
Chapter 39: Until the end

This time there would be no one to stop them, no motive and nothing emotional that could be detrimental to the fight. There was nothing to say to each other in this fight, they just had to fight to give each other a clear answer at the beginning of this whole confrontation, when you have a winner and a loser, then that should be the moment where you can finally tell that person your true thoughts and feelings. The only moment where you are defeated is when you realise that you really didn't measure up to what you thought you were, even for someone who is a conformist, it takes a bit of strength to accept that you don't want anything more in life, not being ambitious is also a difficult decisionl....


The fight was going on steadily and with nothing to stop them, the island had become a battlefield from the beginning, and you could see it deteriorating as time went by. The sun was still setting, and it would not be long before it would be covered by the cold night of this day that was coming to an end. 

You could hear thunder and blows all around the island, everyone was really trying hard to win the fight, but more than anything, that little boy was determined that at the end of the day, he would be able to return home with everyone, since the last time he decided to leave, he ended up losing everything he had at that moment?

M now felt that he had the advantage at the start, being able to break through their defences and coordination with the strategy he had put together was really paying off at the moment. Quickly he was running like someone unstoppable, while dodging large flares of fire that were heading straight for him. But...noticing behind him, he ended up realizing that the flares were taking a shape, as if they were alive and were now chasing him to hit him with everything. It wasn't that Blaze was controlling them, but that Rouge was managing his winds to redirect Blaze's flames, quickly this M ended up realizing what they were up to, so he quickly jumped into the sky again. Where his ears could move from side to side, he could feel it all around him. Cream was jumping through the skies to confuse him and...POMM!!!! M ended up blocking a kick from the doe with his arms, this really from the many times he saw it, it was easy for him to defend himself. When the rabbit had his chance to attack, what the little boy did was.

『Take it *smiles*』

Giving it a straight palm strike, where it was strong enough to send it back to the ground. Again he could see how several spheres of energy were going to attack him, where thanks to his speed, he decided to propel himself quickly back to the ground. And as if he had a fix on a person's location, M was going as fast as he could, where he found Zeta who ended up not reacting quickly, receiving a strong blow that again threw her away from the fight. But then M realised something, a hand was clutching his arm, and when he tried to remove it, he really couldn't at that moment. Without being able to do more, he ended up realizing that again someone was coming, it was Amy who came back with her hammer and could give a better fight to M, who was quickly dodging his movements, this became a little easy for him, as he could tell the difference in the fight.

『Yup, you are faster and more efficient when you fight with your fists, but with your hammer, your brute strength increases, but you definitely become heavier and slower.』

『Who are you calling heavy!!!』

Before my comment I could see the quick reaction of the pink one, where she quickly changed the size of her hammer, where she became much more agile than with her heavy hammer, I thought that again she would surprise me and deceive me as in our previous combat. But anyway, I reacted to the change he made, and from one moment to the next, I appeared in front of him, totally unprotected and...

『Yes, in addition to your speed being slow, your response reaction is also slow with the hammer』.

POMM!!!!!! I finished giving her a strong blow with my whole fist where it didn't end here, as she surely thought I was going to send her flying away because of the strength I used. But before that could happen, I ended up holding her with my tail so that she wouldn't go away, I slammed her hard against the ground where I was going to repeatedly continue with back to back blows against Amy, but I could quickly notice how something that before was resistant, but on contact I could see how much she was weakening. Rouge came and quickly wrapped her wings around me from behind my back, I know why Rouge's wings became looser and even softer, this didn't cause her punches to pierce them, rather... for some strange reason they would pull out to avoid a stronger blow and...

『It takes more than just strength to pierce me M...*tired*』

Her double entendre comment, I was actually somewhat used to it as a former classmate used to make those same jokes. I quickly wanted to turn around to hit her, but when I didn't realise it, I thought Rouge was on my back, well, she was on my back, we were back-to-back. She spread her wings in the opposite way to enclose me and... I didn't manage to react in time at that moment, but I found myself enclosed by her wings, where in the opening above, I could see a small flash that was descending with force. And when I least expected it, I realised that it was Blaze who was coming with his Unleashed Form and...he was charging a powerful flame attack first. I reacted by trying to protect myself from the flames but, Zeta's arm that was holding me, I could notice how it seemed to want to short-circuit at that moment. ....

The power of the impact of the flames was so strong that it sent everyone but the target flying. M was in the middle of the powerful flares hitting from the sky. Where Blaze quickly summoned her huge fist artifacts and with propulsion of her own, she was lashing out with her own flame attack where her aim was to pierce everything and hit me full on with her blow that....

.....POMM!!!!!!!!! First they heard how the blow ended up hitting hard, then followed by an explosion that was taking the field. Quickly they had to get as far away from the place as possible, where Cream was the fastest to rescue her friends, she took Amy and Rouge and with her jumps they moved away from the expansion of flames that was causing even more destruction in the forest...

The dome of flames finally dissipated, and the only thing that could be seen was no longer a forest as it should be, but the same orange sky was bathing with its light a landscape really scorched by Blaze's flames. Everything was calm at this moment, since for these seconds the fight had stopped and... Zeta who was returning to the place of combat really wounded and exhausted by the fight, the only thing she found was this same landscape that... her own face said it, it was really weighing her a lot for having joined the fight...

This result ended up being provoked by Blaze and Zeta, where not only was the full impact of Blaze, but the arm that held M with force, ended up overloading with energy and generating a much more powerful explosion, they put the mechanics of both together and enhanced it more with this combo of attacks...M can resist the explosions, but can he resist a huge degree as what he experienced now?

You could see someone in the centre, a figure with his arms covered and...it seems that he tried in a hurried way and although he didn't know how to do it, it seems that he had some kind of weak barrier around him, that he had been completely pierced by his surroundings, this was obvious, to create shields with his energy, M doesn't know how to do it. When he finally got it all out, we could find M who was exhaling heavily and...both his legs and arms were shaking...Zeta was still waiting and worried about the state of her son but .....

His face became serious at that moment, where he was quickly preparing a cannon attack with his only arm he had, and...you could quickly see a great attack of pure electric energy that hit directly at M. It was also sweeping away the landscape that no longer had anything beautiful...As the attack ended, it was not the powerful attack from the beginning, it was half of his power...no...it was less than that, as he used his reserves for powerful attacks to try to weaken Tatsumaki and....

Again there were no words to this, M upon receiving the attack full on, again his body was gushing mild electricity and...he was staggering from what he was upright and...Quickly Amy to this he managed to recompose himself he was going straight to with his hammer the hit M saying....

『This is not over yet, don't doubt again if you think that M is not going to continue fighting, he still wants to stand firm, look at his eyes, don't take your eyes off him, only then will you know if he really gave up, and I still see decision in his eyes』-『And it goes for you too M, don't take your eyes off Blaze!!!』

Quickly Amy didn't hold back and tried to lash out with the little strength she had left, to this M tried to pull herself together, where the pink girl the only thing she could see when she blinked, was how the boy ended up disappearing in front of her eyes. Where quickly by quick reaction, or by habit of fighting against him, he could read his movements and prepared his hammer backwards that...M had beaten him in reaction time, but at the moment of wanting to hit his blow, by the Electric Fever he ended up hitting another side and....POMM!!!! Amy ended up removing her hammer at the last moment which ended up hitting M hard all over his face, this really left M rolling on the ground burnt and...just as the pink one expected, M wasn't long in wanting to stand up and....

『It's over now, I can't fight anymore, that's why I didn't want to fight too, we didn't want to...it's too hard...But I want it to be over now!!!!!! Don't get up again! Brat!!!!』

M, who was trying to get up with the strength he still had, could see how a huge shadow was gradually covering not only him, but the whole area around him. Amy was once again raising her hammer to give M a powerful and powerful blow, she was sure that at this point, if she received another blow that she couldn't take any more, this time she wouldn't get up again and she would be able to get up again. ....

『(M also since we continued with the fight, he has been very weakened...for his strategy to work of us letting our guard down and being at a disadvantage, the price was to endure and receive all the blows that his God Form would have quietly withstood, but by returning to his Base Form he received everything in full, rather it is an achievement that he got back up and continued with the fight to this degree...)I see that if you are very serious son....』

Amy was further bulking up her hammer that...it seems to have reached its limit, since it couldn't get any bigger, it was a smaller size that she tried to knock Tastumaki down with but...M was slowly getting back on his feet and....

『This is over!!!!』

Amy used her remaining strength to strike with all her might against M, where in the midst of swinging her huge hammer at M, M quickly revealed a mischievous grin on his face, where perfectly the pink one could hear that....

『Now it's my turn to move....*smile*』

!!!!!!!!!! Where to Amy this only made her nervous and surprised her from one moment to the next...POOMMMM!!!!!!!!! The hammer ended up hitting full on the spot, it should have hit and knocked out M, but quickly from how M said, it was her time to move since....

『I'm the fastest chip!!!!!』

Quickly this one appeared at one end beside Amy, where the pink one for having used all her strength from the previous attack of her hammer, to resist all that weight and power, to have been herself be the one to direct all the huge hammer....M quickly got into position to run quickly and in a moment's notice with her matching speed. POOMM!!!!!!! She ended up giving a strong headlong lunge with everything to Amy, who the pink one to this really ended up hitting her straight and...unlike M who could still stand up and try to make her moves despite being cornered. Amy in the face of this move and M's turn, really couldn't do anything....

『*exhale*.... At last...one fell...』

Now that I look at it, this is like a game of chess, the important pieces from the beginning were always us. I would be a kind of King who has always had the ability to take on any opponent within his reach, the Queen on my side would be Tatsumaki, and as they always say, she is the strongest piece in the whole game. 

On the other side, if I have to say it the same way, the King would be Blaze, who is also strong enough to face the dangers, but in most cases, even though he also wants to fight, there are even stronger pieces capable of giving him the victory... Carmis is like a pawn, that after so much effort and dedication, could get the crowning and become someone much more powerful, with the freedom and power to move around the board managing to kill everything at his disposal, but of course ... someone who becomes strong, can be defeated if you do not know how to move well ...

Amy would be a rook because she always went straight to her target without hesitation, she only had 2 paths, to advance to attack, or retreat to help...Zeta would be the knight, more than anything else because of the variety of moves she can make, she can go from here to there with a defined strategy that serves both attack and defence, but it is also something easy to see, as her moves are easier to see because of the monotomy that is continuous...And if you block a move of the knight, her moves become smaller. Rouge would be like a pawn too, not because there are so many of them, but just one pawn whose job, rather than being the first line of defence for the other pieces, was always there to hinder my moves and I was often hurt when I tried to fight him because the pieces he was protecting came to attack...And finally Cream, whose moves are fast if he tries and it is often difficult to know where he will go or attack, would undoubtedly be the team's bishop...

『And even with so many good pieces against us, we're going to be able to win *proudly*』

I was really proud of how strong my team was, at that moment I was trying to recover and continue the fight. I could notice how Zeta had appeared at that moment only to look at me, he wasn't doing anything more than that, I could see that his right arm was missing, it was the same one that exploded in Blaze's joint attack...I was going to continue fighting, but what he said to me was....

『No...are you tired M?』

.....His question more than anything else was a concern that I have...to this I really didn't have to lie to him, that without hiding it I told him that I was tired...but ....

『I must win this fight, so I won't give up and we can go home together mother...』

『Mother...now with all that we know more about you, what a person least wants in their life, what for a mother least wants from her son, is to be lied to.... So M』-『If you are so hardened to be content with what you have, then this is not your home, I am not your mother nor are we your family, don't settle with us, you have to go back to your real home with your real family, or is being with them also settling...or should I put it this way, the people who love you, settled with you?』

...A the words I heard from Zeta...really...they made me think about many things, I had not thought about it nor would I like to think about it, it is true that I am a conformist and I said it clearly to Blaze...but those people that I really love very much...did they conform with me? My father...my sister...my mother...my friends...Rino and Menhera...did they settle for me? Just to think that they are by my side and all the affection, love that I received from them...is it because there was no other way?...It should make me happy...that they accept me...but...now that I think about it better, it feels ugly that it even made me tighten my chest because....

『That would be so painful....』

Actually at that moment, I felt as if the little strength I had was slowly leaving me. I could once again feel my body weakening, my legs and arms trembling...Where Zeta telling me that, making me understand, told me again....

『Now do you understand our feelings M? Especially Blaze, she was the first to realize all this...』

....What was this...just by telling me a few things...it really put me off wanting to keep fighting, now this didn't make so much sense now that I think about it and...So this feeling goes way back, the situation that I thought was recent goes way back, now I really understand Blaze's annoyance that I saw several times, her insistence and until now, that she decided to fight for my sake...The fight had been postponed at this moment, while in the rest of the world, a fight was happening that wasn't over yet....


There was rumbling and destruction throughout most of the city where they were still fighting, they were moving from place to place with the incredible power they had. Quickly Carmis Develot Arge of what was chasing Tatsumaki, an incantation in several manuscripts began to be written above the city, which the Heroine seeing it really alarmed her and prepared for what was to come. Quickly from what she was escaping, she was redirected towards the Demon that...in order to finish her spell, other portals quickly reappeared around her, where fierce monsters came out of them to protect her. Although Tatsumaki tried to get rid of them with his telekinesis but...To his surprise he couldn't send them flying at that moment, even they could withstand the pressure he was forcing and...From one moment to another POOMM!!!!!!!!! It was hit directly when a portal appeared in front of him, a gigantic fist came out of it and because of the force it provoked, it sent Tatsumaki crashing with force and speed against the ground. The inhabitants were quickly worried, but fear forced some to flee and others to wonder what was going on.

Tatsumaki quickly and furiously looked up at the sky, where her instinct was to protect all the inhabitants of the city, since the two monsters that looked more like powerful devils were coming to attack her with force and power. Her barrier that she managed to create, managed to hold them back, where with a little too much effort, she managed to gather the energy of the barrier, concentrating them in the centre of the monsters, and like a spiral they were being absorbed where little by little they only became dry and guts on the ground...

『Hey damn Demon...*tired* Don't you dare involve innocent civilians!!!!! Oiste retarded!!!!!!!!!!』-『This is between you and me!!!』

Tatsumaki was furious with all this seeing that Carmis Develot Arge sent her Demons to attack her even with all the innocent civilians there, if only one could be involved or get harmed, she really would have been even more upset...This the Demon could hear from the heights, where she was still finishing conjuring the spell, but also. ...it suddenly stopped doing so and...With an instantaneous portal it appeared in front of Tatsumaki who...Quickly greeted it with an energy attack in his fist that was fully intended to defeat it, but Carmis was still able to create a barrier that protected it from this blow.

『But didn't you care what happened in combat? Not that we could destroy everything we wanted because we have the right to do so? We fight for the good of all, so it's a good price to pay』

『Don't twist my words...What good would it do to save them from destruction, if they are also involved in this!!!! I fight and use all my power to get rid of guys like you who are just a danger to everyone!!!! And I will do my best if killing you will save thousands of lives, even more than what I destroy !!!!』

『But why do you want to kill me now? I'm not the bad guy here. Or does it take that to be a Hero, the philosophy of Hero and Villain is something that is very difficult to understand don't you think? That's why I myself prefer to become a legend more than anything else』-『But if you really are true to yourself, I want you to show me your purity as such, I'll be honest Miss Tatsumaki, the little time I have left of power, I'll use it to become a real temporary enemy of humanity, you do your best to prevent it...*smiles*』-『The spell I was casting before, I'd better save it for last』.

To this Carmis Develot Arge, really had something in mind, and wanted to see if Tatsumaki, both his purity of his person, wants to see his true self, and for this it seems that he needs to become the villain for this time. Where Tatsumaki upon hearing that this Demon will become his enemy, this at first frightened him, but then...he was smiling with satisfaction.

『Perfect, don't blame me if I kill you, you bloody villain...』

『A person can go down in history as a legend, and now that I see it, there are different ways to do so...』

Quickly to this again space was being transported by different places, where without expecting anything else, the moment he realized it. Tatsumaki was fighting directly against Carmis Develot Arge, who was using his spells to destroy what was in front of him. Quickly Tatsumaki with a great onslaught of powers, went straight to the Demon, used his spirals that impacted directly to Carmis and by concentrating so much on a single point, this ended up splitting in half, but that was not the end of it, as the regeneration was impressive that quickly was like new. Carmis Develot Arge looked at Tatsumaki smiling and saw how he showed the palm of his hand and...

From one moment to the next, the Heroine found herself in another part of the world, in a city that was quiet, even the people were walking normally. But...Tatsumaki witnessed it at that moment and....Pom.....BOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!! Quickly a huge explosion of magic and particles was being generated at the front of the city, where Tatsumaki was doing his best to contain it in a prison of psychic energy that...He could see how his field was cracking and was going to let all that energy out. He quickly saw the problem this could cause, where with his coils he was taking every leak of power and .....

The Heroine could feel it, as something was coming for her, it was again monsters that were digging the ground and all in coordination were throwing themselves at Tatsumaki, getting rid of them was simple, it was just redirecting the energy leakage towards the monsters with her spiral and...At that Carmis Develot Arge appeared in front of her and seemed to have a small amount of energy concentrated on her finger, where Tatsumaki knew what was going to happen....

『Hey!!! Don't do it.....-------------....』

The concentrated energy entered through a leak to the energy containment, where being an unstable energy, this ended up causing an enormous explosion throughout the city, which expanded swallowing everything that...or so it must have happened...Carmis Develot Arge was surprised and stunned by this, as Tatsumaki had gathered a large amount of spiral and energy within the sphere, this made it even more unstable, but his goal was that his spiral created a black hole to absorb all the energy that was escaping. ...Although Tatsumaki was concentrating on absorbing all the escaping energy, it was still not easy to hold it back, and like a piercing bolt of lightning, it pierced through the city causing chaos and destruction everywhere...

『Incredible...this is unbelievable...-----------....』

Carmis Develot Arge who, being too close to the unstable power, thought he could resist the pull, but he was quickly absorbed by the same power that .... remained more and more unstable than .....

『(He could survive the energy blast...but all the other citizens would die and...).AHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Why I care so much about these wimps!!!!!』

The explosion ended up occurring where from the vast planet earth, from space, you could see a small sphere begin to build up. It was much stronger than a nuclear blast, as the explosion ended, Tatsumaki was more damaged and tired...you could tell she could still fight, but the pace would slow steadily. She didn't want to open her eyes since...she couldn't hold back something she planned to but....

『Miss Tatsumaki open your eyes, there's nothing to be afraid of, there's nothing...』

Carmis Develot Arge appeared in front of her completely in the middle of her regeneration, only her voice could be heard, where the Heroine for some reason didn't want to open her eyes but...anyway she had to see what she ended up causing and...the only thing she could see when she did, is a completely desolate area, not containing the energy it violently left the place and.....

『(Did he notice? I hope so, although it's hard to see it from here, this power I have is really scary) Miss Tatsumaki, I think that's enough, you already taught me that -----------』

『I'm going to kill you ....』


『I'm going to kill you...you showed me that even as strong as I am...I'm not able to protect what I work so hard for...this isn't my world, it makes sense, if I were in my world I'm pretty sure others could have avoided this...I can't become like them...that's why I just do things my way!』

Quickly the Heroine unleashed much more power than usual, where she instantly but brutally used her coils to break the Demon's body parts and .... from one moment to the next both of them, both products of Carmis Develot Arge's powers, found themselves in the middle of a quiet forest. Although Carmis tried to regenerate himself, he was afraid of what was in front of him, he could see Tatsumaki overflowing with energy, where the energy he put together in his spiral, contained them in a much larger one, creating a powerful spiral more powerful than .....

『Ay...yes I made her angry...』

..... -------------- ... The attack ended up hitting the Demon who could now feel the pain in his own flesh, down to his bones he could feel it himself, as the whole attack was not only devastating him, but also the surroundings around him. Tatsumaki understood graphically, that if he wants to save many, then he must not hold back, even if he has to destroy his surroundings. Again the space was changed, where the two of them were in what seemed to be snowy mountain ranges, only the cold breeze could be felt and the icy peaks could be seen that .... Carmis at this quickly went on to regenerate first his head and again could be seen in the sky, as the spell of the beginning was taking shape and....

『You die before I destroy more things!!!!』

Tatsumaki repeated the fist clenching attack again, where Carmis could feel something coming towards him, but..Pomm!!!! It seems that something was a hindrance that, quickly Tatsumaki managed to see that again monsters were holding her feet, where she joined force in her tread and....POOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!! An explosion occurred that echoed throughout the mountain ranges. The monsters were annihilated from one moment to the next, where Carmis Develot Arge was a bit scared of this as...Tatsumaki really seems to be willing to destroy everything in order to put an end to the major threat that she considered from the beginning....

He could feel a huge pressure on his face, his body was regenerating but his head was being crushed by a pressure that...Bom! His head ended up exploding where Carmis's body quickly moved his hands and now, the demon seemed to have transported himself back to a quiet place, he was in a courtyard only that he dropped to his knees completely scared because....

『Miss Tatsumaki, I made her take her words to heart...now if she's willing to end it all for the sake of ....』

At this Carmis Develot Arge was regenerating his head and...you could see how his glow and the aura he was transmitting was really fading, but as he was once again conjuring and continuing with the previous spell, he saw a spiral appear in front of him and...A hand went through the spiral and was grabbing him by the hair, where it was pulling him tightly that ....Pomm!!!!!!! When the Demon did not want to, Tatsumaki quickly launched a powerful beam of energy destroying it as well and causing more chaos in the place where he was. Quickly the Demon was transported again and found himself in a quiet meadow, the calm breeze might have been relaxing but....

When he looked up he could see how Tatsumaki had him by the hair and...He could see how green energy was concentrated in Carmis Develot Arge's body and from one moment to another he received powerful invisible attacks that squeezed his body and...although he was still healing, Tatsumaki knew that....

『As long as you keep regenerating, as long as you are a real threat to humanity, I will hunt you down and kill you, I will destroy everything to save everything, is that clear to you?』

He was telling her with a gesture that would really terrify anyone and...at this Carmis Develot Arge realised the situation he got himself into, to have given a fight to a girl like this, really if he managed to beat her, he would become a legend as such. Carmis tried to pierce Tatsumaki with spikes at that moment, but the pressure conjured by her barrier destroyed those spikes. Quickly Carmis would dizzy her again, transporting her all over the world and ....Pom!!!!. He tried to give her a strong blow that.... could easily have been parried by the heroine and...she could see at that moment the imposing figure that was that short girl and....

『After all, I shouldn't have worried so much, Threat Level Dragon...』

Tatsumaki quickly enveloped her in psychic power and with this he noticed how Carmis tried to escape but took her with her too. From one moment to the next she attacked him with all her powers, causing serious damage. In truth he did not hold back at all, and the speed at which they were transported did not make him realize the level he was causing in this world, each release and expulsion of power, each blow he gave Carmis, caused destruction in many parts of the planet that .... In the end he ended up collecting the spirals he had and with all the release of power, again managed to free Carmis that...this was regenerating little by little and .....In all this time he did not stop continuing with his spell that...

『I want to defeat you Ms. Tatsumaki!!!!!!』

Carmis was going all out with an attack that he himself was borrowing from the UltiWorld, it was as if he was snatching or tearing with his bare hands from the book to his hand and it all came together at that moment that...His fist began to glow with an intense white light, he was going to go with his biggest attack, a pure direct hit that....Tatsumaki was also serious about this lunge, he put his coils together and had an attack of the same caliber as.... loaded.

『I am going to win!!!!!!!!!!』

POMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The blows ended up hitting hard in a clash that at the moment of the exchange, caused even more destruction than what they were already causing in their fight and...only causing a white light that was swallowing everything that was there like a black hole.....


M's fight wasn't over yet, where this one after second thought, really being a conformist...was it ok? At that moment Blaze appeared in all this, where he lunged at M where M was able to reflexively block him and...instead of continuing the fight, only upon seeing M's face and M saying....

『Blaze...you...will you settle with me? 』

Hearing him say that to his friend, the answer really was clear because....

『I know I would be happy but...it would be a decision that I would regret as time went by...』

Hearing her answer clearly and fairly, it really gave me more to understand that the best thing for this is .... At that we could both notice it at that moment, our ears moved in tandem, we didn't have time to move back or do anything else. But we could see how a light appeared out of nowhere in our midst and...BOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!! An explosion happened that although we tried to protect ourselves, we really couldn't before this great level of power. When I finally got rid of the light and looked at what had happened, I was confronted with a scene that....

『Why don't you give up already.... don't you see that I want to win you!!!!!!!』

『I'm not going to do it because...I want to beat you too!!!!!!』

I was surprised to see this since, from one moment to the next Tatsumaki and Carmis returned to the initial battlefield and...at this both of them were really exhausted, I couldn't imagine what kind of crazy fight they just had, but the fact that both of them are in a degree I never thought I'd see....

『Hello everyone, I'm back, and from what I see you've been through a lot too, and I can tell by the peace of mind you have that...eh? Yes fighting spirit, it's gone....』

At this I was surprised that Carmis knows how we feel at that moment, but she had hit the mark, I really after all, I don't think I want to fight anymore, I am weak and extremely tired, I can keep fighting, I can give one last effort but....

『Losing...would be nice....』

『What did you just say, kiddo?』

At this I ended up looking up as, Tatsumaki upon hearing me say that, was the first to respond, her gaze was fixed on me that...just by looking at her I knew that she was totally opposite to me as....

『You have to win kid!!!!』-『Do you know what it means to give up or lose in a fight? You say it like it's really easy but...In this life that we all lead, no one can really give up!!!!! If you have to fight then do it till the end!!! Because if you don't then you will regret it as time goes by, listen to your elders, the world respects those who achieved victory, but they respect even more those who fight and keep fighting for that victory』- 『Don't settle for something you met in the middle of the road, go on and on until you find the final answer!!!!! don't hesitate. Finish your fight and make it clear to everyone who you are!!!!』

Tatsumaki's words, I really didn't expect her to be the one to give me the sense that I should finish the fight, she's right about a lot of things, one should just continue.... made it clear to me that even on a small path that should have been, I'm going around in circles so that I can be content with what I have and...that's wrong...If I decided something from the beginning, I should finish it. If I leave the fight here, if I leave things half done, I'll never be willing to move forward. ....

I got up from where I was and walked over to where Tatsumaki was and....

『I'm going to fight to the end, it's decided, thank you very much Tatsumaki, you really inspire people』.

I stopped by to thank the Heroine where she just stopped by to see me and not say anything else, it would have been awesome if she said something to me, but I can tell the reason why she was annoyed with me and...

『This is a team fight, even though I'm used to doing it my way, for this one let's fight hand to hand brat, let's both fight for victory together』.

Hearing her say that to Tatsumaki, it really made me feel...like a great opportunity that I can't miss, he was badly hurt, I'm hurt too, I don't doubt that she can lose if she fights alone but...she commented that "Make it clear who you are"...To this I was bringing out a smile since....

『I'll do my best to win Tatsumaki』

『That's obvious, and who gave you permission to call me dryly? Don't forget the -san brat』.

At this I laughed because it just caught my attention, although now that I look at it, it has caught my attention many times. While on the other side, noticing that M is going to keep fighting until the end, Blaze ended up liking it a lot, because it was like after so many turns, he finally got back to the initial issue that...

『We must also make an effort Miss Blaze, we have to win and---』 

『Become a legend by being ourselves *smiles*』 

As Blaze completed the Demon's words, he really felt much calmer and relaxed, having the support, the company of a friend, fighting for the good of others, really felt better to Carmis. Zeta, seeing that this situation was no longer his business, decided to do what they should have done in the first place, they shouldn't have gotten into a battle they weren't called to...

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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