
Chapter 335: Finally Saying It

P͇o͇r͇ ͇f͇i͇n͇ ͇d͇e͇c͇i͇r͇l͇o͇

The atmosphere of the Sekandoraifu Hospital was as normal as it could be for the unruly days that have been happening in the city, but it seems that this did not harm at all the tranquility of that building who was at the top would be Dr.2-Ban, he as acting against this new attack did not see it at all new but if worrying, worrying not for him, but for his surroundings, either in much more humanitarian issue, as surely they will have to demand more in this year that will last the new law. I do not know if I had told you before, but Dr.2-Ban would be one of the most powerful people in the city in terms of economy, not for nothing he managed to make an old and great park as one of his acquisitions to the hospital which is the best in the city. He has enough money to take over half the city, but he prefers not to do it and simply leave that aside to do what he likes the most, which would be to help other people in what he knows best, if there is someone who is in danger physically or mentally, to bring him here would be the best option, Dr. 2-Ban will do everything possible to rescue him, he also kept an eye on Na and his movements, he still remembers those days of the Madness of the Great Tree, there were many people who came to his hospital and his hospital. Ban will do everything possible to rescue his life, he was also aware of Na and his movements, he still remembers those days of the Great Tree Madness, there were many people who came to his hospital, and with the passage of time many of these people have improved and could be discharged, but at the time of leaving and giving the new law, many of these injured people felt that they rushed too much, as they would not have had to pay with their own pockets all the treatment received.But now with the law applied anyone who is harmed by the attacks of Na, will not have to pay anything, everyone has life insurance, that's fine, Dr.2-Ban does not refuse to help them, but of course his earnings would result in a large decrease, as well as more work for everyone in the hospital without earnings, it would be fine in 10, 20 or maybe even 50 people exaggerating, but many also want to take advantage of this same law and excuse themselves that they are victims of Na, thus receiving care and treatments that surely could not afford them. Dr.2-Ban noticed that they want to get away with it, he has thought a lot about these situations that people do not want to lose, he just looked at them and accepted the deception, he is a person with a lot of money power, he can afford to help at the cost of nothing, he can afford not to have a year of earnings, but for these people they want to take advantage of all this year of luxuries that may never come to have.

『(I hope you like my gift that will last all this year, then I will not be so generous again, if I need to do it to be able to find myself, then I must not lose the power I have)』.

I accept it, he will let himself be fooled, he will let them get away with it, he was doing it because he felt sorry that there are people who suffer or have bad luck in their life, but here in his hospital, he will be here to help them with open arms, what a pity, what a sadness, people are very weak in many ways. Empathy, kindness, mercy perhaps, are all the factors that made Dr. 2-Ban pursue this dream. Ban pursue this dream, for him all are lives that need someone to protect and help them, few are the people who can bear to see the edge of the death of a person, many are blank when someone is dying, others by nerves do their job badly, but not for 2-Ban, he is completely sure that there must always be someone like him in the world, a strong person in all senses of humanity, maybe not physically, but mentally, spiritually and above all economically if it should be, someone who has everything in his life and does not know what to do with everything because he already knows it, he simply does what he likes, a hobby, a pastime, but there are many cases where that hobby ends up going over the line and would do what defines you without your knowledge.

『(I used all my talent and ability to become what I am today, after living already a part of my life and not making sense of anything, this is really what I want to be? this is really what I like to be? it's rewarding to help others with what you have, I don't dislike it, it makes me happy, but not as happy as I would like to do *sigh* I hope I have embarked well on my adventure, there are people who trust me, people who appreciate me and count on me, patients, workers, especially strangers, I just have to keep doing what I got into, I really took this hobby to the extreme)』

Dr. 2-Ban walked through his hospital, always with his white coat, that equipment that a doctor always wears around his neck that is used to listen to the heart, it is called Stethoscope. Every person who passed by him ended up greeting him, just as many thanked him for his advice and help, it was unimaginable that there would be a day when someone would not say a word to him. He was neither extremely old nor extremely young, he was currently 35 years old, for that contrast between being an adult but retaining some of his youth, was also one of the main reasons why he took the eyes of all, besides being experienced, successful and handsome, he was also beautiful above the standards. Already here it should be assumed that he comes from a powerful family that never went through misfortunes in its history, 2-Ban was a great match for anyone who is interested, although in his life he received many suitors, in the end he did not end up with any, since he simply did not fill anything, he did not feel anything, helping others for mercy made him feel better. But it still didn't fulfill everything he wanted to find.

『YA STOP!!!! BRAT I TOLD YOU NOT TO TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!』o͡͡͡͡͡͡╮(ꐦ ꈨຶ皿ꈨຶ)╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡





Raku and Jomei had appeared in front of Dr.2-Ban, and as expected Raku was taking Jomei out of the hospital premises, or rather they were running away from the nurses who it seems that by wanting to do a good deed, they ended up damaging and making a mess of that area. Seeing these same nurses chasing them was a daily occurrence for everyone. For those who are used to it, this was funny, always remembering that thanks to these children that hospital feels alive, knows that it must have a protocol and order, it is clear that running at high speed taking a handicapped person in a wheelchair escaping from the nurses is wrong. But Dr. 2-Ban never called attention to this, for the simple fact that he thought it was funny, many patients or at least most of them smile, so it is better to let these children continue to do their thing in his hospital, living all day being strict must be very tiring.

『(They 2 are my favorite patients, Jomei is 12 years old and was hospitalized this same year, he suffered a car accident and was left paraplegic in both legs, in his report he said he liked to do marathon, wua, what a shame to have something bad happen to you and lose what you are passionate about, he is renegade and doesn't hide anything, but at the same time he is fearful and unaware of many things)』-『(While Raku, I still remember when she used to come to the hospital with her brother Anzu to be treated, their parents abandoned them and Anzu had to take care of everything, his situation was not the best, Big Brother had to make an effort all by himself and everything for his sister, the truth what a pity, he is the first one I decided to help in exchange for nothing, but what I told him did not stop him and he kept trying harder and harder and harder, until one day he just disappeared not to say he died, it is not known for sure, now I am in charge of Raku's care that we still did not find out what disease she has ¿? now that I think about it I adopted her, right? well yes, after all how sad her life was at her young age, so we consider ourselves family? I don't see her like that and I don't think she sees me like that either, I just help her and take care of her, that's it, that's my job, my job...I can consider that I help her...)』

2-Ban started to think about his 2 patients, but especially about Raku, who seems to have a bond with her but as far as possible, so far there is nothing that motivates him to do in his life, something that he is really passionate about, he just does this because he preferred it, but that is not exactly what will bring him happiness or that will fill him completely. His family has always had that special characteristic, not to be passionate about something, they can do anything, they can become anything, but they will not be satisfied or fulfilled with that, the smile and joy they show to others is just a lie. The Ban Family can't find something so far that they really do it with all the affection possible, it's like they have no heart, a fake heart maybe, but it's incredible to think how close they are to everyone but at the same time they are very distant to everyone.

『(I never did something for my family, something that is born from within me, of course if they ask me to do a favor I will do it, but I don't feel fulfilled in doing it, really it is this emptiness that takes our family from time ago, if my patients find out, if everyone finds out that what I do there is no clear motive, it is not helping, it is not making money, it is not making me more powerful, I don't know what it is that makes me that I am still alive)』

『Doctor!!!! Hey Doctor!!! Doctor!!! Dr.2-Ban I'm talking to you!!!!!』

A nurse was in front of 2-Ban who was calling his attention, but the latter could not perceive her because he was thinking about himself. Quickly when he saw her, he noticed that she was asking him to call the attention of the children, to stop being so free, this is a hospital where there must be respect among each and every one, to allow some children to turn this place into their playground is something that cannot be allowed. Dr.2-Ban heard all this clearly, he saw the nurse worried about this, he really doesn't care about this, he was even going to say it freely, but seeing her worried and asking for help, looking around and seeing that more people were looking at him, he had more reason to say leave them alone. But he kind of gave up on his idea and would agree to go with those kids to get their attention.

『And also something before Dr.2-Ban retires, stop receiving every patient! We are overworking! It is obvious that they take advantage of the temporary law, we can throw the liars out, why receive them...besides we don't earn anything by attending them, that's no way to work』

『I already talked about the money, all of you will receive your corresponding payment at the end of the month, keep working as you normally do, if you work more than you should, you will also be compensated with more money, besides it is only one year, it flies by, it is true that we are going to lose money but then it will be recovered, what will not be recovered is helping you all, it doesn't matter if he lies or not, you guys keep attending, keep working, this hospital was built on a whim and you could even say it's what kept me here all this time』-『Which is a joke *smiles* You guys keep striving, how nice it is that people thank you by giving you a great support which is to keep on living, let's all keep on striving together 』

『Ah! Yes, a joke *laughs* (Dr.2-Ban really is a great man, he helps everyone no matter what, and me demanding him not to receive any more patients because I get tired...he really is amazing)』

2-Ban was retreating with a smile and a cheerful expression on his face trying to hide everything he said earlier, but in that if he was very right, for sure his concerns and his actions are completely opposite to other people, even in the way of seeing things, he would accept to do many things in exchange for nothing, but he ends up doing it by receiving money, without that power as said before, he may lose this breakthrough he made.

『Ready! They won't find us here! But the truth...what's wrong with those nurses!!!!! They got angry that I simply told her her future!!!!』(๑ò︵ò๑)

『My heart...really getting together with you makes my heart race...』༻(〃ຶ⌂〃ຶ)

『I can see it, the information is coming to my wand...I've got it!!!! You with the big boobs! You'll have a good life thanks to those implants!!!! A dirty old man will come along and give you dysfunctional love and affection in your life! I see, when you were a student many of you probably imagined ######## completely naked!!!』-『The one in the middle! Yes the short dwarf with a sunken chest, it's clear to see you, stay away from the Monogatari and Genshin Impact fans, those guys would fuck even a ######, luckily I didn't meet any of them, but if I see them, my wand will become an AK and I'll slice their pilin』-『And you on the left! eh...ete....looks very tertiary character, is it necessary for me to tell you something?』

『PENDEJA!!!!! NO MORE NONSENSE!!!!』(#`д')ノ

Pom!!!! Jomei seeing that she did not stop talking nonsense her friend, ended up hitting her tremendous blow on the head, of course this made the 2 of them start to fight, the comments made the nurses fell heavy, but they had tolerance to the jokes of the children, compressing their anger they were going to let them free. But as the children did not stop fighting with each other, they ended up crashing into the facilities making a mess of the area. You could hear how everything was falling and the children watching in amazement what they did, there were clearly 2 sides, the nurses about to explode, Jomei was going to apologize but Raku put her hand to stop him, she walked to the front to say seriously.

『That's 5000 yen per consultation』(`ー').

And that's how they ended up chasing them until they could escape at last. Raku was annoyed and you could tell in her expression, commenting that she just wanted to make them happy or at least amuse them.

『It hurts them so much to be told that, they really can't stand anything』.

『It wasn't just because of that, we also brought down that whole facility』.

『Did we? No, your chair crashed into the table so it was your fault』

『But you pushed me!!!!!』

『Well, why did you hit me!!! Or was I going to let you hit me?』

『I hit you because you weren't in your box! You can't just say the first thing you see and come up with to others! I thought you were going to help them but you just made them angry!』

『And who said I was going to help them! My goal was something else! Can't you see that you fucking bum feet!!!』

"Then why did we go to them in the first place if you weren't going to help them! I really don't understand you!!!』

『You stop yelling at me, it happened, it wasn't that big of a deal....But I couldn't help but do all that, it just came out...』

『It just came out...you say it like it's not your fault, you really are a disrespectful child 』

『!!!! I already told you it wasn't my fault!!!!!』

Again, from the argument they were having, both children were fighting with each other because of the contradictions they were giving each other. Seeing how Raku was trying to tap while Jomei was pulling his cheeks, was really common to see, one moment you can see them together getting along or running away, and the next they are already fighting with each other. You could hear footsteps heading down the stairs where the children were, it was 2-Ban who was walking freely. He already lived with Raku for 2 years, so he learned about her habits and habits that the girl has, she has many hiding places and this is one of them, where she could find the children pulling each other's hair and cheeks.

『I finally found them』.

『You found your ###### ###### ###### ####!!!!!』レ(◣益◢#)ヘ

As soon as 2-Ban appeared, Raku insulted him like never before with an angry expression on his face, this obviously because of his fight with Jomei, who upon hearing everything the girl said, he was frozen processing everything she said, he really didn't understand almost every word she said but he knows that all of that is something extremely bad.

『(Eh?...what...what did he say...like ###### #### what does that mean?)』(◎_◎)

『(Sometimes I wonder if he has tourette's syndrome, because sometimes he says very objectionable things out of the blue, although I think it's more because of his personality because of all the tests we did on him) Hi kids』

『Ah! Hi Dr.2-Ban, sorry for the words, they weren't meant for you, just that this crooked feet scrotum face gets me out of my mind 』


It was impossible to have a conversation with Raku, as he will always either insult you or insult someone else, despite the fact that his goal is to make the few people he cares about happy, with that attitude it looks like it will be a great ride. Once again, the children were looking at each other in a bad way, wanting to keep on hitting each other. In there 2-Ban was staring at the children as if without stopping them in their fight, until he reacted and could be seen in his eyes moving, as both children went to see him and asked him if they are not going to stop them, which the doctor replied that there was no need, if that's what they wanted to do then let them do it.

『That's not what I think a doctor would do』.

『That's because Dr.2-Ban is not like other doctors, he is not even like other people, he listens to hill runner, this person may be cheerful and happy with his patients, but in truth he is completely hollow, I don't know if they made him full ####### when he was little but since I met him when I still lived with my parents, he was already like that, a dead person』.

Jomei didn't understand why his doctor was behaving like that, where Raku would go on to tell a little about him and about everything he knows, this peaked the curiosity of 2-Ban who asked her how was it that she knew, where Raku answered that she didn't know because she found out, if not that her brother was the one who told her.

『Just look at him, that look of love is more fake than #######』

『Ya one-eyed girl, I don't think I can take it anymore if you keep talking like that...』

『Esta bien, my brother once told me that everyone wants to be happy, I was my brother's happiness and I think that's what killed him, I haven't seen him again, but he always told me to trust 2-Ban even though he told me that he was a person without aspirations and dead in life, I'm only here because of my brother's words, and lately that goal that crazy Mika told me, if not I would have left here to wherever my brother is, that includes if he's really dead. ...when everything changed, we were a happy family, my parents' smiles were probably fake too, I know that Anzu-nii-chan wanted to hide it, but I feel that I was the one who undo everything, my illness separated me from what I loved the most until I was alone in the world, now I'm here under the care of an insensitive person and I keep company to an idiot to not feel bored *sigh* You just don't want to be in the position you are in』.

Out of nowhere Raku opened up with those two people, when she heard for sure that she spoke normally, as if asking her to act as she really is, this did not prevent her from remembering the past and how her life was before. Raku was not a silly girl, since she was a little girl she knew what was going on at home, she thinks that she is to blame for the separation of her family and that she was left alone, all because of this disease that appeared in her and does not allow her to act as she really is. Raku was touching her eye patch and you could see how frustrated she was about this, she was angry that because of this, the life she was going to have happy around those she cared about the most is gone.

『Well...you're not the only one who's having a hard time Raku-san...』

『Shut up, don't call me by my name, not my name please...your problem is temporary, with time if you keep trying hard because I know you will, you will regain your mobility in your legs and you will leave, at home your mother and father are waiting for you, a dinner and warm bed. But no one is waiting for me outside, mom and dad are gone, my brother for sure is...all the relatives turned their backs on me because they think I'm dead weight, I still don't understand why Anzu-nii-chan left me in 2-Ban's care, she didn't even care about me, she doesn't even keep her promise, she only keeps her job, I'm only stable because of the sorrow she feels for me, don't say I'm the only one, of course I'm the only one, I just didn't want this life...』

Raku at the end of her words would go on to cover her face in her legs and cry because she couldn't stand the injustice of life she was going through. How many would have been the nights she couldn't sleep well, how many would have been the times she was analyzed full body to know what she has, how many injections, how many needles, the medicines she takes, all this is to be able to be stable. But that was not what hurt her the most, what she disliked the most about this life, was that there was no one in the world who really cared about her, she felt alone without having anything.

Raku was still crying while Jomei didn't know what to do, it was the first time he saw her like that, he wanted to cheer her up even if he patted her back, but he couldn't even do that, he was nervous, worried, some time ago he told her that he doesn't like to feel sorry for her. But it seems that he has been receiving it for years ago.

『I see, that's what my favorite patient feels』.

『(He says it like it's his pet, really what's wrong with this Doctor...I...I really care about you Raku, but people caring about you bothers you, then what do you want me to do?)』

『If what you want is someone who really cares about you, then I'll make it possible』.

『I don't want to receive your fake love 2-Ban, you are not my family nor will I ever consider you my family』.

『I already said I was going to help you even years ago, I promised it to your brother Anzu, I promised it to you at the time, you can decide your life, you have every right, but now you are under my care and my domain, here the one who decides if you will die or if you will live is me, and I assure you even if you don't find it convincing, I will do everything possible so that you have reason to live the life I will save』.

Dr.2-Ban was determined to do it, for him this would also be crucial in his life, that's how he feels, it would be the first time he gets so involved in a life outside of him, but, that's just it, how is he going to feel something for someone when he doesn't even feel affection or sense in himself. Maybe this is the reason, if he doesn't get anything here that really fulfills him completely, then there would be no sense to continue being here, Raku feels the same, there is no reason to continue being here, maybe Raku doesn't have a reason now more than what he received thanks to Mika, but at least with that he gave a temporary reason to 2-Ban to continue being here for a while longer. That was the solution, maybe what really fulfills 2-Ban is to save a person completely, that's why he didn't leave this profession over the years, saving was just the tip. He waited and waited, received and received, until the person arrived or realized that there was someone worse than him where he would need everything he had learned in his life.

『I will need the help of you too Jomei, you are the one who I am most friends with Raku, I would also like to receive the help of others, I think Ha---...Mika will be able to serve, when will Cliston return?(I integrate Karen too? but.... I feel like that's already a spoiled fruit, but I'll still do it, Ozuru, that guy is also in critical condition, how come he still survives)』-『So what do you say, right now I don't feel anything for you or any of my patients, but I would like to eventually come to truly love and cherish you, I just want to truly cherish all the ones I had in mind, cherish them from the bottom of my empty heart』

2-Ban was also being sincere with the children, this one was promising himself and it would even be a goal in his life to help these being people and let them live the best they can. Each one of these people will represent a small light in his empty heart, if everything goes well with them they will start to expand, if everything goes wrong they will start to shrink until they disappear. Raku when listening turned to see 2-Ban and he was still with a realistic look, it was not fake, it would be fake if he was smiling. The Dr was with a simple face, without representing any emotion, Raku would turn his head back to hide it while he would say.

『Do what you like』.

『Ah...I will also try my best at what I like, it still doesn't bring me confidence Dr. but I hope to trust you』.

Hearing the children's answers, Dr. would quickly pat them on the head in a simple and crude way, it was unbelievable to think that how this action can feel so empty, Dr.2-Ban finally stood up and showed himself with the spotless white coat, as always he gave that look of being a concerned professional and always attentive to his patients, no one would think that this would be the first time he would go seriously all his life. No matter how long the years last, he promises to help every light that is now in his heart, and he truly hopes to help everyone. All 6 of those people are his reason to exist now.


Cliston was waking up again from a busy day, again Brother De Vos had to teach him about the studies he is doing, which for the Fatty this is very hard work, and what's more, for days now it is no longer Mikel who is training him, but now Sister De Vos had joined the training, this on the days she could, since Cliston needed to be flexible and light as a feather, and what better than someone who is learning Ballet.

『Legs hurt...I think I've had the thought for a long time that I don't want to get out of bed...』

『Get up, it's already morning, or do you want your mother to bring you breakfast, reverend conchetumare and get to work, prro』

『....Also for days now Loquendo has been behaving as I expected, before his way of talking, now I don't know if I prefer the Loquendo of before or the one of now』.

Cliston was going down to the dining room where he could find all the children again eating together, the table was full and the children's talk alone gave life to the whole place. But Cliston was really tired, you could see it in his eyes where Vie was calling him with a simple hand to come and eat.

Everything was going normal until now, he was eating as much as he could, the children were laughing at him for how he was eating so weakly that it seemed he was going to drop his face in his plate. Cliston did not understand why the children were laughing, but this alone made him smile, Étienne approached him to see what was going on, but it seemed that he arrived at the right moment, since Cliston seemed to be so sleepy that he was going to drop his head in the plate of food, Étienne quickly pushed the plate aside and heard a thump on the table. Pom!!! His forehead fell hard on the table where all the children went on to laugh at this.

『Tout va bien, Cliston?』

『(Eh? what did he say? I don't have the equipment on to understand him but...)』

『Yeah, I'm fine, just a little sleepy *smiles*』.

It seems that the shock made him wake up a bit so he again proceeded to continue eating with the other children. Now Étienne was eating next to him with utmost joy, watching him take a loaf of bread and dip it in the food was nice to see. Cliston saw that he ate it with great enthusiasm, he would proceed to do the same, but when he took the first bite he was alarmed by the spiciness of the food, he got cold from the spiciness and woke up completely. He would go on to chat with the child Etienne who despite not understanding each other very well, wanting to tell him how his days were going made him happy, he had to move his arms, make sounds of effect, everything so that the child could understand him.

『(I wonder what we will do now, lately I had to go to meetings and conferences, the truth is that if that bores me a lot, what I tell Étienne are from previous adventures so that he doesn't get bored, bored...right!)』

Cliston would go on to tell the boy about the time he went to Bulgaria to replant the forest, about how he could experience such a sensation and when he told more and more, you could notice how he got to the part about the fire, he told it normally, but you could notice that there were times when his words stopped, surely because he just thought about his mistake or he would blame himself again for what happened.

『I...I...hope I never make a mistake like that again...』

『You're uncrushable Cliston』

『*smile*This is too spicy for me, if you want to eat it yourself』.

Cliston smiled when he saw and heard Étienne's words, so as he knew he couldn't finish his plate, he gave it to the boy who apparently ate his own food, this made the boy happy, and as he watched him eat and be a little hot from the spicy food, he also remembered that night when Mikel set him up so he could go to the Red Light District in Amsterdam, he still remembers how he stared at that girl touching herself and making provocative movements. He also remembered that night when Mikel set him up so he could go to the Red Light District in Amsterdam, he still remembers how he was watching that girl touching herself and making provocative movements, it would be a lie if he didn't feel something at that moment, but when he noticed that something else was going to happen, he quickly left the place. Cliston is still blushing from this, he didn't think he saw something like this in his early life, although this guy is already a lot of years old, rather he didn't see them too late?

『(That Mikel...he played a joke on me the old crackpot, he's a very joking old man when he feels like it, let's see if he likes to be done that, but...what can I embarrass him with?)』

Cliston wanted revenge because this could not go unpunished, he thought of several ideas, maybe they would go to the same place, maybe a magazine or forbidden videos but... he is an old man and knows about those tricks, that's why he made that joke because it didn't affect him. So if he is not affected by what is forbidden? What kind of joke can he make to make her blush? From what Cliston was thinking, quickly Vie realizing that the Fatty did not finish his meal and gave it to Étienne, would go on to give another much less spicy one to the table, appeared next to Cliston leaving him the plate.

『et finir tout ça』

『Ah, merci』

Cliston already learned the basics of some languages, now what he just said is "thank you" Cliston spooned the food and this if it was more passable for him, he would go on to eat along with the quiet boy, until all of a sudden a rebellion came to his mind, he turned to see Vie as she returned to the kitchen and in there he had it.

『(That's it!!! Get ready Mikel, just know that we always return the jokes, although only Rojito and Brayan do that, but that's ok)』

Cliston had it all planned, he had an idea of the time when Mikel would come, so he waited and waited as long as possible until the time Mikel came for breakfast, but it would not be embarrassing if he was alone, it would be even more embarrassing if there were people present, so Cliston did everything he could to make the children stay in the dining room to see what he was going to do. He would use his winds to encourage the children, but no sooner had he used them than there was Vie scolding him, hearing such scolding, laughing with the children at their awkwardness was a daily occurrence.

Cliston was aware of whether Mikel appeared or not, until in a moment of playing with the children, he would hear someone enter the dining room, this was Mikel at last, seeing Cliston's smile of joy and mischief, it was like being a little boy again. Determined this one would approach him to where the food is delivered, who was Vie chatting with Mikel, where upon meeting each other they would greet each other and give each other the report that today will be an important day.

『I just got a meeting confirmed, I finish breakfast and we both go there』.

『Yes, that's fine』

『¿? All right Giovane Cliston? I see you smiling 』 

『Yeah yeah all good, more than good, hyper good...huh.... good?』

Cliston was nervous now that he thought about it, Mikel was looking at him and would go back to his own thing as he chatted with Vie and ate his breakfast right there. Cliston even looked like he was left over as the elders were happy talking about each other, he would get nervous even looking to the side as he just realized that.

『(How do you flirt with someone?』

Cliston's plan was to flirt Vie so that way Mikel would get nervous and blush, and act embarrassed by the situation without knowing anything. Cliston was sure of this idea and wanted revenge for last night. Cliston knew, thanks to Mikel telling him his story, that these 2 old men seem to have a thing for each other, and how much more embarrassing for one to admit it than to be in front of the other person. And yes, for Cliston that someone tells you that he loves you is very embarrassing, like a little boy in elementary school who gets upset when someone tells him that this person is his partner. Cliston plucked up the courage to start his performance and plan.

『And Miss Vie, are you free today? Would you like to go for a walk with me?』

Cliston put on the most manly voice for the occasion, according to what he remembers how his friends act, he tried to imitate them for the plan, he appeared friendly and with other intentions. But to Cliston's question there was no answer, only silence followed.

『Désolé, je ne comprends pas』

『Ah, it's okay, I'll translate it for you what he wanted to tell you』.

In there Cliston made another big mistake, he realized that he did not bring with him the equipment with which he helped him communicate with others, literally what he said was not understood by Vie, only by Mikel who would help him with the translation.

『And where do you want to take her? Do you need to ask her something personal or how?』

『Eh?...ete....(I didn't count on that, now she'll really think I want something with her...)』-『Eh yeah, I'd like to go for a coffee, then go for a walk around the city, maybe to some park or zoo.....*smile*』

『I see, you want to go on a date with Vie, that's fine, I'll take care of it *smile*』

!!!!!! Cliston was surprised by this, since just Mikel had deduced everything with what he told him, quickly Cliston wanted to refuse, but quickly remembered that this is just what he is looking for, his goal is to make Mikel jealous, if they do everything he said maybe it will provoke something negative in Mikel. Yeah, that's fine, but for some reason Cliston already chickened out, it was like he wanted to be serious but not that serious, maybe go at his own pace but now he feels like everything he thought for real is going to come true.

『Bien sûr, je serai libre maintenant.』

『Says yes Giovane Cliston, but I didn't know you liked old ladies, every time you make me doubt whether you are an adult trapped in a child's body or a child who took back his time *laughs*』.

『No no no no no no yes yes yes yes yes sis innono ssi yes yes yes yes nono sisi isisi nnono.....』

Cliston was fuming out of his head because of the nerves he was having, the goal here was to make Mikel nervous but the opposite is happening, besides how can he be nervous about having a date with an old lady? It wouldn't be that, what makes him nervous is that he is really fulfilling something that he had already been afraid of for a long time, this is what he meant when he can't do things if he is alone, he does everything with his friends in a group to do something if they have the same purpose. A date is 2, what will he do in the, he doesn't know, the only date he had so far has been.

『(Could I consider Yushi my first date?)』-『(That day we met by chance ¿? Wait, she took it as a date?)』

Cliston started thinking about the past with Yushi, at that moment he didn't feel nervous at all, maybe because he didn't even take it as such, he was calm, comfortable, satisfied and despite how unexpected it was, Cliston in that little time he spent with Yushi he was happy. Mikel was eating quietly while Vie watched the young man as he became calmer than he was nervous, Mikel also looked sideways at Cliston and smiled blankly.

『Je me change en ce moment, peux-tu m'attendre quelques minutes ?』

『She says she'll be back in a few minutes, she's going to make herself pretty for her appointment』

『Ah...excuse me.... could we cancel it? please...』

Cliston felt sorry for having to say it that way, Mikel was kind of annoyed at this, but he was able to hide it on his face. Cliston after thinking it over again had that feeling that he should refuse again to be spending time with another person. Maybe it is because he is not going seriously but he feels that someone else is the reason.

『You shouldn't make those jokes Giovane Cliston, for someone who wanted to do it, even if it was sudden he would have enjoyed it』.

Mikel understood perfectly since he looked at Cliston, he didn't like that this is how it ended. He was telling his friend who, understanding everything, could tell he was a little sad, but as Mikel tried to hide it with a smile, he apologized Vie to Cliston and asked for forgiveness for not being able to have the outing they had planned. Cliston didn't understand anything but he felt sorry anyway.

『Normally this would be nothing to me, but I would be lying if it didn't make me happy to know that I would be reliving my time when I was young again, even though I tried a few dates, they were fun but it didn't come to anything, but I appreciated when I still had strength and could behave like an excited girl again, I did want to go on a date *smiles*』.

Vie commented on how the situation ended, it seems that she was really looking forward to the moment when she could be a little girl again and get excited about things like going for a walk and enjoying just going out. Mikel, upon hearing this, kept looking at his companion and then looked at Cliston, who was still sorry for his failed joke. This was ending badly, so since no one was going to say anything, seeing her friend wanting to relive old times, Mikel decided to speak up.

『Then go on a date with me』.

Mikel turned to Vie who, listening to her childhood friend, looked up into his eyes in surprise. Of course all this Cliston didn't understand but he knew he was trying to make up for his mistake as he normally would. Mikel was both determined and nervous, but he didn't seem to back down, not this time. Like a little girl, Vie was touching her hands and trying to refuse.

『But I'm an old lady now, I don't think you'd like to go on a date with someone who's already lived his life...』

『It's just the opposite Vie, I always wanted to have the opportunity to spend this kind of beautiful moments with you, to walk through the streets, to walk through the city quietly, the park, to eat to bursting, to enjoy only that we live quietly. Before we did not have that opportunity, but now it is within our reach, I know it is too late but please Vie, let's have an appointment』.

This has been with an explosion of emotions and feelings for Vie, it was like a flower that was wilting had bloomed again. Mikel to this was very embarrassed that his cheeks were turning red as tomatoes, as if he was like a gentleman he was shaking hands with Vie hoping she would receive him, it really made his heart beat a thousand, where Vie was happy with this, again remembering back in the past, she still can't believe that this old man here is the same boy who came that day to Arnicania orphanage, but yes, just looking at those eyes she knows, he's....

『You idiot...you took too long to say it...』

Vie, in tears of happiness, shook hands with Mikel, who smiled happily, but at the same time apologized for not being strong enough at this age to be able to say such words to her. If that was the thrill of asking for a date, it will surely be even stronger when they finally decide to bond with each other. Cliston to this was shocked, he did not expect this outcome, he does not know what they said to each other but he was happy anyway, somehow his joke ended up being a step for both seniors who are just starting their happiness.

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