
Chapter 333: Tomeo and Mama Lucha Part 3

T͇o͇m͇e͇o͇o͇͇͇y͇ ͇M͇a͇m͇á͇ ͇L͇u͇c͇h͇a͇ ͇P͇a͇r͇t͇e͇ ͇P͇a͇r͇t͇e͇ ͇3͇.

Everyone has their difficulties when it comes to their life, or you can be lucky enough to already have it all figured out and just enjoy what you have and own, or you can also fall into that higher probability in which most of us suffer, in which one has to strive to get to that long awaited and longed for, many make it, from their situation that one could not even imagine, they would go on to have a great life, it all depends on how lucky one owns, has and at what right time it comes. They could say no or yes, luck is just a factor, but I was the one who did all the work to get to what I am. The opportunity came to you would be, you were a lucky one, what you possess now and consider normal to have, for many is even too much compared to their lives they had. Luck is an important key to our life, finding a job, being born stable, having good friends and friendships, meeting our partner, having a stable marriage and family, finding money, getting an offer, accepting the offer, having survived a robbery, never having witnessed a robbery, even having a stable bed and being able to eat every day, that could also be considered lucky.

But just as there are lucky people at different levels in the world and in history, also all people without exception suffer from misfortune, bad luck, a karma, a bad moment that no matter how small it was, has changed your whole life and we didn't even realize it until it happened. Just as there are people who from the lowest ended up reaching the top, there are people who had everything and now they are nothing more than the crumbs of tomorrow, bad actions? bad example? you wasted your life and your time? are factors that will be present, everything depends on you, but be careful when you do something, make a decision, then we will be wondering when the worst is over and we are living it, what would have happened if ....? I don't know, for example, if I had arrived earlier to my job interview, would I have been accepted? If I had proposed to that girl I liked in high school, would I be alone right now? If I had helped that person out, how did it end up like this? What if I had taken this other path, where would it have led me? If I had done this and that better, if I had understood how life works from an early age, what would my situation be like now? Would I have what I have? Would I have more? Would I have less? What is it. If it benefits us we consider it lucky, and if it harms us we consider it unlucky, it is the perspective of each one of us, our suffering can be the happiness of another, our happiness can be the sadness of another. And in this world where every time and few people decide to help others, where ignorance prevails because we cannot afford to help others when we ourselves know that we are not stably well in everything. Humans always find ways to get their own way.

It was another day in that country, every day that passed was a closer look at the reality of how they lived, Tomeo understood it clearly now that he saw it in person, it was very different from the work he thought he was doing. Bringing peace and that everyone behaves as they should thanks to their culture, where respect and kindness abound, is something implanted, is something everyday, they had not thought about whether we really feel it, are words of ourselves or already programmed, every action, every movement, and we do not say that this is wrong. How nice it is that someone congratulates you for your work, that when you enter any place always this first greeting and respect, kindness is important for people, for their image, who does not like someone who is good to you? you will do it because it is good, it is someone good. It is still present in our world, but how will it be when the world advances, will we still have that kindness and customs that we have? Not that everything is lost with time? our traditions, our homes, our culture, as it was with the past, will it happen to us? What we consider normal, among all that normality, will be lost? and what will be left for us in the end? We don't know, we won't live long to find out, and if we do, the change will be so abrupt that we will finally understand how our grandparents feel about the present they live in. You don't want to lose what has always been in your life.

Tomeo and Mom Lucha got off the train they took, they went to the farthest area of the central city, where the most neglected districts are, so to speak, what they were going to find here, Tomeo was intrigued with this because when he heard that they were going to go to such a place, he quickly imagined from his own experience, a bad place to live, the poor neighborhoods in many places where he has been, are extreme, garbage everywhere, houses that you did not think could be built in such a place. Bad experiences, bringing bad places, war and defending the Middle East he could see it himself, that's why he can't forgive anyone who doesn't appreciate the life of another. Tomeo researched much more about this when he found out, there were even times where he was able to talk to SurAmerica about the situation, where that leader gave him a clear example of what it is like to live in very difficult places but there was no other way.

『¿? I don't know why I feel it's weird that you ask me that, I see that you want to expand more Asia, I have many examples but I will tell you one of the most obvious in one of the largest countries in SouthAmerica, surely you have heard of Las Favelas. They are just areas where there are informal or precarious settlements, either inside or outside the biggest cities of the territory. You must know why, just like in your home country, we all look for opportunities where there are, that will always be the capital, we go alone, we are only accompanied by our small savings, a big dream that we hope to fulfill, desire to move forward, and above all what drives us to make such a journey, faith. They are masses and masses of people every year, they need a place to live, obviously someone who undertook such a journey with faith alone cannot live in the center of the capital, there is no money, and the work that many take at the beginning does not pay for the basics. There are many areas in the world where you can live, even in Antarctica, look, there we have those researchers and scientists who made their base and ñañañaña. Invading areas for us is not difficult, we take the place that nobody has seen before, we put a stone, then another and another and another and another until we have our house and we have a place to live. We have the strength to be able to do it, but for that reason our quality of life is very bad, a house is not enough to be able to live, being in a place that nobody thought of, where the water comes from, where the light comes from, our furniture, kitchen, a bed, to bring them to that home that we made with our own hands, it is difficult. Having done what we wanted we don't have the support that everyone deserves, we invaded, we are invaders, we did whatever we wanted, we are informal, how would you help someone who doesn't even have his papers right? But anyway we complain about our lifestyle, I think it is very normal among us to have to throw stones at others to not feel bad, it is a defense measure to believe that what we have done, has not been a bad way. Now I only said this with one person, now imagine that everyone has that dream of getting ahead, not all of us are lucky and we have to live in the ugly part that no one looks at, we looked for it, we got in, we had faith and we still keep it, that someday our efforts will bear fruit and we will stop transmitting poverty to our loved ones』.

He still remembers perfectly the words that SouthAmerica told him, more researching on his own Tomeo, he realized that the highest percentage of all your region of SouthAmerica, a high percentage is blissfully comprised by informal work, for them not to work a day, it can cost them dearly. 

『You are lucky Asia, that your country is among the best in the world, but even so, among everything that always goes well, there is always the hidden rat, and you yourselves are the ones who hide it, it can be inside, it can be outside』-『Although I prefer that they hide us than silence us for life, or maybe not, having a voice and that they listen to us, that they turn to look at us, really takes a weight off our shoulders』.

Tomeo always thought that there may be a secondary danger after the attack and death of the Prime Minister, the consequences of his death, it is even strange that nothing happened after his death, it is normal that the other politicians put their hands to work to keep the country stable. But Tomeo feels insecure, he wants to trust that it will not bring any consequences, but as he has already seen it several times, maybe he has been ignoring something this time.

They finally arrived to the outskirts of the city, arriving to an urban area that for Tomeo's expectations, was not so bad, everything he heard, investigated and saw, were nothing to what he is seeing right now, even this seems more than what they could receive, to live far from luck could be considered lucky.

The streets that in the center are always impeccable, here you can see some neglect, the walls were somewhat stained, the roads somewhat narrow, see people doing things you would not normally see in the city, perhaps for someone whose life was there, coming here, seeing someone without a polo shirt and spraying water in the middle of the street impresses him, you saw mostly old people sitting on the benches that were in the urban area, they were just sitting there, the kindness and respect was different, it didn't sound like a simple reflex, here everyone knew each other, from the smallest to the oldest, everyone was cheerful, it didn't feel monotonous, for some reason it was as if everyone got along and it wasn't a lie all the words they said to each other. The color also felt vivid, in those days he was with Mama Lucha helping the young people, he saw that most of the people wore a certain characteristic color, like grayish, black or white. Obviously with their styles to stand out, but anyway they looked programmed to that. Not here, you could notice the dullness of the area, but it was comforting how the color of the people gave life to the place, not the place gave life to the people.

It was curious to see how they walked through the urban area and most of them stared at them, it was evident that they were not from here, especially Tomeo was the one who took the eyes of all, although this civilian dress attracted attention, but something accompanied all those looks, it was always that greeting.

『Good morning』.

Everyone who saw them greeted them, Tomeo also greeted them back, here he also found another difference, they are strangers, they have no connection, it's just someone who passes by, but greets you anyway, education? Respect? Empathy? or maybe it was just something much simpler, it was a homely greeting of sorts. A group of children were playing with a ball that among their fun ended up falling on Tomeo's feet, quickly the children among their laughter went to pick it up, Tomeo already had it in his hands and the boy when he saw it waved his hand, he had a cheerful smile, what could it have been, but this made Tomeo smile and he gave it back to the boy normally.

『(Since I've been here it feels weird, I never took the trouble to come here and explore with my own eyes before, the people here are different but nice, I feel that their behavior is genuine and not implanted, that kid made me remember my son, this is supposed to be one of the poorest places in the country, but I don't see it like that at all)』

Tomeo even when he looked up, he saw that they had a big screen in their own building, of course, they were not that well maintained and the building that supports it looks neglected as well as the big screen, but anyway it is not as horrible as he imagined it to be. At that Mom Lucha raised her hand to greet someone, Tomeo looked at the park where they were going, there was another old man who raised his voice to greet her, as they approached all together in the park, they all began to greet each other familiarly to start this reunion.

『How nice to see you again Mama Lucha, you know you are always welcome here』.

『And you, I see you haven't lost your strength yet, how is the family doing?』

They started talking about the most normal things, Mama Lucha sat next to him as they talked about her family, some little things that happened to her among others. Tomeo even seemed to be left over there, since after the greeting he just stood there observing the surroundings, what was the reason for coming here in the first place? It was helping obvious, but he feels that before the talk, Mama Lucha made this trip just to be able to chat with the friends who live here.

『Right, I wanted to ask you something, was there vandalism here or was there any riots?』

『Vandalism? besides the kids playing with each other in the park, I don't think I've seen or know of anything like that, or maybe it's because we're used to their antics *smiles*』

Normally one would think that if in the center there were already signs of this, then in the more distant areas it might have already spread, but no, luckily everything was fine and all these people went on with their lives as normal. The old man from the conversation with Mama Lucha and seeing Tomeo who keeps looking around happily, would go on to say.

『You came to help us?』

Tomeo was surprised by this, he wondered how he knew this, the old man was sure of this, and this is where the consequences that Tomeo was doing in the beginning would come, The Prime Minister was who was in charge of the stability of all these poor areas of the country, they were so to speak his livelihood that every time he could he provided them either food, help the mayor economically to improve the area, implemented rules and ideas for everyone to prosper, he did an excellent job seeing for everyone. But since he passed away no one has been able to take that role, the only one who saw the needy so that they do not lack anything was no longer there.

『Since weeks ago our mayor gave us the bad news that we will not be able to live as before, the aid that the Prime Minister provided us would pass to someone else, the percentage that we received became more minuscule in terms of money, also stopped coming the trucks that were who provided us with food for all, the works that we were promised, those workers suddenly left leaving in the middle of finishing the works, luckily the taxes are still the same but this seems strange to me, a neighbor says that they wanted to overcharge her, for now with the changes that we suffer we can live quietly as always, we manage, but I feel that there will be worse things if this continues』.

Tomeo was curious why those areas that used to receive help now no longer do? What happened? did they cut ties? did they do something wrong? The answer was simple and Tomeo knew it, the death of the Prime Minister also brought many inconveniences, this being a man that everyone respected and was unpunished, his great clean and white record, also served for other politicians to follow him and support him in majority. With his death, it is as if the door that only let in people worthy of respect, now all those with other intentions can enter, enter? or maybe they were already there. Many saw an opportunity in the congress and started to do their own thing, even if they gamble it because if they find out that you were corrupt, they will even give you a death sentence. But so soon? Tomeo was quick to ask that question, if you go through the congressional reports, the only one that comes to mind is.

『The new temporary law』

That law that the Prime Minister was going to pass, that in a whole year they will be helping everyone in need because of the Na bombings. That must be the problem that now they will live for that time, as it was not yet passed and had to be postponed, this could have been taken advantage of, even modified so that the politicians' connections will have benefits. That is, they were going to give away money to all affected by this law, so many understood it, who does not want to join a boat like that? The money that normally was for everyone and was distributed equally, now was taken advantage of by insensitive people, that would explain both the tax increase that they will make, the reduced cost in the mayor's economy, the half finished works, the groceries, trucks, all help, all money now is focused on other people and as normally the attacks happened in the center of the city, where all the important people live, there all the attention goes there.

『I think I remember something, our mayor for that very reason was saying that he could not do anything, as it was a law passed and planned by the Prime Minister before he died』.

Some rats are using the person of the Prime Minister to get their way, they are taking advantage of the opportunity, one year of pure profit, then when the time is up, obviously they will not keep doing the same thing, they will stop and again act like the right people they are. He wants to do justice, he wants to find those people who are taking advantage of such a law to earn a little more money, but how? It is a law, how can you fight against it? it is justified, it is not them who steal the money directly, but they use the victims as their front and so no one can say anything to them, because if someone opposes to help who suffered, you would become the bad guy, isn't it?

『These bastards...I thought we had people of good values and culture in our congress, but people that we put even our hopes in, they are able to go to the side of greed.... one year...I have to wait one year...they won't be saved...those rats I will eliminate them』.

Tomeo took out his phone and made a call to the police town hall, you could hear how he gave the task to his men to investigate every congressman and politician in the congress, their connections as well as their movements and actions. It really bothered Tomeo that in the face of so much perfection, as he had been hearing these days, there was a hidden stain there. The elders could only observe how Tomeo was upset, they did not understand much about politics, especially the elder, who felt guilty because after telling him about his problem, the most angry was Tomeo. He was telling him to calm down and relax, but Tomeo did not pay attention to him, his back was still turned in his call.

『Did I make you angry? Please calm down, it wasn't my intention, I don't understand much about politics, just that we are fine for now is enough for me, please sir relax...』

『Don't worry, you didn't make him angry, it's just that Tomeo-san only gets angry for sure because they all care』.

『Does he care about us?』

Mama Lucha was getting up from her seat and going to get Tomeo, Tomeo was still talking angrily on the phone, while Mama Lucha was thinking of a way to talk some sense into him, that's where she had an idea, Tomeo was a giant compared to her, talking to him I don't think he would listen. So she just happened to look at the distance they had, stepped back a bit and just smiled.

『(Let's see if I got it right)』.

Mama Lucha was on her back and waiting for something, minutes passed but nothing than nothing, then from Mama Lucha's smile would turn to being sad that she didn't get the trick.

『(Then how did Kaori-chan do it? *smiles* I still remember how she would appear behind our backs out of nowhere)』

From what he was remembering, Tomeo finally turned off his cell phone and put it away, he finally turned around and found Mama Lucha behind him, he asked her what she was doing there, where the old lady replied that she just wanted him to feel her presence. Tomeo didn't understand, but then he would go to see the old man who was still sitting, he was going to promise him that he would do his best to bring tranquility back to his home.

『I promise you, old man, that you will have the help you should have always had』.

『.....*smile* Thank you very much, I don't quite understand what you were talking about on the phone, but I'm very glad you care about us son 』

Hearing the old man's words, Tomeo was happy about this, this also reminded him of when was the last time he talked to those he saved or helped? It was simply his job to go to war, finish off the bad guy and then leave, he had never taken the time to talk to those he saved before, it only brought him satisfaction to know that they are okay, but an exchange of words, something they have to say to him, he was the savior of many people and he hardly ever or never heard a thank you, this really made Tomeo happy.

『Thank you very much for the help Tomeo-san, but I brought you today with the main reason for you to hear her story, and the story of everyone in this big family』.

Mama Lucha had another purpose, she would quickly sit down next to the old man who the old man would pass by to see Tomeo, the first thing the mustached man did was to bow and ask nicely to tell his story. The old man would go on to tell a summary of why he ended up here, when he was young he had a life like any other, not so bad or so good, but he tried hard to become someone who ended up becoming a doctor, he would end up doing a good job in one of the best hospitals of the time, everything seemed to go well, he married his high school sweetheart, had 2 children, earned well and won the hearts of people, he had plenty of money, he could buy a big house, he ate luxury things, his life was perfect. Until...

『My wife was unfaithful to me』.

When he found out that his wife was unfaithful with a younger guy, this brought him a great depression that he could not overcome for many years, his efficiency at work fell too low, the big jobs he did could no longer do them, he lost confidence, he wanted it to be a lie, but it ended up being confirmed, that marriage that marked as one of the happiest days of his life, was his very downfall, the wife ended up taking half of what he had including the children, leaving him alone. The depression lasted for years, he gave up being a doctor because he was not feeling well, one failure and everything could get worse. The days passed and he had no reason for more, each time he lost and lost until he got tired one day, he decided to leave home and start from scratch here, in the place where he started his life and where he will end in the same way.

『I...I'm sorry...』

『Thanks for your apology, but I guess it had to happen to me, I was happy, I was very lucky, I really loved my family and the life I managed to get, and in the end, I went back to where I came from *smiles* the family I had here made me get back on my feet 』

They were saying goodbye to the old man where Tomeo to the first story this one was surprised, he can't believe he had in front of him a great doctor who now for sure lives in a small house of the one he had before. Everything he had achieved ended up being destroyed out of nowhere, simply by doing everything right, by a mistake that he could not even avoid or realize, he ended up like that. Mama Lucha wanted him to know about everyone's stories so they spent with the following people, he was amazed at what they heard from all those who already lived their life and were living it.

『I was a big businessman!!!!! But a bad contract took away all my livelihood and dreams』『How did I end up here? Well it would be due to flour, I ended up obsessing about it that I couldn't control myself, I was a drummer in my youth with my group of friends in a musical band, we had everything to get ahead back then *sigh* If only I had refused that salesman...』『Me? Well I had a big family, since I was little I had money, houses everywhere, I could live peacefully, but instead of that simply from what I had everything, I left and here I am, eh? just like that? Of course, my friend, you don't have to think too much about what you want to do, I just wanted to live this life even if I had all the luxuries in the world』『I was branded as an abuser with false arguments, we still live in a time in our country where women are believed more than we are, I still can't believe that it really worked for him, he took everything from me, I lost everything, and I could never get up again even if I put a lot of effort into it』『I always wanted to open a little shop in the neighborhood, and I did! I'm happy, I don't ask for anything more than that, to live quietly in the place I know and I know everyone, the outside is not necessary for me』『I suffered an accident and became paraplegic in my right leg, I have always lived here, but my son wants to go to the center to fulfill his dream of becoming a video game animator, he is still small but I am supporting him right now, I will collect all the money I can to give him later, I know that he will make an effort to achieve what he wants, unlike me that I'm afraid to explore new frontiers, I have no choice but to give hard to the cab *smiles*』『Well my mom wanted to be happy but I was born me』『I wanted to study gastronomy, but that career cost a lot and could not be paid, so I ended up settling for another cheaper career, also my cousin wanted to become a lawyer, but ended up selling food in a street stall』

Listening to the different situations of everyone, by their appearance one would say that maybe they are a bad person, but having a talk with these people, understanding how they ended up here, one worse than others, one simpler than others, while others only stayed with what they knew and as always there will be, there will be people who want to leave here to fulfill their dreams. Tomeo finally understood, each person has their own story and how beautiful it is to know about it, to listen to that person, to understand them and to understand them. She was learning very well from Mama Lucha who looked at her with joy, even though she was an adult she still had the exploration of a child. But at every story she heard, something came to Tomeo's mind.

『I'm going to help them, I want to help them』-『After listening to them all, I want to be able to do something with them, but the only thing I know how to do is to plan strategies, command platoons, be in the war, I don't think I'll do a good job if I dedicate myself to helping them, but you Mama Lucha, you do know, you have the will to help, you want to do it, but you don't have for now what is needed, I can provide it, I will give you the money, I will give you the goods, I will give you an infrastructure, of Beneficence for who needs it, for who is alone, for who asks for help, for who has nowhere to go and finds you, we will not look for anything else, just help, please, I ask you, fulfill the role that we all need, please』.

Tomeo wanted to help however he could, he had the power to do it but not the way to handle it, Mama Lucha to this came to him out of nowhere, of course he wants to help but with a Charity Institute? That had not occurred to her in her mind, when she heard the one she should be, it reminded her of those several times when people ask her to be the one to help them, to become that person to follow and encourage, they have no one, their protector is gone, the one who sought justice is gone.

『But there is already in the country, besides where would we get the money to do something so big』.

『I will provide you with the money, there is also Cliston's payment that he still doesn't receive, you can use it, they can use it, I'm sure Cliston won't mind if that's your mint, not for nothing he looks up to you, it's not only needed to help, you give more than that, you give your heart and your being for every person no matter who they are, you make them feel like your family, what you do is not monotonous or programmed, what you do is because you really want to do it, please! Fight Mom!!! Take me up on my offer to help everyone!!!! Be the person we can go to!』

Normally Charity Institutions are religious and catholic, but in this country where such a movement is not so well received, there are not so many houses that can help those who need help. Besides in a country that is perfect, it needs a building where help is given...of course it does, we can all go through difficult situations and when we don't know where to go, we have a light that will welcome us with open arms.

『All right, if that's what you want and you think that with that we will help more people, then I will accept your offer, I'm still not sure about taking such a position, but it shouldn't be that hard, all my life I always acted for how I wanted and want, and what I'm accepting, I don't dislike at all *smiles*』.

Mama Lucha's answer was a yes, to this Tomeo was very happy that she was extending her hand to close deal, where Mama Lucha looked at her hand and went on to remember how most of her life was, from when she was young especially when she was in high school, she was always an outgoing person who did what she wanted, but what she did always made others happy, and that always made her happy although she did not know why, maybe she no longer has the mobility of before nor the strength, but the desire to continue doing what she likes, are still present, is the only thing she could talk about her youth. Mama Lucha took Tomeo's hand closing this deal, Tomeo was grateful that they made a great effort for everyone, where Mama Lucha said that she did not expect to have such a big role at her age.

『(Everyone always told me to help them, at first I did not understand, because luckily what I did brought happiness to others)』-『(But even with that experience and experience, there was one person who never thanked me even though we were close friends or at least that's how I still consider it, Kaori-chan, you were the only one I wanted to help from the heart and I could not do it, as I would like to hear what happened to your life)』

Here began that stretch for Mama Lucha, Tomeo already had everything planned, her position as leader will be used this time outside of her usual line of work, it will take time, but she has thought that in a few months to finally have that Institute, Home of help, she can be well established in the city, then in the country or even abroad, that they know that everyone can receive help in the worst circumstances. If this is another way to help and give another way to those who have already lost the opportunity, he likes the idea very much.


While returning in the urban area where the 3 childhood friends used to live, in the old Nanase Family home, in the living room you could see how smoke was flooding the room every time, a lighted pipe and an old woman with her health meter next to her, was resting quietly in the home waiting for something interesting to happen or her participation was needed. From how calm she was, she would turn to look at the shrine, you could see the frame of her father , Nanase Koeki , and that of his son, Nanase Hikari , the latter when he was still a little boy. He was smiling in the picture, always cheerful and fun, although he was an innocent and energetic child, for things of life forced him to have all that purity stained by the customs of his clan. Kaori took her son's frame and touched it with love and delicacy, she did not avoid remembering those longed moments, his only family who gave him love and affection.

『Son...you were always so pure and innocent, I regret not having protected your innocence, I regret that you were forced to inherit our traditions, but I am also to blame for having taken you in, you were the only one who made me understand how beautiful family is, why did you have to leave...Hikari...You were not born to be a killer, you had no talent, and yet I made you suffer, all so that you would keep staying with me...because of my selfishness...』

Grandmother Kaori was crying as she remembered everything about her son, she really regretted how someone as pure as him, ended up staying in a family already stained with blood from the beginning, she still remembers him, his trainings that were mandatory, and behind his father Nanase Koeki, who was hard and strict with him, just like he was with her.

『Forgive me Hikari...』

She was crying sadly, wiping her eyes because she couldn't bear her loss anymore, even though the years have passed since her death, her presence here still lingers, in her lingers, a mother's love will always be eternal.

『Ten, a handkerchief』.

A female voice could be heard in the place, it was someone young, it was not heard how she entered, neither the door, nor the windows had been opened, but there she was, offering her help to an old woman who did not consider her family. Kaori would not take it, she wiped her eyes and quickly put away Hikari's frame and went on to be as usual again, with that presence she had been taught since she was a little girl.

『How did you get in here Jersey』

『Well by the....by the....a truth pos how did you enter??』v(^∀^*)『Ahhahahshajs I'm dying! How can you breathe easy with all this smoke? Did you know that in 2020 1,796,144 died of lung cancer in total???? How bad, tobacco bad bad, cigarette bad bad bad』(⌒∇⌒).

『And currently in our world there are more than 10 billion people, that amount you said is worth nothing and I don't care at all』

『But if among those almost 2 million people there was someone you cared about, you wouldn't say that』

Jersey of how quiet the Nanase Family home was, quickly only with his presence this came to life, he really disliked the smoke that would close his mouth to not be able to breathe more, as well as his nose obviously, he would quickly try to open the windows, with speed and energy he did, but as soon as he hit the light to Nanase Kaori, this gave the order to close them.

『Poiiesnfks skfskf kkjfskn skenfskfnse』^ω^

『What did you say? Just take heed and close the windows』

Quickly Jersey with a smile and again saying things that is not understood, quickly covered him again the windows and closed them, at that Kaori told him to come closer because they need to talk, that's what I called him for, Jersey was still with his mouth closed and not taking air. He would sit in the traditional way in front of his grandmother where she would continue the talk.

『It seems that everything here calmed down, if this got worse it was going to hurt us, brats doing what they want, running away from home? vandalism? sex? You can tell they are just human waste, playing rough when they really miss their parents (That old lady, why the eagerness to help everyone) It is good for us that there is always peace, so we will be safe and we can go about our business, we wouldn't want to live in a horrible world』-『You must already know why you are here, I'm going to entrust you with another mission, the details are all on this sheet you see, although I don't consider you my family, you are very good for our work, your success rate is very high, no one detects anything, you go unpunished and every time we clean the country of the corrupt and our enemies』-『Enemies. ...That guy Na, that's what the cops call him, is still very curious to me, it's been almost 3 months and they don't know anything about him, not even a clue, I could intervene to investigate him and capture him, it will be easy, we have everything at our disposal, but.... ...I prefer to pass, he has not done anything that merits my intervention, the police will catch him sooner or later, that Leader of Asia is surely preparing a plan to catch him, I wonder when will be his next move of Na, The Madness of the Great Tree, The attack of the Congress, what will it be this time, he has already hit 2 important factors? the next important event coming up, is a Soccer match in our city, there will be a big crowd, all inside the dome, if in the 2 previous attacks there were 3 deaths in total, if I see my plans don't go as I want, that would frustrate me and kill everyone, also don't forget that they found an unarmed bomb in the basement of the Midori no Happa, in the congress there was also such weaponry, maybe now if a big explosion is expected, how predictable you are Na, after all you are not as smart as I thought』-『The Football Match, there is no interest in intervening either.』

『!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ゞ◎Д◎ヾ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶Σ(๛д๛) ミ●﹏☉ミ』

『Hmm? What's wrong? Stop making funny faces and grimaces』

『!!!!!!!!!(☍﹏⁰) ଵ˛̼ଵヽ( ;゚;ж;゚;)ノ!!!!!!!!!!』

『Wait? You didn't breathe at all in all that I said? I must have been talking for like several minutes』

Jersey was trying to communicate when she heard Kaori, who this realizing she can't believe that really this girl is one of her granddaughters, Jersey doesn't want to breathe the smoke caused by Kaori's pipe, apparently she refuses to breathe it. It even looked like she was going to cry because she couldn't stand it anymore, at that moment the old woman gave a sigh saying that at least she will open the door to let all the smoke out and ventilate. Jersey went running with all her strength and took a big breath of air as soon as she came out.

『!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!! Cigar bad bad bad well I think already, no no, wait a little while !!!!! well now if not I don't think so』(꒪ȏ꒪;)

Jersey spent several minutes outside to be able to rest in the fresh air, this was also enough for all the air to come out and finally be clean of all smoke. Jersey was coming back smiling and laughing because of the situation.

『That was close, you should open the windows! Air is important! You spend all day with that pipe, I wouldn't want you to die』σ(oдolll).

『I'm not going to die for this little one, there are still matters I have to do in life』.

『*smile*That's good granny, that means I can spend more time with you 』(o^^o).

『I told you not to call me grandma, I'm not your grandma』

『*smile*And I'm your granddaughter (*'∀`*)』

It was always weird to talk to Jersey for Kaori, despite the fact that since years ago she always used her for her skills and especially for the deal they made. It was just that, she never saw her as her family before or someone to love or care for, it's nothing, she just sees him as someone who does her bidding and that's it. But not for Jersey, for her it was simpler, she enjoyed being and chatting with her grandmother.

『Well, why so upset from before?』

『!!!! Right! You said that this Na guy is going to attack the Soccer Match????? Well I understand, I heard over there that Taichi is going to go to that match with his friends!!!』

『You heard over there』 

『Yes, over there』(o・・o)/

『Through there』

『By my ear』(〃・ω・〃)ノ~☆.

...Kaori knows that this girl is professional at what she does, but for some strange reason he always has to behave like that when he's with her, she really doesn't understand him. For even with that not so accurate information, Kaori put away her pipe.

『All right, then we have to prepare ourselves if Taichi comes to go, you as his big sister will be in charge of protecting and taking care of him, did you understand?』

『Chi that chi!!!!!!(●⌒∇⌒●)b』-『But not only I have to protect him because I am his Big Sister, you are his grandmother, his only grandmother he has, between the 2 of us, I say the one most worried about my Little Brother is you Karichi *smiles*』

『Grandma, Karichi, how many ways are you going to call me? And yes, any problem? I have my favorites. He is the only one who is not tainted or suffer what I, my father, grandfather, my son Hikari, nor your sisters have. Taichi is an innocent boy and that's the way it should stay forever, that he doesn't know what we do』

Kaori said it openly, Taichi could be said to be the only one who she cares about and could even be said to consider him as her grandson, while to her granddaughters, she has to be more attentive for what they can do, especially for Kurumi, after she made the mistake she did, she feels that she awakened something she shouldn't have.

『Yes, I feel the same way』.

Jersey looked at her hands with a sad expression on it, if someone has to take this role to make her family well, then let it be her, with joy on Jersey's part, she continued to listen to her grandmother everything she had to tell her regarding the mission and about the Soccer Match.

『So let me know if Taichi goes to the match so that you can protect him』.

The talk was over, Jersey stood up where Kaori quickly went to take her pipe and smoke again in front of her granddaughter. Jersey stood in her same place, playing with her little fingers, she was nervous and blushing, as if waiting for something to say to her or waiting for her to do something but not daring. She was moving her legs and shifting to look from side to side, this annoyed Kaori so she told her to back off.

『....It's okay Abueli------Kaori.....(Ah...again I got embarrassed, I don't know how Karichi will react if I hug him suddenly, since I knew she is my grandmother, I always wanted to hug her....)』

Jersey was retreating through the door where before leaving he would pass by to look at his old lady, and with a smile on his face and a joyful expression, he would say goodbye to his grandmother.

『Buenitas!!!! 』(≧ω≦)ゞ

And would go on to leave closing the door at last, Kaori after smoking and making the ashes fall into her table garbage can, would go on to say that how can she say such a sentence as a farewell. Again silence filled the house and in the blink of an eye it was filled with the smoke that her granddaughter had recently told her was dangerous.

『That little girl, she looks a lot like when you were little Hikari』

She blurted out a comment just like that, but really every time she is with Jersey and sees his attitude, there are a few times when certain gestures or movements, it makes her remember her son Hikari and however momentarily, it's as if he is here with her.

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