
Chapter 32: Backtracking

It was too sudden all this, I had not thought about it before, since I came here, I have only been thinking about myself and no one else, that moment when that portal appeared in front of me, I really will not lie that I had a slight nervous smile, I was happy with this fact because .... like every child with dreams of being better, especially for being a child, that his imagination does not stay in the simple, to be able to become someone special overnight, to be able to become suddenly and reach my goal of being someone better ... all those stories I saw and heard, of how all by fate things managed to become what they never imagined, perhaps now it is also my turn? It was born inside of me that really, I was someone special, I was someone chosen for some reason, I was lucky, I had a blessing...it was really the moment to tell a new story leaving behind everything that came before, I was happy, but....

Just as suddenly came that dream of a child to finally fulfill, I was also quickly hit by reality itself, was I ready for what life was preparing for me? If by myself at this moment, I would not have reached this point, I am not strong enough alone to do what I want, I will always need someone else if I want to achieve it, no matter how much help you get, what defines you what you are, is your own decision and your own thinking. Leaving everything I have to start from scratch and with all the disadvantages that I know myself will not go away from one moment to another...really from the nervous smile I had, the shock of my own reality, of my own thinking, the shock that I was not ready for something like this, it ended up giving me strong that I had a clear decision.

『(I can't leave behind everything I have...I'm not strong enough to go on a journey by myself...without my family and friends...I couldn't even be here...thanks to all of them I can grow little by little...)』-『I'm afraid to move away from the familiar....』

I remember that moment perfectly, how I quickly made the best decision for me, a cowardly decision because I was not prepared to abandon everything I had achieved, leaving would mean not seeing my mother again and finally receiving all the attention and affection that she did not give me in previous years, it means not going back to my father who makes a great effort for me, not seeing my sister who despite the bad way she is going, she makes an effort to keep up with me. My friends from elementary school with whom we always played pranks and who always made me laugh, leaving means missing all the adventures we had in middle and high school... I will no longer feel Rino's concern and warm care, both his advice and his calm interventions, that he shows confidence in many situations and that he mostly seems relaxed... I would never again feel that kindness, affection and love of Menhera, that treatment that at the beginning she denied me slyly, but little by little because of her insistence of not leaving me alone, I ended up really appreciating everything about her, I love her imperfections because she makes me feel that even a great person like her, can be with me and ....I really still don't give her an answer to that sudden meeting we had...there was a feeling in me that grew with the passing of the years and time, I didn't know what it was at that moment, but what I was sure of is that she is a very important person in my life...I told her that when I found that feeling, I would tell her directly...if I leave here, I will never be able to let her understand what I feel for her, she looked very happy at that moment Menhera, telling me that she would accept whatever my answer was...

『(I still can't find an answer, and after that day...I don't know how I really see you!!!! I am not embarrassed with you!!!I am not shy with you!!!! I don't shy away from you!!!!! If you are by my side, I feel a little stronger!!!! I really feel very comfortable being next to you...and there are few times when I feel uncomfortable, maybe it's because we are childhood friends!!!! What...I can't see you any other way...I want to spend more time with you and see if something can be changed...but I would prefer things to be the same...)』

I was running and running through the urban streets looking for a way to get away from what I can't seem to escape, at that moment I was filled with thousands of emotions, but all of them coincided in one thing, that I am afraid of losing everything at this moment, if there was a chance to continue things as they are even with this huge duty that awaits me, I would appreciate it very much. I don't know why, but I felt that if I ran wherever I went, I would meet someone who is always there to help me, be it instinct or not, be it habit or a great bond of friendship, I was running so that what I appreciate again would save me from my insecurities....


I was waking up quietly, it seems that I was in my room, my head was hurting and I really felt my whole body numb, when I wanted to raise my hand to look at him, I was really shaking for some reason. It was not difficult to deduce it, I was still in this world that seems to want to keep me a little more to stay here.... At that moment someone was opening the door, and I could easily deduce who it was, Blaze had come to see how I was.

He was tending to me, and when I finally looked at the rest of my body, I noticed that....

『Why am I full of bandages?...』

I had not noticed it because the blanket of the bed covered me, but when I lifted my upper side, it was mostly covered by bandages, surely the lower part must be the same way. Blaze would go on to tell me what happened in these days, continuing when I was decided to start my journey in search of returning home, I remember that something prevented me from passing, something small in front of me was, no matter how hard I tried to advance, whatever was covering the portal prevented me from passing, it seems that at my insistence I received a slight push as if telling me to calm down.... And there I can see it clearly, I could not believe it at that moment, and that's why I had to confirm it.

『*annoyed* I'm no loli!!!!!』

My wrong act of treating her like a little girl was a mistake, at that moment I don't remember anything else. But I was pushed with a very powerful invisible force that made me slam straight into the wall, quickly in one move I was knocked out, even I think my life depended on a thread. Literally at that moment when I hit, I heard how lots of bones ended up breaking without any remedy.

『But what are you doing to my friend !!!!!! 』

By obvious reaction, to this Blaze ended up getting so angry, that he was the first to go on to attack left and right against the new visitor to this world. Switching to his Unleashed Form instantly, he went all out to fight one of the greatest psychics of all worlds, a being classified as an S-Class Hero, and with Rank 2 in his title. Tatsumaki was ready to destroy whoever opposed her thinking.

『You want a fight? Fine! I'll defeat them all!!!』

Quickly he engulfed in his characteristic green psychic all over his body, quickly Blaze with his fiery stroke, would quickly position himself at his back to hit him with a powerful attack with his fist. But with a simple expulsion of energy, Tatsumaki created a slight barrier that pushed with great force against Blaze, who the cat felt this was impossible and rare, she had never felt this kind of force before. Tatsumaki looked at him out of the corner of her eye to see that he was able to resist that movement for a while longer.

『I see that you are not going to fall with that level of power, unlike that rude guy who is just a bug, you are...an insect』.

At this it was obvious that Tatsumaki demigrated those who decided to rise up against her. What the heroine said, this in her Blaze's face only made her even more angry, but she couldn't do much since the psychic force she was fighting didn't want to be defeated. At that moment Zeta was thinking about what she should do, it was clear in her gesture that she was worried, since just seeing her, she feels that she is a person who draws her own conclusions and keeps her word...to be able to reason with that kind of people are the most difficult ones....

『(First we must make it clear to her that we are not her enemies...) Miss could..-----.----------』

『Who are you demigrating you damn midget, you don't know us at all and you have no idea what we are capable of, I'm not going to let you appear out of nowhere and start doing whatever you please with us』-『We are not a bug or an insect!!!!』

She wanted to act calmly Zeta, quickly Amy could not stand it, to let this pass by, besides talking about her friends and attacking them suddenly, no doubt the pink one would not let her go unless she got what she deserved. She would run with great speed, but since she no longer had the Parasite's power, there was a huge difference between the Parasite Amy and the normal Amy. With her fists she would go all out to fight against Tatsumaki, who the heroine saw her without any danger, to practice she would pick up pieces of the ground and throw them at her to see if she could dodge them. Amy prepared her fists and determinedly managed to break and destroy everything in front of her. But as soon as she finished, she was going to test him again, again she raised the ground and molded it into spinning spikes. Before this new level, Amy now had to dodge the spikes, if one hit her, it would undoubtedly go through her.....

Tatsumaki didn't say anything, he was just taking it lightly, where Amy was dodging what seemed to be endless, but after a while, he caught sight of Tatsumaki who was yawning because it was getting boring and .....

『Weren't you going to come closer? what happened to your words earlier? you see this wretched pout and you're already afraid? If you're not determined to do it you'd better do nothing and keep quiet』

Tatsumaki didn't mince words, to this Amy actually ended up annoying her even more, that she would go from dodging the spikes, to going straight at her, to this Tatsumaki was not impressed at all, as it was just the reaction she was waiting for. First Amy with her fist, tried to counteract the first punch that came her way, and to her own surprise, she was able to do it just right but ..... She quickly redirected the punch to another place, since ..... her hand for wanting to prove the opposite to Tatsumaki, ended up being slightly punctured, her blood was spilling and...when she looked up, she could see how Tatsumaki ended up creating a huge spike that was spinning endlessly and without taking it seriously she threw it with all her might.

To this Zeta told him to get out of the way, taking advantage of the fact that he still had time. But Amy being stubborn, she was determined to accept this challenge for .....

『We are not weaklings』.

And at that moment she seemed to have something holding in her hand and with a great leap she had her great attack ready. Amy managed to summon her huge hammer again, which was 2 times bigger than the pommel that Tatsumaki created. POOMM!!!! And with a huge hammer blow she managed to destroy the Heroine's great attack, the others were impressed by this. Where Amy also felt proud of the task she did... but...

From one moment to another she felt her body pierced everywhere, she couldn't believe it, it was so fast that she didn't even have time to react, her hammer became so tiny that it would reach anyone's palm. Where Amy just fell to the ground totally defeated and unable to move, the only thing she had in front of her was Tatsumaki who was telling her .....

『What was that smirk earlier? Did you really think you were the winner at that moment? Do you all have such a low level here? I was only playing at the beginning, but I see that if I get a little serious, not even that, if I decide to attack, they are not able to resist even a second against me. But now at least you made me understand something, congratulations! You did it! They're no longer a bug or an insect, they're just trash *smiles*』-『And don't call me a dwarf again you damn animal...』

At this Tatsumaki was smiling calmly, where Amy could not move her body nor say anything. But...in that moment of carelessness and wanting to pay attention to Amy, Blaze returned with all his strength this time with a whirlwind of fire against Tatsumaki, who was in no danger, since with a simple energy barrier, he could block the attack.

『Hey you, stop insisting!!!』

POOMM!!! Just as she did with M, she used her great psychic strength to slam Blaze full force against the wall, where she in turn was suffering great pressure that was weakening her with every second. The heroine seeing this, and seeing that the cat has no intention of giving up, maybe ....

At that moment Tatsumaki turned to look at the others who remained without doing anything, it seems that there is no intention to fight against them, it was simple, if they do not represent a threat, or if they do not even bother her, everything will be fine. Zeta was worried and even touched her forehead as if she was saying that now these two were in trouble again...

『Every time Amy is looking like the old Blaze....』-『Carmis could you bring her with your portal and heal her for the meantime? And you guys, Rouge, Cream, better not say anything that might sound offensive with everything we've seen, we don't stand a chance against her, even if M was in her best form, she'd lose pathetically....』

Zeta was talking while watching all this and analyzing it in detail, when her other teammates heard this, you could really see it on her face, and she couldn't deny it since it was true, this Heroine type is really strong. From what she was seeing Rouge intrigued by who this girl was, she was watching her and yes she was really intimidating, but when she saw the part of her chest....Rouge happened to look at hers and proudly said.

『*proudly* I have them bigger』.

Where this could be clearly heard by Tatsumaki where she stared at the Sucubo who this the moment she had her attention her way, she could no longer just see him from the side, but now saw her directly and....

『Yep, I have bigger ones *happy*』

!!!!!!!!.....----------....Y from one moment to another, we managed to see the rest that remained, as Rouge also ended up out of combat with a simple expulsion of power from Tatsumaki, who without saying anything and with his typical gesture of annoyance, went to look at those who remained, and seeing that they did not say anything, again focused his attention on Blaze who had not yet been defeated. Carmis put Amy on her thighs to heal her and help her recover, where Zeta wondered why this woman had appeared, Carmis began to tell us that.

『It is due to the portal of Worlds.... this habre 2 portals that connect 2 worlds, that is obvious, but we had a wrong thought, not only can you enter where the portal initially conjured and opened, but it can also be the other way around, somewhere the other connection, that is the other portal that opened to create a bridge, for them it is simple, that portal that appeared in another world is an entrance, but for us in the exit and vice versa, the portal with which Master M was going to go, was his entrance and the other end was the exit. ...if you understand me right Miss Zeta? If you want I can repeat it again』.

『Yes, it's like the example you gave, it's 2 ends of a bridge, where anyone you meet can cross between them, and both ends function as both exit and entrance at the same time depending on your context』.

『Yes that's impressive Miss Zeta, I expected nothing less from you *smiles*』.

『With that girl here, she came from a world where M was going to be her first trip...』

『I hope that's the only time someone crosses the portal like this....』

Zeta was somewhat thoughtful about this and the consequences of using the portal this time. Most likely the exit portal opened at the very moment where Tatsumaki was passing through, and for his own reasons he decided to go inside and ended up here with us. Zeta was thinking about how we could solve this problem, since looking at it in a simple and obvious way is that....

『This girl also got lost』.

While Zeta was in all this, Carmis was healing if true Amy, but it seems that what she has in front of her was catching her attention, remember what this Demon's personal secrets are? Of course they do, they all remember, this one was staring at Tatsumaki as he had his back to them and...as the use of his power causes both his hair and the garment he wears to slightly rise...well....

『Yeah, I can't stop looking at her too because of how strong she is, though we have to help Blaze and stop all this....-----------』

『No.... we can't do it because if we don't....*serious* *smiles* I won't be able to keep watching what's about to happen!』

At this Zeta didn't understand what Carmis was referring to, but quickly the albino just realized, she's right the Demon, how she didn't see it before, the trust she has for her friend and rival Blaze, is something that was formed over time. The cat was enduring Tatsumaki's pressure, and seeing that she was resisting his strength, she decided to get a little serious and put an end to it once and for all. She stopped the pressure she was causing, and with her psychic powers, she lifted Blaze up and quickly, with force she was stamping her around the house, from one side to the other, from one corner to the other, she didn't stop even...

『You're not going to object? Try to break free if you can. I know a few people who would put up with this kind of attack, although you don't have to feel self-hatred or pity, it's normal for trash to accomplish nothing in their lives』.

Pomm!!!! Blaze could not even move, he was losing his Unleashed Form with every second that passed, the constant attacks without stopping, had caused him serious damage, he was spilling blood over most of his body, where Tatsumaki remained silent, as she expected him to at least say an answer, an opposition, something even, but...seeing that he was not going to say anything.

『(It seems that he already calmed down, I see that that boy I threw was his friend of this animal, the pink one attacked me for the things I said, that broad, that comment about the breasts was unnecessary...but everyone in the end got what they deserved for being rude, that's why I like people who know their place more, those 3 over there understood it, I think I'll fix the misunderstandings that happened, I need them to tell me where I stand)』

Tatsumaki was already satisfied, she was leaving towards Zeta, Cream and Carmis to finally have a proper talk, Carmis was nervous, but Zeta calmed him down saying that she only comes to find answers to her doubts, but in the middle of the way Tatsumaki thought that ....

『(I don't know what they are, there are many beings I know, that speak animals and possess powers, it's nothing new, the entertaining thing about a fight is obviously to show how strong you are, because that way you can tell everyone to their face, how weak they are, that pink and purple one, it seems they lost leaving their conviction in nothing, how disappointing)』

At that moment when Tatsumaki was about to address the others, she could feel that someone was standing in the middle of her defeat, at this the heroine could realize, and as if fed up she turned her gaze to see what was going on, where she saw what she was waiting for, Blaze was losing her Unleashed Form with every second, she was tired, she was exhausted but....

『I can't allow...I can't allow.... someone to come out of nowhere to show us how insignificant we are!!!! We may be nothing and what we get here is nothing....pero....is a great achievement for all of us!!!! We take pride in our strength and all that we have achieved!!!!! For you to come and say we are all scumbags!!!!! I can't allow it!!! Take it back!!! Correct your words!!!』

Blaze was yelling directly at Tatsumaki who was still calm about it, seeing that the cat still has the strength to keep fighting, it was really pathetic how someone wants to continue a fight that she obviously won't win.

『Correct me? me? Tell me what I did or said something for you to be very upset with me, I only did justice as it should be, I only implied what it should be, I come from a place where you need all this strength that you haven't even seen, without it I would be nobody or nothing, if you are weak you are nobody, just a trash and insect that could die at any moment, if I am wrong then prove me, that you are strong, see, that I don't expect anything the same way』

To this Tatsumaki was getting to know a little more about herself and how she sees the rest of the others, to this Blaze from how frustrated she was, she could see it herself, really for a moment she could understand it and....at that moment there was a burst of flames, returning to her Unleashed Form little by little, a great flame was that was ascending in the whole sky, where Tatsumaki was somewhat serious because to Blaze's words that she said to her.

『Even someone weak is able to break his limits 』.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where Tatsumaki for some reason ended up getting hit very hard by that sentence, for a moment a Hero who was also in her organization came to mind and she could see him a few times. This for some reason excited Tatsumaki, where she also expelled her powers that caused the entire household and those who were there to succumb to the immense power.

『What a stupid thing to say, no matter where I am, I'm surrounded by imbeciles 』

And with enthusiasm, both of them would go on to give their all in that combat that....


M I was listening to what happened that day when Tatsumaki came, I was really fascinated with everything that had happened, I was really wanting to know how that match ended, that when I got over excited and wanted to get up from my bed, I could feel like a strong pain in my waist, quickly Blaze was helping me to lie down since I was still not fully recovered.

『What happened, but tell me Kitten! Who won the match?!!!』

『Well that's obvious, I ended up losing without being able to do more, really even if I gave it my all, I couldn't make him fight seriously, that moment when Tatsumaki got excited, it won't happen again』.

The way the Cat was saying it, I really didn't feel that she was frustrated nor was she upset, I accept the facts as such that if...the strength there is in this world, it's not considered nothing for what awaits ahead. Blaze was telling me that it's been about 4 days since I was knocked unconscious, and it seems that even though I received the respective care and healing from Carmis, the damage I suffered will have to wait a little longer if I want to heal completely.

『Although now that I think about it, if I was the one who was the most seriously injured with broken bones at that time, why was I the last one to be healed by Carmis? Literally my compa preferred to heal Amy instead of me, although it could also be because of Zeta's order but ....I feel that I was left aside to focus more on you guys』 (-∀-).

『Are you hungry? you sure are hungry, do you want me to prepare lunch for you?』

『Yes!!!』 Please, your food would be the best medicine right now *smile*』.

『*happy*And when you're finally recovered, you can start your journey home 』

『Sip!!! I'm looking forward to it!!! You go noma Blaze, I'm here waiting for you!!!!! *smiles*』

I was being too positive with Blaze at this point, where the cat likewise was happy that my decision to leave still hadn't changed. To this she was retreating telling me that she'll be back in a moment, where I didn't remove my smile and even waved my hand but...I better not as it hurts too much.

『Yes!!! I'm looking forward to it *smiles* Yes....looking forward to leaving....』

My spirits at that moment declined a lot since...after everything he told me and realizing other things, really that feeling I was feeling, the reason for wanting to use my trip to return home...was slowly fading away that I wanted to leave here...after all, this is my home now....

Blaze had gone down to the kitchen where he met Zeta, he gave her the news that M had woken up and that he had a big appetite, Zeta offered to prepare lunch for him too, but at that moment Blaze refused because...

『She asked me for it, plus she's excited for me to prepare it for her 』.

『*smiles* Okay, then I'll leave it for today, but don't forget that I'm his mother, so tomorrow I'll make his food 』

『No, tomorrow I'll make his food too, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after the day after tomorrow and all the days after that until he has to go!!!』

『You're not the only one who wants to spend time with M, Blaze, but I understand you, we're going to miss him when he's finally gone』-『My son...I really love him very much...』

Blaze and Zeta were having a conversation regarding M, as both of them and everyone in general, still stands that this child who is growing up little by little, finally leaves the nest and starts a new phase for his life.

In these days that passed, they ended up explaining to Tatsumaki the situation she had gotten herself into, to see that she was not surprised by the news that she was not in her world but in another, it is really impressive that she is calm. It only made the others think that she must have experienced more incredible things than this. Quickly the Heroine commented that.

『If I'm not in my world, then it's simple, I just have to go back』.

Really that he sees it in a simple way is...he called Carmis' attention telling him to open the portal to return home, but the Demon commented that it was not that simple, the spell of Worlds does not save how to say it, location, coordinates or a history when opening and connecting with a World.

『Every time the World portal is conjured, it is always random so to speak, even if you have fixed which world you want to go to, the result will always be varied, so in your case Miss Tatsumaki, to re-invoke a portal that directly connects to your world again, is like finding a needle in a haystack, not to say impossible. ...besides, to verify which world you go to, you have to cross the portal, so there is no option to stay in one world, you have to go between worlds to find your own world.

By the time Carmis explained it to him, actually Tatsumaki was somewhat....como he didn't say anything to Carmis' words, where this to the Demon was somewhat nervous, as he still has in mind Zeta's words that you have to watch your speech, his portal to dodge wouldn't do him any good against her as he uses psychic powers, literally receiving a full blow from the heroine, it makes him internally scared.

『I see, and can't you modify the portal spell...I don't know...so that it checks or analyzes which world everyone is from and thus create a portal directly to ours? 』

『You are asking a lot of me, I don't deny that there is such a possibility, but with my knowledge and abilities...(I literally spent my time hallucinating since I was a child that I paid little attention to classes and study in general...)』

『The history you said earlier? Can you do that?

『For that you need advanced knowledge which unfortunately I don't possess...I would have to go into the spell code and make some modifications...which is better not to try if you're not capable...』

『Can't you search I don't know, through my memories and make an image of my world, I don't know, do something with that UltiMundo book to return me to my world, it sure is in great danger without my presence there 』

『Ahhh....ehh....this....I can't *nervous*』

『Ah, I see....si you are useless』.

『I'm sorry....』(ノ﹏ヽ).

Seeing the situation Tatsumaki was in, he really now feels that he is in big trouble, he felt before that there would be a chance to return home, but seeing that it won't be like that, he really dislikes the idea of having to stay here in this world very much.

『*tsch* Yes you really are worthless 』

『I'm sorry!!!』(இ﹏இ`。)

So there was no other choice for Tatsumaki, she was going to have to do the same thing that the boy was originally going to do, to undertake a journey from world to world until, by chance or luck, she could return to her own. Annoyed, he asked Carmis to show him the portal to travel between worlds, where Carmis was the only thing he could offer him, since in some way, he feels responsible for the stranding of this girl, since he was the one who invoked the portal. But to all this, Carmis asked him why he decided to cross the portal without first measuring what could happen, the heroine's answer was....

『Well, just to find out what was inside it』.

『...(I know she's of age and my eyes checked it well but...sometimes she has little girl moments....)』

『Now hurry up I want to get the hell out of here!!!』

『Yes Miss Tatsumaki!!!!』

And that's how Carmis ended up teaching Tatsumaki the spell to be able to travel between worlds, though of course she didn't learn it overnight, despite being very strong, powerful, a genius and everything else, she seems to have the same problem as Blaze, learning from others, it goes completely wrong and takes her forever. She thought it would be easy for her, but when she saw that it would not be as easy as she expected, it seems that her stay ended up being longer than she wanted it to be. Even in the middle of the forest, you could hear how Tatsumaki seemed to be complaining to Carmis telling her to teach him well but .....

『I'm teaching you how to do it, Miss Tatsumaki...or do you want me to explain it to you with apples like children? .....』

『No!!! I hate being treated like a child!!!! With this being the simplest way...then the simplestsimplest of all is to grovel like a child....』

Again he was teaching her as such, where the example was given by Carmis creating the portal in a simple way, but at that moment, Tatsumaki got an idea, of course!!!! So while Carmis was explaining how to do it, Tatsumaki quickly tried to enter the portal by venturing through it with speed, but... Pom! When Carmis saw in front of her, she managed to see how by a huge run, it seems that Tatsumaki ended up destroying a row of trees.

『Why did you undo the portal!!!! 』

『You wanted to go into it!!!! That's why I did it!!!!』

『If you knew why did you take it down!!!!』

『You Miss Tatsumaki don't know how to conjure the Worlds portal spell, if you had gone inside who knows what world you would have been left in and you wouldn't have a chance to continue your search for home!!!!! So don't be so reckless and learn how it should be done!!!!』

『Don't yell at me asshole!!!!』

At that moment the Demon was right, Tatsumaki had not thought about it at that moment but this time he ended up saving him from one. But at that moment an idea came to the Psychic, she pointed out to Carmis that he should be the one to create the portals for her, at this the Demon already had something in mind and....

『You know the spell, so you only have to accompany me and we'll make the trip faster』.

『I'm afraid it won't be like that...I...I'm not ready for a trip....』

Although she thought she had found a solution for Tatsumaki, Carmis ended up giving Tatsumaki some bad news, where Tatsumaki refused to go on a trip. To this the heroine remained silent and would go on to say after a while that.

『*tsch* Useless 』

The days that I've been recovering, have also been used for everyone, everyone was doing their own thing, but the most important were these 2, Tatsumaki and Carmis, who I feel that she prefers to be alone but since she needs to learn she has no choice but to be with the Demon...Even the Demon told her that it should be easy for her to learn the spell since knowing the spell, you only need to expel and focus your power to the outside. But every time Tatsumaki did it, he ended up creating incredible things with his psychic powers, but less so the goal he has, which is the Portal of Worlds.

To this, these days I was being treated so to speak with more care, as I can't move from my room and receiving visits from my friends, it really made me feel like that year of prisoner was back, and unlike the previous one, this time everyone is themselves, everyone is fine, everyone is happy and feel satisfied, I also feel the same and .... I really don't want this to change....

『Now I can feel good right? Now if there's nothing to stop us from being ourselves....』

I really had that thought that I like the lifestyle genuinely the one I'm leading, I don't just see for myself anymore, but everyone is now themselves and they feel content, there's nothing wrong out there, there's no danger, everything is fine and...leaving everything I have so I can leave here and start over from scratch, it's really something that scares me a lot....

Again Blaze had just come as usual, lately she has brought me all the meals herself, which I don't complain, she is really nice, I am also recovering my mobility as the days go by, Carmis' healing didn't heal my broken bones, but at least she made them heal as if they were a normal wound. At that moment I could feel several people coming to my room, as I expected Blaze entered the scene, I ended up saying his name with joy, Carmis had also come, it seems that he is more exhausted than usual, I also ended up saying his name and....

『Eh? (There's someone I can't recognize...)』

At that time after Carmis, the last one to enter my room was Tatsumaki, I didn't know why she was in my room or why she decided to accompany my friends, but it was her, the real one and not a fake. Again I wanted to check if she really was the real one, but since I couldn't get out of bed, I just stretched out my arm and...pretended I was caressing a head, everyone stared at me in confusion, especially Tatsumaki since I was literally a stranger to her and.... Now that I realize it, it's literally how I like them....things....

For some reason from what my hands were making the motion of stroking someone's head, they were now making the motion of squeezing something and....Carmis quickly stopped me from going through with it, where I as if I just came to my senses, I was realizing what I had done and....

『Eh?...eh???? Wait! It's not what you think!!! I wasn't doing what you think!!!!! It's just that I saw you and....first it was in your eyes and then....my gaze was going down and....*nervous*』

I really don't understand why I did it, first I looked at her eyes, she was really cute, but it seems that something lustful won me over that I ended up lowering my gaze and ..... I closed my eyes at that moment, I wanted to hit myself at that moment but I didn't, I know that my tastes are flat but .... I can't be so shameless, so my mothers didn't raise me ..... It seems that I spoke too much that Tatsumaki realized and only limited himself to say.

『As expected of a child, you're already entering the lustful stage, though I don't know if you're attracted to me because of my looks or because I'm a grown woman....』

At that moment Carmis and I leaned out close to each other so we could whisper our thoughts to each other, at this Blaze already knew what they were up to, after seconds and drawing a conclusion, what we ended up saying was.

『I like tender and innocent 』.

『And I like erotic and adult』-『And to be honest with you Miss Tatsumaki, you possess both characteristics 』.

There was nothing to hide, always true to our tastes, let's just say it in general, we don't say direct things like you have a small chest, thighs or butt, no no no, it's better that the same thinking is brought out by Tatsumaki so she won't think so badly of us, because she surely already feels that.

『Do you have to put up with these two?』

『Unfortunately, if』

But coming for what they came for, it seems that Blaze has been asking her for these days to apologize to each of us, although it is clearly something that Tatsumaki will not do it in an easy way, in all the apology requests, she always refused, since she had her thinking that she was right, and I understand it, if we take it in her logic yes, she only made use of her strength by seeing rebelliousness so to speak, but in my case....

『I'm sorry Tatsumaki-san, I think I was too excited to see her that I treated her the wrong way, but I still think she's too cute 』

『Hey! You don't have to apologize to me!!!』

『Less you're someone sincere, I accept your apologies, and I'll let it go by telling me that I'm someone tender, mostly all my peers and enemies who see me, tell me all kinds of things except what one would like to hear 』.

Seems like being honest really worked, I knew this about my likes was a good thing, come!!!! All lolis no matter who they are, will always have their tender side!!!!! To this I was excited and happy, I was having a talk with Tatsumaki, where I wanted to talk more with her, for example let her tell me about her world, let her tell me about Saita--------------------

『Listen kid, I've come to tell you something since we seem to be in the same situation』.


The situation had become somewhat tense, I could feel it, from what I was lying on my bed, I could see how on one side Tatsumaki sat down to feel more comfortable. At this from her countenance I already knew what she was going to tell me, I also felt....fastidied.

『You're also a human who doesn't belong to this world, and from what I was told, it seems that I interrupted your start of the journey back to your home』-『I won't ask how you came to that conclusion, because just by looking at you, I can tell that you're not sure about it, moreover, you want to lean back to stay here forever』.

When Tatsumaki said it, both Carmis and Blaze, especially the latter, was surprised, since these days, M was telling her that he wanted to start his journey and leave here, he always said it with a smile, and he thought that the moment he decided to do it, he was going to stay here forever or a long time but....M of how scared he was, now Tatsumaki would say....

『You're a person, I'm not going to see you as a child, an adult, an old man or a baby, depending on your situation I can understand you, but if you're going to show cowardice in something very important, better not try and stay where you'll be safe』-『That's my point of view, but what about you guys? I could see it, you treat M like a child and...you still want to send him on a dangerous trip? What kind of caregivers did he have, they appreciate him a lot and hold him in high esteem, if it will cause them so much sadness for him to leave, then they don't have to throw him away from where he feels satisfied, because yes, this child thinks he found his happiness in this world, and as long as he continues with that thinking he is not ready for the real world』.

Tastsumaki was lashing out not only at the boy, but at everyone in general. At this Blaze felt especially attacked by the psychic, where she would continue to speak.

『So much anger caused me to hurt your friend, Cat? You're lucky it was me, another being would have certainly ended his life, if he had gone to my world as it would have happened, he would have died at any time, he is someone weak for the immensity of dangers that are out there, I consider myself very strong, and not only strength, but also skills that leave you above others, there are thousands of ways to enhance yourself among others, but this child, really does not enhance anywhere, physical strength? there are many stronger than him, energy? there are many that would leave him in diapers,y....ya, that's all he has, he has nothing, he is nothing at this moment, and yet you would still get rid of him? what a love you have for him, if you consider this someone strong and prepared .... it would be an offense to my circle *would be*』-『You are smart kid to know your position and your limits, if you want to be the strongest and coolest, stay around wimps, an idiot who knows how to multiply, looks smarter to idiots who only know how to add』

The Heroine's words, I could feel them very well.... was really giving me an advice in her own way that I should stay here because that's what I want and I'm not ready for more....I didn't say anything and just listened because I was giving her the reason for this. Where Blaze was the only one who decided to defend us from Tatsumaki's words.

『I don't want to get mad at you again Tatsumaki, your way of talking is really annoying, did anyone tell you?』

『I've said worse things, but it's necessary if he's a coward』.

『But what an attitude is that...I haven't seen it before until now but...really that attitude of superiority towards others...it really is horrible....』-『I'll tell you again, maybe for you we are nothing and we are just trash, but we everything we have achieved we appreciate very much, you already let us know that there are stronger beings out there but...at least don't demigrate us in such a way....Retract yourself...』

『No』-『I'm being too understanding now, but it's okay, I'll say what I was called here for』-『Hey kid, do you want to go with me?』

In that of Tatsumaki's words, I was struck by the last thing, that she asked me to go with her but .... where? To go away from here?...if that's it....At that moment I was silent since I didn't know what to answer, I really didn't want to be in that moment, I wanted to be left alone and the topic forgotten.

『I knew it, the boy has no intention of following, neither does this Demon here, he is also not of this world and has no intention of leaving, the 2 of them are very afraid, if they feel happy I don't have to make them change their minds, I am not concerned with their problems, I already did what they told me to do so....』

『I...I wanted to leave because I was afraid...afraid that at some point I would forget my old home...I wanted to see everyone again, my family and friends...that was the reason why I was determined to leave and...if I had done it .... without a doubt...*sad* I would have regretted it a lot』-『I can't easily give up what I achieved here, it's what made me become what I am and...that's nothing...if I'm still a trash it's because I haven't changed anything since I got here, I'm still the same kid who needs to be always accompanied in a place where he's loved and appreciated. ...to endure an insult or to be told ugly things...it would hurt...』-『So Carmis you're afraid, and yet you want to send me on this trip? And Blaze...at that time you used a very low move to convince me...it bothers me a lot that you insist me to leave, but it bothers me more that you no longer want me to be here with everyone, by your side...』-『I was always afraid of the world when I was little, now that I grew up, I'm still afraid of worlds and being able to lose everything. ..I really still want to have it, so I've already decided, I'm not going to leave here, I'm not going to leave the place where I'm loved, appreciated, loved, and achieved a lot of things, I really want them to be with me always by my side....』

M ended up speaking for himself and...everything he said really with what he was experiencing before, ended up causing him to think completely different, he was confused as to why they want to throw him out if this is his place in the world, losing him again for the second time, he really doesn't want it. To this Blaze from what M said, he didn't know what words to find at this moment, where Tatsumaki....

『I see, they took advantage of the child in their emotions to make him leave, really seeing your family, makes you make decisions against their will, and that only ends up creating misunderstandings, it's best to always be direct, so I'll leave, when I learn the portal spell I'll leave alone, the child can stay behind』.

Tatsumaki was retreating from my room where Blaze rather than thinking she was going to be a help the heroine, it was actually quite the opposite. Now M has the thinking and decision of his own present that he is not going to leave here because this is his home, this is his family, to lose him again and start from scratch, he is not ready for this....

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