
Totsuka’s asking for training help.


That was the first thing out of Yukinoshita's mouth.

"No? Hey, come on–"

"No means no." Her second refusal was even colder.

This had all started because I'd mentioned Totsuka's problem to

Yukinoshita. I'd been planning to steer the conversation in a convenient

direction, smoothly quit the Service Club, and then put on a show of joining

the tennis club before slowly fading out, but she'd cut that option clean off

for me.

"I think Totsuka has the right idea about me joining the tennis club,

though. Basically, we just have to give the club members a little jolt. I mean,

if they get the bomb dropped on them that there's a new member, that'll mix

things up, right?"

"Do you think you are capable of operating in a group? A creature such as

yourself would never be accepted, am I wrong?"


She was right; I totally couldn't. It was true that I'd probably quit, but

also, just seeing the others having fun and chilling together as a club might

force me to whack them with a racket.

Yukinoshita laughed in a way that was a lot like a sigh. "You have

absolutely no understanding of group psychology, do you? You're a master


"I don't want to hear that from you."

She ignored me completely and continued speaking. "Though they may

band together against you as a common enemy, they'd only expend the

necessary effort to get rid of you, making no effort to improve themselves, so

it wouldn't solve anything. Source: me."

"I see… Huh? Source?"

"Yes. In middle school, I returned from abroad to Japan. Of course, I was

transferring in, and all the girls in the class, or rather, the whole school, were

desperate to eliminate me. Not a single one of them attempted to improve

themselves in order to best me. Those imbeciles…," she reflected, and as she

spoke, something like black fire swelled at her back.

Oh, crap, I might have stepped on a land mine.

"W-well, you know. When a cute girl like you shows up, it's inevitable

that sort of thing would happen."

She paused. "Y-yes, well, I suppose. It's true that I am far more attractive

than any of them, and I'm not so mentally weak on that front to put myself

down. Therefore, you could say that it was a foregone conclusion, in a way.

But still, Yamashita and Shimamura were quite cute, you know? It seems

they were fairly popular with boys, too. But that's just appearance. When it

came to academics, sports, arts, etiquette, and even spiritually, they most

certainly never approached someone of my caliber. If you just can't beat

someone no matter how hard you try, it's no surprise you would try to hold

them back and drag them down."

Yukinoshita had appeared to be at a loss for words for a moment, but soon

she was right back to tooting her own horn. Her praise wasn't just fluid. It

rushed along like the bright blue crashing waves of Niagara Falls.

I was impressed she'd managed to say all that without faltering once.

Perhaps this was her own way of hiding her shyness? So there was a speck of

cuteness within her after all. Maybe all that talking was what had made her

face so red.

"Can you do me a favor and not say anything weird? You're giving me

unpleasant chills."

"It's a relief to hear you say that. Yeah, you're not cute after all."

Actually, Totsuka was way cuter than any of the girls I knew. What the

hell was with that? Oh yeah. We were supposed to be talking about Totsuka.

"Is there nothing we can do to help the tennis club get better?" I asked.

Yukinoshita's eyes widened as she stared at me. "This is rare. When did

you start worrying about other people?"

"Well, you know. This is the first time anyone's ever asked me for help,

so it just kind of happened." Having someone rely on you was a very pleasing

thing indeed. Plus, Totsuka was so cute, so I just… A relaxed smile slipped

onto my face.

"I've been consulted on romantic matters quite often, though,"

Yukinoshita said, as if to counter me. She was puffing out her chest and

speaking as if it was a point of pride, but her expression slowly darkened.

"That said, girls essentially tell you about their crushes for the sake of


"Huh? What do you mean?"

"If you tell people you like someone, everyone else has to be careful

around them, right? It's like you're emphasizing your ownership of them.

Once you know she likes him, if you lay a hand on him, you'll be treated like

a home-wrecker and excluded from the girls' clique, and then even if he says

he likes you, he'll just take off after. Why do I have to take all that abuse

from them?"

Yet again, black flames began rising from her body. I'd expected having

girls talk to you about their crushes was a super-bittersweet thing, but this

was just plain bitter. Why must she crush the pure dreams of boys like that? Is

this fun for her?

Yukinoshita suddenly smiled in mild self-deprecation, as if to wash away

her unsavory memories of the past. "What I'm saying is that it's not

necessarily a good idea to listen to anyone and everyone about every little

problem. You know that old saying: 'A lion throws its own young off a cliff

and kills it.'"

"He's not supposed to kill it!" The correct version was A lion hunts its

child with all its might.

"What would you do?"

"Me?" Yukinoshita blinked her big eyes with a pensive look that said, Oh,

yes. "I suppose I'd make them all run until they died, do practice swings until

they died, and play tennis until they died." She was smiling a little as she said

that. So scary.

While I was getting rather seriously freaked out, the door to the clubroom

opened with a rattle.

"Yahallo!" The stupid-sounding greeting reached my ears. Carefree

compared to her counterpart, Yuigahama was brimming with birdbrained,

bimbo smiles, as usual, looking as if she had not a worry in the world. But

behind her stood someone who looked timid and serious.

His eyes were downcast, as if he lacked confidence. His fingers weakly

grasped the hem of Yuigahama's blazer, and his skin was translucently white.

He was such an ephemeral existence, it seemed as though he would disappear

like a fleeting dream if the light shone on him.

"Oh…Hikigaya!" Instantly, the color returned to his clear skin, and he

smiled like a flower bursting into bloom. When he smiled, I finally realized

who he was. Why had he looked so glum?

"Totsuka, huh."

He stepped delicately toward me, squeezing the cuff of my sleeve instead

now. Hey, hey, you're not allowed to do that! But he's a guy, though…

"Hikigaya, what're you doing here?"

"Well, this is my club… What are you doing here?"

"Today I brought someone with a request, heh-heh," Yuigahama

announced proudly, pointlessly puffing out her chest. I'm not asking you. I

wanted to hear the answer from Totsuka's cute lips…

"Well, like, listen! I'm a member of the Service Club, too, aren't I? So I

thought I'd do my job for once. And Sai-chan seemed to have a problem, so

that's why I brought him here."


"Yukinon, you don't have to thank me or anything at all. I just did my

duty as a club member."

"Yuigahama, you're not actually a member, though."

"I'm not?!"

She's not?! That was a surprise. I had thought for sure this was a thing

where she just gradually ended up being in the club.

"No. I haven't gotten an application form from you or consent from our

supervisor, so you're not a member."

Yukinoshita was pointlessly strict about these rules.

"I'll fill one out! I can fill out as many applications as you want! Lemme

join you!" With tear-filled eyes, Yuigahama began to write application form

on a sheet of loose-leaf paper in rounded, childish, phonetic hiragana

characters. She could at least have written it in kanji…

"So, Totsuka, was it? What did you need?" Ignoring Yuigahama

scribbling away on her application form, Yukinoshita turned to Totsuka.

Pierced by her cold gaze, Totsuka twitched for a moment. "U-um…you

can help me…get better…at tennis, right?" At first, he'd been looking at

Yukinoshita, but as he got toward the end of his sentence, Totsuka's gaze

shifted over to me. He was shorter than me, so he was looking up at me,

seeing how I'd react.

Hey, don't look at me like that… You'll get me all worked up. Stop giving

me that look.

Then, though it likely wasn't her intention to save me, Yukinoshita replied

in my place. "I don't know how Yuigahama explained it to you, but the

Service Club is not your personal genie. We only provide a little assistance

and encourage your independence. Whether you improve or not is up to you."

"Oh… I see…" Discouraged, Totsuka's shoulders drooped.

Yuigahama had probably promised all sorts of things. I glared at her. She

was muttering, "My seal, my seal," as she rummaged around in her bag for

the personal stamp she would sign the form with. She noticed my attention

and lifted her head.

"Huh? What?"

"Don't give me that. Your irresponsible remarks have crushed this boy's

slim hopes to smithereens." Yukinoshita attacked her mercilessly, but

Yuigahama just tilted her head.

"Hmm? Hmm? But, like, you and Hikki can figure something out, right?"

Yuigahama asked bluntly, a completely blank expression on her face.

Depending on how you interpreted that remark, it could have meant

something disparaging, like So you can't do it?

Unfortunately, there was someone in that very room who would take it that way. "Hmph. You've become a lot more forthright these days,

Yuigahama. Never mind that boy… I can't believe you would try to test me."

Yukinoshita smirked. Agh, Yuigahama had flipped that weird switch in

Yukinoshita's brain. Yukino Yukinoshita would accept any challenge head-

on and beat it down with all she had. She'd beat you down even if you didn't

challenge her. She was the kind of person who would even oppress me, and I

never resist. I'm like Gandhi. "Fine. Totsuka, I accept your request. You want

me to improve your abilities in tennis, is that correct?"

"Y-yes, that's right. I-if I get better, everyone else will try harder, too, I

think," Totsuka replied from behind my back. Perhaps he was overwhelmed

by how widely Yukinoshita's eyes flared. He gently peeked out from behind

my shoulder. His expression was fearful and uneasy. He was just like a

trembling wild rabbit, which made me want to put him in a bunny girl


Well, I think an ice queen like this one declaring she's going to help you

would scare most people. At this rate, I wouldn't have been surprised if she

had said, I'll make you stronger, but in exchange for your life!

Are you some kind of witch or what?

I took a step forward in an attempt to protect Totsuka and ease his anxiety.

When I drew near him, I smelled shampoo and deodorant intermingled: the

indescribable scent of a high school girl. What kind of shampoo is he using?

"Well, I don't mind helping, but what are we going to do?"

"I just told you, didn't I? Don't you remember? If you have no confidence

in your memory, I suggest you take notes."

"Hey, you can't mean you were serious…," I said, remembering her

something something until you die remarks, and Yukinoshita smiled as if to

say, Oh, you're so insightful. That smile was scaring me…

Totsuka's white skin went even paler, and he began trembling like a leaf.

"A-am I going to die?"

"It's okay. I'll protect you," I said, patting him on the shoulder.

Totsuka's cheeks flushed, and he gazed at me feverishly. "Hikigaya…do

you really mean that?"

"Oh, sorry. I just wanted to try saying that." It was one of the top three

lines I'd wanted to try saying once, as a man. By the way, number one is You

go on ahead. Leave this to me. There was no way I'd ever protect

Yukinoshita from anything, though, or protect anyone at all, for that matter. But, well, now that I'd tossed off that remark, if I didn't say something to

wiggle my way out of that statement, he'd leave still feeling uneasy.

Totsuka let out a short sigh and pouted his lips. "I don't understand you

sometimes, Hikigaya…but…"

"Hmm, you have tennis club practice after school, right, Totsuka?"

Yukinoshita cut him off. "Then let's do some special training during lunch.

Are you fine with meeting at the court?" She briskly decided the

arrangements for the next day.

"Roger!" Yuigahama replied as she finally finished writing out her

application form. Totsuka nodded, too. And that meant…

"You mean…me, too?"

"Of course. You don't have any plans during lunch, anyway, now, do


Indeed I did not.


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