
Chapter 34: A real setback

Sometimes I come to think things that should not...I should not take them into account and much less believe that they are true and real, there will always be someone who will point you out as a liar or that you do not really contribute to anything, neither for the world, nor for your close circles, much less that you contribute to yourself in becoming a better person. Although we already started from the beginning...since I said sometimes right? it would rather be most of the time, to think that really the kind of life I lead...I really deserve it? Since as people think and say it openly, one has better luck than the other...I consider myself a person who believes in it, since in some situations that I thought lost, something happened, a person came, an intervention or a miracle, that saved me many times in which I had lost completely, that can be defined as luck right? But I also do not count on it, since there are moments in which I really wished I was not there, but due to different factors, nobody came to my rescue, I only had myself and I could defend myself with what I had, which... really at the moment of looking for it, I realized that if I am alone, I can not defend myself as such?

In all the years that passed, I really believed that I was growing, I became more expressive and I had important friendships, situations in which before I could not even imagine being...But when I am really alone, all that growth that I had, was only a feint to please myself, if I am alone...there is really little I can do, it is as if there is no motivation to do something if all the weight falls on my account, a person told me before, what happens to me does not matter to me? Whether it's good or bad, to receive that kind of mistreatment from Kanon...to accept his words when we were alone...to destroy all my effort and overlay his words.... when he told me that I really...I felt very frustrated, my heart felt like it was going to break, and when I least imagined it, I was crying of impotence because of that....

『But that's what I really am...a weakling who in his imagination thinks he has achieved everything...to be close to a peaceful and simple growth...I don't ask to be the most incredible and best person in the world that everything goes well for him...I just want peace of mind and a simple life without any complications...but every time I meet Kanon...he makes the world really a cruel place that I'm not ready for it. ...no matter how hard I try, everything I want to achieve will never be like this...because I'm just an Error in the world that dreams of getting his little place where he feels satisfied and happy...with being able to live quietly keeping what I have...that's all I want...hopefully when I find myself fulfilled...that time will stop and it will be like this forever....』

This conversation happened on the same day of our High School Entrance Ceremony...I really remember it perfectly, the day was incredible, the decorations and the atmosphere that it transmitted initially, after having well in mind that I could make more effort to become better, I really saw with wonderful eyes this new phase of my life, but soon after.... a truth, a reality that has been tormenting me for years, would make me understand to stop once and for all the falsehood I was living and focus on what I really am, to focus on the life I really deserve, to focus on the kind of person I was originally...I always tended to say strange words...but they all had the same purpose, always to harm me or as Kanon says "That I do not reject the reality, that the person I will become, is not me in truth ....". Every time he said it...all his words to make me feel less, of course I would rather ignore them, but for some strange damn reason, all the bad is always well remembered over the good, it must be for that very reason that I have well in mind that day of Entrance Ceremony...since it was the day Kanon really destroyed me completely....

『Y*@%i-kun, the world we all live in, from the beginning to the end of everything, is not made for everyone, you are not the only inhabitant that since the origins has had problems, everyone, absolutely everyone has their conflicts, I bet you that even the Gods themselves have doubted their own existence *smiles* That means there is no difference between us, what makes us special to each other, it really is simple, we are special because we are ourselves *smiles* You are special to me Y*@%i-kun, I don't care how others look at you, I will always hold you in high esteem, and that has more value coming from someone you really appreciate, that's how the feeling of specialness, or also if you want to call it, a mutual feeling of love, is generalized. ...*smiles*』

『Love?...I really don't know if what I feel for you is love...I know I told you that when I find this true feeling I have for you Menhera-chan, I will tell you without remorse or sorrow, but one thing is for sure, the way I see you Menhera from the beginning is that you are -----------』

At that moment when I was about to say it, right at that very moment...Menhera caressed my head while she was sticking her forehead with mine...I could understand it perfectly just with that kindness, I didn't want her to say it at that moment, since I'm sure it's not what she would like to hear, where in turn she said to me....

『No matter what your answer is, I'll be happy when I finally see the scared, crying, nervous kid I knew, the same one I saw growing up, become a person who will always keep his thinking straight, that's protecting and respecting all your effort and who you are...if someone comes to change your mind, you just go about your business, but there's also a fun option *smiles* show him that all your effort made you who you are now Y*@%i-kun』

Menhera finished telling me all that and...seeing her face looking directly at mine...how to say it...I had since my beginnings a person who will always be on my side and support me at all times, her cheerful face that I can become someone better, really made me very happy, the optimism she had for me, if I didn't have it, I know I could count on her help, it was always like that, I grew up next to her and her care, so if something bad happens to me, she would be the first to find out and do everything possible to be able to help me. ...So that I have to show all my effort in what I am now...although I remember this day perfectly, that phrase almost didn't even occur to me in my head.

That meeting was really as I expected, I received what I needed, it was always like that, although it may not be right, but Menhera was like my caregiver and always saw to it that I was well, something that always seems strange to me, because at the beginning when we met, I could even say that there was no interest in each other, but it seems that because of the little times we met, she became more and more interested in how I really am, I even remember a phrase she said, that I was a boy who could not feel anything. I guess he meant that at that time I had no motivation or anything in particular, I was just existing and that's all...but it seems that Menhera was referring to something else, and from that curiosity, I think he became more and more interested in me, until we had the friendship we have today. I wonder if he would say the same thing after seeing me again, that would make me very curious, although I feel that his answer would not change, I would still be a guy who does not feel anything...although that sounds very negative and the image I have from it is...I really want to know what he meant by me being a guy who does not feel anything....


I was walking through the autumn forest, it really felt warm and pleasant, the atmosphere that was transmitted made me feel calm and that everything can remain as usual. Although of course I was not alone, because I lost a game, the Kitten came at the right time and ended up taking advantage of my punishment. Actually now that we are quiet just talking about things...things that are important to me, I feel good, neither anger nor sadness, it's just a pure nostalgia to which I....

『Your friend Menhera...didn't you realize how M really perceives you? 』

『Ah, you mean that whole love thing, well you could say that ------------』

『I don't mean that, although it also has to do with it, if not that the words he said to you and the way he treats you, you said there was no interest before right? Well then something must have happened or something she must have seen in you that you didn't even notice, and now you have become very important to her, not that that doesn't happen, I myself understand it...but I feel that there is another kind of intention with the friendship you have...』-『It's as if your friend, has a very different kind of love than the rest....』

To this of what we were walking calmly, and yes...we were still holding hands, even though it's been a while, I didn't feel at any moment that he wants to remove his grip, moreover, in some parts that I talk about my friendship with Menhera, I can feel even more present his grip...To his last words of Blaze, I really didn't understand it well, since I can't see the difference between the kind of love he is referring to, so....

『And what's so strange about that, there are all kinds of love in the world, obviously the way of loving varies from person to person, you may find Menhera's affection strange, yes, I feel the same way too, but if you get to know her, you will see that she is like any other girl you can be her friend, her kind of love is too demanding and so far no one can measure up, it's better things quietly and take their time, side by side, without complication, without feeling obligation, having other things in mind, seeing mostly for your own life and interest, maybe it is hasty to say this but, I think the kind of love that I would like to meet, would be one that I did not even see coming, I do not mean that this quiet and out of nowhere I fall in love at first sight, if not by casual things and quiet experiences, a feeling of. ... "I fell in love with this person...". Do you know what I mean Blaze?A good feeling of love is not born out of nothing, it is created from quiet and natural things, events and happenings for both, what will it really feel like to be in love....』

I was really calm and somewhat thoughtful about the latter, love is not something that caught my attention when I was a kid, back then all I cared about was playing and having a good time with my friends. But as you get older, you get interested in more things and whether you want to or not, you end up being influenced by the surroundings you lived in. Can you imagine me somewhere happening everything I said? That would be amazing to say the least, because just the thought of someone like that in my life...maybe there really is a chance *smiles*.

『What do you think Kitten? Just out of curiosity, did something similar to what I said happen to you?』

At that moment when I asked him, Blaze for some strange reason ended up staring at me again, I could see him staring at me, as if telling me that I'm too dumb to have said it, where his answer was again having his gaze to the front of the road....

『That's right, something happened just like you said yourself, but unfortunately, not everyone can live it』.

When I heard Blaze's answer, I was really intrigued to know who she was referring to, where again she looked at me in a bad way, I really didn't understand why she was doing it, but we decided to continue with our walk but.... at that moment I could feel it, Blaze stopped holding my hand and decided to walk alone on her own, I didn't have to feel weird about it, surely she got tired of us walking too close, the difference we also had and our thinking, there were moments that really clicked, but nothing more than that, if we had continued walking hand in hand, eventually it would have become uncomfortable. ....


Needless to say that it happened that same day at night, after being able to talk to Menhera, although I had very much in mind his words, just remembering the bad moment of the morning .... I really needed to unburden myself however I could. After committing my crime a few weeks went by, I really still remember how Menhera was waiting for me at my door with her uniform ready and ..... I didn't even want to look at her face...just doing it made me feel bad.

I did not want to see her at all these days, I felt very guilty for having done something like that to my friend, why .... why I did it...the thing was to unburden myself with everything but her....pero.... having always helped me and being with me at all times...it was only enough to imagine me once...for everything to turn into something that I regret to this day.

When my mother found out that I didn't want to go to school, I don't understand why, what I expected was that she would force me to go to school, after all I grew up with an upright and disciplined mother but ..... accepted my decision and let me not go to school for a while. It was really surprising and hard to believe that my mother accepted my rebelliousness and denial.... I guess it was due to many factors, after all it was the beginning of the time when my parents had separated....

The days were quiet for me, there was no motivation to go to high school, if I did it I would end up meeting Kanon and .... I'd rather avoid conflicts and accept that I'm a mistake as she says, she thinks, says and does what she wants, as long as I don't see her anymore it seems perfect, I really hate her but...I wouldn't be strong enough to say it, if I face her I know she would attack me with force and that's where I couldn't go any more and ....

That's why I better stay in my room with my things and without anyone disturbing me, this kind of life that will seem pathetic to you, because for me it is relaxing, I have no duties because I am simply ignoring them, maybe I was aware that I am taking advantage of this time for this new experience that my family is going through but. ...they think I am a victim and after all yes, I will play the asshole until the day comes when I must go back to school, the day when I must face the outside world...I am not really ready for it, so I will do my best to stay in the place where I know everything is ok....

Having breakfast together with my mother was fun, in elementary school I could hardly talk to her, and if we talked it was to discipline me or correct me of some things I did wrong. Really the image I had of her was too hard, but the woman I have in front of me...is completely different, it was as if all the weight she was carrying at home, everything negative and that caused her problems, having disengaged, feeling that she no longer has anything to do with it, turned her and gave her a break that the decision she made, was the best one so far.

『Today I have a little more time than other days, we can have breakfast and take a walk, we can take advantage of the discounts in the shopping district, and with the money left over, maybe buy a candy as a treat *smiles* What do you say Y*@%#&o』

While we were having a simple breakfast, my mother was suggesting me to spend time together, I really wouldn't mind going, it wouldn't be the first time we go to the market and walk around...although I understand why she does this, she wants me to leave the house and at least be outside, since she knows very well that I prefer to be locked up instead of going out, the times she scolded me, it was because I was running away myself when I didn't have her authorization...yes...my mother used to prefer me to be at home....

『I don't know...I'd rather stay in my room to play or watch some anime...we can do the shopping another day, we still have to reheat yesterday's food...』

『The other day you said you wanted to make a cake right? Then how about instead of buying one, we buy the ingredients and make one? I bet that appeals to you more 』 


『We can make it any way we want, the size we want, the sweetness we want, the amount of fruits and types, and we would even have cake for many days, tell me Y*@%@#&o, now if you are interested? *smiles*』

My mother doesn't know how to .... but she always finds a way to get me interested in what she says, this time it worked, the fact that she knows a lot about me, really played to my disadvantage .... but .... was it really a disadvantage?

『Okay, if we are going to make a cake together, then if I can accompany you to the Commercial District.....』

Accepting her words, my mother was smiling and as usual, she stroked my head seeing that I was a good boy, really when she did that, it made me uncomfortable but...at the same time I liked that she sees me as the little boy who should be spoiled at home. We were finishing breakfast, my mother still went to work at noon and came back at 0 hours, yes....it's already too much to say, but from the good stable job she had, I don't know why she quit and now works in a company that clearly is not the crumb of before....At that moment my mother started to call someone with her phone, she did it in front of me and....there I could realize what she was going to propose me...

『Do you really not have a cake pan? In your house there is never what is needed for the home, well it doesn't matter, anyway thanks for the support you give us, don't worry about the mold, I will ask someone else for help, yes...thanks *smiles*』

I don't know who she talks to and I'm not really interested either, but I could notice that at the beginning when I received a call and saw that it was from that person or when I had to dial her, she really kind of preferred to be alone to chat.... Now that I remember, months ago we met an adult who seemed to be very close to my mother, I still remember, I think she invited us pizza in an establishment, I was eating all the time and ignored what was going on, but it seems that my older sister, Maya was very upset that day.....

『Y*@%#&o, could you go to the Nanase Family and ask to borrow their cake pan?』

.....I knew she was going to ask me, I don't know what all mothers have to do errands for their children, if you need it, then you should go yourself, why send me....although I want to make the cake too but...*sigh* If we hadn't left the house, we would still still have the cake pan set and everything needed to make one.....

『And why do you want me to go?』

『Because I want you to be the one to go Y*@%#&o, besides they are not strangers, they are a Family we have known for years, but if you want an explanation with more logic *smiles* You should go because your mother told you to 』

....Realmente before the favors that a mother asks her son, that's the only explanation you can give me? Because she is my mother and I have to do it? This reminds me of the times when I was in the middle of a game and she just calls me to run an errand or to eat, even though I told her I couldn't at that moment, she didn't care and told me to pause the game or leave it once and for all because....

『Y*@%#&o!!!! Please buy some parsley!!!!』『Y*@%#&o!!!! Come down for lunch!!!!!』『This kid doesn't understand how important it is to be at the computer.....』

I'm not saying it because I don't want to, but it's annoying to be asked to do something when you're clearly busy...But I guess because she's my mother she has that right to send me on her errands and do what she says, after all, she took care of me and will do so in this new stage of the 2 of us alone....

I really didn't want to go out at this time, especially going to Nanase Family's apartment...because if I do, there is a chance that I will meet Menhera and.....

『I don't want to....』


『I don't want to so that's why....let's decide it by luck!!』

At that moment I cringed as listening to my mother's response to my answer really reminded me of her serious stage, so I quickly proposed something else. My mother could only turn her head as she said what will I come up with now so I won't leave the house. What I decided is simple, we are going to leave it to chance, we have a coin and I will flip it up, if it comes up heads then I will go and ask for the mold, but if it comes up tails, my mother will have to go and ask for it. I hope my mother accepts...it's the only thing I could think of to make it fair and....

『All right, but seriously son, weren't you becoming more sociable? what happened? although it might be because of...』

『Here goes!!!』

I flipped the coin and both my mother and I, fixed our gaze on the coin, it was really something very fast, but for me it took forever, it was my chance to avoid reality and I would do anything to do it. When the coin fell something happened that I did not expect, it began to spin and I really couldn't believe it...., my mother seemed not to be surprised with this and was still waiting for the result. Where I was nervous, I know I said I believe in luck, this is where I need it, please.... it has to come up tails and so avoid seeing Menhera....please...please...please....



This apartment had a crack in the floor, and just the coin that was spinning...well...the coin ended up fitting in that small crack, you could say that luck is on my side, since it didn't fall neither heads nor tails, it literally stayed straight and....

『*sigh* (The one I saved myself from)』

『Well, go ask the Nanase Family for the mold, I'll wash the services in the meantime』.

『What??!!!!』∑(ΦдΦlll『But why!!!! If I don't win any!!!!』

『Anyway I was going to ask you to go, come tails or tails, you need to learn to socialize son』.

『Then what I proposed was useless....』(_□_;)

『May as well change and go ask him for the mold, I'll wash quickly and get ready the same way, I'm really looking forward to cooking with you son, we'll prepare something together after a long time *smiles*』.

.....When she said the last thing, I really couldn't say no to my mother, I also really want to cook with her again. There was no other way, with a sigh of the pajamas I had, I went to my room to be able to dress to my liking, I always preferred the agile clothes and that are flexible, this sporty set that I have I really like, although I don't do any exercise but well.... When I went downstairs I found my mother still washing the toilets, so without saying anything to her, I was leaving our home. Being already outside I really felt uncomfortable, being outside again felt like.... ....

My mother and I moved into a small building in the urban areas, it has 2 floors, and we were on the second floor, on my right side of course there was the apartment where the Nanase family lived.... I really don't understand why they are here, it's not very suitable for a big family like them...I don't know what happened, but I think it wouldn't be right to ask why they moved to a worse place...did something happen in their family? Just remembering the past where the 3 of us lived together in our own homes, it really seems like those days will never come back.

I took a sigh and I was mentally preparing myself to do it, do you have to prepare a lot to ask some acquaintances to lend you their cake pan? Of course you do, in my situation yes, it's life or death !!!! Especially if they found out that the other day with this hand I.....

After being previously prepared, I took a few steps to my side and I was already in front of the Nanase Family home, really just being here made me nervous, I even gave myself the option to run away but .... I rang the doorbell hoping that the one who receives me is anyone but Menhera .... please...let it be anyone but Menhera...please...please...please...please...please...good luck do your thing !!!!

『*happy* Good morning Y*@%i-kun』

When the door opened, the one who greeted me was Menhera herself, I was really surprised and nervous because...she was the one I didn't want to meet this day...damn it, the only early riser in this house is always Menhera, not even that, it's about 9 o'clock and I think the others are still sleeping!!!! I know it's a no school day but...Ahhhhhh!!!! 

『Good morning Menhera-chan.... could you lend us your cake pan...it's just that my mum and I decided to make one now that she has time...we don't have any so.....*nervous*』

I was really nervous, I had my eyes down as I didn't want to see her at all, where Menhera hearing my words, she really didn't negociate to this and accepted with joy, at this I felt calmer, but quickly I realised something, Menhera stayed in her same place....what do you expect...weren't you going to lend me the mould?....

『That's a surprise』-『I'm glad you're finally out of your house *smiles*』

.....!!!! At that moment I realized that she wants to take the opportunity to chat...sure...that's typical of her, she always cares about me after all...now that I understand it better, Menhera-chan is more like a kind of mother, since she always looks out for my well being....

『I was worried when I saw that you didn't leave the house and missed classes, that's very strange, you never miss classes...I didn't ask or look for you these days since I could feel that you didn't want to see me...I really don't understand why...whether I did something wrong or maybe...you're already tired of me...』

『It's not that!!!!...it's not that.... I'm glad that you always keep me in mind...I just...couldn't see you these days...I...I'm sorry...』

At that moment I couldn't help but correct her, where my answer did take her by surprise, and I could feel it more not seeing her, that what I said, really made her bring out a smile....

『I understand...I'm glad you still want me together with you *smiles* But I understand your situation Y*@%i-kun, what happened with Kanon at the Entrance Ceremony...I'm sorry I wasn't there earlier to prevent it...I...I...I'm sorry...』

....What was it, why do you feel guilty now...no...it's not your fault Menhera, it's my fault because after growing up, I should have just stood up for myself....it's my fault for accepting everything Kanon told me that day....I wanted to tell him that I wasn't to blame, but nothing really came out at that moment.

『Everyone at school is asking for you, they really miss you Y*@%i-kun, I can't decide for you to come right now but...we are glad that it will be soon for you to come back...』


『Y*@%i-kun!!!! If what affects you is !!!!...If what affects you is everything that Kanon told you, you know what I told you that day, please don't forget it, you must go on with your thing and defend everything that matters to you, don't let anyone tell you or accept other people's feelings, only you and those who know you know what you have gone through and will accept your decision, so Y*@@%#&o, don't hate yourself or repress everything that you feel. ...if you want to say it all, just do it...I will be by your side in that moment and in every moment...you have to say it all...tell me everything and together we will find the best solution....』

Menhera was trying to help me but...all her words are really amazing and gave me the strength I needed but...right now I am weak...I am really a weak person who thought she was strong...I have not grown at all in these years, just like Kanon said, in front of the real world, I am just a mistake for preferring to live in falsehood....But....

At that moment Menhera got tired of me looking down, so she finished me off with both hands, a simple slap on both cheeks, she held them and made me keep my eyes fixed on her, she was really doing me a favour at that moment.

『You are a strong boy Y*@%#&o!!!, the opinion of others doesn't matter! you know very well that everything you strive for, is completely true, you struggle in your own way, I don't know how you see it or how others see it, but every small step that seems, for you is a big achievement and I could see the results over the years, if you need proof, I am here to help you, but if you want to recognize yourself, you have to show it yourself!!!!! You are strong! Your efforts are not in vain! You are not a Mistake! on the contrary you are...a person who became important to many people, that you yourself say you are worthless, it really hurts...』-『That you came out of your room after days and come knocking on my door, that's your way of growing and your struggle Y*@%#&o』-『So for that!!!!! Let me congratulate you for being a strong boy, it really must have been hard *warm*』.

In the middle of all the words of Menhera, really...they were touching my heart a lot, her telling me all that and thinking about me, maybe it's a lie or maybe it's true, but....from what she was holding me with her hand and caressing my head, now I was in her chest where she didn't stop taking care of me....really having a person who loves me like that. ...I was very lucky to have met her and be her friend....I wanted to cry but...I was really holding back in that sense, Menhera noticed this, so in a calm way she was telling me that now she was going to get the cake tin, that I waited for a while while she was looking for it, where I was finally alone....I was covering my eyes with my sleeve to....


At that moment out of the corner of my eye, I could see how my mother was watching and listening through a small opening in the door, so...that means she's been gossiping the whole time, when I realised, I was really ashamed because....

『I see, even though I saw it coming, I can really trust Kurumi-chan to my son *smiles*』

At that moment I was really dying of embarrassment, so I approached my mother so I wouldn't be alone anymore, but at that time hiding in her door without coming out, she gave me the money to buy and ....

『Go buy everything you need for the cake with Kurumi, you two I see you need to talk about personal matters, I'll wait for you here quietly so I won't disturb you *smiles*』

『Hey mother, that's not what we agreed on...besides I want to shop with you』

『*happy*Me too son but, you can't miss this opportunity, really Kurumi is a good looking girl, plus I feel she's perfect for my son who always needs care *smiles*』

『.... I'm not a little boy anymore mother...I just turned 13....』

『Yes...the last time I remember you you were little, and now look at you, I'm sure the next time I see you, you'll have become a big man *smile*』

My mother has always been like that, or at least that's what I see lately, she would close herself at the door of the house waiting for my walk with Menhera, I was really nervous about it and .... it bothered me that my mother thinks that way, I don't feel that kind of affection for Menhera, she is just a friend, besides when I find him I will tell him directly, I wonder if there will be more people who believe that I feel something for Menhera...I hope it's just my mother's thing, after all as my sister doesn't give her grandchildren, I guess she has her hopes for me....

I kept money in my pocket and in order not to create bad ideas, I decided for myself the...

『Here is the mould Y*@%i-kun』

『Thank you so much Kurumi-chan, we ordered it to make a cake with my son, we'll invite your family when it's ready 』

My mother at that moment opened the door fully making her presence known, this really took me by surprise, Menhera-chan greeted her cordially where my mother always had a good image of the girl. But...

『You see Kurumi-chan, you know my son is kind of toadish and slow, I really don't know what to do with him, but he'd really like to go out with you to do the cake shopping *smiles*』


『That's right, you know he gets shy about these things, I'll wait for them at home when I get back, the 3 of us can bake the cake together, it'll be our first time, right?』

『Cooking the 3 of us together as a family...*excited* I'll change right away!!!! Please wait for me Y*@%i-kun until I'm ready!!!! *happy*』

At this Menhera quickly went into her home to get ready, where my mother was happy with what she did, while I...really did it. My mother really wants to see me already with family and everything, at that moment she was telling me that she trusts me for when we come back, she was going back into the house with the cake tin, but before she closed the door she said to me....

『Take care son, I wait for your return *smile*』-In other simple words he was telling me- 『Itterashai』.

Where I her son who knows that he causes her trouble but...at the same time she loves him very much, I like my mother to see in this facet, as long as I am with her, I know that everything will be fine, so in a simple but cheerful way I answered her.

『Take care of yourself too mother, see you later *smile*』-In other simple words I said-『Ittekimasu』.

And with that casual goodbye that we do every day, it really feels different when you're the one leaving home. But now that I'm on my own...I still had the misunderstanding that was created...I really didn't expect this.... I want to leave alone so as not to create confusion but.... the thought of a family with Menhera...

『It didn't even cross my mind....』

I had 1 of 2, either stay and go together with Menhera, or I could just leave and avoid these misunderstandings. Actually hanging out with Menhera is fun and I like it, chatting can help a lot, but.... so many things went through my mind that in the end I made a decision.

『I'd better go alone *blushing*』.

Let's say that because of internal and personal things I decided to go alone. And by the time Menhera-chan was ready with her typical black t-shirt and long black socks. It came as no surprise, that....

『I knew it, I didn't expect it』.

Menhera liked this, not being able to know what decisions or words Y*@%#&o would use when he was with her, as it was easy for Menhera to deduce the thoughts and words of others, but with this boy.... really Menhera hoped and would have been happy, she was sure that her friend would wait for her. This did not discourage her, so with joy and energy, she was going to catch up with her friend to go together. In the process she only imagined positive things about him, because with everything that had happened, he is one of the few people who is literally different from the others and that...

『You are special Y*@%#&o, all the men I have met and been with, I can say that you piqued my interest in knowing more about you, at the beginning when you didn't show interest in me after our first interaction, I thought about leaving you but.... You looking away from me, wanting to understand why you are the way you are and then telling me your real goals, the way you initially struggled with it, your insecurities and fear, really made me feel sorry for you at first, but then you showed me that treatment I felt in my family. I really want you to feel something for me and me from you...the kind of affection and importance that you give...I really want it...that's what I've been looking for and you have it...you are a special person Y*@%#&o, you are my special person...you are...only mine...*smiles*』

Menhera really felt a great appreciation and affection for his friend, after all what made him fall in love was to discover how immense, complex, simple and wonderful a person can be, the one you consider special and important for the first time in your life, he felt it in his father, and now he feels it in Y*@%#$o.

『That's strange...I should have met him by now, did he take another route to go to the shopping district?』

Menhera was confused because she should have met her friend by now but...as she was quietly searching through the urban streets, she managed to sense that ....

『(Y*@%#$o is in trouble....)』

Quickly something told her that she should start running too, at that moment she started running through the urban areas, she was running from one place to another taking the avenues but .... she felt that Y*@%#$o for some reason was also running but without direction until .... she could feel it, her friend was heading towards her, the reason why at the beginning they couldn't meet, was because they were trying to find each other. Menhera knew that Y*@%#$o was in danger, something seemed to be stalking him and he was running away, while the boy, just out of pure bond of friendship, just wanted to be near his friend to protect her and...

『(There he is!!!!) Hey!!!! Y*@@%#&o!!!!』

Menhera turned around where he could see his friend from far away but...he seems to be very scared of something, he is running away from something but...there was not something chasing him, quickly Menhera wanted to be with him to know what was going on but .....


She could see it herself, as a truck ended up running over her friend who...quickly to this Menhera was shocked to see him, she could not believe it, her expression of astonishment...more than sadness, it was as if she was not going to forgive anyone for the fact. Quickly at a high speed, he went to where the truck stopped because the same driver realised that he had run over someone, but as soon as they saw the grill of the truck, they realised that .... the body of Y*@%#$o was nowhere to be found. ....

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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