
Chapter 30: X

Finally it had been achieved, finally he had understood, after a long time, he had achieved a personal goal in his life, which was too simple and that all of us have, that everyone is the same or has in common, that for many is not considered special, but...does it really have to be seen that way? Wanting to live your life the way you really want to is really something unique that we all have, and also everything you get out of it is also your unique way of how you are going to grow and learn more and more things. The Parasite had already understood this, and even knew a little bit about his Father, who was originally born from him, but...if you follow the logic of every living thing, you always get to inherit something from that Father, so...what did the Parasites inherit? For many, and what they have in mind is that... they really have no special connection as such, they were only created in order to be of help in the recovery of their Father, no matter the method, whether by destroying, gaining more power, or possessing a successor, it was the only thing that mattered, if you did not fulfil any value that benefits your Father, then you have nothing to do with him, you are only someone disposable that another can take your place, another equal to you, another with the same thinking, all Parasites have the same thinking that their existence is only by and for their Father.....

But....if there is the occasion, if there is the opportunity, if there is the reality of having inherited something from your Father, perhaps as in his time he too wanted to stop being special, to stop being on top perhaps, simply not wanting to go on with the obvious and same, and start looking for other things, something that should not be connected at all because....which it should not be but.... the Parasite now wants, after being made aware of it, after seeing it and feeling it for himself, now he wants to be out there himself, maybe not far from his original purpose, but finding your way in the process, he feels it is also a way to grow where at the same time, maybe it is something that his Father went through the same thing, being locked up for a year, now he understands it was wrong, his Father was one of the first beings to be born wasn't he? He was imprisoned from the time he was conscious....


『(I said I will overcome!!!!!)』

Blaze had gone all out against her opponents, managing to recreate that descending comet attack on her own to finally put an end to the fight. Being able to feel the hostility and danger of the Parasite from long before, she could perceive it while she was descending, Zeta Parasite was happy, she wanted to get to M as soon as possible to receive his help, they still have very much in mind his words of learning together, since he was born he was alone and didn't have that company that everyone needs, that friendship that when you are wrong, makes you open your eyes and realize your mistake, just like that friendship that follows you despite the stupid things you have, having a true partner to meet this personal goal you have, a friend. ...that's it...a friend....The very thought of finally having your first friend, this makes the Parasite very happy, if he asks for it, he is very sure that he will accept if you give him to understand.

!!!!!!!!----------... At that moment he couldn't perceive it because of the thousand emotions he was having, Blaze's attack was a short distance away from hitting him, he knew that if he didn't do anything, his chances of managing to meet M would diminish a lot, presenting himself to him as a Parasite...!!!!..... Perhaps it would be the most ideal thing for him to see how he really is, but there would be a problem, there would be no way to communicate with him, plus the possibility of anyone else intervening in the encounter...Quickly, Zeta Parasite before impact, ended up immersing himself in a field of electricity that would serve as both a barrier and an attack. BOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!

An explosion occurred that ended up damaging most of them, it could be seen from any part of the island and the nearest ones, an impressive cloud of dust was rising that little by little would be cleaned by the wind itself, but in the middle of the explosion you could see the bodies that could not take it anymore, both Rouge, Amy, Cream and Blaze, they had been shot in random directions. Blaze didn't expect that at the last minute Zeta Parasite would manage to fight back, if it wasn't for the natural reaction of both elements, she would have surely won being the only one standing in the fight.

M had just learned the Pure technique at the moment of the explosion, he had gone out to observe what had happened, besides that in all this time that the fight had been going on, it was being documented in real time by Carmis' Seikatsu no Basho. Since the night he had been teaching him how to perform the technique, thanks to the previous preparations of the past year, the progress would be much easier. 

『It's a technique that the only limiter is you, depending on your current strength and your Pure resolve, you can manage to finish off any enemy no matter what level they are at, it's like your final attack if we look at it that way 』.

『It has no limitations...it's a really amazing technique!!!! Hey kitty, you learn the technique too, so that you don't make a fool of yourself anymore 』

『!!! What did you say? *sigh* It might be a great technique and skill, I won't deny it, since it takes 2 different energies, your own and the purity or decision as you call it, putting them both together in one attack, it makes sense that it's really powerful』-『But I'll pass on learning it, getting stronger from something external is not my goal, if I'm going to get stronger, it'll be on my own merit and net effort that originates from me, that's how I got my Unleashed Form and learned all the skills I possess, plus thanks to the last fight kid, you let me know I can do my ultimate attack myself *proud*』

Blaze as I expected, if it's about getting stronger, she's going to prefer to do it on her own without any help from anyone, I guess this is considered help, since it's practically learning it from instructions that are there ....???!!!!! Wait, if I follow that same logic and Blaze doesn't repeat what's already been done, then the reason why it took her 1 year to be able to cook something good is because she's .....

『So you don't even read a cookbook?』

I was intrigued and mysterious by my question, where as soon as I said it, Blaze stared at me, the serious way he was looking at me, I thought he was going to agree with me, that he doesn't even read a cookbook, but then he turned his gaze to his answer.

『Of course I read that to learn, so where do you think I was preparing different foods for you that I didn't even know about...*shamed*』

『I see .... !!!! *burlon* So it took you a year because you're bad at cooking *laughs*』

I could imagine Blaze, even though she had the help of a recipe book, she ended up doing the opposite or the meals didn't turn out the way she expected, I guess it can happen to anyone, believe it or not, there are many people in the world that despite having a series of steps and detailed instructions, the final product turns out to be very flawed.

『I'm not good at learning from others...even if I wanted to learn that technique you say, I'm not likely to master it and it would take me a long time, if it comes from my pure creativity and ingenuity, it's easier』.

『But you will make it someday *smiles* I'm pretty sure that's how you became the strong girl you are now, you had a goal to achieve and you didn't give up on it, maybe there was a limiting factor and you managed to break it with effort, I know you better Kitten *smiles*』

Hearing M's words, Blaze than he was normal in a sense, he really liked his friend's comment, and the ending to top it off, made him bring out a smile of satisfaction at how their friendship had progressed from the 2 of them. 

『*smile* Just like that, that's how I got my Unleashed Form, you just repeated what I said.... *happy* before a moment of helplessness of wanting to do more for my friends, before full of emotions that I might lose them, before a burst of thousands of feelings, I could get my Unleashed Form by my own merit, it's my innate power made mine, mine alone, my only power, if I could get it, I'm very sure that you one day M, will also get it *proud*』.

She returned the positivism that was given to her, the way the cat spoke was totally real and sincere, and she was sure that the boy had surprised her before, what he would do in the future. At this M was cheerful, the 3 friends were in a cave and a campfire to endure the cold, but at the same time they had a fixed view of the night, where they could see the stars that were there, and at that M said something.

『With that at some point I will too *smiles* I just hope there's a good reason to do it 』.

At that time I was watching the stars, at that time Blaze commented to us that he also liked to do surveillance at night, as he could watch the starry night which was really beautiful, as much as Carmis and I were quiet and we agreed with him. To be able to live quietly in a forest with only those who are dear to you is a life I really like.


I was leaving Blaze lying in a tree, she had given her all in her fight against her friends, and I was even impressed by that last attack she made, I could imagine it, she really recreated that great attack of the two of us by herself. At that moment I could feel it when I arrived, I was looking at the small hill above me and I could see it, she was still badly injured because of the explosion, surely her resistance and strength had diminished a lot with that last one. But still, I'm impressed that he didn't give up at all, his desire to be with me was much stronger than before...no...before he wasn't even interested in possessing me personally, but now from the way he's looking at me, I feel like he wants to tell me something personally.

『Here I am, come and let's conclude this phase for you!!!! 』

I was passing to my God Form while I was in a combat pose, I was really excited for this fight that will most likely be short-lived, literally the Parasite received with that last attack a huge amount of damage, he was very weakened, but unlike when he possessed Big and being seriously injured, his intentions were still but...yeah...what I see in front of me now pleases me a thousand times more.

I saw the Parasite happy with this, he didn't take off his smile at all, but he was only with it, looking at me from the chasm without telling me something...I was confused, I thought he would come looking for a fight at that moment, even because of the confusion I left my combat pose and with a loud voice I told him.

『Hey!!!! What's up!!! You're not coming !!!! ? I'm waiting for you! Please come!!!』

I was confused about this, should I attack right now? Should I wait?....Hmmm...I don't know, although it would be best if I could talk to him, but I would only interpret what I'm telling myself.... At that very moment I sighed commenting that I wish I could have a normal conversation with the Parasite.


My ears reacted like a cat, as I could hear him say something, I looked up and wondered if it was the Parasite who made that little noise, inside me, really after talking alone for quite a while, I was expecting another answer which ended up surprising me.


At that moment I really couldn't believe it, so much was my surprise that I ended up returning to my Base Form, I was trying to look away, what I heard was true? The Parasite inside Zeta's body just said good morning to me? I was a little confused at first, so to make sure I wasn't hallucinating I returned the greeting.

『Good morning Parasite *smiles*』

『 c( O.O )ɔ.....('ω`*) Good Morning *smile*』

He was even waving his hand back and forth as if to say hello and that I'm here. At this I could clearly understand, this was not a dream at all, this was 100% real that .....!!!!!I quickly burst with joy and happiness at that moment.

『I don't believe it!!!! You spoke!!! Finally you spoke Parasite!!!! Good for you!!! *joy* For a moment I thought you would never be able to speak or that there was a problem with it, but I see I was wrong, with you needing to learn a lot and familiarize yourself to be able to communicate with speech...I see...but anyway, I'm glad you're finally talking Parasite *happy*』

This to me was historic, and the way this one looks and shows himself, even though he's controlling Zeta's body, it wasn't her at all, now I could see the huge difference, what do I say difference, there's nothing like that, right now I'm seeing how the Parasite is showing himself as he is with everything he's learned. And really the first impression I got is that he looks like a little boy. I have a lot of things to tell him and talk to him, so from my place I was shouting to him that now I'm getting closer so we can talk, but from what was going to happen to my Forma God, quickly the Parasite jumped up and was in front of me, I had her right in front of me and...I just realized something with this year that happened with my classmates, so I couldn't help it and .... something that looks tender and innocent to me, I didn't hesitate to caress her head at that moment.

『Come on, I told you that I'll go with you *happy*』

At that moment I stroked him, the Parasite was happy with this, being the first time that someone stroked his head with pure friendship. Firstly, as there was no sign of danger from either of us, this suits me fine, because if everything continued as before, we were going to fight between the two of us, while in the middle of the fight I would be transmitting my message to him, but if we have the option of being both calmly talking like any other person, it suits me more than fine. I'm a bit worried though, we're sitting next to where I left Blaze lying down, if she wakes up at any time and sees that I'm being quiet with the Parasite, I'll probably end up popping a vein.

『By the way Parasite, I want to tell you something from the beginning, isn't the world an amazing place? 』

『*smile* Yes....world is amazing.....plants....animals....living things....everything... is amazing』-『I...I'm so sorry...1 year, I locked you up....and took you away from the world.... I thought locking up was good but....was bad....the world...the outside...everything outside the dark is....beautiful *happy* I want to see more....know more...that's why....sorry...successor....』

The Parasite, as he spoke, was quietly observing his surroundings, which he did not take much notice of before, but now, it seems to him the most wonderful thing there is, so I turned to the Parasite, in order to correct him.

『I'm not a successor, or well yes I am but, record it very well Parasite, my name is M, don't forget, I'm M *happy*』

I pointed at myself telling him my name, the Parasite did the same but pointing at me, he really looked like a little boy, which I don't like very much, but I guess it also influences the fact that he possesses someone. After making it clear that I am M, now I took his hand so that he could point at himself while I said to him.

『And you are you?』

『I am ....』

At that moment when he pointed to himself, I really didn't know what to say, it was clear, he didn't have as such a name, but this surprised me somewhat, despite the fact that I call him Parasite and he understands when I call him that, it's not as such referring to him, he was left confused, it's like me, I am a human, we are all humans, but my name is M, likewise it is with the Parasite, they are all Parasites, but who is he really.

『Since you don't have a name, then let's give you one, what do you think?』

At that moment when I suggested it to him, the Parasite's eyes sparkled, and he approached me very cheerfully at that moment, I could see it too, how Zeta's tail was wagging back and forth. So I went on to think of a name for him, even though I had many ideas, I didn't want to impose one on him, so I suggested something.

『You have a father, don't you? Your relationship with him, what's it like?』

It is normal for a Father to give a name to his son, so it was the first thing that came to my mind, but at that moment when I told him, I was also looking for a little more information than we already had. At that moment the Parasite stood somewhat upright, looking down at the ground with his hands clenched....

『My Father.... relationship is...convenient...he only created us in order to make him stronger...we have been doing this for a long...long time...destroying, possessing, acquiring more power.... so he recovers faster.... really all Parasites have that one thought, that Father is everything and...I think so too....Father gave me life and brought me to the world where....*smile* it's wonderful and.... I learned a lot of things in this time....maybe I'm wrong and I'm away from Father's purpose but.... it's my life and...I want to do what I want to do with it.... first fulfill purpose and then learn more and more, until one day, change my mind, be better than yesterday, know a little more, enjoy...be satisfied with what I am and got until the last day he appears and....*sad*』-『I...love Father very much *smiles*』

What the Parasite was talking about, really the way he says it...it's making me doubt a lot of things, maybe it's because he is his son and he sees him as someone to look up to but...if his father is someone bad in many ways since he seeks destruction in everything, it seems he is not like that in some sense but .... This is very confusing, I feel like I'm getting information ahead of myself, maybe it wasn't good to dig too deep, I better concentrate on what is happening now and seeing that he loves his father a lot, maybe....

『What is his name? Maybe that's where you can get your name』

『!!!! *green* Good idea!!! Father's name is Xerzene!!!! ...Eh?.... there was another one too, his name was.... another one?.....was there a third one....』

『(.... What a weird name, I don't know many names starting with X....)!!!! I know! How about your name is X! In love with your father! *smiles*』

『X?....X?.....X....*green* Yes! X will be my name!!!! Thank you very much M *smile*』

At this we finally got a name for the Parasite, which is X from now on, I was really happy with this, you could see on his face he had his own name. I didn't expect this kind of twist with him, now it's hard for me to see him even more as an enemy, but...after all that happened and all the effort my friends made, I can't just dismiss him too. As happy as X was, I had to say something to him.

『Hey X, you still want to possess me?』

At what I said the question, of how happy X was, he did not take off his smile, with encouragement and joy, he went on to give me the reason, X still wants to possess me. I know I said that I would like the Parasite to possess me to know what it's like, I still don't remove that option, but it's not really an option now that he's found himself. I don't see Zeta anywhere anymore, you could say I've completely dominated him, if he possessed me, I wouldn't influence him anymore, he wouldn't have something of me anymore, eventually, I'd even lose who I am, being locked up again....isn't something I feel like.

『I see, I'm happy for you X, but...』

『Possessing no....isn't the right thing to do, better to say...help me M, to learn more about the world and love *smile*』

At this it seems that the Parasite thought about correcting his words and...what a change he made, when he told me to help him, I was really speechless because...that's exactly what I was going to do in the beginning. At this point I was starting to scratch my head at how the situation was going. This changes a lot of things, so....

『Well, I'll help you with whatever you want X *decided* With learning about the world and about love....hmm..that last one you might not want to learn from me .....!!!!!--------』

From what I was thinking about how to help him, from what I had lowered my guard, I could see it in that instant, a huge black spot ended up covering me completely and wanted to devour me, X did not hesitate to enter me when I accepted to help him, I did not expect that he would not hesitate to do so. When he wanted to envelop me, there was quickly an explosion of light and rejection from me. Quickly X of what was coming out of Zeta's body, it came back so that I could be safe. And as if reclaiming me he was pouting while saying to me.

『M liar (๑-̆૩-̆)』

『Liar your old we!!!!!!! Why did you do that X?????』

I was very confused and even scared about what happened, if it hadn't been for Carmis' protection, right now the Parasite would have possessed me and .... I was quickly scolding him for what he had done, but at that moment he decided to stand up to me and countered that I had agreed to help him, which he did ....

『Yes!!! But not in that sense!!!! You're just as rash as the Cat this....』

『What's wrong with owning you? You agreed to help me, so we'll both learn together until the last day!!!!! 』

『If you do, I will end up disappearing!!!! I can't let myself be possessed now that you've met yourself!!!Unless there's a section where I can intervene too but ....Ahhh!!!! It's very complicated, to possess someone is to ignore and throw away the life of another living being, I am me and I want to be me, I want to become the best version of myself, me!!!! do you understand? What I want to do is for you to be you, not you in Zeta's body or in any other living being, do you understand?』


『That I will help you to find your place in the world!!!! You are going to be yourself!!! With your own body, your own mind, without bothering anyone!!!! I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I'm going to do it all the same. So that in the end you will be you and you yourself will learn to feel the world』.

I had even raised my voice a bit, but I wanted to make it clear to him that this was my goal, that X must be himself. When I told him, his eyes sparkled again, I don't know if he understood the idea, but he liked the fact that he was the same. But ....

『Then let's be the same M!!!! Let me help me!!!! (☆ω☆*)』

『By helping you you mean you own me right? If that's what you must mean...I see I won't be able to change your mind with words....good!!! Then let's do what I had planned from the start, let's face off X, and the one who wins, will accept the other's conditions 』

Yes, there was no other way to make X understand that my method is better than his, either because I fight many times and he always has in mind the fights in order to achieve his goal. I was very happy with the idea, so there would be no objections for anyone. With that condition, each one prepared to start a fight that .... while walking I am really lucky that Blaze hasn't woken up and that Carmis hasn't come back yet, I guess I already freed our friends, Zeta is the only one missing, well...let's get it over with.

We both took some distance in the forest, and as if taking up the beginning, now I was back to my God Form and ready to fight, while the Parasite could only think of one thing, if he could win over M, then his life would be filled with wonders every day. So with that thought, the fight began. 

I could see that X was coming with everything, a lightning fast beam appeared at my side who wanted to hit me with everything. I quickly dodged it so it wouldn't hit me, I had to be careful with his Electric Fever, it's the only move that puts anyone at a disadvantage. He wouldn't stop X, behind me I could see him who wanted to give me a hug along with a big voltage, where I quickly managed to propel myself down and started attacking him from afar. I can't melee with her, that fight we had made me understand it well but ....

『(Fighting from afar...it's a disadvantage....)』

He was flooding the whole sky with energy projectiles, who X was dodging everything in his lightning form, not allowing him to advance until ..... At that moment he realized something, the whole sky where he was, everything was surrounded by my projectiles, so it was obvious, he sent everyone to attack Zeta.

While on the other hand, Carmis had been all this time releasing her companions with the Pure attack, being able to perceive them it was really easy to invoke her portal to be together with them. He didn't really believe that Blaze's initial plan had worked, he managed to defeat and weaken them all only for Carmis to come last. The Demon was surprised at her friend and could only comment.

『Crazy cat.....』

Quickly he was able to free Amy and Rouge, who took him with him with the help of the portal. It was Cream's turn to be released but .... The moment she wanted to do it, she could feel something, it seems that she was the one who could recover the fastest, as she disappeared out of nowhere, Carmis could feel it, that way of stepping and jumping through the sky, so she would simply invoke her portal where she could calculate it just right. Cream appeared in front of him, she didn't even know how, and without even hitting him with a direct hit with the pure attack. Carmis with a simple sigh said.

『Don't be persistent, I don't want to hurt you Miss Cream, of all the people I met in this world, you're the one I have the most fun with, be a good Miss and let's go home *smiles*』.

Carmis at that moment conveyed his pure feeling to Cream, after all he is the one who spends most of his time with the rabbit since he likes children just as much. Where Cream Parasite upon hearing this, it is not known how, but before impacting the pure attack. There was a slight light that could not even be perceived, it is not even known why, but from Cream's body, the Parasite that was inside her had come out directly, Carmis quickly got down to work, he charged his fist with Pure energy and quickly killed the Parasite with one blow.

『(Strange, I didn't do anything to make the Parasite come out of her body...maybe because she was so weak, just making her understand my purity towards her released it) Well, this ability is that simple after all』.

With all of them exhausted and helpless, Carmis took each of them to join the others, her portal appeared next to Blaze who seems to be waking up at last. Carmis would tell her that it was timely that she had reacted, where the Cat wanted to move, but Carmis would better comment to her to stay still to be the first to heal, but....

『It's going to take a while to heal, I'm still not able to fully summon the UltiWorld....』

『Yes yes, your unstable couple situation I understand, but this is not over yet, look at the sky, the fight continues』.

They both looked up, and you could see how Zeta was trying to dodge all of M's attacks, although in his Lightning Form, it was difficult for him to dodge all of them, so...Boomm!!!! He ended up hitting one, where in a chain reaction, the rest of the attacks hit him one after the other. Quickly M was charging a powerful attack with both hands, he was going to finish this quickly now ....

『(I knew it, she's still affected by Blaze's attack, her reactions and movements, even though she's giving it her all, she's not able to keep up with me, I guess that's how Blaze must have felt when it was my turn to face her....)』

Never mind that, now that I have her stunned I must...POMMMM!!!!! I quickly unleashed my charged attack to defeat X, but at that moment she ended up reacting again, which I didn't expect, and she passed with her same lightning, to graze and move towards me with her Lightning Form, this I didn't end up expecting, I had her forehead where she managed to grab me with her hand, and with joy she was giving me a strong electric voltage.

It didn't matter to fight from far away now, I quickly with my tail I threw it away so that it wouldn't follow me anymore but... I could feel it again, through my body it was running light currents of electricity that now would harm my movements. X knew, this was a huge advantage for him, and he even said to me.

『Now I'm going to beat you M *happy*』

『Very confident my X, just because I don't see you as a threat, that doesn't mean I'll give you the fight away!!!』

To this, X firstly felt annoyed, and would reply to me that he will do his best to be able to win the fight.

『I'm fighting for my life』.

When I heard that... I... I really knew I had to end this. I mustn't waste the advantage I have, both of them knew that X in terms of strength and stamina, I beat him a lot, that's why he thinks highly of me missing my attacks and eventually we'll be even but....

『That's right, I'm also fighting for your life X, let's finish this!!!』

From one moment to the next, I began to release Ki from my body, giving it my all so far, I went on to get and surround X with enormous speed, I didn't even know where I was, my speed was such that I was able to quickly create a whirlwind that enveloped X. The latter, due to the confusion, began to gather energy with him to finally finish off with a great release of electric energy all over him. But I didn't care about receiving it, it was given by all the discharges and between going with speed, X could detect me and ...

『His fist is glowing.....*serious*』

He prefers to dodge me rather than wait for me to confuse me with the attack, he can't risk taking the attack. Quickly but slowly for me, I thought I was free out of the whirlwind, but I appeared in front of it that I was going to hit it with my fist but...knowing that I was going to miss it, I preferred to hold it with my tail, which I was able to do and with it, I went through the air and ascended through the skies while...

『(Don't look don't look don't look don't look don't look don't look don't look don't look don't look...)』

I was with my eyes closed as I repeated those words, X couldn't free himself from my grip, while Carmis and Blaze watched as I too ascended through the skies, my target was obvious, the one who will receive my pure attack fully, for that I must make sure and .... as I was rising higher and higher with my eyes closed, I was telling X that ....

『X!!!!Whatever the result comes out, I promise you that!!!! I will really help you! To learn from the world and also from love!!!! So please!!! Don't dodge the attack!!!!!』

Where in that instant of no longer rising, I still had my eyes closed and didn't want to open them at all, where X and I were face to face in the heavens. Where when he heard me say that, the ....

『Of course, let me help you *smiles*』

Where we were now descending with great force all over the sky. I didn't want to open my eyes at all, but I could feel that I wasn't alone. I had X in my fist now, who was slowly summoning back my pure energy that I had gathered earlier and.....I could see a comet but...it was voting white glows everywhere it descended, the moment I saw this those below, Carmis was impressed, but more so Blaze who really his proud expression said so and.....

『Let my purity reach you!!!!! Let my Light reach you!!!!!!!』

Since the techniques Carmis uses don't have a name, I also decided to give one to this Puro attack, which is Light. POOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!! Light's attack ended up hitting X, who felt a huge pain spreading all over his body, even hitting X directly. He could only see that the outside world that he could see, all the wonderful world that he had yet to learn, began to be enveloped and enveloped in a powerful white light that ....E gradually began to disappear, but...he was happy about it.

『Let's learn together...let's learn together .... learn together ..... learn toge... learn to...learn...le...n...r....a....a....a....who am I?』

The Light ended up imbuing the whole sky by the attack of M, who hit with all his strength and purity the feeling for X. Where it could not be seen by the light, whether the Parasite ended up just expelled, or whether it died. But M knew one thing, that this phase was finally over. Zeta who had received the blow, was falling to the ground, where M also by using too much force, ended up returning to his Base Form, and both were falling to the ground. Where Blaze was commenting to Carmis that ....

『I already know』

Where M as she was falling she could see at her side Zeta who was finally back to her old self, but....

『Where is X?』

E͇n͇d͇ ͇o͇f͇ ͇A͇r͇c͇:͇P͇a͇r͇a͇s͇i͇t͇e͇

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