
Job searching

l let cold water flow on my body.l think l need to get refreshed.l closed my eyes trying to concentrate on the bath but my mind denied me the opportunity.

The lustful look Keron gave me in that dream is still fresh in my memory as if he is here with me.His way of touching me with his thin fingers isnt doing anything good to me.We only met yesterday and l dont think there will be next time.So having such weird dreams is of no good.He is a superstar and a dream man for many girls.Poor person like me cant even stand a change to lick his shoes.

Dear God right now l dont need these dreams about sex.What l need is a job that is going to help me earn good money.Yes l need money to pay my rent,to take care of my family and for my basic needs.

Having finished baithing,l wrapped my body with my favourite white towel.l used another white one but smaller than the one on my body to dry my hair. l applied my body lotion,combed my hair and tied it into a high ban.l wore a black office pant and light pink top.l applied a simple make up on my face .l wore low heeled black princess like shoes.

l called a cab and instructed the driver to dropped me on Edward street.lts an industrial street with many different industries and companies.l got out after paying the driver and headed straight to Mk group of companies.lts one of those companies that published in the news that it needs workers the day before yesterday.

The company is known for book printing and publishing.lt has been operating for years now.

The receptionist welcomed me with a smile which l couldnt tell if its real or fake.

l handed my application to her and left from there because there was nothing else to do.

l saw that the box where she place the application was full l dont know whether l will be chosen for interview .But that doesnt mean loosing hope right? l can also have a plan B.

l thinking so,l crossed the busy road and went to Oreny food processing company linited.But here l was informed that they stopped receiving applicants.l felt bad but it didnt stop me from going around the street in such for the job.

l had written only two applications one Mk and Other for Oreny.Even though l was applying for lowly jobs,these companies need applications.

Wherever l went they needed proffessionals or people with high education qualifications.Well as me l only have high school certificate which can not even give a proper job.Thats how l missed most of the job opportunities.

Two years ago my dad had a car accident and died on the way to the hospital.He was a hard working man.Though not very rich but he was able to provide us with all our needs.We went into good schools thats my little brother and l.Am two years older than him.

My mom was depressed for his death and she suffered a high blood pressure.She needs money for medicine every month which is expensive and we dont have anyone to help us.

After completing high school l started to look for job that can sustain our living. The situation was bad at home because the properties that dad left were all taken away from us by his relatives.They even disowned us from that family saying that mom cheated dad and gave birth to us.

We were left with no home.l had to use my savings that dad used to deposit every month on my account.Those relatives didnt know that because they would have taken the card from me.With that little savings we rented a small house in Owino town which is a three hour drive from rubya town where we used to live when dad was still alive.

l left Owino town to come and get a better job with good salary here in U city. l believed that U city being a big and urbanised,l wont fail to get one.

Yes it didnt disappoint me because l got a job at Effends restraunt.lts a big restraunt that also do take outs.The work there was going well at first in the ten months l worked there.

There salary pay and bonus are also attractive.l enjoyed working and l got to know many people there.lts were we got to be friends with Monica,l also got to know Charles,Viola and Winnie.

lf it wasn't manager Edward mistreating me l would have been their waitress still.That man started torturing because l refused to have any sexual relationship with him.A month ago he wanted to rape me in the female bathroom.lt was Charles who saved me.

l felt bad and scared of him.When l saw that l couldn't be near him and be comfortable l resigned.So here l am in search for another job.

My brother is to join university three months from now.Although he go a government sponsorship which am thankful for,but he needs other requirements.l want to be prepared when that time come.

l know when he complete his studies he will get a better job and take care of himself.That way mom and l wont worry about him.

l drove my tired body at my place.l first took a bath and slept off.l was woken up by a phone call from Winnie.

l answered the call and her cheerful voice came up:

Winnie; Girlfriend whats up?

Me; Nothing much just been sleeping

Winnie ; Sleepy head did you get a job?

Me; Dont get me that.This morning l went out in search for one but it wasnt successful so l slept when l returned am too tired to death.

Winnie; Oh so sorry pumpkin but worry no more because tomorrow you will have a job.

Me; l sat attentively on the bed and asked her,what do you mean?

Winnie;You see that building opposite city library on denjo street?

Me; Yes!

Winnie; lts open now and its a restraunt.Max is the manager.l told him to hire us because they are in urgent need of waiters and waitresses.

Me; Babes you arent joking right?

Winnie; No my silly girl how can joke about it.l know you need a job badly.

Me; Oh thank you my dear do we need applications or to be interviewed?

Winnie; No they dont need it for the first employees.Max told me that we have experience and they need people to know the restraunt.

He also said that the owner is a celebrity and he want to use the chance that Keron Underwood is still in U city to advertise his restraunt.On wednesday it will officially open so they want to have employees tomorrow.

Me; Okay Winnie l will come tomorrow thank you.

Winnie; No need to thank me we are always there for each other.

Me; Yeah your right let me cook now because l got energy now.This is good news.

Winnie; Ok bye see you tomorrow.

Me; Okay love bye.

l hung off the call and fall on my bed all excited.What a good thing to have friends! l spent the all morning moving from one street to another for a job but l didnt get one.l was hoping to look again tomorrow but now Winnie's news saved me from the search.lsn't that great?

My lovely readers thank you so much for the love.l really appreciate.Please leave a review and stars after reading because they are the writing force l have.thanks.

Yours truely Khads.

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