
Chapter 347: Planning

͇ P͇l͇a͇n͇e͇a͇c͇i͇ó͇n͇

That night in Norway's home, I didn't think I had such a good time, I even had a lot of fun, just talking about trivial topics without any importance, it reminded me that I am not so far from home or the difference is minimal. Listening to their laughter and joy of that group of Norway made me feel more confident, I think it's all due to the magic drink that so many cataloged it, alcohol according to their words is able to bring happiness, to warm the body especially with this cold that makes and forget for small moments the bad happened, is like escaping for a little while of the reality in which one lives just to enjoy a reward that perhaps we did not deserve it, but as we all like to feel fulfilled at the end of the day. At the beginning to see that I am still a minor, right, all the time I was treated as someone minor, let's say they were attentive to me and adults told me that I should plan my life well for when I become someone older, I do not know what they think, but they made it clear that for them I am nothing more and nothing less than a student, a student who seems to have an importance behind, I see that saying that being a normal boy did not solve many things.

『And what the heck was that wind you're driving, you came flying and even Nushi asked you to destroy our home, who are you really Cliston?』

Even though they are influenced by alcohol, you can tell they are not one of those people who take on a different personality when consuming them, I was already asked the question I think for the second time, and again it crossed my mind to...not tell them. Because thinking about it, is it necessary for them to know who I am? I think so, because that's who I am now, but with the situation that has happened lately, my actions I think made me earn the hatred of many people in the world, so far I have ignored it without leaving the orphanage or even having access to the networks, the only thing I could hear is the comments from the children saying that they don't like people rejecting me or hating me, if I had just come out in front to face the public, I would have received all that hate and negative feeling in my person, which I should take responsibility for this time so that it doesn't happen again to harm my close ones. ...but...at the same time I am afraid...I have escaped again so to speak...what should I respond in that situation? To give them the reason? To give them the counter? I don't know...I only know that I wouldn't have liked that at all, just like the first experience that happened to me, I don't want them to reject me completely, especially if my future depends on it.

『All right, I am going to tell you, please listen carefully, I am...』-『I am the one who will help you all and get along with you, you can ask me for anything, a hand, a support, if you want me to bring you something, if you want me to carry something, if you need something that I am capable of doing, please I would be happy if you come and tell me, I will gladly use everything I am capable to be useful 』.

Cliston bowed in order to make his position clear, he is very clear that here everyone contributes to the general advancement, no one can be left behind and much less anyone has to be a hindrance. The Norwegian group despite being under the influence of alcohol, or even this maximized their warm smile in everyone, who cheerfully responded to Cliston that if they are in danger, he will be the first one to be called. Before this, Fatty also said thank you, now the only thing left to do would be to do the same but in the different homes that are in the settlement, but it is too late so I will do it in the next days, but when I turned with my eyes, I noticed that again the group was making a toast, I do not understand why they were doing it, did something happen to mention? again I saw how they were drinking with joy and a smile on their faces, they were really having a good time, I stared at the bottle of alcohol for a few seconds, what will it taste like? it will be delicious? really if I drink it too, I will also be happy at heart? I will not lie anymore?

『I want to grow up already』

Then the freshman who now only reflected pure joy, came to hug me tightly to tell me his little stories while studying at the university, we all met again and talked about their lives, I just to hear that they were happy and to know that with my simple and silly comments made them happier. It really made me feel like I was with my friends which brought me a little nostalgia, either because no one noticed the time, or because of the entertaining atmosphere, but that night we talked and had fun until the same forces left us. 


The morning had arrived in Antarctica and as it is becoming a habit due to global warming, as soon as you open the door you can feel both the cold of the snow on your feet, and the heat hitting you right in the face. Nushi woke up very early who also stayed up talking for a while with SurAmerica about the plan he has, which revolves around Cliston, Nushi dropped the snot again and again inside his blanket he was looking for toilet paper to clean himself, you could see him shivering a little because of the cold, his face of disgust at having to leave his home was too evident.

『Why do we have to pay so much attention to a normal guy...』-『He has no courage, no strength, no ability, no charisma, he is incredulous, that's Maao in general, but what annoys me the most is the goal he wants to achieve, which is the opposite of what I said before, he needs strength, he needs courage, he must not be weak, he must have charisma, and for his goal he must have a lot of confidence and belief in himself.... that a boy with so many deficiencies is the one who is in such an important position is silly to me, but if he had been perfect from the beginning, I think that is what would have scared me the most, who thinks he is perfect only ends up idealizing his life and his actions, that Maao has mistakes means that he can learn new things, which benefits me, a teacher transmits what he knows and his thinking to a student, I know you saw it with your own eyes Maao, this world is sick, is cursed, we are ending the place where we all live at the expense of our own desires, is it really worth doing it? Why is it costing the world itself for all of us to be healthy....』

Nushi clicked his mouth on the bad thought that he had in general about the world, for him it would be a dream that a miracle happened, he was really sick of thinking that just outside, many kilometers away from the settlement where he is, right now an assault is happening, right now they are killing people, right now they are deceiving themselves, right now they are committing great atrocities against life itself. Nushi turned to look in the direction of the giant and frozen sea, he did well to come here? because right now being trapped in this place as a result of a curse, he also wishes he could return to that place where everything can happen. Neither here nor there, and surely when he returns to the outside he will want to come back here again, why is he really doing this...why has he really spent more than a decade looking for a solution, a solution where the beneficiaries will be all the people, both good and bad, what sense does that make?

『If you have to save someone, obviously you have to save the good people (but my mother would say)』.

"We are not in a position to choose who is saved and who dies, we are mere mortal beings with flaws and imperfections, so with that in mind, what fun it is to go through life and discover for yourself and define the good from the bad, to know more things, to enjoy more things, we are curious and fearful beings, which has brought us to this point, we go into the unknown to discover what things are there, that excites me a lot, we are not looking for perfection or to be superior beings, we just let ourselves go by our stupidity to where we can get, don't you think it's amazing that this group of fools are the ones who discover a new wonder in the world? *grins*"

『Truly when she spoke little I understood her, like we are dumb, are you saying that what we are now is a product of our stupidity? So when someone becomes smart they are going to think of !!!!....ah...I see...no wonder we are not allowed to be perfect, let alone become God』

Nushi stayed to contemplate the sea for a few more seconds and then resumed his walk in all the ice and snow that had formed. As he walked he thought about his mother's reasoning, he always remembers her as someone charismatic, someone with strength and even capable of doing many things, not for nothing she was the Chief of the Investigation, we were really commanded by a stupid? Nushi did not mind saying that to his mother because as he said before, only truths come out of her mouth. Nushi arrived at Norway's home and as soon as she opened the door, she found a landscape that could be defined as completely imperfect and stupid, the whole research group fell asleep everywhere in the house, on the floor, on the couch, on top of the planning table, the bottles of alcohol lying on the floor and some still in their hands. Nushi walked the silence with only the thought in her mind.

『*tsch*(They really drank their fill...don't they know that alcohol is forbidden?...No matter where I go, we will always be surrounded by idiots who will never think about the consequences of their actions even though they were warned, and to think that all of these have the same degree as me. ..we are so stupid that we created a drink to make us even more stupid and even make us...)』-『(But...ah...the rookie...I know I said that less is more but...when I go to show my results, I like to have a crowd of people)』

Nushi managed to see how the rookie who was sleeping upside down on the couch was holding an empty bottle of alcohol in his hands. Quickly Nushi took him by the neck and quickly from his blanket took out what seemed to be an injection and gave it suspiciously by the arm, after that Nushi with a sharp face looked around the large room with his eyes, but it seems that what he was looking for was not here, again in silence he entered each of the rooms that were there, opened and closed doors, stayed to look around for a while and then withdrew in silence. Until finally when he opened a door he found an occupied bed, he could see Cliston who was sleeping peacefully.

『(But among a group of fools, it will stand out someone who started to reason)』.

He approached and watched him closely as he slept peacefully, he has before his eyes a person who is seeking perfection in his path, he did not express it as he normally would, but he did dislike the idea of him trying to reach a goal that is difficult and impossible for us, because.... why a God is obliged to pay attention to what an idiot tells him, it is simply stupid both in science and religion, what do you really intend, what do you really want, why were you given such a role, what is the real meaning of all this, no matter how much I ask you I know you will not give me the right answer because you do not even know it...This is what causes a being that mismatches everything to appear in our world.

『(You are currently a threat to our world Maao, I don't even want to imagine when you become intelligent and have consciousness of your own, right now luckily you came here losing your divinity, you are more vulnerable than ever, as the flawed human I am I will take advantage of you, I can't let you accomplish your goals, I can't let this world corrupt you)』.

The snot was coming out of Nushi whose face was on top of Cliston, already feeling that someone was talking to him nearby, Cliston managed to wake up at last and when he turned around he saw Nushi who was wiping his nose again, Nushi quickly asked him why he did not return home, Cliston answered that in the end he ended up having such a good time that he was even offered to spend the night here. As if the question didn't do any good, Nushi would quickly tell Cliston that they have to leave quickly to get started with the plans he has.

『Eh...But I'm still sleepy, I think I slept around 2 am, let me sleep for a little while longer Yushi....』

!!!!....At Cliston's reply, Nushi quickly turned to look at him, it really seemed that he was half asleep and still intending to sleep. He stayed for a few seconds to wait whether Cliston was going to get out of bed or not, where Cliston making rice eyes because he was so sleepy, was going to proceed to jump back into bed.

『Hey don't fall asleep!!!!』

As if she was his mother, Nushi quickly wanted to uncover Cliston from the sheets on him, but Cliston quickly refused this by forcing himself not to be taken away, Nushi didn't wait for him to give him the counter, so he again made force to pull the sheet, but Cliston didn't give in to this either.

『Get out of bed Maao!!!』

『I don't want to!!!』

『It doesn't matter whether you want to or not, your duty right now is to get out of bed!!!! AYY!!! Why are you stronger than me if you can only use one hand!!!!』

Nushi was pulling with all her strength with both hands but still couldn't beat Cliston in strength, again the Frenton was telling her that he doesn't want to get out for now, to wait for a few minutes outside, this answer annoyed Nushi who would claim him without hesitation.

『And why don't you want to go out now!!!! Why do you want me to leave!!! What are you hiding under the blanket!!!------....』

At that moment something came to Nushi's mind, he had not seen it before, but Cliston was with a blushing face trying his best not to take off the sheet, Nushi stopped exerting himself and calmly retreated to the main room. He didn't say anything else, he just retreated in silence, and when Cliston was completely alone he gave a sigh commenting that he didn't expect that Nushi would come for him, while he lifted the sheet to see if everything had improved.

After a few minutes, Nushi had no choice but to take advantage of the opportunity, seeing the Norwegians hopelessly sleeping anywhere, perhaps a little punishment would make them reflect on their words. Cliston had finally left the room with nothing to hide since he was hiding by himself, he saw Nushi as he was near a researched and as he approached, he saw that Nushi was painting everyone's faces with a marker pen.

『Let's see if this makes them reflect on their actions』.

『I'm ready now Nushi』

The first thing Nushi did upon seeing Cliston was in looking at his lower body, and answering something without question he would blurt out that.

『You will get out of the habit Maao, when you spend living here with the low temperature, your body itself will get used to it, thus avoiding those uncomfortable mornings we have, I think that's also one of the reasons why I want to leave, I feel like...I don't have anything there anymore...』

『What are you talking about, Nushi?』

『Already walking fast Maao, we have to go back home』.

Nushi quickly avoided the topic because he himself also doesn't want to talk so much about his complexion at present. As usual Nushi walked in front expecting everyone else to follow him, but as he had an intuition that no one was following him, he would turn to look back, and as expected. Cliston was watching everyone in the main hall as they were still sleeping, this was funny to him especially because of the drawings Nushi made, he would quickly turn to see him and make the hand up sign. Which Nushi didn't understand.

『I wish I could have accompanied them properly *smiles*』

Cliston stared mostly at the bottles of alcohol that were strewn all over the room, Nushi stared at this with his typical disgusted expression, and again recalled his earlier words that everyone lying around is an idiot and the only one standing there is the one who is really starting to think.

『(A God wanting to be on the same level as idiots? That would only bring a great imbalance to life itself, I must avoid it)』.

Quickly they were already arriving home where Nushi's reaction is always to want to warm up as quickly as possible, and as if there was no time to waste, she would quickly tell Cliston to take a seat and pay attention to the board.

『I'm not going to repeat it again so be clear about what I'm going to tell you』-『This will be our plan to find the truth about the curse and finally put an end to this disease that is stalking us』.

Pam! Nushi tapped on the board to get Cliston's attention as he should, quickly Nushi would pull out a pen and start writing down the information he has so far. Thanks to a decade of searching for the answer, he managed to pull out some more than interesting yet obvious facts. What is in the Fifth Layer of the Abyss is a disease that is completely unknown to everyone, and it seems to spread through the Abyss itself with a reach up to the Third Layer. Transmission must be by air as it is the only possible means. 

The first thing we have are the first symptoms, it is known that the weakest is the headache and migraine, which are obtained in the First and Second Layer, the intense pain in the body and fainting are in the Third and Fourth Layer, and where it is known that the curse so to speak has more strength, since all those who were in the Fourth Layer are those who left Antarctica and in the end ended up dying. While the sick of the First, Second and Third Layer, so far none of them have left, and it is obvious that they do not leave if they feel that if they do, they would end up dying.

So it was concluded that no matter what kind of level the curse hits you at, in the end you are already cursed and if you want to continue living you must stay here for safety. Luckily Nushi managed to analyze the cursed before they left Antarctica, and it was too rare, although they were with obvious signs of suffering from the flu, when analyzed, their bodies were all healthy and stable, as if they had nothing, and much worse when they recovered, there was no virus or cause of the disease.

Another thing that was reached are the testimonies of more researchers who decided to explore the Abyss with their group of researchers, many reported different experiences and events, but all agreed on something, that in several times they did not feel alone, and even for seconds they managed to see a kind of figure that called them. Many catalogued it as that there are spirits inside the Abyss whose only goal and purpose is that you end up lost and never get out of the same labyrinth.

Obviously I only took this as a collective rumor, although I heard the same from several people, something so surreal and silly I can't take it for granted, if they are really confirming the existence of souls and ghosts, then I want to see it with my own eyes, but for that I would have to go into the Fourth Layer, which...

『By a miracle I got out of there alive, I don't...want to go back...』

Nushi whispered in the middle of his explanation. There was no longer any reason to hide it, Cliston was also curious since he heard that Nushi was the first one to be cursed, the fatty asked him if he also went to investigate the abyss, which Nushi's answer was yes.

『Over a decade ago, when I recently graduated from college, I accompanied a group of researchers to initially explore what is now known as the Abyss, we thought it would be difficult, but not so difficult .... in the end the worst happened, we went deeper and deeper because we were all idiots thirsty for curiosity, in the end, everyone ended up dying and I was the only one who managed to get out of that exploration alive, and since then, I have the flu to this day』-『By the way you told Asia to tell me to drink tea with honey? it's the first thing I tried and it didn't work, but it's been a while since I drank one so it was delicious』.

Nushi seems to have written everything relevant on the board about the information he had, but Cliston seems to be more hooked on Nushi's story, first he apologized to him for what he had to go through, but at the same time he was curious about how this young man managed to get out of the Abyss safe and sound. But at his innocent question, Nushi looked at him with rice eyes annoyed by this, that in one fell swoop he turned the slate to a completely white one to continue with the planning.

『I'm not going to tell you, it's not necessary for other people to know, although I feel it would be good to write it in a book and make some money, but it happened, I still don't understand what happened at the end of that road...I was not alone...I was not alone at any moment even in the end...we were going to make it...I was holding her hand, but when we came to the surface inexplicably nobody was with me...I can't show the world an investigation that has no explanation』.

There he was again, a Nushi who although he implies with his words that he doesn't want anyone to get close to him so to speak or explore more of him, ends up saying things about his personal life in light comments and whispers. Cliston upon hearing this would not insist more and would pay attention to what Nushi has planned for him.

『Well, our plan has 2 phases, your total stay in Antarctica is 45 days, but we subtract one for yesterday, counting with today we have 44 days. We must make the most of all those days to finally find the truth of the curse.』-『Everything would be much easier if you could access your God Form, I'm sure it has much more resistance both physical and biological, you could easily ascend to the Fifth Floor, take out what transmits the disease and return, that's why I was angry when I saw that you were a simple human, and much worse to know that you cannot access that form, life does not want to make it easy for us...』

『I'm sorry----』

『Don't apologize, well yes it's your fault, but it's not mandatory that you apologize to me, don't waste your breath on something that in the future you are going to achieve, don't forget, we are going to win 』-『I told you that we have 2 phases, in one it will consist of you learning to manage your current power which would be the wind power, it has to be of some use since it is the only thing you will be able to defend yourself in the Abyss and the second phase will consist of going into the Abyss, go to the Fifth Floor and take out whatever is spreading the disease, and that's all』.

『Huh?...that's it?』

『Yes, that's it, it's simple, isn't it?』

『Yeah, it's so simple that it's scary....』

『...mmm...aren't you scared of the story and what can happen to you in there? you are going to be in a place that is not 100% discovered by mankind, the information we have is not going to save you from all the problems that will appear, it's not like taking a walk in the park and coming back, you will go into a labyrinth, aren't you scared of that?

『Scared? Yes, I'm afraid, but since I'm going with you, it makes me feel safer』.



Before their calm conversation, it seems that here at last there was a disagreement, Cliston already more nervous and grasping the reality, was saying trembling that Nushi is going to accompany him, because after all last night he said that together and even now they will come out winning.

『No no no no no you are going alone Maao, I already said I will not go back to that place, do you want me to die?

『But it's a team effort』

『Yes, as a team, you bring me what I need and then I'll do the rest』.

It was certainly easy to compare it when the students divided up the homework as a group, when one just said he was going to put the materials and that's all he would do. Right here Cliston realized how big the difference was and how unfair it was. He quickly began to speculate what would happen if he got lost in the maze, what should he do? Quickly Nushi would tell him that they will always be in contact, he will have a transmitter that he will pilot himself to guide him so he won't get lost.

『(As he used to do with Mikel)』

『But the signal still tends to get lost so you'll be all alone anyway....』


『!!!! (He's going to find me out) And who's saying that!!!! I told you that we are a team, I will help you as much as possible, you don't have to be afraid, you are with someone who survived the Abyss, with my guidance it's impossible for you to end up getting lost, whatever it is right now you are important for that achievement, I can't leave you behind until the last moment (I hope this works...)』

Nushi was nervous because he is not used to worrying about others or giving heartfelt support to others, you could tell how he was shaking in some parts and his confidence was not quite clear. With a worried and sweaty face, he looked at Cliston with hope that he would believe him, which seems to have worked as the Fatty said.

『Will you help me?』

『.....Yes...that's right...your goal is to help everyone isn't it? we are helping this disease from spreading around the world, let's save everyone Maao』

Again Nushi was worried about how Cliston would react, but it's not like he was lying either, he never lies, everything he says is true, everything he does is in order to save this world, or at least a percentage of it. Cliston gave a nervous smile because he was more confident that he would not venture alone on this new journey, thanking Nushi for her collaboration.

『Thank you...ahh.... I am not used to that word...』

With this clear they would continue with the next step of the planning, Nushi commented that they just needed to figure out how they were going to divide those 2 phases, then quickly had it ready, they have a total of 41 days with this one, but since they already promised they would have the results on October 14th, that only leaves them with 40 days. So it would be simple to divide it up, 20 days Cliston trains and the other 20 days Cliston explores the labyrinth. That according to Cliston is made to him the best way to split the phases, but he would quickly be interrupted by Nushi.

『Eh? are you wrong Maao, and what about the days it will take me to come up with the tests and the truth of the disease?』


At about the rate at which Nushi will be able to come up with the real answer, it will be a total of 10 days of investigation at home, so that leaves us with a total of 30 days in the split phases. Cliston at this swallowed saliva as out of nowhere they were taking days away from his mission, then nervously and without expecting any change, he again split it up leaving 15 days training and 15 days exploration, so.

『Eh? but what are you saying Maao, 15 days for exploration is too little, remember that you are going to go to the bottom of the Abyss, and God knows what things you are going to find that will make your way difficult, as our last researcher who decided to explore and get beyond the Fifth Floor, it took him to return from day 0 to being rescued and leaving in 40 days, but we are in a hurry so, add 5 more days to those 15 days of exploration』.

Cliston to this literally just got killed, in total he is going to be 20 days in the Abyss and only 10 days of training. This made him very puzzled, because if it took the last investigator 40 days, which was initially what was in mind. Well...No matter how I look at it, everything now indicated that it's going to be a tough road from now on.

『What if I started now?』

『Without preparation, without anything, just like an idiot? Maao, for any high level exploration you need a great planning, whether in assets and strategy, you can't just jump out of the blue, if a so-called perfect team with everything you need ended up dying, what makes you think that you will come out alive if you jump out of the blue like that?』

『But...I know! And I use my power to destroy all of the abilities and get to the Fifth Layer just like that, isn't that the easiest way now that I see it?』

『Oh right! Why didn't I think of that! Good idea Maao! You really are smart *smiles*』

『*smile*It's nothing, I knew there was another way』.

『Of course, if you want to condemn us all go ahead』.


『Yes you really are idiot of idiots Maao, the Abyss functions as a container, a jail that holds prisoner the most dangerous being that is capable of wiping out all of us, are you really capable of destroying its prison just because it's the easiest way? No really, then stop wanting to get rid of this one, you are going to go the hard way』.

『I can't even make it to escape...if I feel like I'm cornered and have no way out, I can break through and get out on my own』

『Maao, you are free to make your own decisions, in that I can't interrupt you, but I'm going to tell you again, you could have done better』.


Nushi knew what he was doing, he was making good use of his ability to be able to convey to Cliston the thinking he wants in him, he was making use of psychology to make the Fatty do what he has to do, just like he said before, he's going to make use of all his abilities to get the most out of this, and when he does....

『The disease seems to be activated when it enters a certain temperature, I guess it is when it exceeds 30º, when that happens, you just fall lying on the ground lifeless, that's why all of us are fine, since the maximum temperature that was reached here is 18.3º, far away from 30º, so everything is fine (I said I guess, since the closest result I got is 25º where the disease is activated, and moreover, I do not understand if our body reaches such temperature or the environment reaches such temperature, since we all use air conditioners and when sleeping for sure many exceeded such measure and are still here, there is something else that activates the disease and thanks to my research I know that the cause is. ...)』

Pom!!! Pom!!!! Pom!!!!!! Quickly without any explanation they were knocking on the door of Nushi's home, the way she was knocking said nothing more than just knocking. Nushi seems to know what happened because his countenance became much darker than usual, Cliston when he opened the door noticed something, a rookie who was the rookie's partner, was teary eyed and sad. She was crying without saying any words, this only made Cliston nervous and he was asking her what happened.

『Svein...he is dead...』

Cliston at this reaction did not know what to do next, Svein was the name of the rookie who was happy yesterday because he was given the news that he was not going to die, Cliston was quickly affected by this, he blew out so much wind that he pushed the things inside the house as well as the snow around, he flew quickly to Norway's home, where the companion was also on his back. Nushi gave a sigh as she slowly walked in that direction as well.

『What activates the disease is not only the temperature, but also the alcohol that enhances much more that internal heat of our body and thaws that invisible disease before our eyes...I could have told you but...I know that alcohol makes people happy...』

Quickly Cliston entered the Norwegian home, he saw how the whole group was worried looking at the guy who was on the couch, quickly Cliston leaned out to see him and clearly he could see the gesture, Svein was with a frozen gesture and with a surprise that he did not see coming, he was completely stiff, with his hand still holding the alcoholic beverage.

All for the impact and the null reaction of his partner, it was done, it was a fact, Svein yesterday afternoon gave with the curse and that night of fun with a lot of alcohol he was the one who drank the most, now in this morning his life was over. Cliston remembers it perfectly, last night, only last night is when he saw him without any mask, Svein was a boy who could still give it more and the desire to investigate brought him here, Cliston was upset by this that quickly his surroundings began to feel a breeze to the center, Cliston was upset that again just someone just died and he did not realize it.

『Damn it ....Damn it...Damn it...Damn it...Damn it...how long will I ever stop being so blind...』

Why did he die? Why did this happen? Why did it have to end like this? Nobody of those present knew exactly, that Cliston did not know and on top of that having that sense that he must save all life, now this very thing was hurting him so much that at any moment he could explode of frustration, quickly the winds became more powerful that messed up the whole main room, those present moved away from Cliston and told him to calm down, but Cliston could only see the corpse of Svein and remember that .... could have done it better.


『Hey Maao, I was just kidding about you destroying Norway's home』.

Nushi had appeared and as a result of the winds, the whole blanket was lifted up and he saw everything he was carrying, he really could not believe everything that this man was carrying with him, besides toilet paper, he was carrying many things that Cliston could not understand because of his little knowledge in the area of researcher, but what he could recognize, was that Nushi was carrying several injections with him. Quickly Nushi saw Svein who was unresponsive and lying head first on the couch, seeing this and his traumatized gesture accompanied by the drawings he made, brought a laugh out of him, he was the only one who laughed in all that was going on.

『But what is this, he got stiffer than this morning hahahaha』.

He was really laughing at what he just saw, he walked to the front to stand next to Svein, where he was telling Cliston to stop his anger for a moment as he is scaring everyone present. Quickly Cliston took him at his word and asked him what he was going to do, quickly Nushi saw him better face to face and he really couldn't contain his laughter, seeing his cheeks stuffed seems to be unique. He took out another injection from his blanket and was about to give it to Svein, but before he could do so, Cliston stopped his hand.

『Maao, what are you doing?』

『What are you going to do to him?』

『I'm just going to give him this injection I have, if he died from the disease then the body is fresh, I have to test his blood and body』.

Nushi was saying it with full confidence in his words, even with a mocking tone, but when he turned to look at Cliston because he started to squeeze his hand, he happened to look at him and what he saw is a Cliston who was upset and couldn't hide it, quickly Nushi turned his eyes sharper and said to him.

『It was a simple joke, don't you know about jokes Maao? now let go of me, this is an injection with a prevaccine, you want me to be fine don't you?』

『A vaccine? and that won't hurt him?』

『Huh? What do you say Maao?』

Cliston asked that question as he is still very clear about Ozuru's case, how by self-medicating and injecting himself with things he didn't know in order to be well, he ended up in an even worse state. Nushi quickly saw that Cliston did not let go of his hand, first he tried to force him off, but being weaker he was unable to do anything, so he tried to get him off.

『Wait a little while...fuck...I know I don't exercise and I'm skinny but...don't make it so obvious that I don't have strength by putting on someone who trained him Asia and Europe...』-『Here it is』.

Nushi took out from between his blanket a kind of furry hands, quickly put it on and as if he was someone small, he went on to tickle Cliston's waist, which at first doesn't seem to work, but Cliston quickly his serious face would change to a friendlier one that would end up laughing and releasing Nushi, quickly at the slightest opportunity Nushi injected Svein with the prevaccine.

『*sigh*I know many here have a bad image of me, I don't know the reasons but I guess it's because I act suspicious to you guys, I even turned Maao against me at times which is bad news for me, I told you we are a team and we will save lives』-『But here the real culprit is this brat and especially the newly Norwegian group, when you disembarked I took the time to send you a note that said, alcoholic beverages were forbidden, and what do I find when I come, bottles of alcohol totally consumed, if the brat does not react, it is totally your fault and your negligence! 』

『Eh? But what's wrong with a little bottle of alcohol? .....eh? why are you looking at me like that?』

At Nushi's words and threat, Svein seemed to finally react from his apparent death, everyone seeing their companion revived, they all rejoiced and went to hug him in company, Svein was confused by this because he didn't know why everyone was crying. While Cliston was surprised by this, but was happy with the result, while Nushi, looked at the scene of what could have been a tragedy.

『Yes we humans are a foolish species』-『And I just saved one...』

Nushi before turning his gaze, Cliston was the first to bow to him to the ground, which Nushi closed his eyes tired of watching this scene, although he only witnessed it 2 times as far as they go, Cliston quickly thanked him again and also asked for forgiveness for doubting him.

『I'm sorry and thank you! Thank you for saving a life that I couldn't...I promise I'll do whatever you ask me to do, I already realized that you're a good person *smiles*』

Cliston already had total confidence in Nushi from what he had just seen, where the Antarctic Leader was still not used to being thanked, especially by this young man who seemed to be repeating himself a lot, and if he kept listening to him he might even think it would be a bad idea to get rid of him. But anyway Nushi acted well giving himself credit.

『That's Maao speaking (This was good for me, now Maao won't doubt me and will listen to me, he'll stick to our plan, perfect *smiles* but...you really are a fool, you thank me for anything...if I keep hearing that word...maybe my plans will end up changing....)』

Nushi for that moment felt weird, like he didn't know what move to make after what he did, where Cliston with animosity in the air commented that they should try hard both of them. Cliston quickly yelled Go!!!! In the room raising his fist, this was seen weird by Nushi, Cliston happened to look at him happily as if expecting him to do the same.

『(Ah? I have to do it too?...uhm...if this makes him not doubt me I guess I'll do it) Ah...how...do I place my fist like this?...』

『So Yushi, and on the count of 3, 3 ,2,1, GO!!!!』.

『Go!!!...(We humans really do silly and useless actions, and besides...is he confusing it with my name)?』

They ended up raising their fists shouting both at once that they are ready for this, Cliston no longer had any doubts about trusting Nushi, while the leader of Antarctica seems to have used his cards well by taking advantage of every possible situation. But at the same time he feels that the more time he spends with Cliston, he will realize that it is simpler than it seems.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

Translated with DeepL

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