
Chapter 366: Submerged Part 8

S͇u͇m͇e͇r͇g͇i͇d͇o͇ ͇P͇a͇r͇t͇e͇ ͇8͇.

The more we advanced the more we could feel that this place was more different than we thought, there was something that always made me doubt and look at my sides with each other, I know I said that I like silence, but when there is that emptiness of silence, the only thing you can hear are the footsteps that we were giving each other, it was really noticeable, the times I turned around I felt them either far or close, and I always ended up finding a partner who shook my hand when I noticed that feeling. It didn't just stay there, you could also hear cracking sounds as if the walls were being destroyed from the inside, no one paid attention at first because the Pantheologist was drilling through the ice, and about that. Did he really get a scraping in the middle of this cave? Does he know that the ice in the open air is not entirely healthy and free of organisms? Even if it looks completely pure and intact, that does not mean that it is free of anything that can harm us, for example when it snows, I remember that my friend, being too greedy and gluttonous, ended up eating the snow that fell in the streets, he commented that it did not taste like anything and was extremely cold, but the next day, he could not come because he had suffered an intoxication and extreme diarrhoea, which for children like us can take our lives.

I should have said something to the Pantheologist before he ate that ice? but he seemed happy with it, to see him enjoying something that he is very fond of, there was no need to tell him, he knows what he is doing, I understand that it is not the only bad thing he puts in his mouth, I am very sure that through experience he has a great immune system, besides I could tell at that moment. The Pantheologist didn't want to share the scraping with his friend the Archaeologist, knowing that it could be fatal for his friend.

『If you turned out to be too aware, if you are very sure that you will get out of this, then there was and is no need to worry...』

Every fool with his own issue, let him be happy, as long as it doesn't harm the rest of us, that's what matters the most to me. But still... From what we were all going in line now with the Biologist's guidance, he seemed to know where we were going, to see for sure even though he couldn't see well because his glasses are destroyed, wait... How is he able to guide us if he can't see well? Is it pure intuition and gut feeling like Shinu says? But this was a bit weird, for us all this was new and we were even watching and observing such mysteries, but for the Biologist this seems more like going back to a place he already visited before .... It really takes away some of the mystery and excitement of this expedition, it is very different to have an experienced in the area as Shinu is, and another is to have with you who already knows what was going to happen and where every path and decision you would take would lead you to.

『But on the professional side this is the best, I can't complain...but on the personal side...I still have the thought that it's wrong to want to know everything and try everything...』

I went ahead so I could be next to the Pantheologist, who kept talking to his brother the Archaeologist, it seems they were talking as if it was an evil plan.

『And after reviving such creatures from prehistory, I will command them and become the supreme leader of the earth!!!! My history teacher will see me with pride how I destroyed my school!!!!! HAHAHA!!!』

『While I, will be able to tell everyone how there was a civilization here, what could it be, the most obvious guess would be how they built so many pyramids, temples, architectures so meticulous and perfect that they are impossible for the time, I don't doubt that it is a product of human ingenuity, but wouldn't it be incredible to think that we had contact with aliens and it was them who gave us a hand!!!』

『Aliens? Do you think there's one frozen and buried here? Come to think of it, I have no fucking idea how to revive my new friends...ah! Sure Brother! You can help me! If you befriend the aliens, with their technology we can revive my creatures and finally take over the world!!!』

『You're right brother! I'll make friends with them, ah! Let them destroy everything but one thing, the park I used to play in when I was a kid, I have very good memories of that place, and also my house, my friends, my neighbour, my pet, my stuffed animals, my jewellery, the cinema, the games, now that I think about it you better not destroy anything Brother』

『But...you were supposed to help me Brother!!!』

『It's just that...if we destroy everything, you won't be able to find out any more things, and that would be too bad for me』.


After that conversation of the Pantheologist and the Archaeologist, I say it again, they are like 2 children who are inside the body of an adult, even their way of thinking is just like one, they are supposed to be my elders by a couple of years, but I show more maturity than them but....In that little conversation I heard, I really think they understand when you mean something and when it's a joke, looking at them just made me think the....

『Speaking nonsense must be an advantage....』

For some strange reason, I wanted to join that conversation too, it was like listening to my primary school friends and their silly dreams again, it was really fun and entertaining to hang out with them. When I realised, already the duo of stooges turned to look at me because of what I whispered, I think they ended up listening to me since they responded.

『And yes it is, talking silly and stupid, it makes other people not know if you mean it or if it's a joke, but mostly I do it to get rid of this tension I carry around hahaha, and when I realised, there's another guy who plays along with me, that there's one who follows your stupidity, it really makes me feel like I'm not the only one in the world who can understand me *smiles*』

『Eh? so the dinosaur revival thing is a lie? I thought you could Brother....』

『Of course I can, maybe not decades from now, let alone today, but I'm sure someone in the world will be able to fulfill the wish of those who are no longer here with us, because it's simple if you think about it, the dream of flying through the air has always been present since ancient times, and now we have big steel birds to fulfill that wish』.

『You are right, but it would be more incredible to fly one without depending on another resource, if not to fly because you can fly yourself! Because you have and acquired such desire from many people! Just like you said Brother, I am very sure that at some point someone will fulfill such wishes and much more!!!』

『That's right *smile*』

But what was this...it seemed that they were going to talk again about nonsense that I even imagined how it would end, but this way of thinking and dreaming, it doesn't seem so childish and impossible as others, I have very much in mind the logic and bases that they use, they are right, that example of something incredible becoming something normal in our day to day, it wasn't realistic somehow, it seemed to be something that would never happen but .... and if it will happen? What if one day everything we imagine will become real? I hadn't thought about it before but maybe our modernity is a product of thousands and thousands of wishes that finally took shape, they couldn't see it but...it was granted to them in a late way.... At that moment when I noticed that I was walking behind his back, this Pantheologist gave me a pat on the back and now I was in the middle of the duo, who were both happy, they always had that expression of joy and enjoyment on their faces? Now that I see it better... they are living their lives as they please.

『It's not wrong to have silly wishes Nushi, whether it's impossible or possible, sooner or later they will come true, there are all kinds of variety in the world and that's exciting, you just have to wait, I hear you want to trust us, that's an easy wish, because I've trusted you since the moment I knew we would team up *smiles*』

『That's right, the world exists for ourselves, we can either destroy it or we can take care of it, you decide what to do with your life, it really makes me angry to see how some people don't take care of the planet and that...ahh!!!! I would like to give him a good punch in the face but!!!! How are they possible not to take care of something as wonderful as this planet that gave us life, for my work I have visited many places that are in extreme reserve, I had the bad luck to see how there was graffiti in something that is considered historic for humanity, all those people who really do not care about the others .... as I would like them to receive a little of their own medicine!!!!! The earth is alive assholes! If it sees that they are a threat, it will purge itself!!!』

The Archaeologist would go on to be the next to speak where it was the first time I knew that facet of him, even his friend the Pantheologist was surprised at this thought, it seems that he also cares about preserving the planet, he has visited several shelters that deteriorate over time. I guess his goal in life is also to be able to make more people enjoy what he likes, if we don't do something, not only living creatures become extinct, but so does the same legacy and history of mankind. The truth is a thought that I also have, I have come to wish evil to such people but never act on them, as I said I do not have to put my thoughts on others, but the Archaeologist would be extremely happy that in the face of misfortune humans consider better their life and where they live.

『I already understand, the thinking of each of you, Pantheologist, Archaeologist, at the beginning you seemed to me to be the crazy ones of the group, nuts or just another idiots in the world, but I can see that again I was wrong about you, you are really the people we need more on the planet...sorry for judging you from afar without knowing you first...you are of acting and thinking with head...also when all this is over, get out of here and continue with that importance you have ....』

Nushi didn't expect this to be his first interaction with the duo, now that he saw them for what they really are, they are just as important to the world as he is, they are people capable of making a change and have that unselfish wish that someday someone else will make it happen, but Nushi, all he has seen so far is a wish that he hopes only to achieve, the difference in the importance of who and what is obvious. Hearing these words, the duo was confused by this, but they still didn't take their smiles aside, as they thought that Nushi was one of those people who don't say "sorry" at all, which was .....

『That's not true, what I can't say is gr...gra....a...ci...gra.... I can't deal with it....』

『Well, you don't have to bother about it, that's also a wish, and I'm very sure that one day it will come true in the most natural and easiest way possible *smiles*』

『Everything takes time, when the exact moment comes you'll say it without a problem, besides it's horrible to think about something annoying, because it's just annoying, go at your own pace Nushi, with that serious and cold thinking you have, it's what characterizes you the most and no doubt it's also something valuable, it can take a long time, ah! But make sure you say it before you die, because the people you got to know, would be very happy to hear you *smiles*』

Nushi really expected everything from this duo, but that they gave him such personal advice to improve his life, was something that he did not expect, it was really like meeting again with his friends who by fate of life ended up separating, what became of them, are they well? are they fulfilling their wishes? he does not know, but Nushi at that moment smiled slightly wishing that his dreams come true and to see them again even in old age, surely he would be really happy about this. It seems that he ended up liking the stay with these two so much, that he preferred to go the rest of the way with them, at this moment he realised that he also liked to just stay quiet, and listen how some good-for-nothing idiots start talking without worrying about anything but having a good time.

While we were advancing, the Biologist and Shinu were showing us the way, you could notice how Shinu was marking with an X and arrows how to return to the fixed paths so as not to get lost, he always turned his eyes to see that nobody was missing, he did it every minute that passed, he really looked like the caretaker of all of us when he was worried about everyone. The Cartographer was at the end of everything looking from side to side and with his sketchbook in hand, it was really amazing his memory and the reflection he had, I think he has a photographic memory because with just one glance, he was able to draw in detail the map that was being created. While drawing, the Nurse noticed that Nushi was having a good time, she also wanted to talk to someone, so she again tried to talk to the Cartographer who at the first word.


The Cartographer was so concentrated on drawing that he didn't notice that the Nurse was talking to him, he kept drawing and looking at his surroundings without looking at the Nurse, this really annoyed the girl, so he would tell the Cartographer about her presence again, it really seemed to annoy her more and she wanted to shout at the top of her lungs not to ignore him and ....

『(Eh?...she's shaking...)』

He noticed that the hand with which the Cartographer was drawing was shaking without stopping, but although he was trembling, his drawing technique did not diminish at all, this was the professionalism that he carried with him. I wanted to look at his face, to see what the Cartographer's expression was, and out of such ignorance, I would quickly grab his hand to see if I could stop his trembling, which I did .....

『It's cold...(was that...and I thought he was shivering because of me...) It's starting to get cold, everyone else has wrapped up warmly, you should wear gloves too Cartographer...』

Even though the Nurse was addressing the Cartographer, he was now just following the line looking at the paths, but not turning to look at the Nurse, this was really starting to annoy him more, so in order not to make it worse, He wanted whatever was going on with him to be settled once and for all, just as he was direct with Nushi, so he had to be direct with the Cartographer, who suddenly took his hand to turn the Cartographer's head, and when he least realised it, the Cartographer found himself in a very difficult situation. ...he was extremely embarrassed and red-faced at this. ....

『(Eh? He's very red, I don't think it's because of me...he might have a fever for sure...) Come on Cartographer, you have to wear gloves, you might get sick if you don't, better now that it can be prevented (ahh...his cheeks are very warm...)』

He really couldn't take his eyes off the Cartographer, who preferred to look either at the ground or upwards, but he didn't want to look at the Nurse head on, and then the Cartographer, with the help of his drawings, commented that if he wore gloves, his drawing technique would drop and he wouldn't be able to help as he should. Even though he explained this to her, her gaze was still not looking at him, this was really very different, even though Nushi was direct and serious with his words, always addressing her in her eyes, at this moment with the Cartographer, he was kind and told her about her problem, it was that concern but .... for nothing he was looking at her. So at that moment, the Nurse removed her hands from the Cartographer's cheeks, who was embarrassedly moving back to move forward in the line, he did not want to provoke anything that could distort or misunderstand others, but....

『Look at me!.....』

At that moment, the Nurse grabbed the Cartographer's hand who was surprised by this, he quickly tried to force himself free, he was doing it, but the Nurse really didn't let go. It was like she had, she didn't want to provoke anything that could taint the group even more, Shinu as always is watching who was late, she noticed that these 2 didn't follow so she called out to them, where ....

『Eh eh? eh? eh? eh?!!!! What's going on? (The Nurse is after the Cartographer?)』

Meilin was not slow to get excited about this, but she was also worried that her son might find out if he was interested in the matter, excitedly turning to her son to see if she could feel a bit jealous but ....Nushi was looking as normal and serious as possible, not caring at all about what these two were doing, which his mother was only crying harder inside.

『Ah! It looks like they're serious, because at the party we could see how the two of them were acting like a couple all lovey-dovey, right brother?

『Yes, the Cartographer was feeding the Nurse in her mouth, so they are a real couple? 』

『Are they a couple? Well, it's not like it matters either...』 

The trio of friends, were giving their opinions on this, the Archaeologist and the Pantheologist were right in their thinking that they had from last night, that these 2 seem to have already formalized something in their stay in the cave, while Nushi didn't understand how something could be born, although now that he thought about it, he did know that there was interest from the Nurse with his friend the Cartographer, after all he was looking for pure love. Hearing that they were being talked about and false rumours were starting to be created, the Cartographer tried everything, he tried harder to get out of the Nurse's grip, but it was useless, he couldn't move an inch, let alone get her off him.

『"That broad's a gorilla"』

I remember that Nushi said that about the Nurse and...now you can see that she was right. Shinu was making the call saying to stop the lovebirds scenario and not to delay the team anymore, while Meilin tired of her son not doing anything, she would go to his side to get him to get his act together, but Nushi knowing his mother, would ask his 2 friends to serve as a shield so that he wouldn't get in the way. But...

『"Eh? lovebirds? couple?"』

The Typographer's attention was drawn to this that he was starting to turn his head to look at what was going on. When this happened, the Cartographer became even more nervous and scared, he didn't want to cause any more trouble for the whole team, so he struggled like never before, with red cheeks and totally embarrassed, after a lot of trying he finally managed to free himself from the Nurse's grip, he breathed a sigh of relief thinking that now he was able to get rid of the Nurse. But he quickly heard a thump on the ice. Pom....

Everyone who saw this, was confused by what happened, the Nurse ended up falling face first into the cold ice, this alarmed everyone present, who went to see what was happening to help her. The first to go was the Typographer, who was running to help her, and while it was happening, the Cartographer was freaking out wanting to fix it but....

『"Stay out of it"』

This was what he heard from the Typographer who looked at him in an annoyed way for what he did, hearing this was enough for the Cartographer to stand still in his place while his body was shaking. The last thing she wanted was to cause trouble, which she ended up doing. We all went to help her by surrounding her for what had happened, the Typographer was lifting her up to see what had happened, he noticed that she hit her forehead, it was scratched and with a little blood on it.

『"Are you okay? It hurts, doesn't it? You need help right now, I...I...I can take care of you..----"』

『No, don't worry, I can get up by myself *smiles*...this wound is superficial, with a little treatment I should be ready....』

The Typographer really wanted to help him stand up, he even put his hands to be able to support him, but at that moment he realized something, the Nurse by herself could stand up making it clear that with his help, she couldn't even serve as a support, she was too small for that. Everyone else was telling her not to make a move, the Archaeologist and the Pantheologist were offering to carry her as their supports, but the Nurse to this refused again saying that it was no big deal, while.

『Thanks for your concern, but I'm fine *smiles* Thanks to you Typographer for being the first to come to me, but I think even if I accept your help, I don't think you can carry me *smiles* Sorry』.

『"Uh...this...I....yo....(I can't? What can't I? Is it because I'm small?...*tsch* That doesn't matter, I want to help you, so let me take care of you....) Yes...you're right...but please get better...."』

The Nurse saw the Typographer as this one was really embarrassed when talking to him, it was different from with his 2 friends, he wasn't straightforward and serious like Nushi, he didn't give off that calmness and purity of the Cartographer, when she could see him on this occasion and the previous one, this guy really looked at her from time to time, and when their gazes collided, this one quickly hid, even more embarrassed than before, and with that simple reaction and verbiage, the Nurse realized what the Typographer was feeling. 

『Don't feel guilty Cartographer, I did this to myself, I guess I'm being a nuisance to you right now, I won't do it anymore, I won't make you uncomfortable or delay you, I will only be with you when I have to treat you or it's time for the 2 of us to intervene, I....sorry if it was too disrespectful to you....』-『Let's act like the professionals we are, shall we? *smiles*』

The Nurse made a lot of things clear at this moment, it seems that she will not meet the Cartographer anymore to not bother him anymore, she still does not know why he rejected her from one day to the next, but maybe the little boy next to her is the problem. The Cartographer to this, if he looked at her on this occasion, as he was apologizing to her for being rude, he had to say something, it was time to speak, to tell her what was the reason but....

『"Stay out of it"』

He remembered the words of the Typographer, the Cartographer in the same way this responded with his drawings, where he made it clear that now they will work professionally the 2 leaving the personal aside. When the Nurse saw this, she could see how this answer made her sad, it was little but...she really would have liked to spend more time with that boy, maybe it is as she said, he was too pure for someone like her. Nushi saw this, he saw how these 2 previously got along well and even made a good team, and from what he heard from the 2 stooges, they seemed to advance a relationship that was never concrete but....

『Well, it would have been nice but it didn't happen...』-『We're on an expedition, as long as those 2 do what they should do, everything is fine...』

Nushi commented on this, where his mother upon hearing it, again put on that gesture of disagreement with her son, and he was not the only one, Shinu already got an idea of what was going on, and also happened to look at Nushi as he was really ignoring what was happening here. The Nurse needs treatment urgently according to the Typographer, that they should stay for a moment for her to be taken care of, but....

『No way!!! We are close to a place where we can settle our base!!!! When we get there everyone can calm down this situation that's happening!!!!! Eh? What just happened? Well you see my friends, it's simple, the Nurse was romantically interested in the Cartographer, but it seems he ended up rejecting her, even though she looks calm, she's really having a bad time, eh? What do you want to help? For me to intervene? I don't think it's the best moment, eh? sex? no...I don't think it's the right moment, sex cures everything, eh? you do? Interesting, tell me more!!!』

The Biologist was talking to himself who for us was already part of his personality, although this time we all saw him wrong on this occasion, he literally said the too obvious thing that should be kept as a subject not to talk about at this time. This further hit the Nurse that since everyone if they knew what was going on, they would not say anything out of respect until she herself decides to tell, but for someone else to say it and take it as unimportant again....The Nurse was clenching and shaking her hand over this, she really....wanted to cry again over everything that was going on, she could not take it any longer....

『Ehh...I think this time you really overdid it Biologist, since you came back I noticed you were different, I had heard about you while we were in the preparation days at the base in Antarctica, that you were extravagant and direct, that you had a love and help for both living creatures and new experiences, I only ask that you are not experiencing what is happening here』.

『That's right, I am everything you said Shinu, you need to be everything to be able to learn and teach who needs it, my goal is too important and noble that you would not understand, so I am allowed that privilege and in return I am receiving every passing second valuable information!!!! But don't think that I am your enemy, no, I am your friend of all of you, I give you my word, that I would never play with your lives or make fun of them, I still keep who I am, you all are extremely important』.

It looked like there was going to be an argument from Shinu and the Biologist, but the Biologist seems to resort to what sticks the most for Shinu, which is companionship and trusting each other, I couldn't help it, I could tell he was telling the truth, at this moment the one who was present from us was the Biologist, the same one from those early days. So, in order not to make the atmosphere more tense, Shinu told him that it was not long until they could rest in that place. To this the Biologist, with a smile and with his finger to the front, indicated that it was really not long.

『Let's go!!!! Let's not waste any more time!!!!』

Shinu now had the feeling that not only this time, but throughout the whole trip, he would be watching to make sure that the Biologist was really who he said he was. But at that moment when they were following the path, the Nurse was still trembling because of all that they revealed without her consent or taking her into account, until ...

『(¿?....It's warm and hot...it's like a child is holding my hand....)』

The Nurse noticed that someone was holding her hand, when she noticed this, it was the Typographer who was really embarrassed by this, again she was doing the glancing thing, she gave him a sidelong glance with red cheeks to see if he was okay. 

『"Since you don't want me to carry you...de...de...de...let me...take...you...by the hand...you were shaking a lot...I don't want something bad to happen to you"』

The Typographer was really giving it his all at this moment, right now he felt it was time to act like the real protagonist seeing his heroine in danger, it was really becoming too embarrassing for him, his eyes were rolling as he didn't believe what he was doing. But to this, the Nurse was really glad, looking at him maybe with this boy, she finally experienced what so much also happen in fiction, that he acted that way made him notice as if he was also another side of purity.

『Thanks, I feel much better *smiles* It's nice and warm, you are very gentlemanly and attentive Typographer, let's keep it up until the end *happy*』

Seeing at last that smile gesture that Tipografo wanted to see so much, he was not giving it to someone else, he was giving it to him because he finally decided not to be a coward, this was his reward that made his heart beat a thousand beats, he was really happy with this, that he did not hesitate to answer with a yes too quietly, but really how he wanted to shout it.

At the end of the whole tour, both the Nurse and the Typographer as promised, walked here holding hands, and when they saw this the other members of the group, they were happy and congratulated their companion for being fulfilling little by little with their wishes.

『Wow, so the Nurse and the Cartographer were a couple was a lie, then what was all that flirting about before and last night? 』

『Leave that aside Brother, now our friend is giving it his all and he sure won't stop until he formalizes with the Nurse』.

『Eh? The Tipogrado likes the Nurse? 』

『Didn't you know? Last night at the party, he told us about his wish on the trip』

『Spent most of it sleeping and only woke up at the end of it all, that he likes it...ehh...with how bouncy and moody he is, you see, if there's someone who will accept you just the way you are....』

Nushi was becoming increasingly uninterested in his companion, the Nurse. When they finally arrived at the base where the Biologist said, it was completely strange, it was too open a place so far, it literally led them to a large alleyway with no greeting, on the other side there was nothing, just ice and more ice, and when they went back to look where they went, there were different paths that all led here.

『Yes, this place is perfect, it is like a save point in the middle of the 3rd Layer, this changes the plans, we will settle here, prepare everything, as the Nurse needs to rest, and I am very sure that after this walk everyone wants a rest, already tomorrow we will continue with the tour, we still have 4 days left for the Night Season in Antarctica, 4 days? I don't feel that time has passed....(Yesterday passed too slow, and this day passed too fast...) but we have advanced a lot, we have already explored this place and...it seems that this is the end of the road. For the experience and the route I can say that....We reached the end of the cave!!!!』

No one expected this, Shinu just declared that the place where they are now, was the end of the whole cave in general. This one was investigating and being too meticulous with his surroundings, this one was always going around asking the Biologist about which way he was going if they didn't take such paths where they walk, the Biologist answered that they were simply dead ends or that they connected to another one that if they followed this one, they would reach the same destination.

『Although of course, we still need to explore the areas where we did not go, although the Biologist seems to know this place, what better than to confirm it with your own eyes, if everything matches this is too clear, this is the end of the tour, tomorrow will be our last expedition, we will complete what we are missing, we will need you even more Cartographer, and we have days left, it is better to have too much than too little, it gives us enough time to return to the surface』-『Team....We made it!!!!』

Nushi was doing a cheer with his fist in the sky, was this really it? Hearing it, all of us likewise raised our fist for the feat we did, this was the last way of all, for if there was one more layer, for sure there would be a door or an entrance in this dead end, but no...there was nothing else to descend.

『What????!!!! What do you mean this is the end!?????? I mean yes I'm glad we're done but...I haven't figured anything out!!!!! The only important thing I did was to eat a scratched and already !!!! With that I won't be able to destroy my school!!!』

At the Pantheologist's comment, we all laughed at his silly comment, where the Archaeologist gave him his condolences by patting him on the back, he was sad because he had a feeling that the trip would not end here but....

『Yes, all roads lead here, it seems that this is the end of the path of this civilization.... with that here it ends....ahh!!!! Then I'll have no choice but to draw the conclusion that the settlement was in the Second Layer!!!! Although now that I see it is a great discovery that something like this exists, heat instead of cold...I will need to discover more in depth, although everything indicates to me that it is like an Iglu...then it would be the largest Iglu in the world under ice!!!!! YES!!! Suck on that Cronopio Dentiacutus!!!!』

The Archaeologist seems to be encouraged by this, it seems that his work will be dedicated to explore more in detail the 2nd layer when we finally ascend to the surface. The Mechanic and the Electrician were not wasting time and were already settling the base, where they were happy about it, they were already looking forward to return to their families and tell them what happened in here, they laughed while imagining that it was more than an expedition, a few nights out with friends.

『Well, all right, I'll accept it, it'll be for the next time, although I really had hoped for this cave, it's a pity』.

The Geologist accepted the reality and quickly discarded the theory that there were fire and ice men, but it will not only stay here, it still has the mystery of how this floor ended up being created if it seems that there is relatively nothing and nothing happened here. The Nurse quickly sat on the side to be able to apply first aid, where in a quick way, the Typographer did her the favor of giving her what she needs, to this seems to have caught her attention, she even saw too many things that brought back memories.

『"Ah!...Is it hydrogen peroxide? I remember when I was in elementary school, I used to spray it all over my hair because my friends told me that it makes it light, and they are right, I used to have black hair...."』

『I was just saying, that hair looked unnatural, but then that makes sense, since hydrogen peroxide in large quantities, causes you not to grow as such 』

『"Huh?....So ....I blame myself for not growing up?...."』

Now that happy moment when she dyed her hair on her own initiative by pouring hydrogen peroxide directly on her head, became the worst mistake of her life, as it would be the reason why her hair never grew back. His look of terror and fear was unbelievable, this was seen by the Nurse, who started to laugh at this.

『I'm kidding I'm kidding *laughs* You won't stay small because of that』.

『joke?...a....ahh....ahaha....ya I was just saying...yes you're joking Nurse....』

『But if it affects human reproduction, maybe you became sterile without even realizing it』

That piece of information was not confirmed yet, but he told the Typographer that when he was told about it, he answered if he can no longer beget children, and what the Nurse told him is that yes, he will no longer be able to be the father of a biological child if he wanted to have one. 

『"I see...*smiles* (So I can have sex without the consequence of having a baby...this is amazing....)"』

『I would like to become a mother myself....』-『Typographer? wow, you seem to be too happy with what I told you』.

Typographer couldn't hide his joy at this news, this was like a blessing for him, if he is really a protagonist, that means no matter how many times he does it, this one will be able to give his all without the consequence of bringing a life into this world and having to take care of him. He just has to see both for himself and for the one he loves!!! The Typographer watched the Nurse as she was healing herself with a cotton swab and alcohol in hand, where upon seeing him so curious, she herself asked him to do it for herself. The Typographer would happily pass it on to perform and he could only imagine what his future with the Nurse would be like.

『("I have to write this in my diary"』.

While on the other hand, Nushi was watching how everyone was doing their part to set up the base, he was really disappointed by this, in the end everything he thought of doing ended up being just words and speculations, even that the Orca Volcano was connected to this cave, also turned out to be wrong, surely the reason why there was obsidian and the holes at the entrance was another reason.

『At least my compensation will be to find out what caused these holes and obsidian, although I can already imagine that the possible reason goes back to ancient times, when the earth was still a ball of fire, surely this is a past that came safe and sound until modernity』.

Not everything is discovered on the planet, there will always be an unexplored area that has never been touched by man or living being. This cave may be the result of the past and how it has still been shaped and adapted to modernity. That is on the professional side, but if he looks at it personally, he has made more friends than he thought he did, the only ones he would be missing would be the dwarf duo, the Geologist and the Typographer, and remembering the words of the Cartographer, they are all his friends.

『It wasn't so bad after all...*smiles*』

『Oh! Haber let me see!!! *happy*』

His mother came to notice that her son was really happy with the result, but when she did, Nushi quickly went back to his most serious face possible and the usual one, where his mother was telling him to repeat it again to take a picture of him, but Nushi to this commented that he doesn't like pictures. 

『What's more, you didn't even bring a camera mother....』

『I forgot to bring it, but we can tell Shinu to bring it, Hey Shinu!!! Let's take a picture for the memory!!!!』

His mother was quickly making noise where everyone listened, this Nushi did not want to bother them to pay attention to his mother's crafty, but hearing it all, it made him the best possible idea that there would be. Quickly everyone stopped what they were doing, they stood on the ice wall that was there, each one in the most elegant way, others in a simple way, others while in the most serious way possible. Others simply wanting to take this moment fondly, but all agreed on one thing, that they were happy with the end result. 

『I'm going to take it now!』

Shinu set the timer, put down the camera while he was getting closer so that he could also be in the picture, Meilin had to be next to Nushi so that if or if the picture was taken, because if it were for her son, he would surely run away at the last moment but ....Nushi gave a sigh and with a smile he commented.

『This occasion calls for it...it was a fun trip *smiles*』.

The photo was taken where everyone was at their best, the imperativeness of the wacky duo of the Archaeologist and Pantheologist, the simplicity and homeliness of the Dwarf Electrician and Mechanic, the righteousness that just for this occasion, the Geologist relaxed, the perfect and elegant form of Shinu. The Cartographer still uncomfortable with the situation, with his red cheeks but that smile and the drawing in hand, the Nurse and the Typographer who went out together, you could see that these 2 were having a really good time. While the last 2, Meilin and Nushi who were happy with a big smile in the picture, marking what a happy family they are now.

After dark, again we celebrated that night, seriously this was more like a friends outing than an expedition as such, at what point did it happen but...it felt comforting to achieve and witness all this, this has been a success in its entirety, there was no reason to be happier, and it seems that we all achieved our goals on the trip which is what matters. I was already getting sleepy, it seems that being so relaxed and calm causes that in you, we were all going to our tents to be able to rest and continue with the last step of the expedition, everyone was happy, satisfied, with that this is what it feels like to be grateful....

『That bad...why do they forget about me.....*sad*』

The Chief of South Korea could not sleep because he was the only one who had worries in his mind, really his team was acting as if no one saw him or if he was not here, in his sleeping bag he could not sleep even though everyone was doing it, because everyone was ignoring him, this seems to annoy him, at that moment he felt like peeing, so this time, he is going to be a bad adult.

『Why are they forgetting about me...not like I was invisible or existed...really they are very cruel to ignore me all the time...I am the Chief of SouthKorea...explore many caves...what's more...I had already been here....eh?...I was already here?...but...what am I saying...』

If nobody saw the Chief of South Korea and nobody paid attention to him, then how did he get here, when they were doing the tour, he had no need to follow the line, since he knew by himself where he had to go and which way led to which place...When they arrived at this place, he was confused, since he has a faint memory that it is not a dead end...actually there should be an entrance here....

『My head...eh?.... I'm really here?....』

While he was urinating on the ice, he could see that he was not the only one who had come out of the tents, he could see in the middle of the night inside the cave, as the Biologist was in front of the ice wall, hidden, the South Korean Chief was looking at what was happening, he also wanted to urinate? But at that moment something was going on.

『I see...very good thinking folks...I didn't know you could do this...huh?...that I can do it too?.... that I just keep gaining more knowledge? *smiles* How nice and kind you are, this is reciprocal, I like it, but...it's not going to stay like this right?...you guys still want to advance to the end?.... can't we leave it here?...you saw how happy you were, isn't that enough for you? ...eh?...this is just the beginning?....pero....de that my friends must experience everything?...but...I don't want that....(Please friends, you have to get out of here...I...I...am getting more and more lost....) It's okay, we'll continue as planned *smiles*』

The Biologist was smiling in a gloomy way in the middle of the night, and not only this, you could see whether it was a product of the night, as there were different souls inside his body that were not going to come out at all. The Biologist was saying strange things to this, but which of all of them is true, what is his real objective in all this, what's more... is he even the same as he was at the beginning? Who exactly is this person who is acquiring more knowledge every second? Everyone seemed to be sleeping peacefully, but in one of the tents, there was a person who was having a bad time, his face said it all, his stomach was twisting at that moment, it seems that from now on despair and worry would begin to fall on the team.

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