S͇u͇m͇e͇r͇g͇i͇d͇o͇ ͇P͇a͇r͇t͇e͇͇ ͇1͇4͇
I wouldn't say my life was the hardest of all, but I couldn't say it was the easiest either, I don't have the slightest idea what normal, everyday life would be like for other people out of my eyes, if they live the same way as me, then I should consider them to be fine? I really thought so, that all the outsiders who just came to have a look at our country and tourist places, they all looked better than us, a better life, a better dress, a better way of thinking about how to live. But that was not what I thought before, because the idea that I had, like any other child, was instilled in me since I was very young. What I remember first of all is the embracing heat of every morning, the only thing that covered us was an umbrella that already showed its couple of years in use, it even had baked clasps so that it didn't have any holes, I remember how at one point I blinded myself for a few seconds, as a clasp had come off and the strong light just ended up hitting my eye.
I had a nail in that moment, really when I felt that, I...I thought maybe I should.... I could only take shelter from my bad luck, but of course, I wasn't the only one who was in that place, my mother who was really very young, I could even say that she was like my older sister, although I had almost never seen her face, the only thing that I have very present are her eyes, it was the only thing that I could recognise about her, neither her hair, nor her skin, nor her nails, I really remember her as a black cloth that covered her and the only bright thing about her were her eyes. When I heard her voice to calm me down and play with me for even a few minutes, it made me feel calm and warm, that no matter what situation I was in, as long as I was with her, I knew that everything would be alright.
I still remember my first time I heard a strange language, a completely white man came to our stall that we had in the middle of the tourist areas, I didn't understand at all what he was saying, but I could tell from his tone of voice that he wasn't going to do anything bad to us. I admired my mother a lot for understanding a language that was strange to me, she spoke fluently with that white man and when every person who came with us left, our objects... the objects that my mother made an effort to make every day, disappeared with the passing of the day.
I really didn't like it, why give them to them when you put so much effort in creating them, with how beautiful they were, because you gave them away with a smile and with what I suppose are a thank you in those strange languages. I also remember that first time, how my mother was handing over what had cost her so much to a couple, this time not of white people, but of brown people like us, who also spoke another strange language very similar to what we had heard before. I didn't understand, I just had my own thoughts and what I thought was right, I didn't want more things to be taken away from my mother.
『Is he your son? I see he takes good care of his mother』.
『Did you see, sweetheart? His eyes are very similar to his mother's, they stand out much more now that I see him, good! I'll take a veil just the same!』
It seems that the couple of strangers didn't mind, they rather liked the attitude I did, I really wanted to protect as much as I could this piece of cardboard where my mother's work was. But at that moment, I could hear the person I cherished the most in my life call me directly.
That was my name, the name that my mother gave me with much affection, I turned to look at her to know what she wanted from me, but at that moment I knew it perfectly, just by looking at her eyes, I knew that she was upset with me, she didn't have to tell me more, she had understood it just by looking at me. So I made a lot of effort to open my hand and remove it, I was giving it to them not because I wanted to, but because my mother wanted me to.
『A nail?』
I thought I was being clever by giving him something I wasn't, but quickly it didn't help. I didn't want to look at the time, I was even entrenched in being with this nuisance for my whole life, but from what I kept taking out of my hands, I could quickly feel that something was given to me, apart from the nail I already had.
What was this, it was a very thin piece of paper, there were also hard metal things in it, now that I remember, these things are what all the people use in this place, it always seemed strange to me that these worthless things make you take more valuable things. The couple, having had a good time, decided to give a tip and said goodbye, thanking again, and there was my mother too, speaking another language that I didn't understand, does she know how to talk about everything when a stranger comes? Because if that's the case, it's really incredible. I can barely speak and understand my own language, I can't imagine being fluent in another language if I'm with the strangest people in the world, it would be so much easier if we all spoke the same, I feel like I wouldn't feel excluded....
After that, I thought my mother was going to give me a lecture, we sat on our knees in our stall as we watched a crowd of strange people pass by us, this is weird too, there are so many people, if everyone who comes here took my mother's gadgets, she would be happy?
I know that it makes her happy, little by little I am understanding the world more and more, these papers and metal things that we get, serve to buy food and a home, the effort that my mother makes is to get that which for me was useless, but really it is the opposite, I saw it as the world has fallen into something so terrible, it is bad to want the bad, money is bad in many ways, money is money, life is life, but you need money if you want to live, it was like that before? You needed money to live? With water and bread that my mother gave me every day, to have him here with me, to have a place to spend the cold nights despite how small it was, for me it was enough, the only thing I don't like is this strong heat, again he took off a brooch and it stuck me more to my body, he really pressed harder the nail he had. ...I...I wanted this heat to stop hitting me....But remembering what happened not long ago, it seems that what was once free and easily accessible to all, now you need a change that the same human gave to...
『Everyone wants to become someone strong, don't they mother? Everyone wants to become someone important, don't they mother? The truth I still don't understand, I just go by what I think is right, the reason for living is to be all that? to be someone strong, to be someone important, I see it as something wrong and even bad, there must be another word for it, I must go to school for that? 』-『Life shouldn't be difficult, it would be easier if one just lived, no problems, nothing wrong, food every day, a bed and a house, if everyone had that at their disposal, we would all be happy? At least I would be, I don't know more than what I already know, for me this is living y....!!!! Mother, one has life because one wants to be happy?』-『If so, we are all already happy and we don't need anything else, mother, with you it is enough for me to have a happy life *smiles*』
Darius said it according to what he thought was right, he wasn't a child who was going to study, there wasn't what he needed to study, all he knows is what he saw and what his mother told him. She doesn't understand how her son comes to think that way many times, he was stupid in many ways, everything he said is just a silly imagination of how the world should be. She knows very well, the world can't be that easy, because she wanted the easy way she ended up in this situation, she had a future ahead of her, but we all make mistakes in our lives, some more terrible than others, and she doesn't consider it a mistake at all. She touched her son's head and his eyes softened at that moment and calmly said.
『Yes, the world would be happier that way *smiles*』-『Thank you...really thank you Darius...for not questioning me my judging me...thank you for being on my side...thank you for thinking that I am your happiness....』
At that moment, my mother slowly went to hug me and... she was shaking, her little body really felt weak at that moment, I don't know what happened to her but everything she said, only made me understand that she had a very bad time before I came. But...why would they hurt a good person like my mother? What does she have or did to make her feel that everyone can hurt her? The thought that I'm not going to do that to her or look at her in a bad way really calmed her in many ways. I wanted to take that cloth off her face, I wanted to see how my mother was right now, I really wanted to help her through all this, but I knew myself, she doesn't want that, it just brings back bad memories, insults and abuse, her whole life while she's in this land, she's going to have to live with her face covered and her eyes down, and that... I really didn't like it. ...I really didn't like it at all...Again the strangers came to our stall, my mother wiped her tears and went to attend to them as usual, but she didn't feel good at that moment, she wanted to keep expressing herself as someone who was really weak. So at that moment, I tried to speak that strange language that I always heard in my days, I didn't say it perfectly, it was a bad imitation, but the important thing is that I wanted to transmit what I wanted at that moment.
We managed to sell my mother's effort again, I gave her the money in her hands and made her squeeze them so that they would not slip out of her fragile grip, I didn't understand it very well, but my mother at that time told me that.
『That nail, ever since you found it you've been clinging to it, I suppose you know what it's for, every time the sun hits you, you squeeze it very hard...what exactly do you want to do with that nail?』
Was it so strange and obvious for me to act in this way? My mother told me without batting an eyelid about what I had in my hands, I don't know either, but every time I feel that I should stay alive or something doesn't fit, I squeeze it hard, is this a way of repressing that this life really... I don't like it? My mother noticed this, so she kept talking.
『Darius, between the 2 of you, being a boy you have a better chance than me, I really hate this...I wish I was born somewhere else and not here...I feel like destroying even the slightest hole.... So as my strong and great son that you will be, I'm going to give you the only mission you should have in your whole life, become someone important and strong son, become a person that as you always were and will be, give your companionship and friendship to every person that you think is right, don't repress what you feel anymore...』-『That you think you are happy, that made me very happy...really...but at the same time it upset me because I want you to become someone even more happy...happy of happy...it's my fault for not letting you know how the world really is, you have to see it for yourself, you have to go to all the places of all these people who come to visit us, you have to discover more things, they come here because they want to know more about us, I want to know more about us, I want to know more beyond here, I want to see with my own eyes. ...how it feels to just come and enjoy a beautiful place that makes so much illusion, for me this place...beautiful has little....Darius, you have to do it, fulfill it for me, create a path, go into it, destroy and give your opinion if something doesn't like and bother you, become the happiest person of all, you must be in that crowd.... you must be...promise me...and that more people know that you were there....』
His mother told him with all her heart. Darius would keep this in mind as time went by, now his way of thinking was changing, now he understood why people wanted to become better than others, why they wanted to make the ones they cared about happy, why they couldn't resist not liking their current way of life. .... It was a city somewhere in Egypt, the sun was still beating hard and what his mother was sad about, Darius with a big smile on his face, he clearly stated his convictions, that he too will become someone important and will see every place in the world, even the ones that were no longer present here. That he will always support who he thinks is right until the end, because that's how it has always been, he is only faithful to his way of thinking before others, when he wants to support a person or group of people, Darius was able to do everything for them, even if he had to suffer the consequences himself, because he really did not like from that day, how his mother was sacrificing herself for him, he was angry and annoyed by that fact... he wanted to destroy all that... they can have a better future. He doesn't like that others suffer instead of him, a thousand times dead to resist it again, his mother will be the only one who suffers with that pain, for the next one, it won't happen again.
Thanks to the efforts of his young mother, Darius managed to get into school and learn more about the world, there was not a day that went by that he wasn't worried about how he was studying and how he had left his mother alone in that stall in the street. The more he grew up, the more he understood and the stronger he became, until it was really simple what he had to become in order to fulfill his mother's words, it was clear to him, to become an archaeologist to be able to see all society and civilization of the planet, to destroy and to know new things of the world, that was his goal to accomplish, and when he finally achieved it, his mother was really very happy about it.
Darius had not stopped at any moment, his enormous desire to be able to help those he trusts and appreciates, made him never stop and find a way, a path that he believed existed for some reason. Even if he lit his lantern and had one in hand, it was really nothing in the face of the immense place that was the 4th layer, if the 3rd layer had different paths and would make you feel lost. This one, being completely empty and hollow inside, gave you the feeling that even though you had great mobility, you weren't really getting anywhere.If you stood still for a moment, even for that small amount of time, it would cause you to lose your orientation as to where you were going. Keeping your eyes straight ahead was your only guide at that moment. After walking for quite a while, Darius was glad of this, as he seemed to have finally reached the far side of the large cave. His plan was simple, he had to walk straight ahead until he found something to guide him, the wall was the safest, now he had 2 directions to go, forward or backward and he wasn't going to get lost at all.
『(Good, now I just have to follow one of the 2 paths, somewhere there must be a way to go)』.
All this way he went as quietly as possible, but now that he was sure where he had to go, he would quickly run all over the place, it was extremely strange, even though he was running, you couldn't hear his footsteps at all, nor the agitation he was doing, everything was silent for him at this moment. At that moment when he was running, he only had to look ahead, he didn't have to look at the side of the darkness, it's not that he was afraid, but since he arrived at this place, that darkness seemed to want to make him see something that he knows perfectly well that it is not true.
But the further he went, the more the atmosphere became strange, the darkness began to disappear, and when he least expected it, he stopped at that moment, and could only think of one thing. There was a large crowd of people around him passing by, the sound had returned from one moment to the next, and not only that, he remembered this place perfectly, it was when he had gone to Brazil to investigate an archaeological site.
『 The Ruins of Sao Miguel de las Misiones....what...do I do here....』
He really was in this place, and he wasn't the only one, a crowd of people were everywhere just like him, visiting this place in order to have a good time. This felt a little weird to Darius, because out of the darkness he was now in a different place, did he have to keep walking? did he have to stand still? no, he had to do what he thought was right at that very moment, so he quickly did what anyone in his situation would do, he was going sightseeing!!!! He spent his time walking around the outside first, not separating himself from the crowd, he marvelled at the structure he saw, it really was very different from his home country. Everyone was having a good time, he saw people taking pictures, he saw people with smiles on their faces, all kinds of people were in this place, this made him very happy...but....
At that moment, in the middle of it all, he managed to see a small stall selling raspados in the Archaeological zone, in the middle of the green grass. Nobody was paying any attention to him, nobody was buying from him, only his stall was there and ..... Darius would approach it to first see what was there, and then he would ask for one but .... It seemed that the owner was not paying any attention to him, he was just sitting there waiting for a customer to come to his stall. This seemed strange to Darius, again he would speak up to ask for his raspado, but nothing would come to him, he would see that a little boy would come to the same stall, and when he spoke up, the owner did pay attention to him and happily gave him a raspado, Darius looked at this and really wanted the raspado, but he realized something, no words were coming out of him.
『 Well, I have to try a little harder』.
The owner spoke at that moment, Darius would walk over to see what was going on, and he noticed something, the owner was looking at a picture of what appeared to be his family and daughter. His face was .... really saying he was doing it for love and a better future for others. From what he was going to be happy about, the owner finally happened to look at him, it was straight into his eyes, he didn't blink or anything, he just stared at him and.....
『Get back....Get back to the crowd....get back now.....』
And at that moment when the owner told him clearly, everything around Darius, from the brightness of the sun in the sky, everything returned to where it had been before. The darkness had returned and again it seemed that he had lost his way, he was in the middle of everything again, he did not get angry or frustrated by this, he just kept looking ahead and calmly he would walk straight where he thought was right. Again the sound just went away, he could not hear his steps nor anything that came out of his mouth, but on the other hand... every time he got closer to what he believed, the sound was coming back, does that mean that he was getting closer to the path again? Be that as it may, Darius again his reality seems to have been altered, and this time he seems to be in the middle of a big city, the sun was again at its peak illuminating him as never before, by reflex, he covered his face and clenched his fist for some reason. He stared at it hoping to normalize, but it seems that in the face of a strong heat that reminds him of home, he simply preferred to resist it.
『The Roman Baths of Bath』
Right now he was in England, this was also one of the games that he had visited before, again the crowd was lining up and making room for him, there were really people of all kinds who were here. At that moment he remembered the words of the owner of the scratchers before, that he should return to the crowd, was he telling him not to move away from them? At that moment Darius tried to speak and as weird as it sounds, his voice if it could be heard at this moment, it was getting weirder and weirder to him, if this is how it's going to be all the time, then what exactly should he do....
『I guess I'll follow them...』
It seems that you can only enter in groups of groups, he could clearly see how people were happy about this, it was already his turn to have the pass, the guard just looking at him, like any other tourist, was telling him to enjoy the experience very much, where Darius would only thank and walk through the tour, at that moment he heard something, he turned his gaze to know what it was and....
『Was that there?』
He saw a different road from what he remembered when he visited this place, was that road really there before? He wanted to do it at that moment, but... he had to follow the crowd if he did not want to get lost again. As real as it may seem, he must not forget that he is still in the 4th Layer. However real....at that moment, he could feel the heat that was pouring out of the hot springs, that steam...that heat even if he's in the shade, he can feel it and....that tension of wanting to destroy it was increasing. But this place really felt alive, the tourists were happy about it. Both those on the first level and those on the second were enjoying the moment. But Darius kept his eyes on the different path he found ..... He sincerely wanted to run there... he wanted to get away from this heat .....
But when he heard a loud roar, in the middle of the hot springs, it seemed that a person who did not know how to swim had fallen, he was struggling not to sink, Darius was worried, surely the other people would save him by getting into the hot springs but ..... It seemed that no one was aware of this fact, only Darius was witnessing all this, here he had to decide 2 things, either take the path he saw, or want to rescue that person who was asking for help.
He stood still for a few seconds, and when he finally had decided, he reflexively and believing what he thought was right, decided to take the unknown path, moving further and further away from the splashing and screams of the person fallen in the hot springs. When this happened, again his surroundings were distorted at that moment, returning to the darkness that was present before and .... he realized several things, it seems that this will continue until he decides to make the right decision. Again Darius was in the middle of the darkness and his voice had completely disappeared.
He did what he had to do, he did what he thought was right, he followed the crowd until he found what he believed to be the right path, this time he ignored who everyone was ignoring because it was a lie, it wasn't real...but still.... Darius' face alone said it, he was really very sad about the decision of having left that person that nobody paid attention to.... sad? or rather he was repressing himself? what he wanted to do at that moment.....
In that moment of darkness, something extremely strange happened, he could feel that someone was approaching him, he ended up ignoring it as usual, but that approach that he thought was his mind, became real... He felt that at that moment, someone pushed him to one side, he felt strange, it was not as such a push, it was as if someone strange in the same way had done it, he came on the other side, where he was also pushed and now .... He felt that feeling that if he is not on the right path, all this will become even worse and worse.
When he was walking it was also different, there were times when he seemed to bump into people, yes...when you get your shoulders pushed against your body and all you could do was either ignore it, apologize or complain about it. Mostly these bumping and shoving, they all have a relationship where they mostly happened, if....in a crowd usually these things happen. Even at that moment, Darius felt someone step on his heel, and when he looked back and looked up, his foot was halfway out of his shoe.
『(What's all this...there are already so many weird things happening that it's impossible to ignore them...where am I supposed to be...I just came here to find the right path.... let me do what I think is right...)』
When he least expected it, when he deviated a little from his path, the pushing and shoving and collisions with others....simply stopped, it felt very strange at that moment, because out of nowhere they stopped. He still had the look of where the path he was supposed to be on, and just because he wanted to try, he decided to extend his hand on it and....pam....his hand was again pushed at that very moment. At that moment he remembered the advice he was given, and that is to return to the crowd, did he mean this crowd that is in the middle of the darkness? It seemed to him the best option, if he followed this path there would be no sun to bother him and no environment to remind him of home.
Darius was not afraid, so he stepped back onto the path and if he did not walk as he should have, he would again be pushed and beaten as he should have been. He had his eyes straight ahead, his walk was normal, if he runs he will bother whoever is in front of him, if he goes too slow he will cause problems to the one behind, he must measure well his pace and how he goes, from one moment to the next, the pushing and shoving had stopped, and the bumping became simple rubbing. Whatever Darius was doing, it seems that this time he will do the right thing.
It was not following a straight path, because when it did, it deviated from the road, like any other, there are turns, curves, you can descend or ascend as required by the place where you are heading. The normal thing is to be able to get used to the darkness, but having a light source like the flashlights, your sight is just being guided by it. Darius was thinking that things might be better if he turned off all his tools, than when he did. A light outside the path had been illuminated, as if it were a spotlight, he just followed the right path but did not take his eyes off that nothingness that was illuminated, no, this time he does not intend to go there, he must go all the way in this crowd, but ....
At that moment he could feel it, an extreme tiredness hit his whole body, his legs hurt, his arms creaked when he moved, his stomach was roaring, his face was totally cold, what was all this, when he got to be in this state. And at that moment, again looking into the spotlights, an image was appearing, who was it...was it him? was it someone else? Whatever it was, he looked in a better condition than him, and he seemed to want to tell him something, but all that was in the middle of the darkness, he could not hear anything, he could only see his lips moving and saying ...
At that moment it seems that the sound just came back, the crowd that he could not see before, now became much more visible and .... was not as he thought it was...they were not people as they were, he did not know how to explain it at that moment, but they were like cotton candy, a small fluffy cloud, he was surrounded by all these things when he finally understood it. He also realized something, it seems that he was no longer in that immense place from before, but it seems to be a totally different path from the others, perhaps... this was the path he was looking for? It looks straight but for some reason he feels that all this time he has been ascending to somewhere, he just had to follow in front if he wanted to know and if he has to be with the crowd all the time if he doesn't want to get lost again.
But the further he went...he really felt like his life was slipping away, every step was more
forced than before, every breath was a cold breath to the lungs, his lip was dry, his arms
were aching and heavy in the same way. For a moment it came to his mind, if he has been following a path that will end his life, maybe these fluffy things are a path of souls that are guiding him to the same.... At that moment Darius had doubts, he thought that he must leave this path as soon as possible but.... if he does...then where does he have to be or go? The only thing there is is darkness at this moment, besides another trip will not be possible for him at this moment. It was only a couple of hours, but he feels that he has walked for several days to get here.....
And as if he was really going to the beyond, a strong light hit at that moment, a light so
strong that it forced him to protect himself with his hands again to avoid going blind and... he remembered this sensation that made him repress himself even more. The sound was back, the busy atmosphere was back, the fluffy things disappeared and familiar faces returned, this was his country that he remembered as a child and where he spent most of his time at ....
『Cairo...the city where I grew up....』
It was a city that can offer great experiences just by walking in them, whether its crazy
traffic of people and vehicles, how busy it was touring around here, not for nothing is it the most populated place in the African continent. For many it can be a terrible place to go, because when you visit other places, is because you want to spend some time of tranquility and relaxation ... is not exactly what you find here, but that's the beauty of this place, that is always alive in different ways, the stories that abound in every corner, the food, and even differences of cultures very present in every alley you walk, is like walking through a city that still retains its identity in the without the passing of the years and passing. You will find in every corner street stalls of all kinds of people and gadgets, and that is really an experience not to be missed. Darius felt at home at this moment, he walked as if he knew this place where he spent most of his life, every corner he knew, every corner, the stalls there were, the people he met. He could go in any direction at this moment, because everything was the right way, there was no place to miss here, really as bad as Darius was, he was trying to behave like someone well, he was still holding himself back even more....
But at least this annoyance gave him a little more strength, although the reality was another ....Darius did not hesitate in this, so he would quickly go to his post that he had years ago with his young mother and him as a child, what if these are his memories, then they must be there. He walked and ran with all he had, not caring about bumping into people, just apologizing in the different languages he also learned. Cheerful with his smile, annoyance? hate? he wanted to see her soon, he wanted to remember how those days were...but for some reason...it was like going back to the bottom of everything. ....
『Not this....』
Darius arrived at the place where his mother's stall was and .... could not find anything at that moment, it was completely empty as if it had never existed. This left him surprised and saddened, weren't these memories what he was seeing? So what was it all before and now? The crowd was also here and kept walking as if nothing, since there was no reason to stop, at that moment Darius could recognize people he saw before, the white people and the couple of brunettes ....for none of them stayed here again to buy something for his mother...So he was angry for not being able to do more, what would have been his thoughts, but in that empty place, he just sat as he should and managed with what was there to create a simple artigulios stand, and he shouted that.
『We have the best items that can be found anywhere in the world!!!! Handmade with
100% quality!!!! They are not copies! They are originals! It took us hours to create these
perfections!!!! If you take one gadget, you will get another one as a gift!!!!! 』-『Come
and come!!!! Shop and buy!!!! We are here!!!! Please!!! We are here!!!!!!!!!』
He was screaming at that very moment, or so it seemed to Darius, but by the time he
realized it, he had again lost his voice and sound in all that. But why...if he hated this
place...why is he doing the same thing he did years ago? .... It was strange, he could hear
everything perfectly, but he was the only one who could not provoke or generate sound, does he not deserve to be in this world? But even so, he seems to be determined to sell one, with that he will be happy, even if he really has nothing to sell at this moment.... One person seemed to notice him, and decided to get out of the crowd to buy something from him, this made Darius very happy, he was glad to be at his orders. The person in front of him was a woman he had never seen before, she was too small and seemed to be younger than him, it seemed incredible to him that at the age he was, he could be so happy.
『This place has always been empty? I stopped because I thought I must find something
here, how strange, seeing how your stall is, you must be having a hard time』.
『I'm not having a bad time! I'm just doing what I think is right! Please even if we have
few things, it would help me a lot if you bought me one *smiles*』.
At that moment, Darius took out of his backpack everything he could sell, but when he
wanted to look for things...it seems that he ended up losing or dropping them, since they disappeared at that moment. The girl could only comment that maybe she had already been robbed, to this Darius was confused, but...in the same way, his backpack was worn out and there was a hole in it, a hole? This only annoyed Darius more, the only thing left was a small nail he had. Quickly for being the only thing he had, he wanted to sell it to the girl, but she quickly denied him saying that she didn't need such an object.
『Please!!! Take it!!!!! Buy it!!!! I want to...sell something back and give it to my
Darius was slowly losing his strength again, he was turning pale and even seemed to be
disappearing little by little, everything about him...really seemed to vanish as if a cold wind was killing him..... Hearing this, the girl smiled but still kept rejecting him, before this, Darius seemed to become much weaker, his hand fell to the ground and he was pressing the nail with his remaining strength.
『Hey, are you feeling well?』
『No...I feel that at any moment I may disappear....』-『I...don't know what I want
to achieve anymore...*sad*』
The girl herself could see this, as Darius was disappearing as if he was leaving this world,
she was not impressed at all by this, she just took it as something normal in everyone. But seeing him so sad and without strength, seeing him with that look on his face, she was not the one to encourage him, he was not like that either, after all he is a stranger that she will never see again, so she will only say the right thing before leaving.
『It's obvious that something is bothering you a lot, you're already going to die, tell me,
are you going to let your life end like this?』
This was somewhat confusing to Darius, because out of nowhere this woman told him such a thing, as if she was telling him to do something before he lost his strength completely. At that moment, the girl was also telling him that.
『If something bothers me too much, I'd rather destroy it than disappear *smiles*』.
He said it with a lot of personal weight at the time, to this Darius looked up to see her and .... remembered at that moment that since he was a little boy he really hated that feeling that he could have a better life.
He was going to say something to her, but quickly felt a strong blow of light in his eye, and as if it was a reflex of not being able to resist anymore, he would take his nail from his hand, and with force he would hit what seemed to be something that was there. He felt a ray of light, but he didn't feel the heat at all, and that only made him angrier.
I know whatever was there and was destroying, it just made him feel glad that at least
before he disappeared from this world, he could show that he really didn't like it at all. And when he finally came back to reality for seconds, he already knew he was going to fall back down the way he came from, but...a wall of ice was being destroyed, and through that little hole he could see...he could see...he could see...a glimmer of hope...a ray of hope.
-------------------------------------------→ Continuara
From now on I am going to focus on rewriting both the First Volume and the Second Volume in their entirety, since as time goes by I realized that they are extremely wrong and I want to correct it.
I will use the time I have to rewrite the initial chapters and consequently the current story will be a wait until everything before is finished.
Because the truth is, many ideas intertwine and this complicates me a lot and leaves me dissatisfied.
I hope you please understand and understand the decision I made, I am not going to disappear again, I will only improve the previous work, thank you very much