
Chapter 331: Tomeo and Mama Lucha Part 1

T͇o͇m͇e͇o͇o͇ ͇M͇a͇m͇á͇ ͇L͇u͇c͇h͇a͇ ͇P͇a͇r͇t͇e͇ ͇1͇

The way he handed out justice according to Tomeo was the right one, since for him this was simple in his way of thinking, who was bad had to be punished and corrected by justice, at least that is what he could learn from Cliston in the time he was with him, he is giving a second chance to everyone who oze to cause chaos in his home country. You could even say that he is being very generous, a lesson he hopes they learn so that they don't rebel, especially the young people who don't seem to agree with the kind of society they live in nowadays. It is incredible how Tomeo acts, anyone would think that this would take time in the face of such a big problem that has plans to spread, but of course, that would be for those who do not use the strength and power he has, you are above everything, you are above everything, as far as you are concerned and the work you have, many lives and the lives of others depend on you, perhaps with that same thinking you would not change your way of thinking in so many years? Even if you want to keep the way you were at the beginning, you can not escape what you are now, in these circumstances it is better to adapt and improve in what you want, not pigeonholed to what you must become by obligation, do not forget that you also need someone to remind you how to do things at the right time.

Tomeo upon arriving to the center of the city was ready to take them to a correctional facility, if they are a vagabond and do not want to join the prosperity of the city, then they need a little correction in their vision. Maybe it is because of Tomeo's thinking, since he was young he always wanted to contribute to society the best he could, to have a high position, to be someone, not to be left behind, but was it really like that? Since he spoke with Sakai Asa something has been strange, and if all this way of thinking was because it was instilled in him since he was a child, maybe this society told him to contribute, to do something, to be someone important for them, he came to this conclusion of being someone who brings justice by his own decision or perhaps there was someone else? If I could take a figure that would be the former Leader of Asia, who saw the potential to become his successor, he was the one who brought about what he is today? Is that good or bad? His wishes were reciprocated by someone who perhaps also suffered the same fate as him, how can one know that what he is really doing is for himself, Tomeo had the answer right in his eyes.

『And what do you want grandma, I'm sorry but I'm not here to make you feel sorry for me, I'm not alone and I don't need help from others, not anymore...the people who I trusted and who called themselves my family ended up abandoning me...what do they want me to do...I have other dreams...really? is it mandatory to become something that they would be proud of? And what about me? Something that makes me feel happy, something that I feel comfortable doing, something that gives meaning to my life...If they don't understand it then I don't want anything, I feel that I was never up to my parents expectations, they wanted more from me..... With my friends I feel more comfortable, we understand each other and it's nice there, if I get more confidence I can trust them more, but...it will be difficult』-『The good thing is that now I'm alone and I can do what I want by myself *smiles* yes! Who cares what I do, who cares who I hang out with, if I do something bad or something good, I do it all by myself already, I'm already someone grown up with my own desires and dreams, I want to fulfill them, I have to fulfill them...I know I can...I can...I...I...I have to make an effort, I don't want to leave this world without anyone caring...』

A teenager was talking after an old woman had addressed her to help her, it was the first time they met but those good intentions of the old woman left her with doubts, is she really going to help me? After all the contradictions she had to live, that someone comes out to give you a hand, distrust would be the first thing you would do and she is using it, but in the process of wanting to refuse, as if wanting more people to know about her problem and what happened to her, she told it freely, the other members of the group were surprised, because even to them she had not told them how her case was, they only knew that her companion ran away from home and does not want to return.

She wanted to cry, her voice was getting weaker like that of a small child, she was pretending to be strong when in reality she didn't even look like one. She thought of herself as an adult with her good clothes and her phone at hand, but is that considered strong? Inside it was as if she was asking for help, she seemed to be falling apart. She was going to turn away while trying to wipe away the few tears she had shed, while the old woman was completely calm and distressed for the young girl, who didn't decide to back down and help her in any way possible.

『I support your free way of acting and that you want to do everything on your own, it is something that when we are strong and younger, it is a nature for us, to want to show the world what we are capable of, but it is also comforting not to want something big, if not something small, but that makes us happy, your happiness is what matters most and from what I heard you, that happiness is denied to you. I do not understand perfectly what makes you happy, but what I understand now is that you are in a struggle that more than bringing you joy and happiness, in the end you will only expect the opposite』-『But you are fighting for what you want, in this world in which at some point we will have to battle alone in the game of life, it will be difficult, especially when we are still not sure, one day you were small, you were going to study, you had vacations and homework, that was your struggle. And one day you are already an adult with more responsibilities, work, college, just being someone older even if you do nothing, you will still be criticized and you will be a stain on society, it is difficult isn't it?』

『....It's hard...my father said that the fact that others do it, I can do it too...I can't do it...it's hard...I don't want to...it scares me...I just want to go back to when I was a little girl and I just lived...live and that's it, I enjoyed all the happiness I had and now...I lost it』.

『Many people can't get over that change, especially for those who received all the love and affection from their parents, for those who are still mom and dad's children』-『If you loved them so much, why did you run away from home daughter?』

The old woman and the young girl were having a conversation between the 2 of them, it was a topic of being appreciated, fitting into society, doing what you want that makes you happy, it was too complex and sensitive a topic to touch. After the old woman's question, the young woman would end up answering the same, that these people cannot be her parents if they do not appreciate what really matters to her, they wanted more, what she did in her free time, for her parents it was wrong, so much discord, so much anger kept, that when they exploded caused that now this young woman is out searching and battling on her own.

『No one cares about me...I'm tired...what's the use of everything they did for me if when I tell them what I want they will turn their back on me...I was a toy...I was an entertainment and now they throw me away...what am I now...not all of us want to aspire to be great, others simply want life not to change...yes, that's it, I don't want to change....』

The young girl seems to have found her own answer to the doubts and problems she had, you could see she was confident and sure of it, she doesn't want a change, she wants to stay as she is for all eternity, that's what pleases her, but what does she mean by not changing, not changing to what she is now...or not changing to what she once was. The old woman approached him when he looked in front, he had her close and started to pick up her hair so that she is arranged, she was with a calm smile, what was this, the old people many of them when they smile they transmit security, it will be because they went through many cases, they became old and lived well, they won this game called life, for the young people that is a total prize.

『You must have been alone all this time since you left home, I'm sure they are still worried about you, even a parent with age, tends to show rebellion *smiles* they don't stop being kids either, but in the meantime, let me be the one who is here for you, I won't criticize you for the things you did, I won't judge you for the things you did, I know you wouldn't do something you don't want to do, and if you did, bow down, lower your head, apologize, acknowledge what you did, that's important daughter, it's ok to be weak in the rest, because in what you are passionate about, you are very strong *smiles*』

The old woman was filling him with what she was right for the moment, she had already come across many young people who go through similar situations, and in all of them she saw something common, that they are still children in the body of a teenager on their way to becoming adults. Is that wrong? Well, the answer would be yes, for society someone who does not act and corresponds to the age they have, is a black spot in the perfection they seek, they are always cataloged as a bad example of what should not be or reach, but, do we know the background of this? How did these people get to this situation, were they born this way and decided to live this way? As the phrase says, the rich are rich because they want to be and the poor are poor because they want to be, and the truth is that this phrase is very stupid. Since it imposes something on us without even knowing us, that is what is in the present and whether you want it or not, it will always be from now on, and it can come at any time, in this case, the young woman's time has come or she can still continue to fight.

『You are strong, you are important, you are special, never forget it, for me, I am very happy that you are here』.

She would go on to hug the young girl tightly, the young girl herself watched as the old woman tried with all her might to hug her, her arm weak, her hands wrinkled just like her face, but for some reason this feels good, it was like all the weight of being someone grown up in her own way would be breaking down to show what she truly is, a little girl who just wanted to cry, she would go on to hug the old woman with all her strength, you could feel it, she had wanted to do it for a long time, the young girl was crying as if she was a baby, while the old woman was her support for this time who can take everything from her. The other groups of young people were watching this, they were left doubtful by what they saw, their situations were similar, already imposing tasks and goals that they did not know if they were sure to do them, they wanted to get ahead by their own methods to achieve that joy, but in the course they were already lost.

『(But what's this...what is Mama Lucha doing here...)』

『We haven't told you Leader, but shortly after all the commotion and rebellion began in the city, a small but strong movement was being generated, that old woman better known as Mamá Lucha, went out to help everyone who was lost, offering them moral support and above all, love, affection, affection and giving them back what many testify, they lost when they grew up』.

『I had no idea about this.... (He was able to turn that young girl into a little girl who would let herself be helped and listen, I understand this, the moment when someone trusts and gives everything from a person, I know that my soldiers would do everything and fulfill everything for me, because I showed them one day, Mama Lucha just did the same, and the most obvious thing about it, is that she is smiling from her heart, it is not something imposed by others, she really does this from the very bottom of her being, I have in front of me right now someone who gives me the answer to my doubts)』-『Mama Lucha is the stain on our perfection. ..』

I couldn't believe it, Tomeo was speechless and actionless after what he just saw, he kept seeing and like with only warm words, affection and love. Mom Lucha from one moment to another had already gained the trust and friendship of the young people, they needed help, but not financial or economic, what they needed was just to talk to someone who was willing to help them without anything in return. Just sit next to them and chat, nothing more than chatting, empathizing and asking "How was your day today", that's how you easily let them know that you care about them. Tomeo's policemen commented to him whether they should intervene towards the youths, where Tomeo after thinking about what he saw, he touched his face while sighing.

『(What if this was the answer? this was the solution to the problems? all the young people that I caught and arrested, always had something in common, they complained, they gave their opinion freely, they were all children to me that when I saw that they were lost, I quickly acted on my own and imposed my ideas and beliefs on them, I thought to them in a bad way, what am I fighting for? I fight for peace and people, but if those same people reject me and look at me in a bad way, am I doing a good job? On the other hand, Mama Lucha has never been looked down upon by anyone, she is surrounded by smiles and joy, I only experience that with my children, I don't think I ever did it with anyone else, not even with my own men who are important to me...)』

『Leader, leader, leader....Bigoton』

『Ah! Yes, we are going to intervene them, or rather I am going to intervene them, you guys can go back to the office or better yet, have a day off, we already did a lot for today and besides, I think we won't have any more problems for today』

『¿? It's strange for you to say that, we don't normally indulge in such whims, but I'm going to accept it leader! I'm going to take advantage of the time to go have lunch with my mother and father at their home, it will be a small moment but, I want to reminisce good times *smiles*』

The patrolman was retreating where Tomeo was waving his hand, this was also weird to Tomeo, since when he shakes his hand as a sign of farewell, normally this gesture is done when he is in the middle of an operation, but now as if remembering his past he did it unconsciously. Tomeo was still looking at Mama Lucha from afar, but he wants to understand, he wants to know what else this woman can do, this is what Cliston meant by solving the problems to just words...that he will always see another way?

『With that you got that same thought from her, I'm going to have to spend time with her to understand it better while we are still in search of the culprit of the bombings, I don't plan to leave here until I catch him』.

Tomeo was approaching where Mama Lucha and the young people were, the atmosphere quickly became tense, since the young people could easily recognize Tomeo, either by the appearance or by the uniform he was wearing, since for days they were spreading the word that the police, especially the group led by a Bigotón were arresting the young rebels. They were scared because they themselves know what they are doing is wrong, it is useless to deny or hide it.

『Tomeo-san, good morning, I didn't expect to see you here, so that means Cliston is in Japan too?』

『Good morning Mama Lucha, and no, Cliston is not here, he now at this time must be in Europe with the respective Leader』.

『Yes, I see, I just wanted to get the question out of my mind *smiles*』-『Children? why out of nowhere did they all get scared?』

All the youths were on Mama Lucha's back in order to protect themselves from Tomeo, seeing them as they gathered together in order to fit and all united made Mama Lucha laugh, they themselves commented that he was Officer Bigoton that why many youths are disappearing from the streets.

『They arrest them and soon after we find out they are sent to jails or corrections, we haven't done anything for now! So don't mess with us!!!』

『No! I'm not going to do that, it's just that those young people were already too much trouble』.

『Problematic? Could you talk to me in more detail Tomeo-san, I was already feeling weird not meeting many young people lately』.

Mama Lucha wanted to talk to Tomeo, so he told her everything that happened, but of course mostly hiding who he really is in his work, Mama Lucha listened to all this attentively while the young people could feel a rejection towards Tomeo. By the end Mama Lucha already had the words to say, and with a simple glance at the ground, it was noticeable decay in her look.

『With that happened, I'm sorry I couldn't help those young people, I hope the decision you made Tomeo-san will help, but next time I recommend you something, first talk to that person, understand and understand him, your intention to help is correct, but not the most favorite for me, to be imposed with facts and words that you are not makes one sad, we can stand it but there are other people who can't, even that is the same problem why many young people commit not appreciating their life as Yuu-san』-『Don't talk above him because he won't look at you, don't talk below him because you won't look at him, don't talk in front because he will look away, what you have to talk about is here』.

Mama Lucha pointed her finger at her chest where the heart is, where Tomeo stared at that point and surely thought that she would come out with the phrase to talk to the heart, but having Tomeo where she wanted him, Mama Lucha would move her finger to guide him from her smile to her eyes. When Tomeo saw this it was like something new he learned, what was this, it brought back many memories of when he was a child, to his mother smiling the same way, that warmth that reminds him and why he decided to become what he is.

『Open your heart, be sincere with those who are sincere with you, earn their trust little by little, if you are too tall, it costs you nothing to put yourself at their level, if you are too short, you will have to make an effort so that others see you and recognize that they are on the same level, and if they are the same size, do the same with other people, the road you have to go is from here, from the heart to their eyes, what a joy it must feel to have someone look at you and understand you at the same time *smile*』

Mom Lucha commented it for sure because of the experiences she has throughout her life, the young people who were behind her back took this as a teaching, and feel that they did not apply it as it should, many looked at each other's eyes but did not see the person, even others avoided eye contact, were they really so close to form a group? Even for those who have things in common it is difficult to fit in with them. Tomeo was thoughtful about what he just heard, so many stories the elders keep? At that Mama Lucha was giving a loud clap to go with the following.

『Let's go home children』.

What Mama Lucha had planned was to send them home to solve their own problems, this is not something that needs a third party or the police, they themselves have to solve such problems that they are escaping from, when the youths heard this, some could be seen that they were already tired and wanted to go back home, others did not want to go back because they would look like fools, while others completely refused to go back to the place where they were rejected. Tomeo was planning how to solve this, the most logical thing for him would be for them to go back home at once, to say "Get along and that's it" But for Mama Lucha this was not necessary.

『I will accompany you to where you live, we won't do anything, the most I can do is to be by your side, the rest will depend on you, I know you can do it』.

I was determined, Mama Lucha was going to help all the young people who were digital vagabonds. Whether it was because of her and her words, in the end all the young people in the group ended up agreeing to receive the help and return home, it seems that one of the young people lives near the center, so that one would be the first to return home, everyone was shocked to know that one of the members seemed to live in a big building, here they would just find out that he was the son of a big company.

『If I told you before, I wouldn't have been able to join you, but well...here I come』.

Mama Lucha and the young man were entering through the big building, but someone also accompanied them, it was Tomeo who wanted to see Mama Lucha's results closely, he wants to see if this was the best or if his correction decisions were better, the building had many luxury apartments, seeing how the young man entered with a password or just his voice made Mama Lucha surprised.

『The technology sure is amazing, it's like magic』.

『Next Mama Lucha when you want to come, just say your name and the doors will open for you *smiles*』.

They were all entering and when they finally reached the floor where the young man lived, he could be seen sweating and worried, his face said it all, he was remembering the reason why he left home, the situation was simple, as his family has a big business, it is obvious that he should inherit it, which he does not want and he prefers among all the things in the world.

『What I like in entertaining people, that's why I want, to become a magician』-『When I told that to my father he completely refused, even eliminating everything related in my life, I still...can't accept it ....』

He already has access to the home, but was afraid to open the door, Mama Lucha took his hand to give him a little strength, where the young man took courage to open it, seeing the apartment, he realized that nothing changed, everything remained the same, this is where his family lives, but as they are always busy in their work, little come here, only in the evenings back or he himself has to go to his parents' office to talk to them. There was no one, as expected, this seemed to disappoint the young man who wanted to leave home, Mama Lucha did not say anything, Tomeo did not do anything either, so it would end up wondering the Bigotón, but at that time that the young man asked the elevator he ran into an adult in a suit.

『¿? Son?』

At the moment he saw his father, he remembered the discussion they had about his future, at that quickly the young man wanted to escape towards the stairs, he didn't seem to stop, the father likewise didn't stop him, he didn't move his arm or legs.

『(I knew it, I can't deal with this, I can't even look at his face after denying me my dreams, he also didn't do anything when he saw that I'm running away, I'm sorry Mama Lucha, but this is not my place)』


The adult in a suit spoke at the last minute, as if it was something programmed, the young man stood still when he heard his order, because for him that was an order, he stopped out of fear more than anything else, but he also stopped because he is waiting for someone else to be the reason. The adult in a suit looked to the sides and noticed Mama Lucha and Tomeo standing in front of his door, and on the other side his son who stopped in the middle of the hallway.

『That home now if totally empty since you left, although I don't know if it was worse that you are alone living there since your mother and I stop all the time at work, I....es very lonely to come home and find that there is nobody...I....』

『That's what I mean, there are adults who still behave like children, it's hard for them to turn back too』-『Sir, your little one misses you too』.

Mom Lucha turned to Tomeo and then turned to the adult, the adult hearing these words is like she got a little courage to tell her son and stare at him even though her son is turning his back to her.

『I...I miss you son...please come home』

The son listened attentively to this, you could see his arms and hands trembling, he seemed to want to cry because of the noises he made, until at one point he turned to look at his father, he wanted to burst into tears, without saying anything he walked until he was in front of him, he was going to say something to him, he wanted to say something, but nothing came out of his mouth, until at one moment his father hugged him tightly, this he did not even see coming, they did not say anything, they only showed affection for each other, where the son finally reacted and hugged his father too.

『It was cold outside....very cold....I don't want to spend another night outside....』

『I know son, I know, that's why you always had access to the home even though you were gone, you could come back at any time, when you left I understood how much it made me sad not to find you sleeping in your room, I wish I could spend more time with you and understand what you like so much, your mom and I love you very much』.

The father and son just had a reunion that could clearly see Mama Lucha and Tomeo, it seemed to end well, but for Tomeo who his main goal in all this if we put it in terms of mission, the main problem would be that the parents accept their son to become a magician, this was not over yet, but Mama Lucha was leaving the place taking the elevator, Tomeo confused followed him and when they were already in full descent did not avoid asking her about what happened which Mama Lucha's answer was.

『I said I was going to accompany them home, but I didn't say I was going to solve their problems, that's a family thing, but from what I see, I feel they will reach an agreement *smiles*』.

『(So she literally did nothing here, just talked a little, said what she needed to get her way, that I couldn't do, but this turned out well because the father did love his son, but I'm sure there are situations where the father would completely reject his son)』

As they left the big building, Mom Lucha was giving the good news, that the young man was able to return home on good terms, this the young men instead of feeling betrayed or bad for the boy, rather they felt gratified and kind to him, because he was able to do something that for them they still consider something difficult. But it seems that this was not going to end now, there are still young people who want to return home, Mama Lucha accompanied each one of them and as if it was a high percentage of success, all the young people came to good terms with their parents, many adults stressed that they said all that about leaving home because of how they felt at that moment, the son said things that he did not really want to do because of the emotion, the son said things that he did not really want to do them. Others even scolded their children in front of Mama Lucha and Tomeo, for really running away from home, and then hugged them just as tightly for the concern it made them feel.

『(Of the 6 youngsters, so far 5 were able to return home, what is this, is this method of talking even 100% effective? but it's better this way, it's still not too late to learn, I think for these situations I will start to see them and correct them as I would my own children, that will be the best)』.

They were already in the last home of the young girl who first talked to Mama Lucha, it was an urban area, there were houses around, a park around the corner, it was an area that was noticeable to be peaceful and quiet, the sun was already setting, it was going to get dark soon, it's going to start getting cold, how lucky she will be able to spend tonight inside her home in a warm environment.

『Come on, don't be afraid, we are with you *smile*』.

『Mommy Fight...(after what I saw today, I'm hopeful that I can come home too)』

She knocked on the door waiting for someone to open it, you could see how the young girl stood in front of the door nervously but with a decisive look, she was ready to accept her mistakes from that day when they argued, she was ready to accept many terms that for sure her family will throw at her, but she will accept them, and with that she also hopes that her parents will also accept the faults they had. The door opened and another adult could be seen, this one looked straight to the naked eye and from the way he dressed even traditional.

『Good afternoon you are offered....Daughter?....what are you doing here?....』

『Daddy....yo...e back home』

Father and daughter had met again, the father inside the house while the daughter was waiting to enter, the father first saw those who accompanied him who were an old woman and next to her Tomeo, quickly the father drew his own conclusions and even with a sigh of disappointment was noted.

『Ah...I see』-『I'm sorry for everything my daughter officer did, the old lady who is here suffered abuse from my daughter right? I'm really sorry I'm really sorry, I try to correct her and raise her in the best way so that she won't do these things, but I don't understand how it came out like this, I'm really sorry』.

Tomeo was left confused by this, as he is the first father to address them instead of his daughter, no one had ever thought of such a situation, Tomeo at this very moment wondered if the same thing would have happened if he had come in civilian clothes. Quickly the daughter this was a shock, who angrily claimed her father.

『But what are you saying father, I would never mistreat, steal or abuse someone, why do you always have to be like this....』

『Forgive her officer, she doesn't know what she's saying, lately she has a habit of telling lies, I remember perfectly well when she said she was going to pick up her mother for shopping, and instead she went with her friends to hang around, this girl is hopeless』.

From here you could feel how bad this was going to be, Tomeo could tell and the was more evident her expression change, she wasn't going to say anything, Mama Lucha wasn't going to say anything either, they were going to let the family figure it out on their own.

『But father!!! I really wouldn't do anything to anyone!!!! Why are you jumping to conclusions out of nowhere!!!』

『You wouldn't do anything to anyone? And the time you didn't submit your work because you were playing around, the time I wanted you to come with me but you left with your friends, the other time you fought with a classmate when you started the fight and you told me it wasn't like that, you tried to hide the framed picture you broke, you always lie daughter, someone always has to be harmed by you, so don't come to me with that you don't do anything to anyone』

『That all has an explanation! Besides I didn't do it because I wanted to! A classmate pushed my friend and I went out to defend her! The photo thing I tried to fix it by myself because I cared! While at my friends' thing, they are not bad people』

『No no no, yes they are, period! I raised you in the best way, I gave you affection and love, I always spoiled you, but for a long time now, for sure it's because of your little friends that you hang out together, you go out on the streets at whatever time you feel like, you don't even come home, you come back the next day, you lie to be with them, the games you play online are with them and of pure killing and shooting, what is that!!!!! That's not the little girl that was my daughter, you are completely unknown to me!!!』

『AHH!!!! why do you always bring up the same topic!!!!! What I do is not that bad!!!! In high school I try hard to get good grades, I do my homework, I do my best not to worry them!!!! After so much effort I can't do what I want to do!

『Your effort is not to worry us? then I wouldn't be telling you all this girl, you just do whatever you want and whatever is convenient for you, it's as if I had raised a parasite in my family』.

From what they were discussing, the father commented the last thing about his daughter which seems to mark him a lot, his shocked face and his sad gesture said it all, while the father does not seem to retract his words, according to him, the right thing was on his side while everything his daughter did was wrong. Tomeo observed and considered a similar situation but with his children, what would he do if Hiroto or Jiro showed such an attitude, would he accept it? would he reject it? days ago he commented that he did not want his children to become the ugly of the society, by ugly he means this girl? Right now Tomeo does not understand before his ideology.

『I am a parasite?....Bien!!!! I thought I could go back and settle our differences! But I see that you don't plan to do so!!!! I don't plan to come back anymore!!!』

The young girl was leaving the place while the father said nothing and just stood still, looking at the daughter as she left upset, but the father whispered that when his daughter will learn to accept her mistakes, that will be the only way she will accept him back home. Tomeo was silent, but at that Mom Lucha stepped forward until she was in front of the father.

『I'm sorry for what you had to see, I don't know what relationship you have with my daughter but it must have been terrible, next time you come back I promise it won't be like that』.

『Tell me father of the family, do you really love your daughter?』

『¿? That I love her? I always love her, that's why I want the best for her and that she is always on the right path, what she is currently doing is wrong, leaving home? living on the street? my daughter a vagrant? obviously I hate that, it disgusts me, every father wants the best for his children, I appreciate my daughter very much』

『Then why didn't you say that before instead of emphasizing the bad things, you are also not spared from bad things you did or she considers negative in your person, but I ask another question, do you really want your daughter not to come home anymore?』

The father first felt offended listening to Mama Lucha who told him that he also has negative things, he did not say it but with the way he looked at the old woman he was showing her that she was wrong, and with that same gesture the father commented.

『I want my daughter to come home, she may be rebellious and spoiled, but she belongs to my family, I love her very much』.

After saying that, Mama Lucha moved to the side where in front of the father was her daughter, she managed to hear everything her father said, who was with his arms crossed as if indicating not to take back his words, while the daughter was completely confused, with her arms down, to hear her father tell her that he loves him very much, are words from the right person that can have a great meaning.

『That's right...I may be rebellious and spoiled...I recognize of my mistakes and ask for forgiveness...I am very sorry father if I made you worry one day...if you want me to improve then let's make a change, I will stop doing that and I will always keep myself in line to be at your expectations while your father I only ask one thing, that you just love me, love, and accept me, that's all I ask』.

『But what are you saying, I have always loved you, you are my dearest daughter』.

The young girl was being honest with herself and her father, she will even try to keep the promises she is making, she was on the verge of tears and wanted to cry, where the father hearing how his daughter opened up to him, it can be noticed that the father is direct from the beginning, so without mincing words, he told his daughter that he always love her. When he said so, the daughter was so happy that she would smile and rushed to hug her father like a little girl, her father was slow but within seconds he moved to hug his daughter tightly, even shed tears.

『Please...don't run away from home again, daughter』.

『No...I won't leave home anymore...after all this is my family *smiles*』.

They hugged each other with affection where Mama Lucha and Tomeo watched this with joy, they are glad a lot that this ended in a good way at the end of it all, which Tomeo now understands or at least has a small example of how to solve these problems and it is accepting that his little one is already growing up, that his upbringing did influence what he is now. Tomeo was excited but at the same time fearful of what Jiro will be like when he grows up.

『Thank you Mama Lucha, Mr. Bigoton, for helping me get home』.

『I don't know what relationship you have with my daughter, but thank you for bringing her home』.

『You'd better congratulate yourselves, we didn't do anything *smiles*』

『I thought it was going to end badly, but I'm glad it didn't, thanks to you guys for teaching me this, I'll take it to heart』.

Mama Lucha and Tomeo were leaving, when they were walking the sun was setting and it was already night, this was a very learning day for Bigoton, if he had done this from the beginning maybe instead of gaining enemies, he would have become friends with all the young men he arrested, !!!! Tomeo understood that by this same method he is always gaining enemies who only seek war, his methods are not the most peaceful, but he still feels that he is the most suitable for such a position as the Leader of Asia.

『What did you learn so much today Tomeo-san』

『Much the truth, no wonder they say that the most powerful weapon of human is not fists or feet, if not the word, and it is something that I have yet to learn a lot, if it had not been for your grandson I think I would never have become interested, I will be here for a while until I catch the culprit of the bombings, so Mama Lucha, would you not mind if I accompany you in my free time...I want to see first hand how an expert in life solves different problems』

『Having the Leader of Asia accompanying me feels too luxurious and that I would never pass on, but if you want to learn and observe, I'm happy to welcome you, together let's help more people *smiles*』.

『Yes! *smiles* (I think I found the person who can be our peace figure in this trouble they want to get us into)』

Tomeo and Mama Lucha looks like they are going to be together for a while helping people in the best way, Tomeo observing and learning other methods than the direct ones he knows and Mama Lucha through the people she helped at the beginning, she will get hold of a movement that will be able to reassure the masses, especially in a time where it seems that someone wants to provoke the opposite.


In a home it was already evening, dinner was being prepared where a young girl who was the same as earlier, was coming down from the second floor, she had just taken a bath where her father could be heard to quickly return to his room and dry off there, but quickly his daughter laughed telling him not to be so strict.

『You said you were going to change but you are still the same』.

『I'm sorry, but we're home, I know! I'll help serve the food *smiles*』.

The daughter was going to the kitchen to help her mother serve the food, seeing how the table was getting full made the father happy for this, at the end when they were saying thanks, the daughter couldn't take it anymore and ended up taking the towel out of her hair with force, making it splash in the face of her father who was next to her, this brought laughter from both the daughter and the mother, who the latter would speak.

『I'm so glad that you have already settled your differences, I really missed you daughter, you had me worried, it's been a month since you left, what have you been doing all this time?』

『Well as you know I have my profile on social networks, the more you upload content the more money they pay you, although you have to have a lot of reactions and positive messages to be able to achieve it 』

『Social networks? what is that? money is earned by working properly, this era has really brought a lot of nonsense to the world』.

His daughter approached her father to show him a few dance videos she made and with which she could survive all this month, the father did not understand how a simple dance can be the livelihood of some people, he would understand if he was a professional dancer, but these dance videos anyone can do it, but.

『Well, I guess it's okay, dancing is something healthy and you get exercise too, if you like that, then I won't stop you』.


The daughter went on to hug her father with joy, who was complaining that he would not let her eat, to all this the mother laughed because finally after a long time they return to behave as a family, the father stressed that he will return to study and will have to be done somehow so that he can return to classes without any prejudice, but the daughter was still on her own and was more liberal to see that his father already accepted him.

『But everything I do, I was just getting paid at the end of the month, all this time I only had my savings and even though I spent very little I ran out, so I had to do several jobs to survive』.

『Work? you? at least you seem to have learned something good from all this, and what did you work as? I hope not as a maid because there are a lot of perverts out there』

『I thought about it but the pay wasn't as good as the ones I was offered, so I had no choice but to do the other job』

『What other job daughter?』

『The other mother』.

The atmosphere could get a little weird for the parents, what job was their daughter referring to if she is only 15 years old...they were still eating but this time with that doubt, until for no longer trying to figure out or guess what job, the daughter blurted it out without further ado.

『I had to sleep with a man to survive, but it was only once! I got paid a lot so』

『Get out of the house』

The father commented without further ado, no buts and no buts, the daughter seems to have gone overboard that she happened to look at her father confused and afraid, but she is still confident that it is some kind of joke, but she could be seen nervous in her expression.

『Sorry father, I'm a little deaf, I didn't hear you....』

『I said leave the house, I won't allow a prostitute who doesn't appreciate her life, who doesn't appreciate her family and who would give something so precious to others for mere money to stay here, pack your things and get out, it's the least I can give you as a father, in 30 min I don't want to see you, go away』.

The father was not joking, everything he said was true and had to be fulfilled, the mother anyway you could see that she was disappointed in her daughter, which seems that she spoke too much, this time she can not refuse nor how to defend herself, she thought that before the good terms she could talk to them about this. But still, after placing her trust back in her father, that he would try to change, so she told him the truth, no more lies, they are a family, families help each other. In that she remembered Mama Lucha's words at the beginning of all this, so with courage and hoping for a miracle she employed him.

『(bow down, lower your head, apologize) I'M SORRY!!!(recognize what you did) I know it was wrong, I also hesitated not to do it, but I was really in need that day!!!! I didn't eat or drink water for a week, I was getting weaker and weaker, I didn't want to have an ugly ending!!!! I'm really sorry, I was wrong!!! I won't do it again!!!!』

The daughter said it loud and clear, she was shouting it from the bottom of her heart, it was a very sincere apology and she is very sorry. She waited for something, she really did, she did it for several minutes, until something began to sound, it was the silverware being taken by her parents, and until at one point, the daughter looked up to see her father and mother, to realize that they were not even looking at her.

The daughter quietly got up from the table, went to her room, gathered her belongings in a suitcase, and without saying anything to each other, with a silence in the background, the daughter was alone in the cold of the night.

『*sigh*I'm cold....』

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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