached the fenced border.

"Robe him, Wormtail." A high-pitched voice cut through the dreadful night.

A tiny baby was sitting on a comfortable cushion that looked completely out of picture for its terrifying surrounding. Between sands and rocks, it looked like the only piece of civilization.

"At once, My lord." The servant, who'd been kneeling beside the cushion, answered in jubilation.

He got up from his position, approaching the wet dog as it shook itself. The dog then suddenly straightened, transforming into a shabby looking human.

The now transformed man's face was gaunt and dead tired, looking ready to go into the lands of unconsciousness anytime now.

Completely naked, he stood in the open air with his malnourished body without a single flinch. The only thing that looked remotely alive were his eyes. Sharp and clear, they stared at the two guests with a mad glint of happiness.

"Welcome, old friend." Wormtail greeted with a wide smile, putting the black robes over his shoulders.

"Ah wormy, I've been awaiting this day for thirteen years!" The man exclaimed, gratefully extending his arms inside the robes. "Madness! Complete madness in that dump ground, I say you."

"You're here now, padfoot." Wormtail patted him in comfort. "With your help, it's just a matter of time before our lord reaches to his previous peak once again."

At his words the now dubbed 'Padfoot' turned to the baby, bowing down deeply. "I'm here, My Lord. Ready to serve once again."

"Well done, Sssirius." The baby whispered in satisfaction. "Your thirteen years of Sssacrifice shall not be forgotten. Come, we have work to do."

"By your Will, My Lord. We shall conquer the world."

"Soon, my dear Lieutenant. Soon."

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