
Chapter 133 - Attack of the Root

Daichi quickly read the details of the new quest.

[Quest Created - Kill your Enemies.]

Do not let the Root ninjas capture you. Make sure all the Root enemies present are dead and protect your teachers. If even one Root ninja escapes, or if you get captured, this quest is considered a failure.

Time limit: 6 Hrs.


Death of all 5 enemies before the time limit.

Do not let the enemy escape or reach the Leaf Village.



+1 Level

New Jutsu.

Reputation increases with Kensei Yasaji, Tsunade Senju, Shizune, Hiruzen Sarutobi and others.

Reputation decreases with Danzo Shimura.



Possible death of Kensei Yasaji. (Only if captured)

Becoming Root ninja for a short time. (Only if captured)

Danzo and Orochimaru will learn about you and your abilities.


[Accept] (Y/N)

Daichi read the contents and quickly accepted the quest.

The shuriken flew at the three and Daichi read its path. 'The way they're coming at us. We can only dodge and it would force me to create some distance from my team. They're not making it obvious but they're definitely trying to separate me.'

Tsunade, Shizune and Daichi easily dodged the shurikens and as Daichi predicted he was forced to land several meters away from his team. Daichi looked at his enemies with a narrow glance.

'I'm not gonna let you dictate the battle. Since I'm gonna have to kill them all, it's not a big deal if they see my real strength. But still… I need to be cautious. Who knows who else is around watching outside of my sensor range. If someone like Zetsu gets wind of me I'll be in trouble soon.'

Without wasting a second and before the Root ninjas could make the next move Daichi threw several kunai with lightning chakra coating them. He then made a hand seal and immediately used body flicker and reappeared near Tsunade and Shizune.

The root ninjas dodged the fast projectiles with minimum movements.

The six people kept their eyes focused on their enemies. Tsunade and Shizune had heard what Daichi was capable of from his grandfather. So they had some confidence in the boy to hold his own.

But still, Tsunade warned her student. "Daichi. Be careful of the three."

"Actually it's 5. Two more are hiding approximately 123 meters north north-east of us." Tsunade and Shizune were surprised when they heard it. The 3 Root Anbu heard him and was shocked as well.

Bu looked at Daichi and was impressed. 'His senses are extraordinary and sharp. Ichimaru and Toga are specialists in stealth and yet this brat found them? He must be a natural born powerful sensor.'

"I didn't know you'd taken on another student, Lady Tsunade. Perhaps my colleagues can test him and see how far he's come under your tutelage." Bu spoke.

Daichi was looking at the leader of the team just as he was looking at him. 'I need to kill all of them. But I might have to go all out. And I don't want to reveal my true strength even to Tsunade. So on second thought it's best that I move away from the team. They'll think it's their plan to separate me and I'll just act along.'

At that moment Tsunade spoke up. "Since you came for my head why don't you leave him out of this. I'm more than enough to deal with you and your team."

Bu just chuckled. "No no. Your opponent is me" With those words he quickly jumped down the tree while weaving hand seals.

Daichi recognized the seals. "It's the mud river jutsu."

The moment he touched the ground it turned into a torrent of earthen river headed for the three medic ninjas. Before Daichi could do anything, Shizune placed a hand on him, stopping him. Daichi saw Tsunade step forward.

She punched the ground in front of her and unleashed her super strength. "Hiya!" shattering the ground several meters forward and stopping the jutsu.

Gino, Doka and Bu dodged the flying rocks coming their way and got to safety.

At that moment Daichi sensed a foreign chakra trying to intrude into his system.

[Mental intrusion detected….]

[Gamer's Mind has neutralized the foreign attack.]

The gamer notifications popped up.

Next to him, Shizune quickly made a Ram hand seal. "Genjutsu Release."

Daichi and Shizune walked and stood near their master. Daichi then said something in a very low tone that only Tsunade heard. She looked at the boy from the corner of her eyes and gave a slight nod.

As this was happening the Root Anbu Doka lowered his hands and spoke to his colleagues. "As expected. It's not easy capturing medical ninjas of their level in Genjutsu. Since they are attuned to even the smallest fluctuations in chakra they would quickly notice a Genjutsu placed on them."

"Proceed with plan C." At that moment the team captain Bu spoke.

Without any more words the three ninjas rushed to their enemies. Bu went straight for Tsunade while Gino went for Shizune and Doka appeared in front of Daichi.

Daichi quickly raised his hands and blocked a punch aimed directly at his face. 'Shit! That punch had some serious power. If I didn't have all those damage reduction effects, that could have broken my arm. This guy is way above my level and his base stats is above mine. And if he uses chakra it'll increase.'

The punch pushed Daichi away from Tsunade and Shizune. 'I thought he would attack Shizune and the other two would join together to fight Lady Tsunade. Did I make a mistake?... Regardless, my end goal doesn't change. I need to kill all of them.' He slightly winced and shook his arm as if to get rid of the pain and numbness.

Just as Daichi was analyzing his opponent and making plans, his enemy was doing the same. Doka looked at Daichi and was impressed. 'This kid's reflexes, reaction time and response are incredible for someone his age. And he is a lot stronger than he looks. It seems the report on him is inaccurate… But I'm still confident that the other two can handle him. I just need to lure him to them and then get back here. I'm not sure the captain will be able to hold on if Tsunade gets serious.'

"Daichi!" Shizune's yell brought Daichi out of his thoughts.

"I'll be fine. I can handle him. Don't worry about me." Daichi told Shizune as he kept his eyes firmly on his enemy.

"Handle me? You'll handle me? Looks like I need to teach you some manners." Doka rushed forward and slashed at Daichi who only barely evaded the sharp weapon. Daichi took out his own kunai and both of them began exchanging blows. But it was obvious to anyone watching that the rogue ninja had the upper hand and Daichi was struggling.

Seeing this, Shizune became worried. She tried to get past the ninja in front of her but was unsuccessful. At that moment her teacher called out to her.

"Shizune! Focus on the fight in front of you. Daichi can take care of himself. Have faith."

Tsunade was also worried about Daichi and was on the lookout for the 2 other hidden ninjas as well but she decided to trust the kid. She remembered what he told her a few moments ago.

"Whatever happens, don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Just make sure to take these guys down. I have a feeling they're trying to separate us. I'll play along. I promise I'll be back before long."

There was a strength in Daichi's words that made Tsunade trust him. She knew he was not a fool or an overconfident person. So she decided to put her trust in him and let him handle his battles.

The root ninja Doka took his tanto and slashed at Daichi. He infused chakra into his limbs and increased his speed. The strike landed and dealt a non lethal blow on Daichi.

"Gha!" Daichi's arm was bleeding as he couldn't completely evade the slash.

At that moment a new notification popped up.

[Poisons detected….]

[Gamer's Body has neutralized the foreign compounds.]

Daichi looked at the wound and saw the light green liquid seeped into his flesh. He looked at the short blade the enemy wielded and saw the same liquid coating it. 'Based on the texture and smell, this concoction is most probably a sleeping agent…'

Daichi internally smirked at their strategy. 'Too bad for them. But I'll play along.'

Daichi learned a vast amount of knowledge during his time with Tsunade. So he quickly figured out how fast the effects of the poison would take place if he was affected.

The Root ninja rushed forward and the fight resumed. Daichi coated his two kunai with lightning nature and rushed at the enemy. Doka's Tanto was also coated in lightning chakra and they both clashed. Daichi barely evaded the strikes and looked like he was having a difficult time.

Tsunade was anxious as she kept an eye on Daichi and when she saw him struggling she became concerned. But that worry only lasted a second. During the battle Daichi looked back at her for only just a split second but those eyes conveyed a message to her. She immediately understood what he was doing.

'He's playing them… I see…'

The worry in her heart faded and she turned her attention back to the ninja in front of her. "Who do you work for?"

She had something important to do before she got serious. She needed to find out more information about her attackers.


Doka vs Daichi.

The man looked at the panting boy in front of him. 'He's a lot stronger than the report indicates. It seems Kensei has trained the boy. But I've seen enough. And it looks like the poison is taking effect. His movements will only get more sluggish. I'm confident the other two will be able to easily subdue him. Now I need to lure him away from here.'

Making up his mind he disappeared and reappeared in front of Daich and launched a powerful kick that sent Daichi flying. Without stopping he rushed towards the boy.

Daichi regained control of himself, backflipped and safely landed on the ground. He swiftly evaded to the right and dodged a punch to his chest.

"Let's see how well you do in Taijutsu." Doka got into a fighting stance and looked at the boy.

Doka rushed at Daichi and attacked with a greater ferocity. For each punch Daichi blocked or evaded, two more landed on him. The root ninja analyzed the child and came to a conclusion. 'I'd put him at low Chunin. The others won't have a problem.'

He tried to knock Daichi out but it wasn't easy. Deciding to let his hidden teammates capture the boy, Doku slowly moved the fight near their location.

The fight progressed with Daichi blocking and parrying the attacks coming at him. As the battle progressed, Daichi saw that he was being forced to move to where the other two were waiting to ambush him. It wasn't long before he sensed the other two take action.

Doka caught both of Daichi's fists and stepped on his right foot to keep the boy in place.

At that moment Daichi's senses picked up several senbons headed his way. Daichi didn't move and let the sharp long needles pierce him.

[Poisons detected….]

[Gamer's Body has neutralized the foreign compounds.]

He then immediately sent a high kick to his enemy's chin. The attack came fast and struck before Doka could react, forcing him to let go of Daichi's fists and take a step back.

He rubbed his chin and spit out some blood. "Even a rat, when cornered, will fight back."

He saw that Daichi was becoming more sluggish. 'It won't be long now.'

At that moment a loud explosion could be heard followed by a tremor. 'Looks like that Sannin is getting serious. Even with both of us working together we have no chance of defeating her in a straight fight. I need to back up Captain Bu now. Ichimaru and Toga can take it from here. '

Doka disappeared but two others appeared. Daichi used his senses and confirmed that Doka had left to assist his captain. And he used it to see if there was anyone else around watching him.

Sensing no one else, Daichi let out a breath of relief. He internally smirked as he looked at the newcomers.

'Everything's going according to plan. Time to stop this foolish facade.'

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